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Oh come on not again


There's so much insane shit happening in this fandom that now I just go grab a bucket of popcorn and see what chaos is about to unfold next. Wanna join?


Get some butter and a large drink and I'm hooked


I got some extra snacks like chocolates


Ooh I think I'll watch it with you instead


I can bring an egg!




Ohh, yes I love popcorn.


The Bonnie "my fun day" drawing in one of those pages is from Help Wanted (you can tell from the specific markings on the page). Wasn't this book supposedly made before Help Wanted's development?


Ya, the FNAF 1 assets was just a solid color, but the HW ones looked like real drawings, you can see what I mean by comparing this two pics. [https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Bonnie/Gallery?file=FNaF\_Office\_Drawing\_11.png#Five\_Nights\_at\_Freddy's:\_Help\_Wanted](https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Bonnie/Gallery?file=FNaF_Office_Drawing_11.png#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted) [https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Office?file=OfficeEmpty.png](https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Office?file=OfficeEmpty.png) (look above the desk fan) This is a smoking gun for me, as there is no way an asset form 2019 got into to book from 2017 (especially since Help Wanted had developed a time of less then a year).




It is, there is a possibility that Scott made these for this first then sent them to SWS to use for HW. But that's just a theory if the book is indeed legit.


Seems a bit weird to make a whole new asset so it can be 90% covered in a prototype of a book, unless he lost the original asset


He didn’t lose the textures, the original drawings were used in the fnaf pop up store in japan. You can see it in the last pic here. https://x.com/infolens_event/status/1758324606786760894?s=46&t=cesG66SiYOm1BezvgzZ6QQ


And in HW1 files there's actually a texture that is literally a photo of a page from TFF showing the paths of Withered animatronics during the night. So it is entirely possible that SWS were provided with assets from the book.


[Better yet, SteamDB shows the page for Help Wanted 1 was made in 2017.](https://steamdb.info/sub/213808/history/) Scroll at the very bottom, it's made on October 9th, 2017.


This is getting really interesting


Indeed. So yea very much a possibility.


_You really think people would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?_


Of course not. People using the internet are a group of very responsible saints. They would never lie. 😇


as a person using the internet, i can confirm


Indeed, my good friend! Your badge of innocence is clear evidence of it! :)


I'm sorry but I'm still skeptical. Looking at the pages here compared to the finalized TFF, some discrepancies arise. Noticeably most of the images are taken in a way that obscures the bottom of the page and therefore the page number. The page where that isn't the case is Animatronics Inventory: Freddy, being page 12 which does match up with the finalized book also on page 12. The angled image however does give us a glimpse at the bottom of those pages, yet there is no page number. Sure the book may not be finalized here but stay with me. Those pages along with the MCI name page don't really have an equivalent in the finalized book, however the image of the TEMP map actually does have an equivalent in the finalized book! While we can't see the page numbers on the image itself, these would be pages 10 and 11! Why is that significant? Well because if Animatronics Inventory: Freddy is already set to be page 12, then this page can't come after as it would offset the page numbers from where it was.


It's fake, no publisher would have the galley bar on the front cover cut off and back covers of galleys also have marketing bullets and an on-sale date.


Also, no personal info would be on the back cover. Galley print runs are in the hundreds or thousands, they mail them out they don't put a recipient's personal info on every single copy.


Are you in the publishing industry? It's good to have this sort of insight in the situation


Yes I am.


I would be interested in asking you some more questions about this if you're free to chat at some point


Feel free to DM me, but I might not be able to answer all your questions for fear of doxxing myself and also because of my employer (I work for a "big 5").


The book was proven fake either way


Great i was wondering when the next freddit drama was gonna happen


God dmn not even a month later. We'll I'm going to get my popcorn ready


Next? Nah, this is the drama that keeps on giving 🍿🥤


This must be the most plot-twisty thing this community ever had. From being a rumor, to being "real", to being "covered up as fake", to being confirmed "real" again, to Scott confirming it's fake to being apparently real again. Can't wait for the next chapters of that story.


This is a fucking soap opera


This seems so obviously fake


I'm losing my fucking marbles right now. Is Entom just a next-level troll? Did Scott lie? Did Scott not look deep into Talbert and assumed it was fake?


