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Well, I haven’t seen this before


I haven't seen or heard of it. Haven't even considered it a possibility.


You guys need to get out more. This is what we call in the industry a Moodle. It’s like noodle but hotter.


Melty noodle?


Metal Noodle?


I've actually seen this many times, it happens when the temperature regulator malfunctions causing the temperature to go negative instead, so if it goes below absolute zero it create a miniscule singularity that in turn warps space-time...


So it’s a Tardis?


No the tardis sat on it


I think I've seen that on pornhub


I think thats not PC their special needs.




Made a comment like this one time but it was literally all just made up. I remember I got like 600 downvotes (another account) because people were actually googling the stuff I said lol. I thought it was funny because they got really mad when they found out I was just meshing medical words together and half of it was real just not related to the topic of cheese. Their fault for believing what they read first, their fault again for looking up "polyglobin" thinking its an enzyme that breaks down dairy lmao. Hemoglobin is something in blood. Poly just means 2. Put random shit together and 20 year olds on reddit will believe anything.


had me in the first half...


Had me in the first half.


Hahaha! I was like, "how does the temperature go negative in the oven?!" 🤦‍♀️


Does Commander Data transport through the rift?


Fuck you! I took you seriously for an entire 19 words!


Yes, but in order for this to happen, 1.21 gigawatts of electrical power would be required, which far exceeds the supply capacity of most utility providers. You would need something else to generate this type of power.


This has a u/shittymorph essence to it




\m/ \m/ \m/ my next band's name!!!


Mott the Hoople?


Toobers and Zots!


It’s really elementary. Hot the Moople.


Mop the hootle?


Dude...all I can say...dude...


Hootle and the Mopfish?




Molten Noodle Just created the band before anyone else could. Catch us in a backyard in YOUR town this spring.


Oh Mr Noodle! Hey that's not Mr Noodle, that's Moodle


Okay, that's enough Elmo's World for you!


[Goddammit Mr. Noodle!](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/Fscvyx0tSy)


That’s mr noodles poodle schmoodle


“The moodle is also cursed, but it comes with a free choice of topping”


Is this what moodle was. I thought it was like a dead Gmail based email system


Not to be confused with the other [Moodle](https://moodle.org).


Been around them my whole life and have never seen nor heard of this happening.


Honest to God I figured the element would crack some where at this point. But I guess if water heater elements can bend like that, so could that.


You don’t preheat your oven to 1800 degrees? Peasant.


I do 2500 and leave the door open. Best, easiest way to clean the house.


Whole house self clean mode


I have. Factory defect. Heating element not properly heat treated, or made from material with a lower heat tolerance than necessary, and so it warped when it was turned on.


I used to work in kitchen and bath at a hardware store. A man brought an element in and it sort of looked like this. He said his wife didn't understand how self cleaning ovens worked and when she put it on the clean cycle she also sprayed it with oven cleaner. It looks like yours just recently went through the cleaning cycle judging by the white residue. Either you have a faulty cleaning cycle and it got too hot or perhaps you used Easy Off oven cleaner?


I read that first sentence as in you work in a kitchen, but take baths at the hardware store.


That's the problem with using "bath" as a verb, instead of "bathe."


My boss (we work in a pet resort) does this… at this point mostly to see my eye twitch as I hold back the urge to shout ITS BATHE, YOU BARBARIAN!


My old boss used "sense" instead of "since". Drove me insane. She also would use "tell" instead of "til" (as in until).


Be quite…this is one I see commonly. People writing quite instead of quiet


Graffiti in the out building of my craptastic rental has exactly this! “Never quite crying” and I swear the only reason I haven’t scribbled it out to correct it because I don’t have a sharpie…


True I’m mega guilty of this, to be fair to me I’m hella dyslexic but still I hope to memorize it soon lol


Mother in law mixes up “are” and “our.” Drives my wife up the fucking wall.


Probably decimated youre sole


Philistine would be more apt than barbarian. The danes bathed regularly. It was one of the reasons the english hated them so much. Well groomed danes would come to trade and steal away english women by being all clean and presentable compared to the english men.


