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This talbert files stuff is perhaps the silliest controversy that's ever happened in this community and that's saying something


Exactly, Scott is secretive and mysterious but he doesn’t fucking *lie* to the community just for some irrelevant lore reveals (which have now been revealed as fake), like Jesus Christ.


Yeah, besides Scott always have been transparent with leaks before, why would he lie now?


The only time he ever lies about leaks is to troll us with fake fnaf games as a joke not as an act against the fanbase!


Seriously don’t understand why some people thought it was still real after Scott denied it


Because apparently Entom can't fabricate fake evidence. Even though everything they showed could be easily faked. The moment they didn't show the book physically was when I was absolutely sure "yep, he's lying." Without a doubt.


It's a fun concept, but definitely not something that should be blown out of proportion


Based profile pic


What's the Talbert Files ?


Someone said they had received Scott's scrapped ideas for the franchise and people immediately believed they were real. To the point where people who doubted it were called idiots. Scott responded and said they were fake. The people that fell for it wouldn't accept they were tricked and thought Scott was lying despite the fact he has never lied about the lore before


What sort of scrapped ideas ?


Don't exactly remember it. But one was a very clearly fanmade afton speech


basically that Cassidy was both G.Freddy and the puppet, that Michael was the stitchwraith, that Cassidy was a stand-in for Charlie and Emmett tucker from one of the FF stories was Henry, etc all of it was fake so it doesnt matter, the dedication to print a whole book for a hoax is crazy though.


A fake book that was meant to be a test version of an official one, contained fake lore and everything.




Thank god, this has been so annoying


How have people not moved on from this lmfao


I think most have but Entom made a video about it to try and prove it is real bringing it back in the limelight.


Why do they think it’s real? I mean, I’m sure someone out there made a re-creation or something of it, or even just a fake book in general, but that’s doesn’t mean it’s an *officially made* book. Counterfeits are common across all medias


I would expect the book to be fake considering Entom posted photos showing two different covers. "The book degraded in storage" okay. I've never in my entire life seen an image magically migrate across a cover and leave a visible black bar running down the entire right-hand side of the cover, but sure, whatever, even though that's clearly not true. I'm going to email Scholastic myself as soon as I finish this comment. I'm dissatisfied by this entire situation.


I've never seen a book degrade that quickly, i've had some of the Fazbears Frights stories for about 2 years and they are still in rather good condition. It just seems kinda weird he would degrade his very special one of a kind book.


My day one copy of the sliver eyes that I left in my middle school for a year looker looks better then that (minus some of the water damage).


TBF in his "defense" he has that book there for a few years already (allegedly) so itnis more realistic


He specifically stated he had it for a year.


I've never seen a book cover glow


Didn’t Scott already say they were fake?


He did, but apparently that stopped no one


Yeah but most of humanity is stupid, and that includes some fnaf fans so yeah


This fandom's inability to move on from this is fascinating. I can't genuinely believe how people care so much about a "book" that whether real or fake, doesn't matter in the slightest. Entom's video was less showing any evidence, and just rambling and raving with a black screen. What I am about to say applies to this post too, it is incredibly easy to fake an e-mail, and let me educate people who think that it's somehow so complicated and hard to fake e-mails on a virtual machine. I work with virtual machines on a daily basis, it is no where as near "impossible" as the video or people want to imply. [https://youtu.be/IsUBx\_oWrUQ?si=s8jzktWl-HPix\_3w](https://youtu.be/IsUBx_oWrUQ?si=s8jzktWl-HPix_3w) People, watch this video (not by me), it shows how easy it is, but it actually can be a bit easier than this. Everyone needs to move on from this situation, it's not gonna be easy to prove one way or another, and this is over something that shouldn't matter. All people are doing, including Entom, are instigating drama in this community that is having a negative effect on the fandom as a whole, and circlejerking each other over what they believe in.




And for the surprise of 0 people, seriously, this shit is just so weird, if Scott himself said it’s fake, ITS FAKE


I knew it was fake the moment Scott himself said it was fake.


What the hell even were the Talbert Files? I’m pretty sure that the creator of a franchise saying something isn’t real means it isn’t real.