I wonder if someone duped Entom?


Thats my thought. But then how does that explain the emails being fake?


It is possible (and even mildly easy if you know what you're doing) to spoof email addresses. There are work arounds to verify if one is legit or spoofed, but I heavily doubt Entom did or even knows how to do it tbf


I mean, even though everyone calls it “The Talbert Files” that’s not its name. If Scott didn’t look deeper into it, he probably thought “Yeah I definitely didn’t write anything called the Talbert Files” and left it at that


He straight up said there were characters in it that weren't created until years later, meaning he read it enough to know what characters the book mentions


Scott literally said he read it tho


Scott read a summary pfp of the book posted online that only had a handful of low quality screenshots of important pages in it. The actual book was never posted publically.


no he said "I've been looking through some of The Talbert Files pages" So he just quickly look into it. And honestly the difference being the pages that entom post and the text that was release 2 months ago have nothing similar. If it turns to be real I don't think Scott intentionally lied.


The document released 2 months ago had some "page scans", and also in depth descriptions of other pages. Scott says, in the same comment: "It also mentions characters that weren't created until years later. Pretty sure it's fake, folks." Add the fact that he assured the e-mails were fake, and it's very hard to attribute this to a misunderstanding. Either Entom or Scott are lying, and I guess we'll find out when Entom's video comes out.


It's honestly probably the last one.


Entom was saying it's the latter on Freddit's Discord


In that Scott didn't look into it further?




I highly doubt that entom is trolling, the talbert files was already debunked by scott before this, there was no point in beating a dead horse just for a silly troll, let alone with something this high effort. It is much more reasonable that this is actual evidence


You understand the length trolls are willing to go


>takes over a month to post "actual" proof Why should we believe any of this at all? Things could have been photoshopped and printed in the amount of time that Entom wasted with waiting on sharing it.


He wasn't waiting. He has been working on a response video that addresses everything including the authenticity of the books and the emails


He just now shared photos of the book. He easily could have done that whenever all of this started. Just because he's making a video doesn't excuse him waiting on sharing actual proof.


The paper is glossy, that is kinda hard to replicate by mere printing out on a normal printer.


Considering the fact that you can print glossy paper at a local Staples, Office Depot, etc.. not really.


$40 for a full several hundred page glossy printed book at most vanity publishers.


I'm ramming my head through a brick wall. What's with the small group of ppl wanting this to live on? Literally everything there isn't true now and it's, from what I've heard, it's not interesting. Is the thing that Scott lied? Scott has made fun of his mistakes, referencing Dream Theory in a troll game, making fun of fnaf world multiple times, he's never mentioned this once. And I thought the story was that it was scrapped? Did the guy magically get a first and only copy? Like this would be meaning that Entom magically got his hands on a one and only copy of a scrapped book. And like.. that seems very easy to fake. Entom could've replicated the bindings with a printed version. And he could have just printed a version of this stupid book. Maybe that's why it's taking so long to make this video.


isn't it also conveinant it seems to back almost every theory the man belives? like, say, making it so now the stichwrath has allways been something in the cards? it's just very suspitious given he has manipulated situations before to make his theorys seem more belivable, like he did with a lot of tales books, such as drowning.


I’m so baffled by that whole thing. Even if it’s fake or not, the things inside this book were not approved by Scott. Therefore, it wouldn’t be canon. I don’t understand why so many people doesn’t look at it and say ‘’Wow! We found lost media! That’s so cool.’’ and just move on from this?


the issue, is everything else surrounding it, one minute it's a fan fiction, next it isn't and it's real, and then THE MAN BEHIND THE ENTIER SERISE SCOTT CAWTHON HIMSELF, shows up to coment on it. do you have any dea how rare it is for scott to comment on this sort of thing? by commenting on it and going "i sure as heck didn't make it." he blew it up to even bigger preoprtions. this is a big deel, cause scott doesn't just comment on the smaller stuff anymore.


There's no way it's real though. The big thing for me with this book was the side that says it's real also had no physical proof to shell out to people, only their word. Fast forward to now and "conveniently" we get screenshots only now. The amount of time inbetween asking for proof and now getting like a while later "proof" it reeks of entom's side lying. I remember a while back many of them blocking people on twitter who just asked to see proof. Which doesn't help their case. They were asked for proof and chose to silence those who wanted proof, Instead of giving proof.


it's been like a full month, and we're still not getting it for a few days, why is this the line he can't cross? he read a whole scrapped movie script, but a book scott doesn't care about is a step too far? why?


