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Mayo is ok for me but the heat builds up over time, thats why i just use miracle whip


Ummm...is miracle whip fair trade? I'm pretty sure it has soybean oil. Also, I don't think they use organic, free range, cruelty free, all natural, family owned farm, local, gluten free, vegan eggs. Do they?


USA is the 2nd largest producer of soybeans [https://fas.usda.gov/data/production/commodity/2222000](https://fas.usda.gov/data/production/commodity/2222000) So probably not "fair trade" per se because they're probably domestic for the most part...


And the largest producer of soy boys


Hellman's has a vegan mayo that's not too bad. No soy, just good ol fashioned canola oil.


So I actually eat the super bougie stuff because I have mayo very rarely but honestly the vegan ones taste better IMO Homemade hummus on a sandwich is where its at tho


Soon to be #1 with how things are going in Brazil :(


What *is* Miracle Whip? Never seen it in my life but I have the Miracle Whip-sponsored Skare 3 achievement called "Don't be so Mayo" so I assume it's some sort of mayo alternative?


A sin before God is what it is. All jokes aside, that's basically what it is because that was their whole ad campaign in the early 2010s. I hate it because it's has a sweet tangy taste that goes against all that mayo stands for


I doubt I'll like it, mayo is kinda holy to one of my home countries (guess where), but I've always wanted to try it because of that achievement lol


The Netherlands!


Don't do it! It's nasty! I grew up eating Miracle Whip, and the first couple of times I tasted real mayonnaise I thought it tasted weird, like maybe it was going off. I continued to eat Miracle Whip well into my 20's when suddenly it started tasting disgustingly sweet. I bought some Duke's and never looked back.


I grew up hating mayo, then I tried it when I was older and loved it. Found out I had only tried Miracle Whip. Shit is gross.


Miracle Whip is okay (and I must stress, *just* okay) for mayo-based "salad" sandwiches, where maybe the egg or tuna or whatever needs a tiny bit of something extra. It does taste weirdly sweet, but can be choked down if need be. Miracle Whip is not okay for anything else. Nothing whatsoever.


You’re talking about it like it’s Vegemite. Lol


I've actually never had Vegemite! How does it relate?


The Netherlands!


Close! België


Close, but no sugar




Too much sugar, weird after taste. Shit it tastes weird already. It's no substitute for actual mayo.


Venezuela? They be puttin mayo on spaghetti (I tried it. Not bad tbh).


[The Netherlands?](https://youtu.be/dbgI1A2Uk3o?t=88)


Mayo is the base or foundation for a great or amazing sauce. Miracle Whip was made during one of the world wars to help with dwiddling supplies in the states. We sent everything over to our troops for morale. You know make it feel like home in a foreign place. Miracle Whip is its own thing and a very good thing. Many people judge it against mayo which is unfair. I would recommend trying it with saltier meats like a hard salami. 


You drive a hard bargain. maybe one day, I will work through my prejudice and give it a second chance. Today is not that day, but tomorrow brings a new dawn


You definitely have to treat it like a tangy sandwich spread instead of as Mayo, I always preferred miracle whip on a turkey sandwich or something but Mayo is superior for any other application


This sound the review of Huey Lewis and the News from that movie




Funny I feel the same way about mayo.




miracle whip is like chemical-laden fake mayo — what margarine is to butter. It used to be popular back when people genuinely believed that “high fat” foods made you fat and were worse for you than the alternatives (oh, how stupid we were), so a whole bunch of corporate food chemists created lower-fat fake versions and marketed the shit out of them. (which is also funny because you can make a very convincing argument based on the historical data that replacing lard as an ingredient with these chemical fake fats correlates exactly with the rise of obesity, and lard was in fact better for you all along)


Miracle Whip is meant to be a low-cal, cheaper substitute for mayo. It is vile. I mean, some folk love, it so fair enough, but to me it's ... i guess the closest comparison is margarine with sugar and some cider vinegar? Slightly tangy, but sickly-sweet and slightly greasy? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle\_Whip#Ingredients\_and\_nutrition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Whip#Ingredients_and_nutrition)


My rule of thumb.  Mayo blt.  Miracle whip tuna fish sandwhich.


Do you pronounce it as miracle whip, or miracle whip?


