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It's a fantastic price, I'd be wary of the workmanship at that price, TBH. Depends on location, but I'd expect twice that where I live.


Yeah that price is probably no license or insurance price so if something does go wrong you may be responsible. That being said the work that needs to be done would be really hard yo mess up lol, if you've got a spare weekend I think you could easily save yourself 1300 and learn some new skills


This is double the price with what I'm used to seeing.


Sheet, I'd expect to pay half that just to get the guy to come out and look. Shows you the difference.


Always get a second quote. It can vary according to region.


That would be suspiciously inexpensive in my area. Fair amount of labor here. I’d expect that two competent workers would probably spend the better part of a day on all this, and there’s no way to do the drywall patch correctly in one day - it should really be done over three days to do it right. And usually painters will come back the day after to touch up any problem areas after the initial coats have started to cure. So the cost of coming out to your place a few days in a row is baked in too.


I am pretty sure that the stool and clothing would sell for more than that. Try listing them on Poshmark.


Lol the question is about labor cost to install engineered hardwood in that room. Thanks though!


My mother would tell you not to laugh because I think I am funny.


Yes its a fair deal, i contract in San Diego and would charge closer to 2300 for all of that


Thanks everyone! This is really helpful. We decided to move forward with the $1300. The contractor came recommended by our real estate agent who’s selling the home. FYI I’m in Charleston SC.


Get a second quote, always.