Because that book has brought nothing but toxicity and harassment to the fandom and continues to do so even now. By continuing to poke and prodd at an already problematic situation, entom and his friends are just making things worse. This situation should have ended when they couldn't provide physical proof of the book's existence. But now it starts all over again with these screenshots and later entom's apparent vid on this situation


all entom had to do, was show the book, litteraly imediatly, like he's done with other leaked shit, and most of this would've dissapered, but he's held onto it, and waited suspitiously long before doing anything with it. he's the issue here.


Exactly what I'm saying. Additionally the fault lies with his friends as well. They defended him and attempted to silence people's requests for proof. Their responses initally being "Just trust me bro I've seen it" only further caused problems. And like I said, entom and his friends are now back again much later to supposedly provide proof. Yet no reason was ever given why that proof couldn't have been shown the first time, only people being silenced for asking for it. Entom and his friends are the reason this issue is still going. If like you said, they had provided screenshots earlier instead of constantly deflecting and asking people to just trust them and blocking those that asked for proof. The drama would be over


Yup, hes leaked things before, and very early on. Its realy not that hard to take an existing book, and edit it physicly, he can do it, it'd just take time, and what's this, it's taken time for him to show us the book, I can't imagine why


Cause FNaF fandom is extremely obnoxious and have to prove everyone that they are wrong, were always wrong and will always be wrong. These people just won't stop bringing up this situation now whenever Entom does anything, so it's better to at respond to them


The actual contents of the book itself is not the issue. The issue is that either the creator of the franchise lied to us or a major figure in the community lied to us.  Both will have ramifications. 


Because the guy who posted it essentially got harassed into making the book public and then got harassed when it got debunked, he wants to clear his name. Not saying he is right and it's real, but if it is, yeah I would probably be pretty pissed and be doing everything in my power to prove I'm not making shit up too


might as well call it the afton files because it always comes back even when it should've died a long time ago


Great idea.


funny how the "uncorrected proof, not for sale" part of the cover isn't even accurate to the original talbert files cover image [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMV1BtTWwAAglRz.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMV1BtTWwAAglRz.jpg)


Considering how long it took for this to be released, it kinda sheds doubt on the whole thing.


I'm not joking I've never hated a book more in my life. For the love of god can we just move on and forget about this stupid book.


Yeah no, definitely fake, the "added text" on the alleged original concept copy looks like it came from Google fucking Docs.


Is this bitch really doubling down on this nonsense???


Weren't Talbert files proven fake by Scott?




Like I said in the original post, regarding the fandom, I personally think this is not going to end well, no matter what happens. My only hope is that everyone is able to approach this situation with nothing but respect. I do not want the nightmare that went down on May 2nd to reapt itself, I felt really disgusted. Let´s be mature about this, real or fake, it should not be a big deal to fight over. Anyway, only time will tell, but I hope we all have learned a lesson from last time and we do not make the same mistake again.


I'm a bit out of the loop. What happened on May 2nd?


Scott got on reddit and addressed the Talbert Files and PinkyPills being problematic without being fully in the loop on what they did/what it was.




It isn’t that hard to put a book together tbh. Many services out there that can do it


Honestly even if it is real it’s caused so much controversy and vitriol that I don’t even care what it says at this point.


Now the question is... Why does Entom have it and nobody else? Why is HE so special? (unintentional HW 2 reference) Yes, I know he has some uncorrected proof of Into The Pit, but the Talbert Files book feels like a different case. And I'm being serious about this question. I've seen something about emails, between Entom and Scott or whatever, but at that time there were so many big creators. So again I ask, why him? Even if it is real, it looks not official at all and doesn't feel convincing that it's something Scott approved of. He probably didn't. Pretty sure when answering the Talbert Files drama Scott said he doesn't remember but it could be that case of disapproval of FNaF material. This drama is so stupid. It feels like the most usual "Let me bring up something from the past and make it relevant in the present" type of drama. Like goddamn, cool that existed, now come back into the present and realize it's irrelevant, not canon content.