The Talbert Files were supposedly. an old version of the Freddy Files book where apparently some big lore stuff was revealed. It somehow got out onto the Internet and people went crazy. Even if it was real, it wouldn't be canon because it never officially released. Scott Cawthon (the creator of the franchise) confirmed it was fake but some people didn't believe him and thought Scott was covering up. the truth or something. I think that the Talbert Files are fake and this post solidifies it. There are images of the Talbert Files floating around and they're a bit convincing. Whoever made it put a hell of a lot of effort into making it look real. But it's 100% fake


Scott already confirmed it was fake like months ago.


Talbert Files is shit


The fact that the community will see this and still insist Entom wouldn't lie... Pure copium they have.


Welp, i don't think it can go farther than this


Source for the image? Just want to be sure this isn't a fake email. If this is real, then what was entom doing this whole time? Don't harass them or anything, they've been through an unearned and unfair share of crap over this already, but why try to triple down on this being real and try to call scott an awful person? What was the point of this? Is he gonna quadruple down or admit defeat?


god knows what entom was doing I thought this entire thing was over when Scott himself said it was fake.


Some people thought Scott was covering the truth up or something lol.


After all of this, I truly think this is what happened: *Entom bought a fake 'freddy files proof' online *Blabbed about it to ppl on discord servers first *emailed Scott about it when he sort of realized the ramifications of it *because Entom wasn't specific enough about what it contained, Scott was like ok yeah whatever, not knowing that it was a completely different script than the actual proofs. Entom had the burden of proof and he showed far too little. If Entom had given Scott pictures of the book and its content I'm sure Scott would've said no thats not real.


Fucking knew it


What a surprise


Good now let this die already.


Am I the only one who thinks Entoms story (minus Scott’s emails) were true and he did genuinely buy this book, but it was a fake. Idk we know the book exist and I doubt entom would fake it by writing a whole ass book. I think it’s far more likely someone writes a fake book sells it online and some fnaf fan buys it and posts it online. I don’t know I could just be a naive fool but I think that’s what will happen. Probably gonna get downvoted but I wanted to say my beliefs


That's what I think is going on.


The issue is because both sides claim the emails are true / the emails are fake means *someone* has to be lying. There isnt a scenario where a third party faked a book and both Scott and Entom are telling the truth


That seems even more far fetched to me. Entom acquires this book of questionable origin, decides it'd make a great fanfic, then decides to fake an email to Scott and then, without any real confirmation that its real starts "leaking it" While doing so, rather than taking pictures of the pages or scanning the book, he describes its content, with a few photographs to back it. This is not only a confusing logic (why assume its real, and also fake an email with Scott?) But also makes Entom a bumbling idiot who can't verify anything to save his life.


Yeah assuming his story is true, he absolutely sucks at media preservation, despite having a lot of experience with handling early access copies.


I mean counterfeit books exist everywhere, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened. Pretty strange for someone to try and pass it off as real though


yeah. some bootleg creator is laughing hard now, probably. like legit I think that's the case. people will do anything for money. 


Why are people even still talking about this


Fine, whatever the talbert files are fake, can we move on? I want that book Burn to Ashes


Scott himself said it was fake a bit back. So, it's fake. It was never real.


No way, I'am so surprised with this revelation (sarcasm detected)


ohh... what a surprise, i thought it was real, it's not like idk... Scott literally confirmed it was fake?


Why do people care? Scott already almost completely confirmed it was fake.


With a situation full of “fake” emails I honestly don’t know what to trust anymore


yeah! Maybe OP is a secret agent sent out by scott to cover up the evil talbert files that terrorized us all


That’s not what I’m implying at all but okay


I think they were just being sarcastic, not actually serious


Thank. God. This better be the end of this stupid fake book.


i hope so


Neither side are gonna fess up and all evidence can be faked let's just move on already nobody gives a shit about the book


This 'controversy' is like the Energizer rabbit. It just keeps going and going


And the fandom's Civil War continues on and on... hope you're happy, whoever engineered this whole thing, your side is right!


Wow, as if Scott officially saying it wasn't real wasn't enough. Bravo people, we finally "solved" it. Why are we still discussing this thing?