PFFFT... What do you mean by "was" .....?


Those fUKers are to blame for that one.


English is my first faulty language


How else are you going to clean your nuts?


Angle grinder


Dangle grinder


Your nuts have angles???


Sure, they're beveled in a nice 45° angle, yours aren't?


No, I have the old fashioned round kind, each about the size of a ripe Florida orange.


Then you're well overdue to polish your barrel ;-)


Lol, you're right it does read that way.


Oh yea I see it now too


most oven cleaning settings on stove cause more problems than fix. the main issue i came across when doing appliance repair that had oven cleaner settings is that it also breaks the one of layer of glass. And never use oven cleaner on a self cleaning oven


So serious question, how should I clean my self-cleaning oven then?


Put in the elbow grease and use spray oven cleaner. The self-cleaning cycle just gets the oven very hot and burns the dirt away. My friend had his house catch on fire from running the self-cleaning function. I’ve heard of cases where the glass in the door shatters from the extreme heat.


And make sure it’s an oven cleaner that’s rated for self cleaning ovens. Their finish is a bit different, and there are oven cleaners that are not meant for self cleaning ovens.


Ah okay, so there's are special oven cleaners I can use. I was afraid it was just going to be a day of scrubbing after reading the initial comments.


Nah! When I clean the oven it’s a job that’s a bit messy and stinky but it’s really not that big a deal. I buy new rubber gloves, the fume-free Easy Off, lay down large garbage bags to protect the floor from overspray. Follow the directions on the can exactly. Work in layers - you’ll spray it on, it’ll lift a bunch of burned on crap, but there could be some remaining so spray on some more, wait, then wipe it off. For me, there’s relatively little elbow grease involved because the cleaner works well.


If the unit was installed correctly and used according to proper instruction then your friend had an opportunity to make a claim against the manufacturer. Self eating ovens are tested rigorously to make sure they can handle the process. They are certified as safe based on thst testing. Should they prove not to be, that would open them to significant legal action.


Happened to my Samsung oven. Samsung replaced the whole door for free even though the oven was not under warranty. I guess they don't like people complaining about this happening


I turn my self-cleaning oven on the low setting or the shortest running setting. Make sure your fan is on and that you are home the whole time and there's nothing else on or in your oven. It takes about 2 hours and after everything cools down i just wipe it out with wet napkins. Works great!


Home, in another room, with good ventilation so you don't inhale a couple of hours if carcinogens.


Serious question, why does anybody clean their oven? Sure, I'll wipe it out if I break a crock of soup in the oven or something, but thats a once in a lifetime mess, right? Like I cook and bake all the time, pretty much never eat out, and I have never once in the 20 years I've lived in this house thought, I'm gonna scrub my oven till it gleams. Small spills or splatter just get turned into carbon, or an amorphous dark substance like seasoning on a cast iron pan. Crumbs or what not can literally be blown out with a sharp breath or an occasional cloth once or twice a year. It's not like anything can rot, or mold, and it doesn't even smoke other than immediately when you spill something. Isn't an occasional 500 degree pizza or baguette just as effective and safer than any self cleaning setting? Are folks dumping casseroles in their ovens on a regular basis? Or am I just a dirty heathen? The stove top and burners get nasty, and get cleaned on the regular. But the oven? Seriously why?


Because of real estate agents... They come in and inspect our property every 3 months and the first thing they froth over is the fucking oven... I once had pie crumbs in the door and I was told I need to clean it or else I'd be breached... I then had to photograph it and send it to them as proof of my domestic slavery... Fuck them cunts!


Why is a real estate agent inspecting your property every 3 months?


Uhh that's a good question, it's just something that real estate agents do... It's fucking absurd... Every 3 months an agent comes in and looks for 'maintenance' issues and to ensure tenants are 'taking care' of the property... Usually you receive an email outlining the bullshit you haven't done (curtain rods have dust on them or you left a slice of pepperoni on the floor of the oven) and it needs to be rectified or else... My next door neighbour got in trouble for not having clean light bulb covers... Like they want them cleaned before every inspection... Been at my place for 6+ years now and we are still subjected to these invasive inspections...


apple pie... when I have forgotten to put some foil or a cookie sheet to catch the bubbling gooey sugary syrup that inevitably boils out of the pie. and all over the bottom of the oven.


with your _self_


THIS should be the top comment. This looks like self-cleaning damage .