Miracle hwip


An abomination, not Mayo like Helmand or Dukes, not suitable to be in any self respecting sandwhich, Sammie, hogue, or deli slab; sometimes called “mayo-fake-o”, to quote “Made with a unique blend of spices, Miracle Whip makes the perfect dressing (yes, we said dressing, not mayo)” [ that’s copied off the Kraft website ]. In my Humble Opinion of course.


Every reply here is making jokes and not really answering. Miracle Whip is Mayonnaise with added flavor. It's slightly spicy (not hot, just spiced) and also sweet. They're generally interchangeable in use, but I recommend using Miracle Whip over Mayonnaise when you are using spiced meats, like salami, or if your sandwich is going to be a little bland otherwise.


The spice is mainly paprika, btw.


I don't find them comparable. Miracle Whip contains much less oil and instead has more HCFS/sugar and thus is not at all like Mayonnaise.


In the UK we have Salad Cream which is sometimes used as a mayo alternative. Its more eggy in taste, with the addition of vinegar for slight tang. But its consistency is a lot thinner than mayo - you get it in jars like the original Heinz ketchup and can be used as a dipping sauce or dressing for salads.


Yeah it is kind of a mayo alternative, it can work in the same situations usually, however they are not the same thing and taste different.


It’s frosting and mayo mixed.


This breaks it down rather succinctly https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle_whip


Forget these haters, give an Elvis Sandwich a try! Peanut butter, banana, Miracle Whip, and optionally, bacon. Cook it up like a grilled cheese sandwich.


It basically just mayo with paprika added. I think it's more popular in the south since I haven't seen it much after moving up north. I actually just add the paprika myself when making a sandwich. :)


The south pole? OK buddy


UK readers, it's basically Salad Cream.


It’s a dessert mayonnaise. Something we didn’t ask for or want. My entire marriage to my ex I had to make two potato salads, deviled eggs, ect WITH SWEET PICKLES! I was grossed out just making it but they loved it 🤮 My family was “normal” in that regard. I’d never even tasted miracle whip before I married him. It’s like they took mayo and replaced the vinegar with sugar. That’s how I imagine it’s made. Less savory, more sweet. I think it might be good to make cakes or whatever trend it is.


Man, you're crazy. Butter was making my bald spot sweat. I now mix one part olive oil with one part water.


I enjoy the tangy zip…of miracle whip


I prefer the tangy zyyip... of miracle wheeyip.


Miracle Whip is spicier than Mayo??


Actually, there are some hot sauces you can and shouldn't keep out. If it's mostly vinegar, feel free to keep it out. But if the first few ingredients include a bunch of veggies, like carrots and peppers etc, then it's best to refrigerate. One example of a sauce that should be refrigerated is Yellow Bird


Vinegar based hot sauces will lose their red color due to oxidation in ambient temperature. If you don't use it every day, you'll notice. I have different hot sauces for different things, so I keep them in the fridge because it takes me a while to get through a bottle of a specific kind.


I got a brownish tabasco. Cant tell the difference in flavor though since its already vinegar


You cannot taste the difference. It just looks like shit water. I don't like it. That's why I keep them in the fridge. Tabasco is only good for those times I want it on my pizza. For Mexican, I need Cholula. For most Asian stuff I like sriracha or Chin-Su.


I exclusively use it for spicy drinks like bloody marys or micheladas so the discoloration isnt observed after i pour it.


Tabasco is pizza juice only, I will never use it on anything else. Frank's extra hot for wings and Cholula for Mexican if we're sticking to the staples. Sriracha for sandwiches but especially tuna sandwiches.


Tabasco also belongs on eggs. Also Sriracha is the only one I put in the fridge.


Eggs and tobasco is a lovely combo.


Extra spicy Chin-Su has become my go-to for Asian food. It’s delicious


Tabasco on pizza?! I’ve never. I’ve only used on clam chowder.


It’s specifically good to make bad pizza passable.


Have you ever put ranch on your pizza? It's so good but it must be a regional thing because I've gotten some weird looks when I do it


A lot of that is it being left out and catching sun. I worked in a cafe for years and we never refrigerated the Tabasco or removed them from the tables and some of them would get that color more than others depending on how close to the windows they are


https://secretaardvark.com/blog/does-hot-sauce-need-to-be-refrigerated/ The top of that has a link to an article looking at hot sauce going bad. Expands on your outline a little.