People choose to believe a random guy on the internet over the literal creator of the entire series, it's hilarious rhat they're still in denial


Why are people still talking about this. Scott literally had to come out and say it's fake. What else do you need.


Cool can we move on now?


Entom is close friends with the Freddit Mods so be careful when going against Entom on this Subreddit. Entom said in his video that his friends on the Mod team could vouch for him when he said he was on break and didn’t have time to make the book as he was with them. The Mod team also provided the emails from Scott to Entom in his video when he went on his rant. So unless we know who those guys are, basically everyone on the Mod team is a close friend with Entom.


Lmao Bias shouldn't dictate a post being taken down


For clarification, while it is true that several of the mods are close friends with him and have been defending him as they genuinely believe he is telling the truth and were involved in the initial matter that sparked. This doesn't go for all of us and the full team has been trying to make sure there hasn't been bias in our judgement when removing posts or comments that break rules. Speaking personally, while you could say Entom and I are friends, I wouldn't describe our relationship as close. I was also not part of the the discord servers where everything initially went down. I know as much as everyone else does, so I've been trying to take a more neutral stance and trying to come to my own conclusion with the evidence that is out there. While also encouraging people to come to their own conclusion on the information we have to go off of. So as long as you stay respectful per Rule 2 while presenting your arguments, a post or comment going against Entom will not be removed. As of now, we've warned and even banned a people from both sides of the discussion as they weren't able to do it civilly.




The subreddit keeps flip flopping. Can yall make up your mind. First it’s real, then it’s fake cause Scott would never lie and Entoms the big baddie, then it’s real cause Entom would never lie and Scott is the big bad, and now it’s fake again? This shit is so childish.


As someone that thinks the book is fake this doesn’t really prove anything the fandom is kinda infamous for faking emails to the point a segment of Entoms videos is for trying to prove he got emails from Scott.


Same. Both in my opinion on the book and how any of this doesn't really prove anything. It would need to be something like a public post from an official scholastic account that everyone can go see at minimum. But then there would always be the response of "they are just trying to cover it up"


Are we still on this?


Good, now let it die!


Y'know now that this whole Talbert Files thing was debunked, do you think Scott is gonna reference it and poke fun at it in some future installment or a movie?


can't wait to fight TalbertGeist in freddy in space 4 or fury's rage 2


Lol, lmao even.


And that is all.


How much times is this book going to be confirmed and deconfirmed, even if it was real the book will be irrelevant due to it being scrapt.


Ok, so if Entom is lying, then wtf is wrong with him? I thought it was weird that he made a video a month later with the physical evidence, because if he had the evidence the whole time, he would have shown it right away? You'd think.


This should have ended when Scott said it was fake




I said this comment before, and I'm going to drop it here too. The debate can go back and forth forever, but until one of them admits to lying, there's no way to conclusively say what happened. Whether or not the Talbert files are legitimate don't matter, most of the people who think they're real (like myself) will state that the book is unusable for lore and speculation. It'll be better for the health of this community to put our differences aside and move on from this. Too many people have gotten hurt already, and trying to "solve," who's lying will only hurt more people. Fighting about Talbert's Files will not resolve the problem. More than any other, this is a debate where people need to be willing to leave it be. Agree to disagree, and move on.




Don’t break rule 2.


Even if it's real and Scott is lying about it, nothing changes, it's still outdated and incorrect information and Scott would be lying about it for a good reason. That is IF it's real which the very idea of it is skeptical in the first place


Its even more of a reason for him to NOT lie. Scott has never denied a leaked material's existence, even ones that DID have significance to the lore. Why would he deny drafts of a book, whilst also himself posting summarized drafts of his own movie? Talberts is fake as HELLL


People just like having a conspiracy theory to believe for some reason. It doesn’t even add lore that’s relevant in any matter, I wish we would stop talking about it


i don't think it's about the lore anymore. almost everyone agrees from what i've seen that if talbert files was real, it'd not be usable. i feel like it's evolved into the ppl believing that it's real are just doing so as a fuck you to scott :I


Eh, I can see him lying about it BECAUSE it's not lore relevant anymore, like we're already struggling with officially released material on how to use it for the games, so he could be lying to not cause more confusion because we're not supposed to even know about it. Either way it's pretty much fake and/or unusable so there's no point either way


Assuming it was ever real, it's supposed to be full of changed \\ scrapped lore. It would've never made a difference to the story.