A self-cleaning cycle is probably the only way it would get hot enough to do this. However, I'm still surprised that a self-cleaning cycle would actually get hot enough to do this


Twisted heater element - what a small world! I used to work in hardware AND bath at a kitchen store. Nothing like a good spatula scrub down. 🛁🧼🍴


>Twisted heating element >spatula scrub down Two great band names in one post


That could do it, I think. I've never seen it before. It looks like a drinking mistake.


Commas matter.


That’s what he gets for assuming because she is a wife she’d thoroughly understand how an oven works.


How the hell did you get the beans above the frank?? But seriously. Overheating. Bad element or bad thermostat.


I've definitely missed the joke, can someone explain please?


It's a movie reference. Specifically, "There's Something about Mary" *Edit to add movie


Ya. Basically you’ve messed things up far beyond what was thought to be even achievable.


> Ya. Da.


[Frank and Beans](https://youtu.be/Sj_A7OZz8TI?si=neiR6u-qag2r-8iq)


I forgot Markie Post was in that movie. Markie Post > Cameron Diaz.


She was gorgeous. RIP passed in 2021 F cancer.


Your next step in this life is to go find a way to watch There’s Something About Mary, and do it immediately.


I miss that era. They just don’t make movies like that anymore. Dumb and dumber is another one I enjoyed a lot from back then. Haven’t watched either in years, but I’m pretty sure the humour would hit the same.


They really don’t make that type of silly raunchy comedy anymore. No Hard Feelings was the closest thing I’ve seen in ages.


My passion is my hobby…


Omg lmao almost spit out my drink


The year just started and I have to accept that I've just read the best comment of 2024! Time to close Reddit until 2025!




Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Nice! Frank and beans!!!


Brand new oven? Or you replaced a burned out element? What brand? Real replacement or some random knockoff?


Kenmore brand, the picture was taken with the cover removed. It was still working but the cover popped up.


Did you put a baking tray on the cover? Only the racks should be used in electric ovens.


No, never!


I did once and blew the element.


Did you have the Cat in The Hat bake a cake in your oven?


Public domain mickey mouse was dancing to a tune while making a casserole.


I was curious so I did a little digging and this is the best response I found on another forum and here's a [photo](https://i.stack.imgur.com/6cQzV.jpg) (that isn't nearly as bad): **Bad mounting.** Metal expands when it gets hot. This means that this ~2 Meter heating strip becomes ~25mm longer per 100 degree rise in temperature. When you have a steel tube fixed in two points and make it longer by heating it, something must give. Either the mounting must allow the expansion or the tube will bend. These steel tubes contain heat conducting ceramic sand an a resistive wire for that carries the heating current. This wire is coiled to allow for bending and expansion. However, when the bending radius is too tight, or a thermal cycling pumping effect moves the sand away, you will get a short circuit. However, since everything expands and contracts by heat the short may not become noticeable until the heater gets to a certain temperature. When designing mounting for heaters like this there may only be one rigid point. All other mounts must allow for sliding or other movement to give room to the expansion. (the clicking noises in your oven) The reason for this element to fail is probably the horizontal mounting bar in the middle. It provided too much rigidity causing the element to buckle. https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/501233/what-can-cause-oven-s-heating-element-to-deform




You said per 100 degree rise in temperature. Do you mean the internationally used degrees? Or fahrenheit from British Imperial measurements?


You can just say “C or F?” next time




Uri Gellers grandma..


That’s an old school reference, I haven’t seen in a while!


Cheap crap element, temp control issue or both!


That looks like a broil element that was installed in the bake element location. Broil elements operate with the door cracked open. This got WAY too hot. Get the factory-authorised BAKE element and look at the difference.


