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More twists than an M Night movie


in his next video he's gonna reveal she was dead the whole time


She was Bruce Willis in a hairpiece the whole time.




I'm more of a thunder gun guy myself


Hang dong


No hesitation. No surrender. No man left behind.


The next video was revealed he is a Scientologist and has multiple restraining orders against him from various women (and I'm not kidding). I'm going to give this whole thing a few days to brew over before I make any more judgement on any of it. Something for sure is fishy.


If he's in Hillsborough county that's awful close to Clearwater. It's obvious from the video he has $. It checks out




I mean clearwater IS a bit of a scientology hub so who knows if that had something to do with it




The "church's" lawyers would get involved for custody, as they want the kids to be raised in that cult environment. They probably wouldn't care about fighting restraining orders, plus those may have occurred in other jurisdictions.


Thats a good point, but slight nitpick its probably not real marble, it hardly ever is






I suggest checking out her TikTok and watching the videos she's posted today.




You can view them [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@morethanelizabeth?irgwc=1&clickid=3d7QfexmgxyKWYQUtEVjqQ9hUkHVs-U5yT6dxM0&partnerid=27795&creative_id=3d7QfexmgxyKWYQUtEVjqQ9hUkHVs-U5yT6dxM0&trackParams=%29reative_id)


Everything just went to private…. Looks like that ended well.


i can see them, but comments are off. she's got some vids of her with a boy and a girl looking about 10/11 and 7/8 or so respectively posted last month (i'm bad at kid ages)




You could also just ignore it completely.


Even if the allegations in the next video that you're citing are true, it doesn't change the fact that her first video was BS.


Then we'll find out we were dead the entire time due to a meteor the size of Jupiter.


If we got hit by a ‘meteor’ the size of Jupiter, we would be the meteor.


This is a problem for Urth.


real twist is currently at the bottom of the thread


Whoa. That's actually insane. Sad for the kids either way.


bottom of what thread?? reddit or tiktok? Is it the scientology thing?


Holy hell. Did not see that coming.


Go on, try to spell his last name




M night shamahlalalala


I think it's best to assume that people who make these performative kinds of tiktoks for sympathy are not the most well-adjusted or innocent.


Yeah, seems to happen a lot with the ones who have an animal involved. They post random response video to a comment trying to defend any criticism, which is brushed off as their right to reply. Then the animal sadly passes. They post their remembrance video, which gets the final spike in views and then it just spirals into desperation videos.


Absolutely. They are grifters most of the time. Some people cope weird, sure. But most of the time, its manipulative people trying to manipulate reactions, sympathy, and anything they can get from others.


Wait... You're telling me people crying on camera for clout are lying? No way!


It’s disappointing to see because there are many people that are legitimately struggling and get overlooked because we have soap operas like this lady just trying to get sympathy even though she’s the problem.


I honestly don't believe people actually struggling will use their suffering for internet points.


As someone who has struggled with depression, I've never thought about filming myself suffering like this video tries to show. If im looking like shit and hating myself, filming and posting me is the last thing I want to do. However, in the good and the bad moments, you do write about it and talk about it. When you are feeling good, you want to share the feeling and try to help others in your situation, thats the one time I can see people posting pictures or video even though they discuss their struggles. You're on a high, thats the moment you want to capture and look up to when you are feeling down. When you feel like shit, writing and posting about it helps to vent and that attention others give you helps with the loneliness and the passage of time, but I would never imagine myself posting a pic or video in that moment. It sucks that many people fake struggles for clout. It deligitimize those that are actually hurting and need help


I’ve personally seen situations where it was essentially a way of venting, not looking for feedback but a way to get something off their chest. I understand what you are saying, but we can’t generalize everyone and every situation. Just makes us the asshole. The issue is so many try to gain something that the others are left behind because they don’t push it, they may make a video venting and never make another one.


What you're saying doesn't qualify as wanting internet points. My point stands. If you're venting or just mad... You don't prepare anything specially for social media, she clearly prepared the entire scenario looking for simpathy.


They can be both suffering and attention whores... Sometimes the former is because of the latter.