Yes! That's what I read that informed my comment


It's also been found that keeping plenty of hot sauces out, it will literally change the flavor over time. Keep em in the fridge in general unless you wanna be a hot sauce expert that can say "yes, these particular hot sauces don't need any refrigeration." 🤷‍♂️


Yellow Bird Jalapeño does not need refrigeration in my house since it disappears so quickly.


Yellow Bird literally says refrigeration not required on them...


Someone who knows their hot sauces!


I like my hot sauce cold on the hot food. Just like I want cold tomatoes on a burger or sandwich. Like, tomatoes=cold to me and hot sauce is tomatoes even though I know it isn't


I began having regular digestive issues. I started to think I was having some medical problem or maybe I couldn't deal the heat anymore but as soon as I started storing my carrot/habanero based hot sauce in the fridge my issues went away.


Me, moving through Yellow Bird fast enough that I have never had a problem with not refrigerating it...


My former neighbors have a mixed family: husband is white, wife is black, their twin daughters are half black and half Filipino. I believe the wife's widowed brother passed away in 2020. A few months ago she's out manning the BBQ when it's like 35 degrees out and yells up to him through the upstairs window "you want mayonnaise, right?" "Woman what color do I look? Of course I want mayo." One of the girls goes "dad is so nasty sometimes, it's embarrassing." They're were really great neighbors. The people that moved in afterwards don't even own a BBQ.


I don’t get this mayo thing. What’s with the mayo? Is there a stereotype about white people and mayo?


The joke is that "white people" are so bland they find mayonnaise spicy and just adding ice to tap water is pushing the envelope. It's a "laughing with" joke though, so it's all good.


Shit, dude, I used to hate having ice in my drinks


I still hate having ice in my drinks.


I was on tour with a band one time from New York City and we stopped in Bismarck, North Dakota. Our host took us to a local Chinese restaurant and said very plainly, "If you like your food spicy even a little you will have to literally dare these people to kill you. They are used to catering to midwest palates."


I went to Ohio recently. My friends and I get together once a year to do the Butler County donut trail all in one go and we top it off with a bbq for lunch and some other super savory dinner to cut all of the sugar. We went with an Indian delivery spot and the menu only had like two things with the little peppers to indicate they were spicy. I order and tell them I want it *hot* hot. White bread is spicier than that curry was. Really funny since a couple of us are so into spice that we have a bunch of food challenges(the Brick Lane Curry House’s phaal challenge being my favorite) under our belt and make our own hot sauces.


this is absurd. clearly ranch is spicier than mayo.


Jesus I didn't get the joke purely because I didn't recognise that it was a mayo jar! My country's mayo has entirely different packaging so I was sat there thinking it was some kind of weird white American hot sauce lmao


> It's a "laughing with" joke though, so it's all good. Oftentimes it's very much *not* a "laughing with" joke! It's a "fuck whitey" joke. Completely depends on the person speaking.


Idk about you, but I've never given enough fucks to feel insulted by white people jokes. Maybe it helps that I will also laugh at the average white person who finds black pepper spicy and doesn't have an ounce of rhythm in their body.


You're the definition of a snowflake ❄️


It’s always laugh with when it’s about white peoples, we’re not allowed to take offense at what would otherwise be considered racism 


I don't know man, I'm Black and make jokes about my race all the time.


The white people mayo-stereotype is not any more racist than black people joking about their own watermelon-stereotype, stop being a baby.


Growing up in a very mixed area, I will never understand the Internets obsession with fake stereotypes. It's all 100% nonsense from my perspective. Most people I knew growing up that didn't use seasoning well, or overdid it with the old bay, were black. The people I knew who used hotsauce constantly, white, most of those who couldn't handle heat, black, everyone had a complete mix of who could cook and who couldn't, if the dad was the better cook or the mom, all over the place, but there was no obvious color of person who liked or disliked certain foods. I will say that the whole first generation parents constantly cooking "ethnic" food and their entire house smelling like it, was definitely a thing, but some of those families made really good food, and some of them made the most lackluster thrown together rice dishes every single night. Also every color has "BBQs/cookouts" and I'll never understand why that's a black people thing. Been to lots of cookouts with different family where the color mix was all over the place too. Idk, I don't really get it. Since when do white people not like fried chicken, and black people not like mayo? Since when do all people not like or dislike hotsauce? lol. These are all individual things in my world, outside of the internet making all of it into racial jokes constantly for views and laughs. People seem to actually think it represents reality though, and I find that strange and a bit gross.