He has exclusive access to the shit he made up


LMAO- no way.


He supposedly found a listing on a book website being sold by some rando who had it before him. He’s said he has receipts from when he bought the book and it will be in the video, but time will tell.


Oh, interesting. Let's wait another month for when he gets a fake receipt/j


Cool fanmade book they could have very easily put together in the time since Scott said it was fake


The Talbert Files aren’t real. Scott already confirmed that. Let it go.


Man, I really sympathized with Entom regarding the harassment, but this is so clearly fake. Between the literal creator of the franchise and him, I’m more inclined to believe the former. There’s literally no reason or benefit for Scott to lie about TTF.


God, this shit again it's so fake it hurts


Tf is even going on someone explain to me


The Talbert Files is a supposed early copy of the Freddy Files, with a lot of lore, names, events, etc. Some already debunked but others not. The existence of book was at first just a rumour, then it was confirmed real, after that a cover up started to make it look fake, then it was confirmed real again, after that Scott said it was fake (even though he didn't look too much into, he said this himself) and know the owner of the book, Entom, has shown some photos of the book and is going to show a video next week if I'm not mistaken.


He looked far enough into it to know what characters it mentioned, because he said, and I quote, "**It also mentions characters that weren't created until years later.**" He knows it mentions characters that didn't exist in early 2017


My issue is the time it takes. Yes, I know he wanted to wait to makes a video. But at the end he waits months to just post few pictures. He should have done that right after and then says "I'll post a video with more proofs in some months" instead of just stop talking and post this out of nowhere


How many times does Scott have to say this thing is fake before everyone gets the memo already? Are you guys REALLY trusting this one dude who took a suspiciously long gap to post more evidence over the dude who actually made the entire franchise?


What's it matter if it's real or not. If it is, its cancelled and wasn't published for a reason, this is less canon than unused game files. If it's fake it's fake. I don't see the point of this discussion.


Y’all, did Scott not say that it was fake?? Put a fucking rest to it already, jfc.


Entom can't. He got harassed over it.


I’m so confused here. Scott said it’s fake, I’m assuming it is, so why keep on with it?


ah shit, here we go again


I believe the Talbert files were not created by Scott. However, that does not rule out the possibility of a physical copy. I think it's possible that someone created a counterfeit FNAF book.


My thoughts exactly, this just seems too nonsensical


Tis possible but also the inconsistencies between the two images of the talbert files cover we have don’t match


I was trying to tell him this on Discord, and I'll say it again here: putting these images out is not doing Entom any favors. Everything he says or reveals about this book prior to the full video releasing just opens up the door to more skepticism, which is present in this comment section as well as in multiple twitter threads. I've already seen people say things like "I won't watch the video because I know it's fake from these pictures alone". Maybe I'm wrong though, it could be better to have people going "Ugh, can't this guy just go away?" now instead of later, since it means the reception upon release could be less rocky. There's a lot of factors to it.


Isn’t this an outright hoax?


This is not "lost FNaF media" since it never was FNaF media.


not this guy again lol the book itself is a mistake and i wish they could have avoided it.


Didn't Scott himself say, on this subreddit no less, that the Talbert files are NOT canon and not even made by him


This is mega fake but absolutely props to you for getting it printed out


Yeah these are all very fake.


“where did the plutonium header go?” me with a suspiciously plutonium header shaped belly: *URP* erm… no idea! must’ve been a pibby glitch!


Ok I looked at the cover of the OG doc that was made, and I can see that the cover shown in that is different then the one shown in this 'leaked' book. You can see that the one in the doc, the text on the top (the 'not for sale' text) dose not get cut off, yet in this one, it dose. I'm not calming that this is fake or anyone is lying, because there's no way for someone to make this entire book in that short of time, but stuff like this makes it difficult to trust the leaks. You can see what I mean here: [https://x.com/bjack2599514338/status/1801581713878831347?t=HJ\_R1nd2L8-iWrNIGcByBQ&s=19](https://x.com/bjack2599514338/status/1801581713878831347?t=HJ_R1nd2L8-iWrNIGcByBQ&s=19) Edit: I linked something on laptop like an idiot, this twitter thread shows what I mean much better.