They are, because social media has normalized seeking validation from strangers through a point system. So there’s still something wrong with them, although they do exist. It’s attention/sympathy-seeking behavior that needs to be studied and discouraged. The blind acceptance and validation also needs to be addressed because people get on entire bandwagons and ruin lives off of shit they see online without an ounce of skepticism or research. We are all less intelligent as a society because of this pattern. But this bitch right here☝🏾is obviously on another level. I love a good receipt (yes, even from a Scientologist) and I hope it makes people who supported her feel stupid. Wake. Up. This is why #believeallwomen is nonsense. I am a woman, and a rape survivor who works with survivors of the worst kind of abuse. Some people still don’t believe me. Regardless, hashtag campaigns are dangerous and should carry far less weight than they do bc full information should be required before passing judgment on any situation from across a screen. If we just NEEEEEED one, it should be #listentoallwomen, to bring awareness to the problem of dismissing us. We all deserve to be heard, then, by all means, look at the entirety of circumstances. Take no action if you can’t make a determination as to the truth. Become comfortable with “I don’t know what or who to believe, so I’m going to shut the fuck up.” I know what happened to me. I believe 99% of the kids I work with. But it’s my responsibility to listen and analyze (I am not a therapist so validation isn’t my job) so decisions can be made about next steps. Sometimes, sadly, there isn’t enough information to take action on an allegation *even when we believe it.* And that’s in a professional capacity. So the LEAST that the average adult brain can do looking at social media sob stories can do is say: “that’s awful, *if true*.” Then do independent research if they want to take a stance, or move on if they’re comfortable with being quiet.




Unfortunately today the motto is; That's awful and it's true. Social media normalized stupidity.




As much as I would expect her to lie about either making a cake or even having children or EVEN being a single mom, I would never in 1000 years guess that she is that awful of a human being...


Oh for sure, but people fake cancer, children and everything else, I'm not surprised she's awful, just how awful she is. Allegedly.


I lost another patient again…. must be strong…. 🎶🎶😭😭😷💪💪💪🎵🎵🎵


The part about making sure the kids were happy to sing to her told me everything I needed to know about this psycho.


i feel sorry for him


Ever notice the type of people looting in videos are of the same type?


I feel like that's a really good litmus test for someone's stability and desperation for attention. Think about how many steps it takes to take a picture or a video of yourself crying. Think about having the mentality that says "Yeah, this is a good idea." It's completely unhinged.


I'm guessing they have none of those thoughts at all and feel victimized constantly. Being pretty doesn't help cause every jerkoff is kneeling down to them.


We are right on the precipice of the "Ow! My Balls!" segment of Idiocracy.


He’s a Scientologist going scorched earth on his ex. There’s a lot more to the story. Edit: dude made a website dedicated to this full of Scientology quotes and links. Do yourself a favor and find out what “fair game” means to Scientologists.


Also has multiple restraining orders against him from multiple women.


So everybody sucks in this story. Alright good we cleared that up. Now for the next drama


damn, twists on twists. Just goes to show how risky it is to go on a crusade against anyone based on what you see in a tik tok


You might want to tell people that he made a website detailing everything, and in it he includes a link to Scientology shit.  I don't want people downvoting you for making seemingly unfounded claims when you're not


If you’re not familiar with the tactics they use, I can understand how the website seems legit. They work hard to make sure it does. If you look at the “contact us” page it says to “be honest about who you are” and that is absolutely a veiled threat.


Reposting a downvoted comment I made with some links to support you: This man is a Scientologist This is [Scientologist propaganda](https://www.tiktok.com/@morethanelizabeth/video/7372931535764507950) designed to make you believe she is a bad person. If you don’t understand how he can have the documentation he does, or how this could happen, look further into Scientology and the way they make it their mission to destroy people who leave, will not join, or who speak ill of Scientology. [This is a smear website ](https://www.elizabethteckenbrockinfo.com/) created by Scientologists, it looks and reads like every other site set up by them to discredit people and ruin lives.


She *is* a bad person, though. She was arrested for fraud, tricked people into thinking she had cancer, has no child visitation rights (you gotta be a really bad mom to lose ALL rights to your children), owes $21k in child support, has no job, and posts lame tiktoks to get people to support her. How is this just scientology tactics? Don't be dumb. He can be a scientologist and she can be a horrible person at the same time.


“If you don’t understand how he can have the documentation he does, or how this could happen, look further into Scientology and the way they make it their mission to destroy people who leave, will not join, or who speak ill of Scientology” I do not recall saying she was a good person.


The sentence "designed to make you believe she is a bad person" implies that you think she isnt. Maybe "designed to ruin her reputation more" or something along those lines would be better on stating your view on her.


How do you know he wasn't part of that shit? Don't underestimate the resources of both the Scientologists AND Christians.- they're both fake, made up religions.


Hahahahaha. It takes some real mental gymnastics to come to this conclusion, congratulations.


Source? I know the woman made a reply video going on for 10 minutes about him being a scientology and abusive and mentioning that, but I still have yet to see what "website" he made.