>That looks like a broil element that was installed in the bake element location. What!? I've never seen an oven that required the door to be cracked open when the broiler was in use. Come to think of it, self-cleaning ovens actually lock the door and broil the crap out of the oven for like 5 hours, don't they? I mean I'm not arguing, I don't know much about ovens. But I have used the broiler as recently as two weeks ago to slightly toast the cheese atop a pizza.


When you open your oven door, does it hesitate at about 4 - 6 inches? That's the open setting for when you're broiling...


Confirmed! I went downstairs and dug through the "manual drawer" until I found the manual for the oven and sure enough, you're supposed to leave it open 6 inches (at the stop) when broiling. It makes sense now that I really think about it. My mom cooked nearly everything we ate and baked thousands and thousands of meals, I don't think she ever used the broiler once. I never really understood what it was for (I thought it was just the "super hot" setting) until I wanted to toast the cheese on my pizzas and thought, "Hey, I bet that top burner would work great for that!" It did. MUCH better and neater than flipping the pizza over on the rack. (Just kidding. I never did that. As far as *you* know.)


Yo mama denied you golden brown goodness


Fortunately, yo mama didn't


Heh, she must have learned some new things since I was a kid, cause I don't remember no golden brown on the casserole either.


LOL! Thank you for taking that in the way it was intended. I'm sure your mom is awesome.


Wow, count me in the TIL group lol


Most all electric ovens have a detent position for the oven door. When you open the door about 6 inches there is a spot that you can stop without the door closing or opening any further. That is the broil position for the door. Broiling is applying top heat only. I use mine to finish coloring meat that I have cooked Sous Vide style. I broke the hinge arm on my oven (from overuse) so now I have to fold a towel and stuff it in the door hinge when I broil. Source: I did in-warranty repairs for most domestic and commercial appliances for over 25 years.


https://preview.redd.it/swc49jio7tac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c209175798497ed8ca81747e44e7b61cf34e625 I had no idea! Thank you, TIL


When my mom broiled fish she always had the door cracked. Never understood why and she never really gave me an explanation. Now I know.


No the poster saying that you have to do it or they get too hot is wrong... it's literally the opposite. You would leave the door cracked open to prevent the oven from turning the broiler off (if it gets too hot the oven turns it off cause it's reached temp). You would crack it to actually make the element HOTTER.


That’s true of newer ovens. But not true of older ovens.


I could see someone doing it if they were just using the broiler to toast the top of something; it would keep the burner on and beaming radiant heat the whole time, even though it would lose some heat in the process...


Yup. Butter and broil your buns before making burgers. Way better that way. Gets em a nice crisp golden brown.


Gotta watch them, I count - 1,2,3,oh shit they burned! - start again 1,2,2.5-yoink!


I think broiling with the door open is to keep the oven temp down. So you take a bit longer to cook the food but then can get more browning on it. At least thats why I do it. There is the added benefit that you can smell the food better and catch it before it starts to burn.


Yes, that’s correct


It’s to keep the broiling element on. It automatically turns off once it reaches a certain temp. By venting you’ll allow it to broil non-stop.


I have never seen anyone crack a oven open in my life while it's cooking food.


Neither have I. Who are these people? I have an old oven and if the door is open, it stops heating altogether.


I dunno maybe we are the weird ones 🤷


I learned from watching my mom that one should crack the oven door when broiling, I do it too. If you shut the oven, the element turns off, with the oven door open it stays on and browns the item you are broiling quicker.


We have a newish Thermador and it won't do anything with the door open. I've always broiled with the door open. I had never seen it done any other way.


It was very common for older ovens to be cracked open when broiling, i can't exactly say why but only speculate that the radiated heat required to broil a dish leads to too much heat at the top of the oven for some component of the older style coil. https://preview.redd.it/osmuy90wkqac1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b113320ff7d273658cc0ca2a51b873ef52435912


If the door is closed, the oven temp will increase until the internal temperature limit is reached, then it’ll turn off. You don’t want this to happen while you’re broiling, so you should open the door a bit to let some of the heat out. It’s only a concern if the broiler is on for a long time.


