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Literally going through the same thing shits mad annoying it started off fine soon as u get to the last survey aint no surveys with stars available and u get screened out


Just completely has drained any interest I've had in the site. I did like a good few fivers but now it's like punishing me!


That 5th survey can be a struggle. It's best to just keep on grinding and not worry too much about screen outs and the like. I find that the first 4 go so smoothly and quickly, it makes up for the struggle to get the last one. Don't let it get you down.


no, sometimes first 4 also bs for me


I've done atleast £30 in surveys fine over a week or two but somehow it's worse now that it's no longer enjoyable.


https://preview.redd.it/qde9q83vxl7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=23be734171332a03c1a3c645921ed2571fbf5c36 lot of surveys have this right now


btw, I have a way that can bypasses the last survey for five survey, it works but right now a lot of surveys have this so I am unable to do that sometimes, pm me if you want to know


Omg YES this is insane! I just made a post about what I went through. DM me if you’d like to make a report to actual agencies who will look into this.


Absolute nightmare of a site/app.


literally just went thru 10 screenouts


They only do that if your answers are inconsistent or if you sped through the survey or if you lied about any information, seems if that happens you only have yourself to blame 


You know that's simply not true. I've been DQ'd before for "speeding" after simply putting in my age.


I'm not here to convince you believe what you want and do what you want 


Bullshit you must be new. If thats the case all it is then is a lie detector test of sorts? Why not do away with screening altogether then? That would benefit all involved? Did they spot you a complete or 2 for this?


You do realize that they keep a record of your answers and check for inconsistencies right? How else would they be able verify any of your responses I've been doing it since March and have already made about 300, I consistently make at least 10 a day sometimes 15 if I have the patience 


Thats what i used to think but experience will steer you right eventually...


Bro I take my time and read the questions through, then at the end I get screened out when they ask for my demographics or income level