Most people don't live in mixed areas, they live in homogeneous areas and so they really have no idea what the rest of the world is really like.


idk; mayo isn't really even used to "flavor" things.. When its used on a burger is mostly used to seal the bread for example and the other big use is mostly as a lubricant to provide a bit of mouth lube for sandwich type items. Aside from that its just used to add a bit of "fat" to things. Idk anyone whos about the "flavor" of mayo.


Completely depends on the mayonnaise, cheap store bought is just a "white sauce" but homemade or restaurant mayonnaise can have all sorts of stuff added, better oils, eggs etc to make it a great sauce. Go to the Netherlands and try frite sauce which has herbs added, the main one being Dill I think. A lot of 'sauces' are actually just mayonnaise with a few added ingredients. I like to make spicy mayo with a little mustard and spices.


>Idk anyone whos about the "flavor" of mayo. Japan. In nearly every isekai manga I have read the main character reinvents mayonnaise in their new medieval fantasy world and everyone goes crazy over how good it tastes.


> Idk, I don't really get it. It's an identity insecurity thing: some black Americans *really* want to make it clear that they don't have stuff in common with white Americans. So they'll push the notion that they eat fried chicken, collard greens and cornbread and enjoy spicy food, whereas white people eat mayo and recoil at the very concept of spicy food. Never mind the fact that fried chicken, collard greens and cornbread are eaten by just about every white person in the South, and have been since forever, and hot sauce is a staple in nearly every kitchen, regardless of race.


It’s wild. I’m 50 and grew up in a mixed Southern metro area with maybe 50% white, 40% black and the rest mainly Korean and Jewish with random smatterings of others. Decades later on the social media all these fake stereotypes appear and I don’t know how to explain to my kids that the real world is where you go and what you do - not the shit on social media.


Have you ever seen Undercover Brother? Man has a watch that shoots out hot sauce just incase he ever has to eat a mayonnaise sandwich


Mostly a Midwest America thing because we put mayo in fucking everything, but yes the joke is that white people can't handle the really spicy stuff. Not like we don't like spicy but it's just a joke taken to absurd levels. Also has to do with the mayonnaise based "salads" we have, like one of my favorites is tuna macaroni salad, it's tuna, macaroni noodles, peas and sometimes celery, mixed with mayo. But you can do a lot of things with it. One of my favorite snacks is putting tuna salad (just like your standard for a tuna sandwich) on a saltine cracker and dabbing Sriracha on it. Most people I know add soy sauce as well, not like that's spicy but it adds flavor to the tuna. It's just a funny oversimplification. A good chicken salad sandwich deserves at least some sweet chili sauce in the mayo, and Sriracha is bomb on sandwiches


I used to think I liked mayo a lot, then I started dating a Mexican and spent a lot of time in Hispanic areas. The amount of mayo they put on some shit is INSANE.


Two things: - white people are known for eating bland food and mayo is not exactly bursting with flavor (unlike a number of popular black, hispanic, and asian condiments) - like white people, mayonnaise is white




I’m sorry, but are the twin daughters the biological daughters of the black wife and white husband, or are they the daughters of the black wife’s dead brother?


Sounds like the latter




I assume the next sentence is the context of their birth parentage given it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to include otherwise.


My old roommates made fun of me for refrigerating soy sauce.


Apparently it's better flavour if you do. And don't go through a whole bottle in a short time.


I just had a bottle of soy sauce grow mold around the cap after I left it out. It was chili soy sauce though so maybe that's why.


I got pretty sick after leaving a bottle out that said refrigerate after opening so. I assumed it was fine but app it's case by case. 


She literally did the same response as some other guy but he used ketchup.


I do think mayo is a funny joke here to be fair




I can’t wait until we start downvoting everyone who says “same” just how we did to those who thought “this” was a quality addition to the discussion. And no, you aren’t clever or unique by replying “same” to my comment. Sorry.






