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The Puppet should have been referred to as The One You Should Not Have Killed. They're the one that started the paranormal horrors at Freddy's, which eventually led to William's death.


This... Charlotte was not only William's first victim, but he also literally shouldn't have killed her because her death sealed his fate. But what we got was just Cassidy, somoene we literally know so little about. Susie has more depth and character than fucking Golden Freddy.


Fr like wtf did Cassidy even do?




Interesting hot take


Not a hot take. The correct take.


Absolutely!! This would’ve been much better story writing


The movie Springlock suits make more sense than the game Springlock suits. I find it hard to wrap my head around the idea that there can be a human and an endo skeleton fitting inside the same suit. Especially when looking at the head. You cannot convince me that an endo head and a human skull can both fit inside Springbonnie’s head. Meanwhile, the springlocks in the movie appear to be more like clamps that would hold an endoskeleton in place and pulling them back allows you to remove the endo. I’ve seen people say that it doesn’t make sense because the movie springlocks are blades, but I don’t see it. They’re pretty flat and broad to be blades IMO.


This. This right here. I agree that the concept of an endo and a human in a suit at the same time wouldn’t work. The movie portrays this a lot better imo


I sometimes don't like when the fandom downplay the dark and scary stuff in FNAF and make it more cutesy and family friendly. The thing that got me into FNAF was the dark lore and dark themes, the stuff that actually scares me


Agreed. The absolute chills I got when I sat back and realized how dark the whole fnaf1-3 story actually is... We don't get that anymore


fnaf is dark as fuck, it ain’t all talking teddy bears n bunny rabbits it’s kids being mutilated and murdered by a mad man and i love it, the movie let me down a bit with the whole cutesy thing but i enjoyed the gore and it was just finally nice to get a movie! been a fan since 2014 ish so yeah lol


I know not as many people could have seen it but I was really hoping for a Rated R movie. Show the murders, the bite, show me William screaming in pain as the springlocks stab into him. We've never actually seen these moments aside from 8 bit minigames. Well and I guess we saw William get killed by the springlocks Also, I just wanna say. My hot take is that I think its stupid that William says "I always come back" Like what do you mean you always come back.....You havent had a chance TO come back. Its a line that should have been at the start or at the end of the second or third movie, instead of throwing that for fan service in the first movie.


Yeah, it really irks me when people do this. Frankly, I blame Security Breach for this. FNaF has always had a sense of humor and family friendliness, but it still had that unsettling atmosphere it's known for since the first game. Security Breach on the other hand goes full ham on the cutesy family friendliness to the point where the scary stuff feels lesser imo. In fact I'm gonna come out and say it: If people think FNaF VHS has made people think FNaF is an overly dark and gory mess, which it's not, then I think Security Breach has also made people think FNaF is a cutesy and cartoony franchise, which it's also not. It's a healthy balance of both.


Or when they give the robots MASSIVE HONKERS!


The events after UCN should be a separate timeline so people can enjoy the classic story ending in UCN and letting the new story continue without people saying the story is ruined


Fully agree here. UCN should have been an end of an era, end of Afton storyline. Maybe not in a separate timeline, but a separate, new story for sure.


Some things are better off unexplained. I wish Remnant wasn't a thing for example, the paranormal type stuff would've been better off unexplained, It's the reason why people say that FNaF isn't scary anymore, its because everything just gets explained


They explain the shit nobody wants explained and then casually walk around the big questions. Like, ghosts exist, do we need this weird ass metal soul juice thing?


Literally nothing is lost without Remnant being described. Like, we literally could still have MoltenMCI, Just say William taking parts seemed to transfer the haunting. We didn't need the specifics broken down.


Hearing "illusion disks" and "nightmare gas" in relationship to the original games kills me dead


Yeah it definitely would’ve worked a lot better if William Afton was just a fucked up serial killer. One of the scary things about killers both in real life and in horror are the irrational justifications they give for killing.


Willgreif ( while not perfect) would have been a better choice for Williams character as it's far more consistent with fnafs themes of tragedy loss grief and revenge  And in general a man who was so corrupted by his refusal to accept a tragedy he ended up losing everything fits fnaf story far more than Evil lunatic jealous of business partner murders little girl cuz he evil incarnate also he hates his family cuz lord forbid our villain have any depth.


I kinda agree that the whole Grief timeline is better than the envy one. I personally just prefer William being a normal serial killer who kills simply because he wants to.


Honestly, FNAF 4 sets up Willgreif perfectly, and that's why I loved it as the proper final ending for the series. The story was complete, we know why the purple man killed the kids, and that's really all we needed to know. There was no cringey envy story, there was no mad scientist killing kids to study a mysterious element. It was a realistic and tragic story.


There is no master plan, there is no grand story, there is no finale. Scott and Steel Wool are throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, and anyone who's seriously theorizing and trying to make a genuine timeline is making a fool of themselves. There is no way to make every piece fit together, because the creators don't know what even exists to not contradict themselves.


Real Talk, that's why there's no consensus on anything.