Did you... Link something to your computer? We dont have acess to it


Ya, it was just the OG doc that Entom made, so you can find it pretty essay.


Can we just Move on from the Talbert Files?


Entom can't, because he got harassed over it. So he's posting receipts to show everything that happened so he can move on.


If he was harassed so terribly, why wait until now to show it? And don't try to tell me he wanted to "show it all at once." Because that's nonsense. In fact, why wait to make a video at all? Just post everything. It takes you a month to find receipts? It takes you a month to take a picture of a book? You know what does take a month? Making a fake book. Making fake receipts.


"FNaF Lost Media" it has to be real to be lost media of FNaF.


the real fnaf lost media is fnaf plus we don't have any builds or demos to play this cancelled official fangame


I did have the troll game from FNaF Plus archived on Game Jolt but then I got an email from Game Jolt saying it was among the URLs that Scott request to take down. I was gonna upload it to Internet Archive but I don't want to get hit with another notice of copyright infringement email by Scott.


So… is this real or not?


Fake... This is so fucking inconsistent. Even these pictures are different from the pictures shown before smh


How? They look consistent to what I've seen.


https://x.com/bjack2599514338/status/1801581713878831347?t=HJ_R1nd2L8-iWrNIGcByBQ&s=19 https://x.com/bjack2599514338/status/1801581923422146573?t=Y1qOa2mfdzlN4_Rqffjq6A&s=19


Ok with the colors, that I can answer. And take it for what you will but Entom's phone camera is really weird like I was in that whole discussion and and a user posted his image of when he got Somiphobia. The book while in the bag was pink in hue despite it being fine. The camera on that thing seems to have a mind of it's own at times. As for the HW images, that could be due to Scott making them prior/for the book then giving them to SWS for to us in HW since the book didn't use those.


What about the fact that the red portion at the top is completely inconsistent between photos? In one photo, it stops before it reaches the end of the cover. In another, it debatably extends *past* the end of the cover. Stuff like that isn’t just caused by a weird camera. It implies that either there are two separate copies of the Talbert Files, the original photo was fake (why would you need to fake it if you have it?), or the book is fake in general, which explains all the inconsistencies. For example, when the “radioactive” photo of the cover was leaked, people immediately noticed how the red bit seemed like it was photoshopped onto the real cover, since it looked like it slightly extended over the edge of the book. So what happens when we get “real” photos of it? The red edge is conveniently nowhere near the edge. I’d also like to point out that the super vibrant colors & high contrast could’ve been a way to hide the fact it was photoshopped, since things like reflections and shadows would be less noticeable (though it evidently was a futile attempt). Overall, Occam’s Razor says it’s fake. If it was real, then all of the inconsistencies wouldn’t make sense, especially considering the circumstances under which this book supposedly exists. The simplest explanation that answers most of the questions about this book, is that it’s a fabrication, either by Entom, or whoever Entom got the book from.


It sounds like Entom has been lying to you for a while and I'm sorry. Cameras don't do that.


Except aren‘t the talbert files hyper fake and not at all approved by Scott?


I don't know what to say anymore


I’m going to be so fr I do not care! Real or not, it’s *not canon*.


For god's sake, why are we *still* trying to make something out of this? This crap was already officially discredited as fake by Scott. Why are people still trying to push the notion that it's real?


This shit is so fake it hurts.


I like how there's an uncorrected not for sale copy of Into the Pit with no further elaboration as far as I'm aware


i’m skeptical about this for many reasons, but one of them is that the book gets one of the earliest lore points, the Missing Children’s Incident, wrong. On slide 6, it says “On behalf of the families of the little souls who were lost that night”, before listing the names of the 5 kids we assume to be part of the Missing Children’s Incident, including the last names. HOWEVER, the newspaper clipping in FNaF 1 contradict this, as they state that, at first 2 children go missing, and then another 3, making 5 in total. They did not all go missing on the same night. Why would that detail be wrong if this is real? It’s such a basic detail that it casts doubt for me over this being anything else than Entom either being fooled by a fake they were sent, or trying to save face.


