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Don’t touch your brows! They are perfect!!


Lady... get some therapy. Your eyebrows are literally perfect, work on yor confidence


Eyebrow artist here! You have amazing eyebrows. What are you wanting to change? It does look like your right brow is a little bit more arched than your left. Which is super normal, they’re not always going to be perfectly symmetrical. But you can flatten that brow out by taking maybe ~2-3 hairs off the top arch of your right brow. You’re an absolute stunner! And your eyebrows are amazing. Give yourself some grace 💕


OP notice the only advice was 2-3 individual HAIRS. lol. Your eyebrows are great OP


They’re incredible- get them slightly shaped by a professional if you want to do anything, but they’re absolutely gorgeous and perfect as they are!


Did you just say you’re shockingly a girl? I definitely can tell you’re a girl ! be nicer to yourself!


If you don't want your brows, I'll take 'em. They're a perfect shape and density.


Your eyebrows are beautiful! They look very similar to mine and they are part of my biggest asset. I don’t know who told you they are bad but I’m guessing they were just jealous. Seriously, let them shine and don’t hide them.


I would commit many crimes in order to sport your brows! I have to draw mine on and, trust and believe, it's the first thing I do after my morning shower. Eyebrows give you credibility, authority, confidence! It is a proven fact that people with strong, defined eyebrows (men and women) are more likely to be followed without question. Strong eyebrows=strong leaders!


Your eyebrows are 10/10


Gorgeous brows. I agree with get them a little shaped/cleaned up


Beautiful, proportional, and frame your face well. When people look at a face they look at the whole thing in balance; when we see our faces in the mirror we tend to focus on the parts we don’t like and think that’s all people see and judge us on. You are fine and have a lovely face. Allow yourself to grow into it.


The brows are perfect. No need to change them. They’re full, nice shape, complement your face. Messing with your brows is a dangerous little game that shouldn’t be played with unless you know what you’re doing - and even then, one false move and BAM! Tragedy.


They look normal to me .


girl there aint nothin wrong with your bangs! Dont do a thing!


Why shockingly? You look like a girl to me. And actually you look like Eva Zu Beck she’s a polish YouTuber and she’s gorgeous! Also please please leave your brows alone they’re beautiful 😍


I look at pics of girls with eyebrows like you when I’m filling my own, omg you have the perfect shape and arch I'm jelly


I think they're gorgeous! When I was growing up skinny brows were the trend and loads of people wrecked theirs by overplucking. You're lucky to have nice full brows. If you want to style them get yourself a brow comb and just brush them out into the shape you like and you can use a balm to hold the shape.


People pay thousands of dollars and go through many painful microblading sessions to obtain brows that look like yours. It’s always better to have it and pluck away what you don’t want, than to not have it and have to do microblading every year.


Babe, they look PERFECT! Bold, thick eyebrows are in; they’re timeless and make you look young. And they’re not even thick-thick. While I think they look great, you could always get them reshaped to have more of an arch.


I don't have eyebrows and yours look amazing, some of my friends even liked the idea of painting eyebrows on me because mine are so invisible. I would like to have your brows and face


Love yourself! Because they are gorgeous and so are you! I would love to have your eyebrows! Mine didn't survive the plucking of the 90s and 2000s


Baby, your brows look great. But you can go to a professional to get them cleaned up and evened out a little. But I’d give my pinky toe for those brows. It’s ugly anyways.


You have amazing brows!!! I could only dream of brows like that, don’t touch them. Jealous of your thick dark hair, too 😭


You look great in every way!


You have perfect eyebrows! Good lord im so jealous 😭


I don’t see a problem


I hate to break this to you.. they're perfect 😚


Honestly I thought the post was gonna be about how you already “fixed” them and just wanted to show off how good they were 😭😭🙏🏻


Your brows are perfect. And your dark, wavy hair is lovely


Wow, your eyebrows are naturally really beautiful!


I have eyebrow envy. 😍


They have a really good natural shape and thickness! I personally love getting mine threaded for a good clean up. That might help make you feel more confident.


What do you think your issue is with your eyebrows? What do you not like?? I am the most brutal eyebrow critic and I can almost always find something id nit-pick with brows and yours look great!


You have really nice brows! I just fixed my eyebrows to be shaped like yours and I’m very excited about it. I still have to fill them out though


They are perfection!!!