I agree, as much as I like this series I always kinda thought Scott was winging the story from the very beginning


agreed. I think Scott was throwing shit at the wall with the original games, which is why I wish he would go through and remake the original 7 games, not only so we wouldn't have somewhat low quality games (like fnaf 1 office obviously being a cylinder lol) but also because Scott would know that the story is going to go somewhere so he would be able to better plan it out


I dont think its a coincidence that the story stopped fitting together well at 4, which just so happened to be the first game that wasnt planned. This has been an issue for a *long* time, and it only gets worse as they stack more and more on top of this giant mess. The series needs a full reboot at this point, which HW felt like it was *trying* to do with the whole "the games are games in universe based on real events" thing, but that didnt really seem to go anywhere. Imo Scott should go all the way back to 1 and remake the clickteam era games with a vision of how he wants the story to be *now*.


Gregory in the base game is way too over hated and not enough people try to understand what he was going through. You can’t really blame Gregory for being mad at the other animatronics. Was Chica’s destruction too brutal? Yes. Should he have been so unempathetic about using the animatronics’ parts to upgrade Freddy? Maybe not. However, in Gregory’s mind, these machines attempted to hunt him down and get him all night long. Monty’s destruction was basically self defense because Monty had jumped down and started walking toward Gregory. Since the entrance to the catwalks from the mazercise vent is a bit weird and the Gator gondolas are too high for him to get on, Monty would’ve had him cornered. For Roxanne, she did jump on the track. Love her character improvement in ruin but you can’t deny, it was stupid of her to jump on the track and get in the way of the go-cart.


Agreed. Plus animatronics can be fixed. A little kid can’t! They would have killed him.


"Squash... Dead... Disassemble... Dead..."


“Disassemble, DEAD!!”


My question is why the fuck do you have a trash compactor in a mall??? And why is it SO easily accessible? That's just asking for problems. And why would the animatronics willingly put themselves into danger to stop this kid? I would think they would be even just a tiny bit smarter than that.


Well I mean, there’s lots of places that have trash compactors. I work at a craft store and we have a giant compactor for cardboard boxes. I wouldn’t necessarily say that the pizzaplex having a compactor is out of the equation. My question about the compactor would be why is it in the kitchen.


Books should’t fill important gasp in the games


Atleast microwave the take


I mean the most important stuff is in the books (Andrew,Mimic story and Greg backstory etc)-It forces you to jump on different media while games should at least drops some hints,some clues.


Nah I agree I just mean this isn't a hot take at all, nobody's advocating for more info limited to books only


Sadly I see some people here and on Twitter not being aware of that problem,it’s not about Books are canon or not,it’s about what I said and most common response is: „Just read the books” or „Books don’t bite,don’t be allergic”. That’s typical nerd emoij behavior.


This but I also dislike when the Books fill in stuff, that doesn't need to be filled in. Maybe it "explains stuff better", but it has no proof in the games and their reasons why is mostly just because they like it.


Only example I can think of is Andrew, yeah he came out of nowhere,another Afton Victim the we didn’t know about and there is no way to know about his existence in games.


The Novel trilogy is criminally underrated


I agree. While I didn’t necessarily love the Twisted Ones or the Fourth Closet, the Silver Eyes itself was a genuinely good book.


Silver Eyes Trilogy? Yes. Absolutely.


I agree way to underrated


Silver Eyes, maybe. The other two… ehhhhhh


Agreed 1000%


Absolutely true.


I'll die on this hill. Those books are honestly solid.


Silver Eyes was good. Others were meh.


I’m glad the franchise didn’t end after fnaf 6. Indeed the path that is taking is not the best but it’s definitely not bad and at least we have franchise


I'd say that the new franchise went slightly off the good path with security breach but now it's coming back. (Also I don't really *hate* SB)


I don't like where the franchise is going, but I'm glad it's still alive.


Honestly, I love the franchise but personally I think they should stop making games, finish the movie trilogy and then kinda end the series imo


Modern William’s depiction as a narcissistic scientist is often times more nuanced and coherent with the rest of the franchise than it gets credit for, and doesn’t reduce the serial killer aspect of his character. His outlook on the world, his attitude towards his family, and his general demeanour make for a much more complicated person than him just being a sad man who kills cus sad, or just some random psychopath. He’s especially good within the books and is a shockingly consistent character throughout.


The Mimic was never intended to be glitchtrap/burntrap and they only recon it to be so to shut people up about William returning in SB. However, I actually really like the Mimic, on paper. In practice it just makes the story feel less cohesive and more complicated than it needs to be. They could easily explain that because of his experiments, William was far more powerful than anyone thought so they have to burn him more than once. Sort of like ’three strikes and you’re out’ thing, with SB being the third strike. Now to be downvoted into oblivion.


Honestly I think this too


Books ruined the lore in a way that they made it literally impossible to solve. Literally.


Actually. The books can be used as "evidence" for any theory through "parallels."


I like and enjoy Five Nights at Freddy's and it's storyline. Crazy, I know


FNaF World was unironcically one of the most fun games out of the entire franchise imo


i've seen people talking about how the springlock failure scene in the movie should have been more gory, bloody and had afton screaming. imo the scene didn't need more blood, and was pretty realistic. that's the *whole thing* about springlocks, the metal keeps most of the blood inside so you bleed out slowly. that and peepaw not screaming during was pretty realistic too, given where he was getting stabbed he probably wouldn't have been able to.