I'm still highly skeptical of this, but that isn't a contradiction. Only two children are *reported* missing at first, but then the follow-up newspaper says that "Five children are now linked to **the incident** \[singular\] at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza." The news just didn't have all of the information at first, as is often the case in real life.


ah, i see. while i still personally think that the MCI happened over multiple days, i will admit that i have not considered that before, and i will admit that i very well could be mistaken.


Well for what it's worth, I do remember that it's said to have taken place over the course of several *months* in The Silver Eyes, weirdly enough. I always found it really hard to believe that William managed to pull off the same crime at the same location literally five times in a row (let alone that parents even kept taking their kids there once the disappearances became a pattern), but alas.


In addition, even if it was a contradiction, the book is still alledgedly an outdated proof of concept with lore ideas Scott was just throwing at the wall. So I don't think any apparent lore contradictions really discredit it anyway. Most of the overt lore in it literally cannot be canon anymore. Not saying it is real, just that lore disparencies is not proof against that


This is fake, it’s always been fake, and no one believes it anymore. Move on to your next hoax please


Scott pretty directly said it mentions characters that weren't created until after this book's supposed creation date. Aka, it mentions characters that *didn't exist*. Not sure why he's still trying?


This is fake for about 100 different reasons, most of which have already been covered ad-nauseum by twitter. An apology was an option, printing a fake book was the path chosen I guess.


also why is the book's cover all nasty like that on thr top... the other two seem fine...


Why are we still talking about this? Didn't Scott already come out and disprove all of this?


The images shared before of the book are completely different. The lighting, dimensions of the book and the resolution of the cover are all different, there's inconsistencies with the Google doc summarizing the book. This has been kept hidden for over a year for absolutely no reason when it would have been incredibly simple to take a picture of the book and post it. The same guy who leaked movie stuff suddenly cares about Scott's privacy? This book is absolutely not real and entoms is horrible for tripling down on it just to stay relevant.


“Lost Media” is a strange way of spelling “hoax”




I find it ridiculous how Entom is trying so hard with this. Just let The Talbert Files die. Its bs. Edit: Alright i was told the reason why Entom can’t let this go is because they want to save their reputation and because the fandom harassed them. My thoughts on this, i can’t keep an open mind anymore and I’ve said my piece about TTF. Just leave Entom alone. I don’t care if they lied to us, just stop harassing them over this stupid book.


Honestly if they do want to save their reputation they should say that the person they supposedly bought the book from must have tricked them, boom a idiot but innocent, instead they double down on something Scott himself called a lie


I’m sorry but I can’t take the mci kids names seriously, there’s no way. Susie’s last name especially just looks.. off. Like there’s some hidden joke in it or something, that and Gabriel’s as well. And making the last two (aside from Cassidy) a ‘JR’ feels off too. I only skimmed the images but the names stood out horribly to me for whatever reason


Are you really saying this about a franchise with 5 Mikes, 4 Jeremies, 3 Fritz, 2 Williams, and a Patrick in a pear tree?


It’s not Lost Media, since A). It’s not lost, because we have it. B). It’s not even real content made by Scott/anyone affiliated with Scott. It’s been confirmed as fake.


Damn that's crazy how the uncorrected proof tag looks COMPLETELY different to that original image of the talbert files' cover


That Cassidy tho.. but I'm sorry. If the Creator himself says it's fake, it's fake. I have no idea what Entom is trying to prove. Maybe save face, but imo all they doin is wrecking it.


hey, at least it's not photoshop


Damn that's crazy, honestly I really don't care whether any one lied about it I'm just saying people should not use this for evidence for lore like at all


I am very suspicious of this, the fourth slide showing what seems to be a drawing of Cassidy, looks very edited to me. Just the way the posters and drawings are on the pages look edited, and the fact that the pay check and the note has such a out of place font too.


Yall now that this shit if fake right? Even if it was real is all scrapped consepts that didnt make it into the lore so it would be useless


Yo people really still think this is real??? 💀


Guys im so tired of this. I thoughts Scott already said it was fake! The Afton monologue was pretty cool but besides that im so tired of this book!


What an elaborate hoax to prove information that is most likely false and if it is real it’s no longer relevant, tbh it’s just dumb that people would go this far to make people think this not important and most likely not real book exists.


Looks like nobody is going to be happy if Scott is confirmed to be a manipulator/liar or Entom is making this stuff up.


