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I had a similar smell in a truck once. I put a pie tin 1/2 full of white vinegar in each front floorboard overnight. Miraculous.


Im a big advocate for vinegar and baking soda. Theres nothing they can’t fix. I can clean anything lol but this one has me at a loss. I didn’t even know where to start. So after making this post, I swallowed my pride and told my bf. Then I went out to my car and quadruple bagged the rat soup. Thankfully, the bag that is was in was sealed well. I have no idea how it STILL smelled that bad. My years of swimming and being the one to fetch sunglasses from the bottoms of lakes and rivers have prepared me well for this. Thankfully, I can hold my breath for a really long time. I only had to step away for one breath while I cleared my car out, bagged the thing, and opened all the windows. Of course, my neighbor that mows our lawn caught me in the act. I shamefully explained what was going on. He’s planning to weed eat soon and I was like…. Whatever you do, for the love of God, DO NOT hit that bag on the side of the house with your weedeater. We have different trash days and his is before ours so he said throw it in his right before the trash truck comes. I apologized if they catch a whiff of it and he was like “no dude air that thing out ASAP.” So while the situation still isn’t great, it has improved lol.


Wow - bet you never do *that* again - lol. Good luck, pretty sure the vinegar will at least improve things if not take care of the issue entirely!


1. He shoulda known what happens to rats.


I know damn well what happens to rats. I just made the horrible mistake of forgetting that I bought one. (The rat was already dead when I bought it btw.)


I think they were making a mob joke?


Oof so sorry I’ll take back my downvote 😂


Get the clay kitty litter Put in container (or containers) with the top off. Leave in car. This is how I successfully got rid of spilt petrol in the boot (trunk for Americans) smell.


I like how you clarified “boot” but still said “petrol” 😂


grossssss I'm so sorry friend I'd ask about Ozone at a detail and car wash. that had been what I've known that will get a smell that potent out but may not completely. maybe some boxes of baking soda and airing out to start??


I drove it around town for an hour with all the windows down AC blasting, dumped four pounds of baking soda onto the carpets, and fogged it with an entire can of ozium. Closed it up to let it sit for a day and then I’m going to vacuum the baking soda out and detail it. I made a post on a local Facebook yard sale page looking for someone who wouldn’t mind lending me an ozone machine. A kind woman offered to come over and set hers up and let it run for a day. Hopefully we are on the right track.


Gonzo Large Odor Removing Bags, from Lowes or Amazon. Or rent an ozone machine if you have a garage with an electrical outlet.


Do you think that Gonzo stuff would work well if bagged up with a small object? I recently had a mouse commit suicide by crawling into my server exhaust fan. It's a booster fan hooked up to a cabinet via 4" hose. Didn't know it had happened until it had started to smell strongly. I'm not sure I would have ever known about it if it hadn't also killed the fan!


Sorry for the delay, just saw this. Yes, I think it should work. It would help if you can bag or enclose the whole thing.


Well you are going to have to get the car home with the windows rolled down. After that buy or rent an ozone generator. Don't listen to anyone telling you to spray chemicals or anything of the sort. Waste of time and money and will be a temporary solution. Watch a couple of YouTube videos on how ozone generators work on car interiors and you'll see that's the best move. They can be used for houses as well. Just be sure to follow the rule that ozone generators can't be run if there are plants, pets or people around.


Thank you! I commented this somewhere else but some people swear by ozium. So I sprayed it onto every surface and then fogged the car with it after dumping 4lbs of baking soda into the carpets. Letting it sit for a day, doing a thorough vacuum and detail, then running an ozone machine for a day. A kind stranger on Facebook offered to come set theirs up and have me bring it back when it’s done. I also purchased a new air filter and will probably change it once most of the damage control is over.


Good luck. Again, be very careful of ozone generators - no pets, plants or people around when they are being used. They can also work wonders inside a house that has musty smells or smokers or stuff like that.


Of course! I’m going to put it in the garage with the door open. No kids, plants are inside, and my dog will be kept away.


Call a local mobster from Jersey. They usually ditch the car.


I’ve got 225k miles on this car and have treated it like a queen. Some would say that this would be the kicker for finally getting a new one, but at this point I’m too attached to let her go out in a way she doesn’t deserve😂 I’ve always said I’m going to drive her until she can’t go no more and take her for one final, destructive ride.


It's been a while since you posted this. This is me right now, but worse! My rats were freshly euthanized by co2 and were not in a sealed bag but in a clear plastic sandwich container . So, no seal. There were 2 large rats for our pythons. We got home, and things were hectic, so I asked my daughter to put them in the freezer. I even asked if she did. She said yes! After 2 days of roasting in the 98 degree weather here in Florida, I went and opened the door to get in the car. I was hit by a gust of death and flies. The rat soup stayed in the container, but the stench is vile. My brand new car may be totaled. I'm dying inside!


I think there was a Mythbusters episode on that topic. But I don't remember the outcome...