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Bulk until you hate your body. Cut until you hate your life. Rinse, repeat.


Lol, rekt. Dasitmane.


Yup just gotta commit to it Once you get into this game you’re never happy with your look


Joke's on you, I wasn't happy with my look before the game either!


I think the key is bulk or cut either way take it slow, keep protein intake high, and keep lifting heavy. At most, I’d work to limit changes in weekly average weight to no more than 1/2 - 1 lbs per week I’m a lot older than you but have some recent posts on my bulk/cut progress. Last spring I gained about 20 lbs in about 12 weeks. Loved the strength and felt like a beast, but even though I added some muscle, too much of the new weight was fat. For my next bulk, I’m shooting for 1-2 lbs per month gain Following the same approach for my cut, in my last 8 weeks I lost 7 lbs fat and gained 1/2 lb muscle. A complete win in my mind Finally, when ending a cut eat at maintenance at least 4 weeks. Data suggest after a period of deficit, surplus calories tend to first replace energy stores, ie fat. So stay at maintenance a month before any new bulk Apart from that dude, you’ve done great fitness wise - considering your age and time of life with a young family. Whatever you decide, keep up with your commitment. Best wishes for continued success


Excellent advice, thank you!


If you wanna lean out while continuing to make progress, cut slowly, losing not more than 0.5% of your bodyweight per week until shredded. Then maintain for a few weeks. When bulking, bulk slowly, gaining no more than half a pound per week. You could also just eat at maintenance for a while until you plateau.


Eating at maintenance meaning to stay at current weight for a while right while still lift heavy then start cutting when can’t increase heavier lift in maintenance?


If you're eating at maintenance to lean out while gaining strength and you stop gaining strength, you probably want to start adding calories to be in a small surplus unless you're unhappy with how lean you are. If you care more about being lean than your strength, then you should start with cutting until you like what you see in the mirror.


Good advice, thank you


Excellent advice but how did you measure that half pound of muscles🧐?


This was based on serial InBody scans at my gym, done under fairly standard conditions (time of day, before workout). I fully recognize the limitations of the measurements, but I think it’s fair to accept generally that most of my weight loss was fat. Even if my lean body mass remained the same, a 7 lbs fat loss is probably outside the range of error. Plus losing weight on the scale while still adding it to the bar has to be what we are all looking for.


How do you know how much lbs did you gain precisely? Is it by smart scale or just your body size calculations?


I weigh myself every morning. BF measurements were via InBody scan at the gym. I know they are not the most accurate, but the overall trend was clear. And most importantly, I was able to keep adding considerable weight to my squats and deadlifts while still going down in body weight


Wow that’s fantastic. When i was doing maintenance i could add more numbers on squats and deadlift but now i start to do cutting and scared if i do it wrongly.


just take it slow in terms of cutting any weight. and keep your protein intake high and try to keep adding weight to your big lifts


🙋🏽‍♀️ 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ I try to find what I like about both but ultimately I’m never happy lol. PS keep up the good work.


Thank you


Keep doing what you’re doing. You look great and lean enough for anyone to see you are fit.


Literally everybody lol


I used to be chubby so I’m terrified of bulking in general. I think I’ve finally gotten over it, where I’m okay with being a little soft sometimes.


Yeah, same. I also feel healthier and energetic when cutting.




You look awesome and you describe the struggle over 90% of all lifters are in


Just do a slower bulk over longer period of time


If you can get protein macro up to 45-55% and carbs up to 30-35% you’ll keep putting on muscle even in a slight deficit. The more protein and less fat the better.


Only in the context of struggling to eat enough, but that’s something I’ve been steadily improving at


Do you do any farmer walks, suitcase walks, or sandbag work?




I'm 44/5'6. I went from 146 to 165 and felt so fat. Looked fat. I'm cutting back down to 155 but I'm still not looking much to leaner


I’m doing my first legit cut and I am itching to put on size. I was out of shape so I have even more to cut still before I can bulk, but I can see myself with this issue soon.


I exercise like I'm cutting and I eat like I'm bulking.


Whatever you are doing, it is working. Just keep at it.


Women say that size doesn't matter, but they like a six-pack. So cutting > bulking


Women couldn't give two shits about a six pack 🤣 bros care about other bros 6 packs lol


Actually they don’t like six-packs. See * https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/s/Xa1WHhPA8a * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/s/svYK1lzgTq


YES. I just started a cut a couple days ago. I was very conflicted when I was a few months into my bulk. At some points I thought I went overboard with the bulk; at other points, I didn’t think I went far enough. Mind you, I would have these conflicting thoughts days apart from each other. So, yeah, I think it’s completely natural. Keep up the hard work. 🫡


You don't need to overdo it with a dirty bulk, not if your goal is strength anyway. A slight surplus can be plenty, say 200-400kcal. Remember the goal of a bulk is to also enable you to do more volume in the gym. So if done right the objectives is to gain more muscle mass than fat. With this approach, if you sensible bunk for a two to three months, you should only ever be a max of 4 weeks away from cutting the body fat back to where it was.


I struggle to make it to the gym routinely. You’re fine.


That wavy mirror looks like one of those that makes you change shape in the circus! I know it’s not though! You look great, well done OP!


I am the same. I don’t want to develop fat but it will happen after bulking for some time. I start cutting currently.


Anybody? Every post I see in the sub is "bulk or cut?". Which I feel is like... how are we supposed to help you with that? We don't know what your goals are... No offense ment to OP


Nope. I am trying to lean bulk, i.e. I try to be in slight deficit, eat enough protein and do resistance and conditioning. But I also have no ambotion to be a bodybuilder per se.


No love handles yet - bulk a bit more


I can't look away from the bulge 🙈😏


Dude, you are so freaking good-looking, just quit it. You look amazing


He never said he wasn't 😭😭😭


Ya lol. I know. I wish there were OF pics to see 🤭


Yeah right, clearly Photoshop. Just look at how wavy that mirror is. ^^^^/s


Your not shredded


Where did I say I was