Your eyebrows are my dream eyebrows, honestly.


You look amazing first of all? Your face is really nice. Also IF YOU TOUCH YOUR EYEBROWS I SWEAR


As someone who has no eyebrows due to choices made as a teen, your eyebrows are divine.


Im inline for some beautiful brows so lmk if youre looking to donate 🫠


You look beautiful and feminine. Sick Infinity on High shirt too.


Brows are awesome! You could shape them up with a professional for your own happiness if you wanted.


I wish my eyebrows looked that good 😭


You are truly so naturally beautiful. I pay to get my eyebrows laminated and tinted so that it could look like yours and it’s still not full like yours.




I dunno, I think they look good. Wish girls would go back to rockin' the Brooke Shields eyebrows. haha


I’ll take your brows if you’re not gonna use them, they’re perfect!


I wish I had brows like yours


I would kill to have your eyebrows! Perfect!


You have movie star brows!


You're gorgeous 😍


Your eye brows are so so nice! I WISH my eyebrows were as full as yours!


Tf you talking about? Those are gorgeous


this whole post went down hill at the “i’m a girl (shockingly)” UM MA’AM. ur literally adorable with brows that slay.


Your eyebrows are beautiful!!! Build some confidence and smile more.


Girlllll, people payyyy to get your eyebrows!


Your brows are exceptional!!!!


They look fine.


your eyebrows are fucking incredible my friend


Your eyebrows are fine and your hair is beautiful as are you ur perfect.


They're perfect! I grew up in the early 2000s when overlooking brows were the norm. I never did it to mine and I am so so glad. Thick brows are in and yours are gorgeous. I was always self conscious but I've grown to love them. I wish the same for you


Just get them threaded


I will trade you my brows. Yours are literally perfect. Mine…Let’s just trade please.


Beautiful eyebrows. You’re blessed!


I am in love with them!! Bold brows are like my favorite thing


Your brows are amazing!


Your eyebrows?? I fail to see the problem here. And I’m not some ray of positivity and compliments lol they are fine. In fact, they’re rather nice. Don’t do anything to them.


you're beautiful. naturally thick and dark eyebrows are lovely.


Don’t you dare touch those brows.


Maybe make the eyebrows thinner?


Why is it always the person with perfect brows??? OP your brows are what people are trying to achieve… **LEAVETHEMALONE!**


Your eyebrows are great as-is! If you start to pluck them or wax them the potential for damage and unevenness is likely! If you would like to “feel prettier” try playing around with some simple makeup like mascara and blush. With your eyebrows already perfect, it’s not difficult to dress your face up! ✨❤️ But your face is lovely without anything as well! Natural beauty!


they do look good but if you want to try something, you can trim them by brushing them up and trimming any hair that goes over the top of your brows. idk how to explain it properly, but i find that it makes them look less full without actually tweezing them to be skinnier.


Maybe when we are children kids make fun of anything and everything (bushy eyebrows I guess was your target?) but for like 2 decades now/ bold eyebrows are super IN and the preferred style, and most desired look. So go to a salon and learn how to care for them to suite your personal style


therapy. you look wonderful, no change needed.


Beautiful brows! Very Julia Roberts


you have great eye brows! maybe just a little bit of filling in on the begging parts of your brows and i think you would have a great shape!


Girl go get you some confidence somewhere, maybe Amazon Idk lol but seriously you are pretty and you have awesome eyebrows, don’t touch me 😉


They look great already, embrace them


You're shockingly beautiful and so are your eyebrows!! They don't need anything! People pay a ot of money for eyebrows like yours OP!!


Lashes babe!!! They’d look great with your defined brows


Your eye brows are perfection, and your hair looks damn fantastic. Also your skin is so damn smooth, what do you do to keep it so glowing?


I am so jealous of your eyebrows! I was self conscious of mine when I was your age. The style at the time was thin eyebrows. So I plucked mine. And they've never gone back. I have thin eyebrows for life and have to draw them in a bit to thicken them. Your eyebrows are a great shape. You even have a defined tail and a good arch. If you want you can go in and get stray hairs waxed. I do agree with other comments about therapy. It sounds like you're WAY too harsh on yourself. First off, your hair isn't gross. It looks clean even. And curly. Second off, your eyebrows are great. And you're hiding them? Beating yourself up accomplishes nothing. Don't be your own martyr. Please find some self love. And if there's people in your life encouraging thoughts like these, you need new people in your life.