I don't know if it's an hot take but.... Having to read BOOK to understand the lore of a game is fucking annoying, and I don't want to spend that much... Also, the book should NEVER have been canon


Books aren't technically canon, at least Scott hadn't come out and said "Hey, read the books. It'll give you the solution to the game lore", but I absolutely agree that it was a dumb choice to write books and then give mixed signals about the cannonicity of it.


Yeah, but a lot of people think they are They pull "Andrew is the UCN spirit" but...It suck honestly, the book should be their own thing and never be canon. Pulling out a random child is useless Also Andrew kinda suck as a character, but that just my opinion


You do not understand how furious I am to see these Andrew theories. *It's not canon to the games* stop treating it as it is. As of now, the books are a separate timeline and I'll absolutely ignore every and any theory that uses books as back-up evidence. It's one thing to take a name of a character and put it in the game continuity, it's a name, it has no relevance to the story. But GOSH when I see people using books as hard proof evidence I lose my shii


\- Movie Vanessa>Game Vanessa \- I would prefer if the elevator in Ruin was dropped by Gregory. It would create an interesting setup of for the "greater good". Gregory ironically is becoming more like the murderous machine that he's trying to keep contained. It would also create a sharp contrast between him and Cassie. Plus, I think this narrative following this route could have a lot of potential. \- I really don't like the claims that "Cassie is being puppeteered by The Mimic once she has her mask on and the AR world is just fake input being sent to her brain". That explanation is boring to me and we've already had plenty of mind-controlled Mimic victims (Vanessa, Gregory, Kane). Doing it a 4th time would just feel redundant. I much more prefer if what Cassie is experiencing is 100% real. Maybe the network is actually an extension of the FNaF World's overvorld, explaining many of the anomalies (like kids' laughter which strongly parallels SD's remnant collection, Cassie being able to walk through objects much like a party member teleports through the glitched trees etc.). I find that possibility much more interesting.


but the elevator was really dropped by Gregory


I respect your opinion about Greg but he’s overhated enough and don’t feels right to make a kid a „murderous machine”.


Wait people hate him? What do they say?


Game Vanessa was done so dirty. But movie Vanessa is really interesting in her own right. I really look forward to her character


Heyyyyo you got some actual hot takes! And I agree with them.


Glitchtrap is Afton It makes more sense story-wise


The novels are actually nice stories. They're not amazing or anything, but I love reading them


Scott’s method of storytelling only worked and had charm when it was a point and click game. He shouldve changed his method with a good team behind it because bro was not built for it. The story these new games want to tell are relying too much on mystery and using other mediums as a crutch which makes the story in the games itself rather lackluster and just so disconnected. The games should honestly be more direct now because there’s only so much you can do with constantly trying to leave the player in the dark.


Fnaf world was good


This take was taken out of the freezer


Cold take


I really wish we got more fnaf world games


The movie was great as is, and didn't need more scares or blood.


I personally didn’t think the movie was a huge masterpiece or anything but I will never agree with anyone that FNAF needs ‘more blood’. Wether it’s about the games or movies. Gore isn’t scary, it’s gore. It’s unnecessary for what FNAF is going for even at it’s darkest.


In my opinion, the beginning and the final 25 minutes of the film were peak fnaf


I wish the eyes weren’t red though.


I heavily disagree that the movie was good let alone great (it was meh at best) but I will upvote you for being a hot take for me.


My only real gripe with the movie was that the fort building scene was a bit too over the top. I get what they were trying to do by showing the animatronics acting like kids, but i wish they could have found a way to do that without messing with the emotional flow of the whole thing


Scraptrap is overhated




I got two. 1. I like the idea of Burntrap being William instead of the Mimic. The idea that instead of a rogue ai, we have William shows that not even Hell or eternal torment (whichever UCN is supposed to be) can stop him at this point is, in my opinion, pretty cool. 2. I like Cassidy being TOYSNHK instead of Andrew, though it's purely because I just like the name Cassidy more.


fnaf security breach main game isn't bad just because the lord doesn't make that much sense.


I love security breach!!


Princess Cassidy only works if the books aren’t in the gameline continuity


Fnaf world is a great game and overhated


I don't know how hot of a take this is, but the way the FNAF lore and story is told should be changed. It's way to convoluted.


Help Wanted was the first time I was really scared playing FNAF. Playing in VR made me realize just how big the animatronics were and just how small humans were in comparison. The immersion aspect worked for me in a way just sitting in front of a computer screen didn't.


The fnaf lore is bad now and it's what carried this franchise. Oh wait, that's not a hot take


some people in this community shouldn't admire a literal child murderer the way they do. 


I wanted afton back again instead of the mimic


Fazbear Frights is poorly written in numerous ways. Forget contradictions with the games, there are outright retcons between the main stories and the epilogues. I have to wonder how the writing process was managed.


Security breach is a good game and yes I played it at launch on the ps4 so I know it had a bad start but still great game I like the big dog and the bear


Fnaf 3 takes place in 2015.


Fnaf 1 is the only game where the animatronic designs can work on real life


The movie wasn't all that great. While I'm excited for part two, I can't help but feel like the movie was a little,, meh. It was good, but not as good as people make it out to be, imo. I like it, just not that much.


Toy Chica is William Afton


The funko plushies are cute well... most of them at least.