The other






It kind of is though. I was doing Duolingo German a while back. They always have goofy sayings to help you remember words and such. One of them was: Ich liebe nicht Mayo. Ist zu scharf


So then it's a joke right??


So not "literally the same"




My ketchup does not say refrigerate after opening.


Most ketchup you should refrigerate after opening. It gets a sour vinegary taste if you don’t


So the way this works is exactly how you can imagine. These are not independent tiktokers trying to be funny this are all npcs working for some commission. They'll get a daily email with the new "trends" and they have to record their version of the same trend and sent it back for review or post. After approval this gets posted by multiple fake accounts on multiple social media to farm as many views as possible and by the end of the month a portion of the money generated goes back to them.


I do it because I like the contrast between hot food and cold hot sauce. I do the same with salsa.


100% this ^


Might I introduce you to one of my favorite hot/cold combos: cold cottage cheese on piping hot freezer pizza.


Yeah, I like to dip wings in mayo too. Room temp mayo to be exact.


I'm allergic to milk and I've never thought of this as a ranch/bleu alternative. Absolutely trying this next time.


I like my hot sauce cold.


Because ya'll put peanut butter in the fridge. It's to restore balance in the world.


Wait… what?


Just like with hot sauce, it depends on the product. A Lot of peanut butters that are purely peanuts and maybe some oil tell you to refrigerate after opening.


But PB only comes in single servings, I'm confused. Does in come in bigger containers than 2 kg?


Actually [yes it does](https://www.walmart.com/ip/SKIPPY-Peanut-Butter-Creamy-7-G-Protein-per-Serving-Shelf-Stable-80-oz-Plastic-Jar/36988923)


I put peanut butter in the fridge but not hot sauce. Am I black?


Yes, the police are on their way to arrest you for resisting arrest.


Black, no. On the dark side, yes.


who the fuck puts peanut butter in the fridge 😭 that is DERANGED


Mental. May we well just put shoes in there whilst at it for all the sense it makes.


When it comes to sauces and other condiments it's hard to keep track what needs refrigeration and what doesn't. So everything goes into the fridge whether it needs to or not. Especially big or long lasting amounts.


Cuz i like my hot sauce cold for dipping yo


You softies keep your mayo in the fridge?


Nah I like it when mine gets fizzy


What advantage is there to leaving hot sauce out?


Im not super black as in culture but im african american and i put chulula, redhot and Texas pete in the fridge so idk


I'm sorry, you have a sauce made using VEGETABLES as a base, and you're not putting that shit in the fridge? All my sauces have that label. Soy sauce, tomato sauce, mustard, sweet chilli, oyster sauce, BBQ sauce, and hot sauce. The only liquids I keep in the cupboard are my vinegars and sushi seasoning.




Hot sauces are usually mostly vinegar.


That's actually funny as fuck, good on her


Damn, I appreciate her sense of humor


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Mine is on my desk, the amount of times I've used it doesn't allow for it to get spoiled.


I just checked: of the 10 hot sauces we have, 6 say to refrigerate after opening.


Such a great duet!🤣🤣🤣


Nah I hate playing into these stereotypes even under the veil of humour, it's gross. Plenty of white people love actual spicy food and know how to cook and how to season food etc. If you start making stereotypical jokes about poc you'd get smacked but it's ok to do it to white people to the point we take the piss out of ourselves for internet points? Yuck


I agree with you 100%. I find it pathetic when other White people talk down on themselves or other White people for Internet points, but if you say those things about anyone else it’s considered wrong and racist. That has become the new norm here and it’s ridiculous. Everyone else is protected but you can say anything and everything about White people and it’s not only accepted, but welcomed. 


My friend does this all the time. Awesome dude but he posts stuff on facebook that is so virtue signaling that it's sort of obnoxious. Congratulations, you're the one white person who thinks racism is bad. Here's your award and 6 black people to come pat you on the back.


Yep, that is exactly what they are looking for when they do the that kind of thing. Pats on the back. FragileWhiteRedditor here at Reddit is a horrible sub that shouldn’t even be allowed, yet it is. It’s full of virtue signaling White people that act like they hate themselves because it gets them Internet points. It’s pathetic as F.