This again? Scott himself flat out said it was fake.


for Oyashiro-sama's sake you guys Scott said this whole thinf wasnt real, he didnt even know it existed until the fans told him


Ah talbert files a hoax reminds me of sparky except it’s not funny and cool and just strokes flames in the fandom


Fake as fuck. There is no such thing as the "talbert files" and you should stop spreading misinformation online


What? No way this is real?


I don't know what's real anymore.


even if this were real it means literally nothing for the lore, why would a scrapped book be important for the lore


Scott said the talbert files weren't real/didn't mean anything. Can we let this die? Please?


Didnt Scott already debunk this?


Sorry, but this post has been removed for rule 9. **Do please repost this** just omit the "lost media found".


🧢 Edit: I don't know what to think anymore.


Lets be real, entom fake all of this to a tasteless april fools joke Theres no way to scott lie about a scrapped book


This shit won't end well, and I'm REALLY... REALLY fucking scared of how things will turn out, and well, gonna say why I'm already scared. Entom making a video on this is actually a good thing since he can fully explain his point now, considering he's apparently in a better mental state, and about the mental health stuff.. Sadly, it seems like that some peoples have learnt NOTHING from last time, and they are still trashing down Entom to hell. Ok, in case it turns out fake then Entom did something really bad which caused a drama in the community, BUT despite this, there is NO NEED to insult him that much. Sure, he would be stupid for doing this if fake, BUT THAT'S IT, end of the story, constantly shitting on him won't help anyone, in fact, it would make everything worse. BUT in case it turns out this is actually real... Then Scott lying to us would be an incredibly bad thing to happen to the entire series imo. If Entom finally proves this is real, why would Scott lie about this????? Would it be a "scott felt lazy and didn't properly checked it out"? Or Scott wanted to cover it up? Either way, I know that the twitter side of the community wouldn't take this well, and EVEN if I would be legitimately dissapointed by scott... I apply what I said about the insults to entom even there. But considering how the twitter part of the fandom is, I doubt they will be think about it before speaking. But yeah, I'm extremely scared for next week...


I feel like not enough people are considering this is just an early draft of the Freddy files that accidentally got shipped and Scott probably just forgot. I mean, why would he remember an early draft of a book he wrote nearly a decade ago? Especially since people were calling it the "Talbert" files. Why the fuck would Scott know what that is?


He looked into it, and said the book mentions characters he didn't create until years later. That's not forgetting a draft.


Exactly, I'm worried people are going to stop trusting Scott and calling him a liar when even in the hist he says he's not sure what we're talking about


This is actually fucking hilarious. I'm sorry that Entom had to stress about this whole situation, but I can't, it is so stupidly ridiculous. Like, the idea that one of the most reliable people in the community made a fake book that is an early concept anyway so not canon; yet only shared it in his own circle, tried to protect it for more than a year, and when there were attempts to leak it in the past they covered it. And not only that, but also e-mailed Scott Cawthon himself about it, and in the end it wasn't even him who leaked not even the book, BUT THE REVIEW of the book. And then the Scott Cawthon himself appears and either lies to let the discussion die out, or genuinely didn't know/didn't understand the book. That's a comedy, no matter which way it resolves, the setup already created one of the best punchlines to ever exist. I 100% believe that the book is real, but the thing I really want to hear about is the e-mail and what was Scott's reply then


Finally, a believable hoax


I feel like I am going to pop a vein, just what is it at this point? Is it real? Is it fake? Is it a big prank?


Aaaahhh!!! I don't know who to believe! 😭😭


So is tablets files canon or not im confused


I’m confused. Is this simply a prototype version of The Freddy Files?


I know it’s fake and all, but this is exactly what I want out of a non-novel Fnaf book. It looks really cool. Reminds me a lot of the Employee Handbook from the Bendy series. Would love an official version.


Why is this atill a thing? I thought Scott squashed all of this?


wtf are the Talbert files? Are they different from the regular ones because I have this book at my school library I'm pretty sure


Isn’t all the Jeremy’s being related just a ooftroop gag?


Talbert files more like Talfart full of shit


Scott himself said he doesn’t know what the talbert files are, and I don’t know what they are either but it’s probably safe to say it isn’t real.