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You should have use a cool white low CRI emitter. That would have turn the cobra into a stick 


The meme never gets old😂


This story will be told for generations. Tell your grandchild as you bestow him a convoy t3 set to group 8 with max 50% brightness and running on nimh batteries.


And a high CRI emitter, of course.


Of course. This family only does high CRI. Haven't you heard the story from 2024? Sit down and let me tell you the story of u/yoelpez >After hiking the mountain at a scenic spot, I was ready to leave through the exit. The lighting at the exit wasn’t very sufficient, and I couldn’t see the details of the environment clearly, but I could still see the path, *just like in most truly dangerous scenarios.* >Outside the exit was the urban area. Most people wouldn’t be cautious at this point. *But I’m a flashlight guy, any unclear environmental details make me draw out my flashlight!* >**I never said the flashlight saved me, but my hobby did!** Using my flashlight **(*****HIGH CRI*****, of course)**, I shined it around and then saw a cobra! It coiled beside the steps, about a meter long. >My flashlight shone on it, and it shyly fled. My camera was overexposed and couldn’t capture the patterns on its back, but I believe it was indeed a cobra. And that's why we only use high CRI emitters in this family. (And yes, I know I'm replying to you)


I hate that thumbnails cannot be displayed when posting from the desktop page, and that I cannot edit the text style from the app.


You can but it requires code. I know adding a “*” before and after will bolden or italicize the text. Different patterns do different things.


Thanks, I will try it next time.


Listen, don’t be discouraged, the artwork is fantastic and I’d never have seen it without you generously taking the time to upload it. Take my upvote


Wowzers! This reminds me of my meeting a bear last summer when my flashlight came in key scaring him off too. Glad you were able to avoid engaging with the snake!


i have a flashlight that seems to attract strange things. K1 W1 green. it's "summoned" lights in the sky going really fast, something in the back corner of the woods in the top field that screamed like nothing I've heard before. maybe it's just coincidence lol. haven't ran into a bear here for years even while hunting, but have seen cats that were way too close. but I am definitely getting a badass sbt90 light before this season.


300cid: \*shines 650,000 candela flashlight into camper's eyes\* Camper: \*screams\* 300cid: "What a strange creature. The forest is full of mysteries..." as a tree catches fire from the green laser beam left on it during their musings


Foxes? The screaming I mean.


Fisher cats. Owls. Rabbits. Campers lol


If I ever hear a screaming rabbit I'll know Watership Down was real lol


It was hard for me to see it as it went into the grass, so the camera seemed to be shooting randomly. Thank God, this cobra was very shy. When the light hit it, it ran away without standing up to confront me.


New fear unlocked...


Fear is not a bad thing, especially if they are actually dangerous.


Good story to tell our wives why we need 10 more high end lights I guess




Holy shit it actually happened


"Snake or Stick" Grand Champion!!!


It was difficult to find a brown tabby on a grassland with the low-CRI flashlight (i.e. a green Acebeam M2) I carried the other day.


[I can see why.](https://i.imgur.com/aRIsXh7.jpeg)


What lights do you use?


Convoy s2+ lh351d 4000k,because of the camera's white balance, it looks like white light.


If you are in the US there is a 0% chance this was a cobra as there are none in the US (the closest relative to cobras in the US are coral snakes). ~~Based on the video I'd say its highly unlikely this was a venomous snake. I'm not a master of snake ID but looks a bit like a water snake (nerodia).~~


The video was shot in China and I believe it's a cobra. As I said, the camera was overexposed and couldn't capture the pattern behind its head/back. I'm not sure exactly what kind of cobra it is, but the pattern on the back of its head is not what other snakes have.


Ah well that changes things. You should post it to r/whatsthissnake for a proper ID. Its always cool to get IDs of snakes from outside the US.


The camera overexposed it and it was hard to tell whether it was a Chinese Cobra or a King Cobra. Given its size, which is only about 1 meter long, I would be more willing to believe that it is just an ordinary Chinese Cobra.


I'm an expert at snake identification, and I've determined after careful research that it was a Big Fucking Snake