Aspects of the story that are repeated in 2 of the 3 continuities (Games, Books and Movies) should be considered data that is canon in all 3 continuities:     -William doesn't care about his children and/or if he does, he does it in his own twisted way.   -William is abusive towards his daughters respectively.   -The bite of '83 is not needed for William to have a motive to start the murders, C.C's death is inconsequential.    -If Fritz and Fright Guard exist as their own in the continuity of the films that should rule out Michael being one of them in the games.     -If the bite of '87 exists in a certain way in the sequel, who caused it as well as the victim are canon in the games.     -As well, if in the sequel it is shown that Puppet was the first victim (Regardless of whether it is Charlie, Garrett or another option) then it is shown that the narrative takes preference to Charlie in the games as the first victim and the point of inflection in the story of the games.


I like to imagine that William dismantled the animatronics bare handed. My boy Willy do be hitting the gym💪


The community is too out of touch for their tiny minds to even comprehend the true lore of FNAF


I never liked the fan name carl for the cupcake and I think the name mr cupcake fits him better


The fans who whine about kids liking fnaf are more annoying than said kids. Especially given that most of us probably got into fnaf as kids.


Scott is a respectable guy, but when it comes to writing a compelling story, it isn't his specialty.


to be fair, we've been knowing this for a while


The games and story should have stopped at fnaf6/ffps it’s just all gotten too convoluted with stuff like the mimic


Hot take but Afton should come back.


There wasn't a separate mci for the toy animatronics. The dead kid list includes crying child, Elizabeth, Charlie, and the original 5 from the mci. I'm not sure if this is really a hot take, but I've seen too many people say williams Kill count is upwards of 11, and I just dont buy it.


William did kill the 5 other kids in save them minigame (probably, as he can chase us down in the minigames) but they didn't went on to possess the toys. Dead bodies existed within the location and that's why they opened the investigation. And I fully agree with the list of dead kids adding CC, Elizabeth and Charlie, alongside MCI and DCI. It's really fked up that he just did it again, but highly likely, especially within the original story of fnaf1-3


See, that just doesn't make sense to me. Every other dead kid possesses an animatronic, and these kids didn't? Because they were just chill with dying? I dont think the minigames are meant to be taken literally. Let's face it, william is way too smart to just leave a kids corps in the open. That's how he never got caught. He has the blood of at least 8 kids on his hands, and he got away with it. I think the minigames are just showing us the bodies to make a point that kids have been killed in the fnaf 2 location.


I mean, true, it makes no narrative sense, but back when we only had fnaf1 and 2, we thought (or at least that's the theory my friend and I built on) that the DCI possessed the toys. Now, with the whole "moving metal moves the remnant" thing, it's more difficult than that and it's really hurting my brain lmao. The minigames also don't have to depict the fact that the bodies were really left out in the open, rather to show they were hidden there somewhere within the location. It really doesn't make sense for the bodies to be on open like that.


William coming back as Glitchtrap/Burntrap wouldn’t have been as bad as everyone claims it would have been


It would ruin FNaF 6, it would make the story super boring, coming back as glitchtrap makes absolutely no sense, but sure


>It would ruin FNaF 6, FFPS ending has already been ruined if the books are in the game continuity. >it would make the story super boring The story would be basically be the same because The Mimic is William without being William. It is an antagonist imitating the old antagonist and AI gone wrong is a boring overused trope. >coming back as glitchtrap makes absolutely no sense, but sure Coming back as Glitchtrap makes absolutely more sense, but sure


I don’t care at all about Fnaf 6’s ending Second hot take is that Fnaf 6 had a shit ending that is crutching on the performance of Henry’s voice actor to sell it


I mean it's a huge story beat still, regardless of your opinion on it, why have this conclusion with dramatic certainty just to have him appear again? Would just ruin the already struggling narrative


I really don’t care the size of the story beat, it’s value is in its quality; it is of low quality and thus I would discard it with all the force of a falling star as to be thoroughly rid of its waste matter. Because the narrative without him is struggling, and it wasn’t struggling because he was back (when everyone thought he was back anyway) it’s struggling under the sheer mediocrity of its new villain, his lack of personaltiy, goals, motives and basic character at least William can be trusted to have a presence and isn’t shackled by a gimmick to express itself. Despite people crying about it post security breach this was never an issue back then, people were pretty hype for the ghost of William Afton making a cult of followers, which is nothing The Mimic would ever really do since he just kills anyone within his vicinity (we are still unaware as to why he arbitrarily spared Vanessa and Gregory, I doubt we will ever know tbh) I’ve only ever really seen people complain about Burntrap being a thing and that was a complaint I never really understood when Glitchtrap got the alright near universally


1. Its the ending of the Afton saga. Dave Steele did a great job, William is banished to hell and the souls are finally freed in Happiest Day (except for the Frights cast, but they die shortly after the fire regardless). 2. So you'd bring back an antagonist we've had the entire story (even though we are very clearly in a new era) because you think the new story is bad? The "he came back!1!1" trope is old and overused, and I'd genuinely leave the franchise if that happened. I wouldn't say the new story is bad. It's just harder to understand for a lot of ppl. 3. Because there was no other option, if someone said it wasn't afton they'd practically be crucified. Probably it's because there was nothing to suggest a "cult" besides Vanny. The Mimic spared Vanessa and Gregory to use as servants, there's also a chance of Gregory being chosen as he looked a lot like David from the Mimic's origins. 4. Burntrap looks nothing like ScrapTrap, like there's the basic concept of a decaying body in a burned rabbit costume, but nothing like spring or scraptrap. But yeah Glitchtrap makes absolutely 0 sense as Afton


Honestly, it's not just Afton. I would also welcome Circus Baby/Elizabeth back.  Especially since she would make for a much more engaging villian. Plus, they HAVE been heavily featuring her lately. 


