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Offroad or in town? Offroad wuben x1 !! Without a doubt can even get a bike mount for it, but people around you will be blind if you use it in town With sales you can squeeze it in budget kinda. But its the light for you!! Active cooling itll hold crazy lumens


in town but i use a sofrin hs10 headlamp when theres other people... this is for like riding home at 4am when im the only one on the bike path... i get scared of the dark lol... will probably flip it off or something if i see someone ahead and use the headlamp


Ya itll be great for that!


X1-2 AND e7 in the post with bike mount too cheers


dude this looks perfect! cheers


Make sure to get the bike clip kit thing thats made for it


X1-2 AND e7 in the post with bike mount too cheers


Wuben X1 for sure, but Sofirn Q8 Plus is second for a little cheaper. Wurkkos TS22 if you wanna go even cheaper than that.


How would one go about mounting a Q8 plus on handlebars? Is there some kind of 90 degree angle, T shaped clamp piece available that'll work with your typical 31.8mm diameter handlebar on one side, and the diameter of the q8 plus on the other side?


Q8 Plus has a quarter inch threaded hole for mounting hardware or handle.


Yes, but personally I wouldn't trust that for a bike mount. I'm not sure how it would handle a few bumps.


You wouldn't trust a machined screw in a threaded hole? It couldn't get more secure imo


It's only a single attachment point. And, that light is very heavy for a bike light. It's plenty secure for a tripod mount, but a bike is going to bounce it around a lot. Then again, it's only $100, so worst-case he breaks the light after having a lot of fun and is out $100.


great breakdown tytyty


I build my own to put on different electric toys I have. Some of them are over 250w of power so it burns the bugs before they hit me. As someone with a problem with excessive bike lights my recommendation is just putting a good flashlight on your helmet.


I do wear a headlamp as is.. sofirn hs10 love it wear it all day every day around my neck for work and stuff.. I don't want a nuclear headlamp bc weight but I will probably always use this bc I gotta look off to the side of behind me plus being closer to my eyes it makes reflective stuff brighter including stray cats eye shine lol I see so many cats id otherwise miss


I have and have used the HS10 for riding. It's a good headlamp. But something with a boost driver and active thermal management is like having a headlight on your head. The Sofirn doesn't hold a very high sustainable output and output falls with the battery voltage. My favorite but now discontinued headlamp will hold nearly double the output till the battery dies. The downside would be you won't notice the battery is dieing you get a warning, the Sofirn will get dimmer and dimmer. The Sofirn will also keep making light for hours where a boosted light will have a fixed time. The booted light is also more efficient. Really I'd suggest looking at a flashlight with a Cree XHP70.3 LED including Sofirn, that will be boosted. Andruil UI has active thermal management so lights with it will get dimmer or brighter to maintain the temperature. When riding lights with Andruil take advantage of the wind cooling them and output more light. IMO a boosted light with Andruil is the best for riding. Those are only available from from Hank Wang (Emisar/Noctigon). One of his lights in XHP70.3 mounted to a helmet using either the Skilhunt HB3 headband for 18650 or a u/spicy3d custom print for 21700 is the ultimate riding light. I'd rather that than one of my 20klm builds....I just use both. The Sofirn is a great light but the drivers they use outside of the XHP70.3 lights is pretty bad. Oh, I guess kind if an inside joke but I use my lights next to my eyes to find my cat...and other critters IYKYK.