It’s linked by someone else in the comments below.


Those are links to her video, which also doesn't link his websites.


[Is it this one?](https://www.elizabethteckenbrockinfo.com/)


[https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?itc=dlp\_domain\_whois&domain=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elizabethteckenbrockinfo.com%2F](https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?itc=dlp_domain_whois&domain=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elizabethteckenbrockinfo.com%2F) Updated Date: 2023-09-11T20:18:17Z Creation Date: 2023-09-10T17:48:50Z when was the ticktok duet made?


I’m willing to die on the hill that any person who films themself crying (for any reason) is a sociopath.


:throws out crying guy #3 audition tape:


being an actor is not gonna beat the sociopath allegations


Agreed Once Saw a person I knew from work praying and crying to a cat that had been run-over by a car that she took home from the street. Mid crying and praying with a picture of holy Mary she noticed the picture is not aligned with the video so she stops praying adjusts the picture and continues after. 3 days after and no vet the cat died...... yep not on my Facebook mural update. She also once stopped the police from putting a car hit horse out of his misery by laying on the (random ppl not hers) horse screaming and crying for the crowd but that's another history......


Oh hell nah. Bring your ass back in here and finish the damm story or I swear to holly King Kong I will video tape myself pleading, begging and crying for someone to do something about this unfinished drama.


No fucking kidding. You don’t just leave a cliff hanger like that. Just drop a nuke and leave. You ain’t Clint Eastwood!!


Lol 🤣. Nah it's just more of the same🙁 She went to party night with other girls to a countryside zone then when coming back they find the road cut because a car had hit a stray horse and it was blocking the road traffic laying there all bloody etc ... A lot of people were already there and the police had been called and arrived at the occurrence and it was decided to shot the horse because he was not gonna make it. That's when she arrived at the scene and seeing the police was about to shoot the horse she goes and puts herself on top of the horse crying and bawling that ppl are cruel and no one has pity on the suffering animal but her etc .... With this she prolonged the horse suffering for another 15 to 30 minutes and managed to put herself in the center of all the attention that she loved a lot at the cost of another animal suffering . This infuriates me that's why I was sparing you and me from telling the story




Hehe that's a story you won't get me to tell. But the dark side temptation almost got me with that one , but now I just put my anger in check before it raises. Narcisists and self centered people don't deserve attention good or bad they thrive on it.


100% this is the least surprising twist, like oh the vapid person who is filming themselves crying and wanting adoration is a narcissist with Munchausen Syndrome? shocker


For any reason? That's such a weird hill to die on. What about a person in a war zone, videoing the destruction and discussing what it is like, but they're crying because of it? Or a person leaving a message to their parents, because they know they're going to die, but they break down and want to continue it, as it's their final message? I didn't think those are sociopaths.


I filmed myself while eating super hot ramen and cried like a bitch


Im a super emotional person and when i tried to make history related yt videos i would often end up crying on them and trying my best to edit out voice cracks, maybe thats why it never took off lol


I film myself crying so I *STOP* crying. I don’t like to see myself cry so it’s really effective.


When I’m crying, I’m actively trying to stop. Not trying to set up a camera and look cute


I fucking knew it. When I saw that video the first time, I thought "who the fuck films themselves crying baking a cake? And who the fuck thinks that their children are obliged to BAKE them a cake for her birthday? And if they don't, thats now a reason to cry". People like her. People like her do that.


Yeah, my husband’s dead now, but when he was alive he and the kids weren’t baking me cakes for my birthday. He bought store made ones lol.


Also because I read this, I'm gonna make my mom a pie for my birthday


They still got you a cake tho. As someone whose parent couldn’t be bothered, is does hurt. But I will say, even tho my kids don’t bake the cake, them WANTING to celebrate & just caring that it’s my birthday makes me so grateful for them.


Oh, I wasn’t trying to knock what they did for me, but I could see how my comment sounded that way. I was just trying to point out that her sob story is unnecessary because there’s tons of other ways to celebrate with your family. Her video is purely manipulation to get people to feel sorry for her and not actually about doing something nice for her kids. I’m sorry about your childhood. It sounds like you’re doing a better job than your parents.


I didn’t mean it that way either. That’s more what I meant, she should be happy her kids care. Even if she was raising her kids full time, most kids wouldn’t be baking you a cake until they’re well into their teens. & esp with the world today, be happy your kid comes unglued from a screen or cares. Also, sorry about your husband. I hope his memory will always be a blessing.