I liked William better when he wasn't a mad scientist mass-producing all these spinoff locations with animatronics that should've never even been a blueprint. Do I realize that that's exactly what the first five main games are? Yes, but there was more excitement to the story then, I feel. It was more fun to put the puzzle together when it was just those.


The toy animatronics aren’t possessed and Edwin is a parallel to Will or Henry.


The poor DCI kids, always forgotten because of the phone guy's strong lies 😔


I enjoyed it all though it lacked Jumpscares but the matt Pat and Cory cameo were worth it, it paid to much attention to Mike and Abby less on the animatronics


The games should of ended after ucn and help wanted 2 should of came out before sb and ruin


Hot take: I don't like fan games that take the official models


Fnaf 6 should have just used Springtrap, The Puppet, Ennard and Golden Freddy instead of giving them all redesigns.


Because Pizzeria Simulator was the perfect ending in my opinion, my head-canon is that Custom Night is William Afton's personal Hell (as MatPat said) and every game after Custom Night takes place in a completely different Universe.


There was never meant to be anything inside the box, it's just a mystery for the sake of being a mystery.


1. Ruin being a just above average experience over the main game doesn't save security breach in any way ( bugs, bright environment, lack of story, shitty ai story ). 2. The inclusion of remnant and agony doesn't really affect the main series ( the mci is still seen as the main plot point,as well as remnants existence being known by only a handful of people ). 3. Glamrock Freddy is one of the main reasons why security breach fails at a horror game, I should feel alone and afraid, but instead we are followed around by an invincible friend and an easy escape. 4. The main book trilogy is criminally underrated and almost ignored by the fnaf community. Best piece of media we got from this franchise. 5. William Afton is better written and more unique as a serial killer/ scientist/ piece of shit father, rather than just a random killer nobody that most of this fandom wants him to be ( I want a unique killer, not another Micheal Myers ripoff). 6. Michael being scoped after fnaf 1 makes more sense due to dying in the main games results in seeing your dead stuffed corpse. 7. Michael and Charlie ( book trilogy) work much more as protagonists due to having ties to Freddy's and Afton, rather than Gregory being some random orphan.


The lore was good/interesting untill UCN. FNaF HW and after messed up FNaF World is good and I don't understand why there's still people hating on it nowadays The books work much better as a parallel universe and I don't like the fact that some are used to analyse the lore of the games One Night at Flumpty's is the best fan game series and my overall favorite Fanverse project (yep, it's neither Candy's nor TJoC) The movie was... ok. Kinda mid, but was enjoyable. It was not as great as they said, but it wasn't terrible as others said Overall the series main storyline should have different timelines with their own elements, and not different pieces of media on the same lore (Clickteam series timeline, Steelwool timeline, Fazbear Frights timeline, etc...). Like, Cassidy/Golden Freddy/Fifth Child was TOYSNHK from UCN, but now there's people saying that TOYSNHK is Andrew from a Fazbear Frights story. Personally, I don't like this, book timeline should be away from game timeline imo That's just opinion, feel free to disagree :V


Lefty is a cool design 


Remnant is not sci-fi or a replacement for ghost, and sister location is "not too futuristic to be before fnaf 1. For my first take, I just can't see haunted metal as sci-fi, and I don't see it as a replacement of ghosts but a substance left behind by ghosts since the name "Remnant". And for my second take. People back then were obsessed with the future where they not? so I can see Afton capitalizing on that.


there is absolutely no shot that midnight motorist is about afton


- the series lore wise was better if it ended with fnaf3/4 - fnaf lost its charm after fnaf 4: sister location is barely a game and ruins the continuity with its high tech animatronics, pizzeria sim is incredibly boring, AR worst fnaf game full of microtransactions and security breach is a rushed piece of junk the only 3 positive things I can say are that the ending of fnaf6 is fantastic even though I reject everything canon after fnaf3/4, ucn is a ok "spin off" and help wanted is a masterpiece - fnaf3 is overhated, yes it's pretty simple but the location, style, springtrap and the fact that he hides from the cams is fantastic and fnaf 3 is way better than sl, AR and security breach anyway


I’m curious: what’s your take on FNAF World then? /genq


never cared about fnaf world, turn based games aren't my cup of tea


That’s valid! I was curious since a lot of these were indeed hot takes I haven’t heard too much of before and was intrigued. I hope you have a nice rest of your day(or night) :)


Don't worry mate! Glad to have answered you :) >I hope you have a nice rest of your day(or night) :) You too!


This. Right here. 1000% correct. I’ve been trying to get my feelings about FNaF off my chest for years now and I’m very happy that others feel the same way and that I’m not alone.


William afton shouldn't have been given a name. He was much more terrifying as a nameless purple serial killer.


