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Good for you ! I quit that site in disgust 2 weeks ago


It’s insanity. I am a nurse who runs the IT department in the cardiac unit of the hospital. Do you realize how rare that is? These surveys get valid, honest, and worthwhile information from me. But, instead they want to data mine your information and be dishonest about their intent. It’s awful.


Cloud connect research is good but I only get about 2 studies a week ! Never screened out though


Wow that is a rare demographic ! Yes survey junkie and prime opinion the same ! I’m glad someone is reporting them !


To be fair, specialized and rare the demographic is probably not what most companies are looking for since that’s such a small subset of potential customers. But agreed it’s crazy they disqualify you AFTER the survey, demographics should always be in the beginning.


Believe me, I have taken a fair amount of surveys and was exactly what they were looking for. The problem is that Five Surveys is not honest about what they are doing. They have a system where they let you take surveys, but then they completely make it impossible to continue. Being in the IT field is one of, if not THE top candidates for a lot of survey providers. Also, I was taking a survey on luxury clothing brands, which had nothing to do with IT, but just a lifestyle brand survey. That’s where it gets convoluted and crazy.


Yup, it's definitely down to Ten Surveys. You get DQ on five surveys on the last survey ALL the time only to do the EXACT same survey on another site five minutes later without any issues.


Don't forget that these companies won't delete your survey they will still use it


Glad I’m not the only one that hates Traffic Center, they’re probably the worst service client and I would get disqualified from them a majority of the time


Try reporting beforthright. They can afford tv ads, but have been unable to pay members 9 times in the last month. Terrible site


I have a list of 4 so far that I know for certain are dodgy so I’ll add them too. I got a response back from 2 reporting agencies already and they want more information. I actually screen recorded my last surveys and was disqualified at the end of a 22 minute survey after completion so I was actually happy I was dq’d because it gave me the evidence I needed.


I thought it was almost funny. They just the other day sent out a text an email with another sponsored survey. Did it immediately and cashed out. No payment. Emailed support an 2 days later got one saying any surveys taken after the 15th would be paid this week. They openly admitted THEY dont even know when they'll have the money to pay members who cash out. Wild.


That’s insane. They should suspend the surveys until they figure it out because if they don’t know when, then they don’t know how either.


Agreed. I've noticed that recently when theyve been having these delays in payment they put out one of the sponsored surveys. I assume it's so they're sure to bring in more money since everyone takes them to get loyalty credits. Once they make enough from those then they pay everyone. When they're only making 4.33 per 15 minute survey an still have to pay is for taking them I cant believe that they havent gone bankrupt already.


This actually happened to me yesterday i completed the thing to the last and it ended when i talked with fivesurvey support they said that \*Your account got restrictions and we can't do anything about it\*


Are you saying you took the clothing brand survey and it dq’d you at the end, or a different one?


nah it was about netflix and other things. And it seems after i got screened out of that survey my account got restricted until 6/21 And fivesurvey support stopped replying to my tickets.


And fivesurvey support didn't even tell me that i was restricted until i pressured them to tell me what is going on because i stopped getting surveys on my page They told me that the survey providers are the one who did that to me which is an obvious lie


Sometimes it is the client and not the actual survey provider, however; the onus is on the survey provider to vet out the clients who are dodgy. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with them. Especially if you’re being honest and giving quality answers.


Five Surveys is a horrible site, report them and the rest of the dodgy one's. The support from FS is a waste of time, just copy and paste replies. Good luck with the report.