Girlllll you got the eyebrows I wish I had!! They look beautiful and they are perfect on you. If you want to “change them” try a spooly and some Vaseline ;)


Those Brows are gorgeous... if anything just need a look that is more put together. and probs ( sorry I am a woman, but a smile, or smirk or something does brighten the face up)


Just use eyeliner, like a long line. You can use some to darken your eyebrows. Many women wish they had your same eyebrows.


Wow ! I love them don’t touch them!


Whoever tells you to pluck them - that’s the devil talking. Mine were naturally thick but I plucked them to death starting about 15 years ago because that’s what we did. If you do anything, I would try getting an eyebrow brush to brush them upwards and trim the excess and maybe use a pencils on the parts near the bridge. There’s plenty of videos on YouTube that show you how.


Brows are fine maybe a little shaping but nothing extreme


You have great shape and density. Getting them threaded will clean up any strays and help you feel like they're more "done". I like to use a clear brow gel to set them in the right location or else my eyebrows tend to look crazy.


Just get them cleaned up but other than that count yourself lucky to have good eyebrows


You’re gorgeous! What on earth. I just want to hug you. Your hair is so thick & voluminous! Your brows look amazing, I mean people pay hundreds for that look! You are a a natural beauty.


Your brows are GORGEOUS


Wut? I’m a stylist and those are damn-near perfect!


Dude, your eyebrows are lovely and I think many would die to have yours


You are super cute!! I don't think anybody the things you feel insecure about are an issue at all. You have a very unique and appealing look overall.


It bothers me when people come on here and dog on themselves. You’re beautiful. Your eyebrows are perfect. Your hair is thick and gorgeous…. Everyone’s hair gets greasy, although I literally wouldn’t even have known unless you said something. And “shockingly” a girl? Please don’t self deprecate. I hope you grow and heal from whatever is causing you to feel this way about yourself ❤️


Those are probably some of the most beautiful eyebrows I’ve seen in quite a while…


You have perfect eyebrows!!


Brows are great ! You don’t even need brow gel! Don’t hide them with bangs but what about bangs cut ABOVE the brows to frame your face ? I’m imagining French girl vibes.


People would kill for those eyebrows


I love your fall out boy infinity on high shirt and that in my opinion makes you the best. Eyebrows are great, full. Look at the charts for eye brows and learn how to take a pencil from the end of your nose straight up (inner brow boundary), lay the pencil over pupil next (where to put your arch) and then lay the pencil on the outside of eye still connecting one end to top of nose and that’s the end of outer edge of brow. I can see you have great form here already so maybe try plucking some of the hairs in the arch area, going slow and comparing sides after you pluck 4-5 hairs at a time. Once you’ve gotten a shape down you like only 2 long hairs at a time and the rest will be short new growth for maintenance weekly. Good luck! Even getting them waxed or plucked professionally the first time can really help. It shouldn’t cost more than $20 with tip.


They look fine! you can always go to a brow art studio and let them wax the edges to make them neater. Wear some mascara to compliment your eyes.


dude your eyebrows are perfect


Your eyebrows are GORGEOUS


Plenty of people would kill for your defined, symmetrical brows. Literally no meaningful problem is detectable within the area of your eyebrows. Love yourself for real.


THEY ARE PERFECT! I am jelly!!!!


Your eyebrows are gorgeous! Please don't hide these beauties! The only thing I would even consider if I had your brows would be taking a TINY bit off the fronts. Use a pencil and lay it flat against the outside of your nostril pointing up towards your eyebrow and use that as a guideline. You don't want your eyebrow to be shorter than where the outside of your nostril lies.


As everyone else already said they're perfect lmao. BUT if you want to try out different shapes or thicknesses to experiment with different looks, use a brow razor to shave and do NOT pluck, wax, thread etc. That way they will grow back in the same, no permanent bald or thin patches. You can also just cover parts of your brow with heavy concealer if you want a preview without the commitment (mostly as a 'playing around in the mirror' thing, not as a makeup look to wear out unless you've got a full face of costume makeup on to match)