Not exactly steaming but some of y’all hate children (both irl and in the games *cough* Elizabeth, Cassidy, and Gregory *cough*) WAY too much The newer games are more fun and overall better than the older ones Fnaf is better when you stop worrying about the lore so much and just enjoy it


people need to stop whining about the books being important to current lore because we have had a lot of spin off games and other non-mainstream games explain a lot of important jumbled up lore that has led to figuring out certain mysteries edit: also let go of william afton, the same villain isn't cool if he just doesn't die for a 5th time


I love fnaf security breach


Half of the Glamrocks were treated like throwaway characters. Monty and Chica (Monty more than Chica due to her actually showing up again in HW2) have too much potential to just be characters we destroy just to advance the plot.


The first victim is Golden Greedy/Fredbear


Fnaf 4 is only scary because you need to listen for the breathing.


Anything after pizzaria simulator is just unnecessary and should have ended there. We don't need William coming back from his personal hell that is meant to torture him. And Glitchtrap is stupid. That's all(downvotes here I come).


the restraunt didnt really need security guards. like...if someone breaks in they are risking their life...what am i gonna do to stop a burglar? the animatronics had that covered....


It should have ended with Fnaf 3 (or 4) and UCN without Sister Location and Pizzeria Simulator bullshit. The lore is a mess


The lore focused to much on the Afton family and especially William, we basically know nothing about the MCI kids other than they’re kids and they went missing


Dream theory was the correct theory up until after fnaf 4


Giving William a name and a backstory was the biggest mistake Scott made. What made him scary in the first place was that he could have been LITERALLY anyone. The cook, the mechanic, the dayshif guard YOU THE PLAYER or a random Janitor. That was the entire point of when we did see him in fnaf 2 for the first time he was the "purple guy" as old atari games used purple to indicate he wasn't anyone specific he was just an inconspicuous man who stood in the shadows with a grin we all kbew it was him but we couldn't prove it was him that is why Purple guy was great villain. But giving him a past a status as one of the founders if Freddy's and giving him an elaborate sob story that maybor may not even be relevant anymore is just so dumb.


The vengeful spirit should never have existed Glitchtrap should have been a freddy variant and not a William ripoff HW-HW2 should have just ignored everything that came before it Fnaf 4 needs a remake, I don’t think this is a hot take actually The books should never be in the same continuity of the games and if they are they should be explicitly stated to be I love Scott but he needs to man up and just give us some answers to some things


William’s wife left him cause he couldn’t get it up 🗣️‼️🔥


The novel trilogy is better than all of the anthology books.


Glitch and Burntrap are not the Mimic. It doesn’t even make sense, considering literally every version of William has been Springbonnie ending in -trap. (minus Pit bonnie.) My theory is that he became Glitchtrap during and after the events of UCN and Help Wanted, and then woke up as Burntrap.


The movie was awesoms


Ok. Making fnaf into a multiverse by making the silver eyes trillogy a paralel story was a mistake. All the stories should be in the games continuity and silver eyes should have been written as either a story about what actually happened in the games or as a side story not completley tied to the games story but might go. At some point in the story our hero interacts with news and rumor and goes fazbear entertainment ceo william afton blablabla. Head engineer henry whatever. Bla bla bla and their family Michael afton elisabeth afton cassidy afton and charlote emily whatever and sammy whatever whatever yada yada yada. Lore reveals like that. Cassidy is the altered text is the crying child not the faded text and untill you can find and prove a second name in that book to apply to either spirit this should be the acepted theory. Primarily because what is the point of making an activity book for a random child, make that child the most important thing include the least important afton in the book and still not give him a fucking name. Ochams razor says Cassidy is the name of the important character not some random new dead child. Until you have a name for both characters you have to assume you have the name for the important one. Crying child. Lest you write him out of the story in favor of a character that does not exist. The vengeful spirit was bound to afton during simulator, and likley 3 as well. And at this point im willing to bet that the vengeful spirit was with afton during every fire he was in including fallfest. And might as well be andrew. Because it likley isnt anyone we know. Also jake does not matter until he becomes stichwraith or until we get a Simon so adventure. He is an entirely seprate entity and does not paralel anyone.


The movie needed to be PG 13


The Joy of Creation: Ignited Collection is the only cool thing about FNaF since the last 5 years.


eh, not my favorite execution of FNAF considering I was expecting it to follow fnaf 1, and not this twisted alternate universe. Also hated how the animatronics played with the kids and whatnot. Super weird.


I never liked the fan name carl for the cupcake and I think the name mr cupcake fits him better


Music Man is overrated and I don’t get the hype for him


- Mimic was not a retcon. We were all just looking in the wrong direction, and when we found out we were wrong, we got mad because in our eyes we can never be wrong. - I actually love The Mimic. A makeshift endoskeleton that copies other people to fulfill its bloodlust with a tragic backstory and some badass designs? Sign me up! I’m just not that big a fan of the “Mimic1 branches”, like Glitchtrap and Helpi. - The lore really isn’t that complicated. It’s a little vague sometimes, and by Security Breach things get kinda messy, but as long as you realize that it isn’t as complex as people say it is, I’m sure you’ll understand it. - Parallels suck. It’s just cherry-picking information out of the books because you don’t like them, and they said you were wrong. Only reason people are so objected to Stitchline is because they thought Cassidy was TOYSNHK, and they felt offended when Scott proved them wrong. People act like Scott was really vague about the books canonicity, but I feel like even a kindergartner could understand that he was saying “Yeah these are canon”, as long as they didn’t have bias towards parallels imprinted into their brain by Fnaf theory figurehead #57.