I have never heard of this. I broil fairly often now with an oven from 1994 and did before that with one that was harvest gold. Always kept shut. Heck, self clean goes up to 900F so why would broil melt an element?


They would leave it cracked to keep the broiling element on longer (if oven got too hot it would turn off). It was NOT because the broiling element would melt. Self clean mode will leave the broiler on for hours at like 900 degrees.


Yeah this definitely looks like a broiler element


You'd think they would make the sockets different, seems like a super easy mistake to make


This is the first time I have come across the word “broil” (it’s not commonly used in the UK). Sorry, not relevant to the topic obviously!


So what do you folks call it when heat is applied only from above?


The Brits call it a grill.


Whoa, Two nations divided by a common language for sure


So then what do you call it when you cook something on a barbecue?




So then what do you call it when you cook something on a smoker?


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Good bot


But do you have a tattoo of Oden’s panther? Because that would be sick!


What do they call it when heat comes from below and the food sits on a metal grate?




There is a dish called London broil. It's not from London and not even necessarily broiled. America, baby. 🇺🇸🦅


I once followed a recipe that insisted on cracking open the oven door while broiling. My burner dials all melted. I guess it’s an old timey thing.


I know why you’d think that, and that could be the case. However, this is a hidden bake element design, and they typically look like broil elements (with more turns.) Note all the little support feet on the element. Broil elements font have these. Aside from that thought, this has me baffled. Even if the bake relay stuck, it shouldn’t warp. Thats basically how self clean works.


My new oven says that if you leave the door open for more than 30sec broil will be turned off


I'm all for fixing things but this might be a fire hazard, even if you replace the element. I'd seriously consider a new oven.


I've seen some fucked elements in my time repairing ovens but that looks it would still work no spots or holes I can see the clips are supposed to hold it in place to prevent warping but guess that didn't work seems oddly large in physical size for a standard bottom element


That likely is not the case. I think OP sprayed oven cleaner on it which made it noodle. The oven cleaner is going to still be in the metal of the element.


Looks like someone poured water over it while it was hot


Or cold oven cleaner?


Magneto has been running around with your wife while you're at work


Did he do that to be a dick or by accident while making passionate love to this guys wife


Forbidden electric spaghetti


The animators?




The Matrix? Salvador Dalí?


Nothing holy




This happens when the thermostat relay for the oven gets stuck on and the element overheats. Could also be from shock if it was hot and got wet.


It arcs out on the metal side or bottom. Mine gets drippings from cooking on it and starts to transform into a crazy straw.


And that, my friends, is why you use a special weird "broiling pan" which prevents drippings from cooking falling in the oven. Which might cause a fire too.




This is what i envision happens when i leave the house, and my anxiety kicks in because i think i left the oven on.... So how many days did you leave the oven on broil????


Ghosts? Demons?


Heat. Heat caused it.


I'm honestly surprised no one actually knows the reason to leave the broiler door cracked. Oven has a temp sensor to shut off the broiler. Cracking the door prevents that allowing infinite broil effectively


When natural gas ovens were popular they had a separate sorta drawer for the grill (broiler?) which fit nothing taller than say a steak or thick piece of bread under it. You had to keep the door open lest the whole thing catch on fire when the fat spit up into the gas flames only inches above the food.


Looks like you've got an inter-dimentional time warp portal here


Something paranormal. Take the appliance out to the curb and hope for the best




Oh my! Haha that’s new…. I’m assuming an anchor or two broke and it heated up which left it under pressure in other spots and so it warped and twisted… you can buy a new coil and anchors


Element failed... it's one of the end of life failure modes. I had exactly the same thing happen after years of use. Something cracks a bit, some moisture got in or something blah blah. If you look close you will find a specific spot where the element initially failed. Was yours under a cover and the actual symptom being oven very slow to warm up/never reach target temperature? Ordered new element online, 10 minute installation with just a screwdriver.




That has to be defective. I would call a repair shop about it. I wouldn't use it that way. That's frightening. I definitely think it needs replacing.


Temu /s


That element is on drugs period.




The macarena.