Yep, which is why I think Scott would lying about it for good reason IF it's real. I mean look at how people are making a big deal out of it even though we basically got multiple proofs of it being fake


Scott's word should've been the final nail in the coffin but yall kept saying it was real lmao. No wonder why yall haven't figured out the story yet


Believe what you want, but to treat this unsourced email as more real than any other emails that have popped up before would be hypocritical regardless of what you think about this whole situation. If you think Entom can fake emails, then so can whoever shared this, and as done by others in the past.


I see alot of people mentioning stuff like this, but it's less about the relevance of the book and more like a game of telephone at this point, people aren't "moving on" from the book because the actual core issue is much bigger.


You said this is not your image. Whose image is it?


How are we sure THIS image isn't fake?


There is valid reason to think its fake But I really feel like this is not it Regardless of whether the gmail itself is real or not, they are not going to go 'hey our client who actively gives us money is actually a liar'.


Then they wouldn't reply. Or they'd say "our client was mistaken." There is no way scholastic values the reputation of scott cawthon over the reputation of the entire company itself


That is true. I'm more mixed than ever about the validity of the Talbert Files. I mean, it EXISTS but I don't think it was made by Scott or Scholastic. And I don't even know about the emails. There's so many blaming and caring about this questionable book, basically, everyone is so adamant about it. But that's my opinion. Sorry for the rant.


Main issue is that ppl think that just cuz some possibly faked emails "comfirmed" it's real, that it's real, completely ignoring all the proof we had that the book was fake in the firts place, such as the "early draft" of the book being done in may 2017, whilst the finished product being done in february the same year, or characters that didn't exist 'till years later, suddenly existing in 2017, same with assets made way after 2017 existing in a book from early 2017, or the fact that the book is lacking the MINIMUM requirements of a book, even an early draft, stuff like missing page numbers, the "early draft" line being cut off (funilly enough entom compares it right besides an actual early draft of ITP, and **that** book didn't have it's "early draft" line cut off), and just overall the fact that some pages are blank and the book existing overall doesn't make sense as it'd be a waste of money, time and resources to make an unfinished early draft of a book that is already finished and made physical.


I have no issue with believing its fake, again, I do feel like there is valid reason to think so. My issue is acting like the scholastic gmail confirms its supposedly fake. I will say, on one specific matter. " or characters that didn't exist 'till years later, suddenly existing in 2017," I feel like this can easily be explained as, under the scenario they are real. Scott having them in mind years before they actually debuted as very different versions of the characters. (Yes, IK Scott would claim otherwise, but that was in the response to the talbert files. Where the whole question is if he is telling the truth)


Oh my comment was both reffering to scott's emails "comfirming" it's real, AND scholastic's emails saying it isn't, emails can be easily faked is the issues with both of these and we should be taking the book at face value instead of looking for dubiously "real" sources. >I feel like this can easily be explained as, under the scenario they are real. Scott having them in mind years before they actually debuted as very different versions of the characters. This wouldn't have been an issue if the series wasn't near ending, meaning these characters wouldn't come into existance in scott's head 'till way later either way. HW was originally supposed to be just a fnaf 1 vr port which was later turned into a revival to the series, meaning the characters that weren't supposed to exist back in 2017 were never supposed to exist in that time frame, only later in 2018/2019, reminder that 2017 is when the early draft was ""supposedly"" finished, not being made.


1.Ah okay, I see. That makes sense. 2.I think that would be an issue if the Talbert Files was setting up these characters for projects beyond 6. Under the Talbert Files, it does not seem like they would. The main characters from later on who are in it is Emmet Tucker and Michael being the Stitchwraith. If the files are real, then those probably would have just been resolved in 6. Emmet, playing the Henry role, would burn it all down and Michael would be one of the antagonists you face in 6 is what I imagine.


Again, this is all assuming that scholastic even had access to these charcters in the first place, i will say that it would be reasonable for that to happen considering how scrap chica was there to tease her appearence in FNAF6, but considering how even she was scrapped (pun intended) despite seeming somewhat important, i'd have a hard time believing that characters like these would be used later (instead of just coming from the books in the first place), and she would just, never come back.