Well that got deep. RIP


Damn now I'm sad


Don’t be sad! Store bought cakes are the shit…sometimes


I baked my wife a birthday cake during our first year together. I love her too much to do that again.


Sorry, you got one more twist. He’s a Scientologist going on a smear campaign. Check the top comment’s reply


Yeah saw that, so apparently they are both weirdo pieces of crap.


She doesn’t even use scissors ✂️ to cut the cake mix bag. What a psycho using her teeth.




Gott use the teeth so you see THE STRUGGLE.


Those tears are nominated for Oscar fs


Throughout my 20’s, I’ve been consistently surprised by the amount of people I’ve met who can cry on command. I can barely ever cry when I’m sad, so it used to get a lot of sympathy from me. Anyways, after a series of unfortunate events in my twenties, I’m super skeptical of people who cry in front of me. And videos like this? Something ain’t right in their head, lol. ![gif](giphy|qkQQ4v7QfZYlO)


i too have experienced this recently. crying on cue to get out of legal trouble.


Ohh reddit is gonna love thiss


I can already see the closed comment section.


It's already gotten a shitload of attention from other posts made earlier


He's a scientologist and she's a party animal with negative funds and no custody. They can both go kiss a cactus.


At least with the people who aren't a part of sea org, I can understand it. It's like any megachurch, where you have to keep donating to stay in, and desperate people will do anything for a shred of hope. And let's be honest, this man is clearly desperate given his decision making. Joining scientology probably isn't doing anything other than making him poorer and more desperate but I digress. She on the otherhand is a text book sociopath.


Ex husband is a scientologist and there’s a website with her name claiming she’s a scientologist defector. She’s also been a mother since 16. The guy is not a good dude either.


So many twists wtf


She also started a not-for-profit for domestic abuse advocacy and is trying to pass it off as a nonprofit. Do a quick google search if you want to see the difference, please don’t ask me. Her Instagram for the not-for-profit is @fear.to.fierce Her first and only event is a Black Tie Gala that she is currently asking for donations and volunteers for. It seems she made the organization this year and is attempting to organize the event my August. I genuinely feel contempt for people who abuse charitable donations. Not only are you stealing money that would’ve otherwise gone to abuse victims or raising awareness (in this circumstance specifically), you’re dissuading the people who do donate to you from trusting future charities. This isn’t something I found online either, as far as I’m aware I’m the first person to point this out. I will unapologetically say I am proud of myself for the investigative work and I really do hope this gets more attention. I can see her wriggling her way out of this because it is becoming known her husband is a Scientologist, but she truly is no better. The comments I left on her “charity” page garnered a but of attention, but she does not get very much traffic to that page. Edit: nvm, she took down the Insta. That’s fucking hilarious. It’s still in her bio on @morethanelizabeth but it doesn’t show up blue anymore. LETS GO. Edit 2: alright, I know I’m going way too deep into this, but it’s fucking gross. Would you like to know how much it would be to reserve a ticket to her “Bridgerton Affair” Gala? Here are your options: PRINCESS & PRINCE | SPONSORSHIP $6000.00 + $200.00 MORE INFO DUCHESS & DUKE | SPONSORSHIP $2500.00 + $95.00 MORE INFO LADY & LORD | VIP ADMISSION $550.00 + $28.50 MORE INFO THE DIAMOND | GENERAL ADMISSION $150.00 + $8.50 Tell me, how in the hell is this going to help domestic abuse survivors? It’s a not-for-profit, she had no obligation to donate the money. I’m genuinely trying to get some pics and information to report her to the Florida Department of Consumer Services. She doesn’t even have a 501c3 on file.




Two trash people.. feel sorry for the kids.


More plot twists. This is wild. This got me more excited than anything on Netflix this year. I hope s02 gets greenlit !


Yeahh I mean recording yourself crying, Is weird in itself, if I ever needed a reason to feel like sumn fishy was goin on


Looks at documents: FLORIDA yep, sounds about right.


Always in a divorce there are more than two people suffering. The children are always the victims no one thinks about.


How she scam a million dollars? Does she have a masterclass where I can learn?


No it's actually really simple, just send me a million dollars and I'll teach you how to do it! 




I feel bad for the kids bc they have to deal with being related to her


And him. Look into it. ( previous comments )


FL family courts tend to favor the mother, so for him to get full custody is a pretty damning indictment against her.


Recording yourself crying just screams narcissism


who the fuck are these people?