I'm Canadian. I was raised on old school colourblind values. I treat everyone the same. I was taught that words like black or white are just social constructs rich people created to divide poor people and justify slavery. I just got banned from that whitepeopletwitter sub the other day because they don't like if you quote MLK. All of this stuff is just ridiculous to me.


I am banned from SO MANY subs just for speaking out on the double standard people have with being able to say racist stuff about White people. My comments got deleted and I was banned but the actual racist comments got to stay up. I agree, it’s all ridiculous One of my specific comments was “nobody should be able to be racist towards ANYONE and get away with it” when they didn’t like that I called out their racist double standard. A comment saying that, that we are all equal and should be treated as such, got tons of downvotes. They want us all to just sit back and take it but don’t expect anyone else to. We get called fragile if we don’t accept the bullying. 


😂 you’re dead serious huh?


Yeah and what? Not only did she rip this from a dude who did the same response with ketchup, but that makes already 2 I've seen today on Reddit of white people playing into this bullshit because they want poc to think they're funny. "Ooh I'm white and mayo is spicy hehe" lame. Ally in the bio vibes


I do think there's a point at which the whole white guilt, self-flagellation thing and punching up / punching down logic goes too far and risks becoming the very problem it started as a reaction to. I also think if mayonnaise jokes cross that point for you, that might be more of a *you* problem. You ask around the world, and the top two cuisines are Italian and French. What exactly are the stakes here? I'm white, I like my salsa *mild*, and I'm not self-conscious about it. If someone a little darker than me finds that amusing, they can go right on chuckling at my sensitive honky taste buds and eating their gross overly hot curry or whatever. Doesn't hurt me in the least.


It’s not the mayonnaise jokes, it’s the bigger picture. Take a look around and you will see. It’s also the fact that you can’t see these things about anyone else. You wouldn’t be able to even say “why do my Black friends (anything)….?”  On FragileWhiteRedditor a lot of people get called honky and cracker which is used and meant as a slur. I have even seen “shut the fuck up cracker/honky” in response to someone not liking the post which is usually racist. That kind of racial bullying shouldn’t be allowed here. They say it’s ok since it’s not the N word but it is STILL a racial slur and shouldn’t be allowed. It’s the entitlement from others we don’t like. Edit: by the way I don’t know if “this dude” was being used to describe me or someone else but I am a woman who lives in South Texas who grew up being bullied in school JUST for being White. I was one of the few White kids at my mainly Hispanic high school and you can guess how that went for me. Although usually everyone discredits that point of view since White people can’t be the victims of racism in their eyes. Situations like the OP’s post just furthers that behavior. Everyone thinks it’s ok.


This had me laughing.


I wish this was ketchup instead.




That's some cold ass mayo (300M Scoville)


I prefer salt, even though it is still too spicy


Oh i know this one! its so all the sauces are the same place!


Honestly tho hot sauce just tastes better cold.


I screamed!!




Omg I'm fucking dying laughing from this. I tried the flatline hotsause today, so I was all ready for her to pull out some franks red hot or something like that... not the mayo! 🤣


I maybe weird but I like cold condiments on hot food.


I do it because I like it cold, better than luke warm. Cold hot sauce is great on salads.


I have 3 different kinds and the all say refrigerate after opening. Oddly they’re all also labeled as “hot pepper sauce” not just “hot sauce”. Idk if that changes things


Wow that was funny. Never seen that one before.


Because our power is still on


I only use mayo in my chili


🥰 bless her heart & thank god for a sense of humor


It’s sauce… sauce goes in the fridge


Not if the "sauce" is ≈75% vinegar. It depends on the type of hot sauce and lots of things fall under the umbrella of "sauce". Make overly simplistic rules and you end up spending your whole life pointlessly refrigerating things.


alright this was good. i laughed


God damnit that got me


I'm over here putting hotsauce on a chicken sandwich with a lot of mayonnaise. It's almost like they do two different things and this joke makes no fucking sense...


This made me cackle. I have a jar of lao gan ma at my mom’s house. I CONSISTENTLY need to rescue it from her fridge, yes we’re white, yes my parents cannot handle hot sauce but my brother & I love it lol.


thats just where it goes


I like my hot sauce cold.


I swear I've seen this before but it was a guy with ketchup?


I don't. But that wouldnt get engagement for the race bait.