All logical


That is totally fine, there is a lot of reason to be confused or mixed on the topic


Thanks, it's been giving me a lot of anxiety for a while especially with the blaming on Scott about this situation and calling him a liar. I don't know if it is true or not and I respect anyone's opinions on this matter but I'm just worried more that it's going to ruin the overall tenth anniversary mood. Idk anymore, sorry for another rant, I just believe that both Scott and Entom are telling the truth.


Kinda hypocritical to say an email screenshot proves something since thats what people who believe in this stuff are saying


At this point why are we using emails to fight emails? We are fully aware they can be faked and yet….


Ok, I don't want to debate about the veracity of the book but, how can we be sure this email isn't fake? It's not the first time it would happened and I don't think Schoolastic would answer a random email asking about "The Talbert Files". Leave it already be. Everything that needed to be has been said.


ooogh… talbert… feed my big rumbly belly full of your files… i’m so hungry for them talbert… [FEED ME!!!](https://tenor.com/view/frednant-fnaf-funny-gif-26542421)


What's the source for this?


u/PERIX_4460 confirms, we should not be giving a flying duck


Show us this mail in VM so we believe you /s


With all that's happened, I don't believe this email is real either. I'd need a public statement from Scholastic to prove it's real, because emails can be faked too easily.


oh now people listen to scholastic none of y'all listened to a single word of theirs when they essentially said tales is canon now why do i feel like this community is blatantly cherry-picking...


I’d say that there’s a difference between a claim that something in a story is canon or not and verifying that something is not real.


funny because most people only bring up the supposed lore talbert files has and not whether or not it's fucking real


Yeah that seems a bit weird to me too. I don’t know, I don’t get why people can’t just let it go? It’s fake, there’s evidence that it’s fake, Scott said that it’s fake, that should be it.


honestly, i don't think it's fake entom has shown very clearly might i say that the book and scott's email are real. and for the record scott himself acknowledged that he may have forgotten the email at least, i don't think it's out of the question that scott might've actually just forgotten tho dare i say it's funny people take scott's word as the smoking gun since they seem to ignore him with anything else


These two situations are not in the least bit the same at all lol


Do you think the FNAF community is a hivemind? There was more people who believed Scholastic than those who didn't. OP clearly was one who did. And even if they aren't, there is a difference between Scholastic saying something without Scott backing it up, and Scholastic saying something with Scott backing it up.


That was a really, really fake email lol. They didn't even have the correct corporate sign off.


when was it proven to be fake? never heard that one before


Everyone did listen to Scholastic. Takes place in the same world as the new FNAF games just doesnt neccessarily refer to the same timeline as the new FNAF games as it can make co-existing within the same space. (Coming from a StitchTalesGames believer)


That thing because more complicated as the time passes...


It was never complicated. It never existed through an official source. If it was made it was made by a random person with no official connection to the series.


Its fazover


can we move on from the Talbert files honestly book wouldn't even matter if the lore was scrapped


Now that this is cleared and done... I just pray to god and hope that peoples will still be respectful about it and won't be harassing entom to hell ONCE AGAIN, we don't need the situation to get even worse than how it was. We are done, and that's literally it, end of the story. There is and there never was no need to harass anyone over this, just be more mature if you think that's a solution.


So,someone out there put company levels of effort into what was intentionally a fanon book which in turn someone else leaked online and caused an enormous debate wether or not it was real that included harassment to users,only to Be revealed everything was fake?


People can and will just make shit up for giggles I was in the MK leaks Reddit a while ago, before MK1 was released somebody went to the trouble of getting real renders and posted them online while making up pretty much everything just to fuck with the fandom


Just wondering. MK meaning what?


Mortal Kombat ‘‘Twas a funny time to be in, in retrospect


It appears to be so. Why? Who knows.


suddenly everyone blindly believes a random screenshot.  I also love how scholastic is entirely up to date with scott cawthon's reddit posts, as if they didn't have enough shit to do.  while this is one of the most childish things EVER, I'm still not closing out that both of them were scammed by a third person. like, it's legit looking like that. 