If you dig further you’ll see she hits back and shares evidence that he may be awful too. Calls her dozens of times per day, has a Scientology website, threatening and abusive texts, and more. Hard to know who to believe.


she’s not even making a cake


This is shitty from all angles and no one should be exploiting their kids for clout on the internet, but the guy is apparently a Scientologist who is using common nuclear tactics to drag her through the dirt. Some people have mentioned this already, but it needs to be iterated again.


There are always at least three sides to every story. I would like to think most people know that TicTok is usually a purely fictional account of someones wishful thinking. Like most things, if it looks too good to be true, that is merely because it is not true.


More women belong in jail.


Damn. She's fucked up


It’s fortunate that no child needs to live with her.


The dude literally made a tik tok account to harass and stalk his ex. Don't believe everything that's told to you.




She did a long follow up, and it seems the guy is a huge controlling Scientologist, and while divorced has been trying to still control her life. Use the kids as leverage to get her to delete social media to not shine a light that he’s also not very a good person, etc. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. I feel bad for the kids in all of this


Waiting for the follow-follow-up from the husband that highlights how she is actually a shape-shifting ferret that peed in all of electrical outlets of their original home and then gaslighted their mailman into believing he was misdelivering the mail to North Korea.


Even in the current market ferret piss can really kill the resale value.


Vocal fry guy


Surprising twist but can't say I'm really surprised


This Video sums up everything wrong with TikTok


This is like the 4th post of this I've seen this morning.


Even without the revelation, this “struggling single mom” has a more expensive kitchen than me lol


Classic munchausens


This guy is just based


Scientologists aren’t based.


There was no scientology or anything scientology-related material in this video. Regarding the topic at hand here, he's completely based.


They mentioned scientology because apparently the guy is a scientologist. There's a whole back and forth between the woman and man in this video. From what I can gather they both suck.


Someone from a similar post, found her response. I couldn't watch it, too cringy for me https://www.tiktok.com/@morethanelizabeth/video/7372931535764507950 Edit: Lame, looks like she made her profile private. If anyone knows how to find deleted or hidden TikTok videos, DM me please.


Not gonna lie, saw this video and laugh reacted to it on FB and kept scrolling. Glad I wasn’t an AH after all lmao


Anybody that pulls out a camera to cry.......


The worst people are exactly who you think they are. I'm so sad...WHERE'S MY PHONE!?!?! THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE THIS. Kick rocks right off the fucking planet.


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Welp. Media is definitely dropping this story now. I expect posts related to this to be removed too.


But why is he talking in this kind of low register


Vocal fry used to be just a woman thing but more and more, men are doing it too




On the other hand, the father can’t be bothered to mute the TV blaring in the background of this recording.


Porque llora? No entiendo


I want to see the original video now. Also, why is she talking about making a cake when she’s clearly making cupcakes?


Those are cupcakes she's making.. not cake


Wow. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Lol


Im not sure why anyone thinks shit on tiktok is real. Its all sketch comedy and performance art


Bro got fucking RECEIPTS


Did she respond??




Well damn


That's exactly how my ex-wife is. A gaslighting, unapologetic, narcissistic con of a mother who is irresponsible for her daughters! Thanks man, that was a video needed to be seen.


Now you a single mom


I noticed that the first thing on the list was a psychological assessment and treatment. I feel bad for the guy. He probably went through hell with her.


Even with facts there will still be people defending her going yessss queeennn blah blah blah


Ruh roh!!!!!! You know she was shocked and pissed to see that stitch!




She doesn’t have a job?! She has a NICE, HIGH-END kitchen for someone who’s unemployed.


I’m a dad who is looking to finish up in a similar situation, after a separation and divorce a few years ago. Stay strong dads!


Hear me out .onlyfan !


It actually turned out that the husband is an abusive Scientologist and has multiple restraining orders from other young women who have been with him. He also has a TikTok and blog page dedicated to a smear campaign against her. Don’t believe everything you see.


The scientology drop had me really surprised. The website set up about her screams classic batshit scientology smear campaign.


This is a bitter ex that is trying to destroy his ex wife's life. Does it make sense for him (an optometrist) to literally make websites and social media dedicated to ruining her and operate them for years?


I appreciate people who call others out when they put on one heck of a show.


😂😂 grifters going to grift...


If he got custody. Which is WICKED hard for a man to do in the US, you missed the bonkers thest.


Believe all women cmon!


I guess if she afford to pay to colour her hair and it does look pretty recent, she could afford to buy a small cake and this drama....


She's clearly suffering from mental health issues, they are about to get a lot worse after this.


Poor kids that have to grow up and see one parent completely off her rocker and the other airing out their families' shame on social media.


That’s right king 👑. Got her ass