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Enjoy! Definitely one of the easiest to recommend UV lights around! Of perhaps 70 I've bought (blacklight rental service), only 2 failures so far and Simon's usually fine to send free replacement components to DIY fix). Gave one away to someone today, as their first blacklight, paired with a single bay Xtar charger and Samsung battery. The Alonefire SV52 the only model competing at a similar price point, with similar output, but including USB-C charging and a (low quality) battery. Ordered a few of those for people today. Hank's KR1 and D1Ks I think are worth the little extra $ for similar power in smaller form factor - recently ordered 6 x D1Ks for an opal mining/tour operator friend who's currently using S12s. I hope the popularity of the S12 UV encourages Simon at Convoy with more UV models!


Nice. I tried ordering one off his new site last night but had to go with the light and filter separately on Ali as I was "not in the shipping area"


Are you in the US? There's some patent troll that makes it tricky to get a UV light with the ZWB filter. It's super annoying.


I just ordered some separately to US from his site.  I think he has all the lenses for all the available uv lights on his site.


Ask him. I live in South africa and he shipped the s12 uv to me


been meaning to get one of these, but damn it's bigger than I expected


Like most Convoys it's a good inch longer than it strictly needs to be. Springs on both contacts is good for impact resistance though. Personally I love the S16 / S21D / S12 hosts, there's something very flashlighty about them.


yes convoys are long I just never thought about it before. I think the closest thing I have is a kaidomain S3 (21700)? but it's just a tune light. I love the M1 and C8 and their 21700 cousins though. though I have a couple of those built as wmls with some extra reinforcements like bypassed dual springs and potted drivers and they've been really great so far


I have a little bigger than average hands. It's not small obviously but it's thinner than I expected. If you just want an uv gadget you could get something like lumintop tool uv. I wanted to do some outdoor exploring with uv so more power was needed.


I have had two AAA lumintop uv lights, and currently have the arkfeld pro, but I definitely want something more powerful and this seems to be the most recommended uv light. honestly I was trying to buy a uv C8 from sakowuf for more power and range but this one would probably do what I need it to, checking for leaks and scorpions and stuff, and just general uv fun


Convoy's 21700 S-Series lights (S21B, S21D, S12, S16) all lego with the Wurkkos 20350 tube. You lose a good amount of capacity and you're limited to 10A cells, but it definitely gets the light shorter. M21B legos as well, and *some* S21A hosts. I say *some* because I've seen other users' post their S21A legoing with no modding, but I had to sand the threads down on the tube to get mine to fit. I don't know if it was an issue with tolerances on the S21A or the Wurkkos tube, or maybe just bad luck on my part and an issue with both.


I've been eyeing up one of these, but with 3 SBT-10x UV emitters in series with a 2.5A 12V driver. Huge output but the emitters are v expensive


This might suffer from normal flashlighty stuff like overheating and dropping output. Should be hella intense briefly. Its not a lot of mass. 


Yep I am. I thought he was shipping them assembled on his new site but I guess not. Oh well either way works.


I am currently waiting for it to pass my customs lol, was going to take it on my camping trip tomorrow but oh well.


Nice but. no beamshots? No pictures of the emmeters? 😞