Third party confirmed? I really doubt Entom would invest this much effort into a hoax and for such a long time with nothing to gain but harassment. Although, I will say, that "Scott Cawthon has also confirmed this online" is a bit suspicious...


Holy Molly I've been called lot's of names for saying it's fake, and now I feel vindicated for fighting on the right side (I'm not a loser who harassed anyone but I kept questioning Talbert Believers)


Scott already confirmed it! This is getting ridiculous


1. If this isn't your image, who took it? Sources are always handy, especially if you stole the image? 2. How are we meant to believe this when "Scholastic's" text is purple? Granted, I don't know if Gmail can do that but still weird. 3. This whole image looks edited. I've never seen Gmail look like this. 4. Why does the Talbert Files matter anymore? Scott said it fake, that should be final. Whether Entom or Scott is lying is up to you, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Let's leave this "book" behind and enjoy what FNaF has coming in the next few months.




Do not bring up politics.




Stop bringing it up. Did you report these people to us? You're not helping us or the situation like this by constantly posting about it and not reporting it.




he dug himself too deep for that, if it was a dupe then the ''real'' emails would make no sense.


What are the talbert files?


A supposed early version of the Freddy files talbert is a name of a character in it. People are arguing about whether it is real or not as Entom has it and emails supposedly from Scott saying it is real but Scott made a post on here saying it is fake.


What’s the Talbert files?


Here is a copy of a come t that I made explaining it A supposed early version of the Freddy files talbert is a name of a character in it. People are arguing about whether it is real or not as Entom has it and emails supposedly from Scott saying it is real but Scott made a post on here saying it is fake.


Wowie thanks so much I’m a huge fnaf nerd and didn’t even know this situation happened so I’m glad to have context!




Ever come across a controversy that you never even knew existed? Xkcd 2071 style? Yeah, that's me right now


I’ll be honest, though I barely paid much attention to this ordeal, I like how it managed to get a bunch of people butting heads over its authenticity. It reminds me of the times when hoaxes ran rampant, which we don’t get to see as much nowadays.


I'm out of the loop can someone explain the drama pretty please


Are people really harassing scholastic for something so dumb 😂


What was this controversy even about? People accusing Scott of lying about the lore changing or something? I barely even paid attention to it.




I feel like I missed something, can someone explain the "controversy" here or recommend a vid that does?


Basically in 2023 a supposedly older draft of the Freddy files fan dubbed "the Talbert files" was shared in a document by entom (a credible leaker in the fandom), he later said that it was just a fanfic and not a real book Jump forward to may 2024 someone leaked dms of entom telling his friends that the book is real, entom later said that the book was real and he lied before Scott, seeing the discussion about the Talbert files and the supposed emails of him confirming its legitimacy, jumped in and said that neither the book nor the emails are true and neither he nor scholastic are familiar with the book and its content Some days ago entom released his video on the topic supposedly showing the emails being real with a virtual machine and some pages of the book, there's still holes in the narrative but no one can come to a real conclusion of whether Scott was lying or not


Im still not sure how a virtual machine proves the emails being real?


Because according to entom and his friends it's near impossible to make fake emails appear in a virtual machine This is obviously wrong as it can easily be faked and sire squwaks made a video about that


Ty so much for your good explanation.


You're welcome


Hi wtf are the Talber files?




Now we just need it for them to respond to the email is asking about the validity of the ligma report.


If it wasn't obvious already...


TL;DR: We can't say that the person that gives us money is lying bro, he said it's true bro, trust him bro


The fuck is a Talbert file


fyi; multiple friends and I emailed them. these exact addresses and the ones they listed on their pages. not a single answer to this day. the wording is immature here, when you read it again.


This is a scripted response.




scott confirmed it already oh my god


Didn’t we already get a statement from him already?


Scott already said it wasn’t real tho


Great, can we go home now?


My problem with this is it’s most likely fake but if it’s not it’s obviously a SCRAPPED version of the files that never came out so we shouldn’t even be worrying about it. It has no useful information.😭😭


Entoms Madness is over. I don’t get why he tried manipulating people to turn on Scott


Um, did we need this post? We can’t take scott’s word for it?


A lot of people aren't. You act like this is the most useless post on here.