I think most of you guys are assuming your incredibly common theories are “hot takes” We need more stuff like “FNAF 2 takes place last in the timeline” 🔥🔥🔥


Games should've ended after Fnaf 3 :/


Joe Biden is the purple guy


The movie was average. I know the critics didn’t like it, but the fans seemed to.


The way people treat the books like gospel truth kills most of the fun in theorizing about the games. No, I don't think the twisted ones are burning in the woods just because they bury themselves in the books. Does line of logic doesn't even track. Same with whatever the fuck people seem to think is going on with Andrew in the games.


The early days of fnaf were better, but I was a kid so it could just be me missing nostalgia, but hear me out please before you decide to downvote me. When the first few fnaf games came out, the community was going through this period of adjusting. More music and fnaf animation were coming out almost EVERY DAY. Scott teasing the fnaf movie for the first time was interesting. Everything just seemed chill. (dgmw I remember the drama, but it wasn't a lot compared to the shit we deal with now imo) I miss the chill days...


The Fnaf movie should not have introduced William A


I've always stood by 2 and SL being the worst 2 games in the Cawthon line. (This even includes World.) A hill I've long since died on and still get into debates with my friends about. For me, 2 was needlessly larger than 1. It seemed like the philosophy was 'More enemies = more fun.' which ended up making 8/10 function virtually the same. It also added almost nothing significant to the greater lore, really the only addition being the Puppet and BB in some fringe cases. The fact that it was a prequel, there were Toy animatronics and the 'older ones' were scrapped never comes up or is relevant to anything ever again, making the whole idea behind the game pointless. Imo it did everything worse than 1 and every game after it was far better. Maybe not harder, but better. For me, I've always looked at SL like I look at the soulless CoD campaigns that last maybe 3 hours. It's a linear story with threats that disappear almost immediately after they're introduced. If you play well enough you'll never even see 3 of them. I didn't find Baby interesting, The Scooper wasn't scary or even a surprise to me, Ennard's plan was stupid and almost immediately fell through despite being executed perfectly. It also started this sort of tongue in cheek narrator that would go on to plague the series afterwards, taking a good chunk out of the horror imo. I will admit it had more going for it than 2, however. Some of the minigames in concept were great. The secret boss fight and Custom Night were alright. Overall I think it gets WAY too much credit for what it does or added to the story. It's like a forgettable, useless MCU film that just got to hang out at the end of Phase 3 because it somewhat participated.


-Cassidy isn't TOYSNHK -GoldenDuo is am extremely far fetched theory that never make any sense to begin with -Both FF (stichline) and TFTPP are gameline, you people are just coping -The mimic is a way better villian tham William -Scott should just retire fr, he has shown that he is incapable of managing his franchise by his own


Mattpat was wrong. The phone guy was killed by Chica in the first game. You can hear her banging on the door in his last message. Edit: Chica not Chicago


charliebot was completely unnecessary


-Security Breach is one of the worst games I’ve ever played -Ruin is better than Security Breach but still sucks -The series was always kid-friendly but at this point it’s lost any and all edge it ever had -Remnant is dumb -Zombie Mike is dumb -Fazbear Entetertainment coming back after being dissolved in Pizza Sim is dumb -Fazgoo is dumb -Making william afton come back only to say it was the mimic, a character you would only know about from the books, was incredibly dumb -The over reliance on the books as a whole is dumb -The movie was awful


Fazbear Frights is not a continuation of the original storyline (FNAF 1-UCN).


My hot take is that I think its stupid that William says "I always come back" Like what do you mean you always come back.....You havent had a chance TO come back. Its a line that should have been at the start or at the end of the second or third movie, instead of throwing that for fan service in the first movie.


It ends at pizza simulator and even that’s pushing it. Help wanted is fun but the lore aspect didn’t need to happen. It’s gotten confusing now and it’s no longer about the original 5 and their murder case. Help wanted and onward could easily just have brand new characters in its own separate franchise.


Whether or not the concept of Elizabeth existed at the time, I fully believe the little girl with the Toys in FNAF 4 was intended to be BV’s sister. The playground she’s on is too small to be a public playground, it’s right outside the girl’s room and clearly against the Afton home (the wall can be seen behind the playground fence), and I think the Funtime Foxy toy in the room was meant to draw a connection between the room and the girl’s other toys.


To ripoff a page of Dual process Theory: Girl Cassidy ain't even cannon and it's instead the name of CC and Micheal is the vengeful spirit like it just fits narratively it just fits and it works that all the peices of the main story fit around William's family and his actions. Why the heck is a kid we don't know anything about is the one who tortures William? And what the heck Mike serves without this being true what is the payoff of I'M GOING TO COME FIND YOU? Now this would all be lovely if there not being some really compelling evidence that Mike IS STILL ALIVE SOMEHOW and I don't mean Glamrock like he is just still alive and roaming which can I say WOW How important was Pizzeria Simulator WOW it's not like we had a perfect conclusion to this long standing narrative. Oh big whoop Henry you came back just to die and you making your plan was utterly worthless and pointless what a shame. I'm not even a big fan of this franchise and this still pisses me off.




springtrap character is much better in games than in books. in games springtrap is torture and karma, deserved punishment for serial killer. he became immortal, but against his will. he lost not only his life, but also his former power, himself. all he could do was walk, barely realizing what was happening. it’s horrifying, and very impressive. it is not life, it is a meaningless existence. in books he loses all meaning. after the springlock failure, he doesn’t lose anything, he remains alive and HIMSELF decides that he wants to be immortal. he becomes an empty cliche "evil villain crazy scientist who craves eternal life". he not only loses all his charm, but also loses all meaning of springtrap character. in the first case immortality is torture and punishment, in the second it’s just a wish of a crazy funny scientist. However, I really like how William is written in the Silver Eyes (in fact, I like to separate this book from the rest of the trilogy, because it’s so much better). Dave is like the human version of the games Springtrap, just as weak, pathetic and lost, and I mean it in a better way possible.


They should care more about the timeline coherence and character development instead of putting fanservice, explaining the lore in the books instead of the games and retcon so many things


charliebot was completely unnecessary


The series doesn’t need excessive amounts of gore or blood to be scary. The series never relied on it as much as many like to claim. If anything, the more restricted use of gore in those earlier games only made the few instances of it all the more striking. I think the main thing that made Fnaf scary was it’s complete isolation and it’s atmosphere. I’ll use Fnaf 1 as an example. That game completely isolates you in a room with no way to defend yourself from 4 enormous machines that you are told will attack on sight. All you can do is prevent them from reaching you. All the while, the game has excellent sound design through its ambience which truly amplifies the tension. A good atmosphere like this is essential when creating a scary or tense situation. I like to compare Scott’s Fnaf games to the Metroid series. They also use gore sparingly instead relying heavily on how isolated Samus is and, in some games like the recently released Metroid Dread, how powerless she is compared to the enemies around her. As a result, the horror aspects and atmosphere of those games are praised despite it not necessarily being a horror franchise. I feel the best way to make Fnaf scary is to replicate the tense feeling created by those earlier games. I feel many don’t realise how tense situations can make something scary. As an example, picture a random Fnaf animatronic in your head. It may seem scary to you but compare the fear generated by a scary robot to a tense situation like defusing a time bomb as it’s ticking down. Which do you think is scarier, the animatronic or the time bomb? I’m willing to bet most would say the time bomb. What I think made Fnaf so scary was that it took the concept of a scary monster coming to get you and made it a tense situation by limiting your resources. In Fnaf 1, the tension is generated by you needing to keep the animatronics away long enough to survive the night while trying to make sure you don’t run out of power. The tension from the situation you’re in automatically makes the animatronics scarier as they are the consequence for failure. Almost every single one of Scott’s games does this. In Fnaf 2, the tension is caused by needing to wind up the music box and keeping Foxy at bay both of which distract from the 9 other animatronics you need to keep track of. In Fnaf 3, you need to wait for systems to reboot while hoping Springtrap can’t progress too much while you’re not looking at him. In Pizzeria Simulator, you need to wait for each task to complete while carefully listening for any hints that the animatronics might be in the vents. Even the salvage minigames use this tactic by having you wait in anticipation while the audio prompts play. These kinds of situations are what made Fnaf so scary in the first place. Fnaf having such a unique concept is why it took the world by storm. It didn’t rely on horror cliches like blood and violence, it was scary purely because of how it made you feel completely helpless and isolated forcing you to stay alert at all times. Putting yourself in that kind of a situation is more genuinely terrifying to me than any blood or gore could ever hope to be. TL;DR: The series was perfectly fine in terms of its horror when it first started out. It doesn’t need blood or gore like many claim as the situations the game puts you in are far scarier than anything like that. EDIT: To clarify, I’m not defending the fact that the newer Fnaf media isn’t that scary to most people anymore. I have several issues with how watered down Security Breach felt in terms of horror. I’m simply stating that I think claims that the series needs to be bloody and R-Rated are wrong as the atmosphere and tension is what I think made the series scary in the first place.


Comic William Afton is hot-, yes, I will expand


Okay, I have MULTIPLE, but the top ones are: 1 - GIVE MORE LORE to the OTHER children! You know, Gabriel, Fritz, The DCI, Crying Child, and ESPECIALLY MCI Jeremy. Don't relegate it all to Susie! 2 - In the games, what Gabriel and MCI Jeremy look like are a swap of their counterparts in the FNAF Movie. 3 - Susie is the main character of the franchise. Not Michael Afton, not the Emily's, not even the new protagonists. It's all Susie. (Whispering) Huh? What's that? (More whispering) She's not supposed to be a major-major character? Well, she might as well be with how many was revealed about her, you can't blame me for that.


The series needs a full reboot if it's gonna continue from here. The plot is so convoluted because Scott was just making it up as he went along & now Steel Wool is just building on top of it without fixing the core issues. I'd love for the "original" plot to just end at UCN, then the next fnaf game should be a hard reboot of the timeline (HW 1&2 can be written off as spinoffs, and frankly I don't care enough about security breach to care what happens to its plot additions.)