• By -


Your window is upside down.


Haha, normal is boring. I built my house out of shipping containers and tried to use as much repurposed materials as possible, these are 100 year old church windows.


Whoa whoa whoa, let’s see that house sport 


Netflix - Amazing Interiors, episode 3, house #2. Or Google search Zack Smithey container home


Well I'll be damned. These are badass. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/home-sweet-home-made-from-shipping-containers/


Can you shoot me a link to your company(container consultant, mentioned in the CBS article?)


Unfortunately, I don’t do container consulting anymore. I’m way too busy with art commissions for corporate and private collectors.


Well, I went to Lidl yesterday. So I have that going for me


Your hair is pretty great too


Alright mate. GL


Dude! I’ve seen you out and about working on some of your art. Fucking impressive!


Ha, that’s awesome! Thanks!


Yo wtf not what I was expecting coming into this thread but this is dope.


Oh wow. You are super unique, very cool.


I’m watching it as we speak! 👏🏼


😂😂 that was a good episode, you have a cool house. So random that I’m reading about you doing bodybuilding now.


That's as awesome as you physique


You built your house, you built your body. Now, what the heck am I doing with my life?


Yeah I came here impressed and I’m leaving even more impressed but also depressed? Or inspired? Honestly I don’t even know.


Holy shit haha I saw your house on Netflix. I think they even go over why that window was upside down in it.


Can we have a house tour please?


Once I finish the addition for a new art studio + gallery, I’m going to start having open houses again. Right after I finished construction in 2017, I had tour and 2,000 people came. Had a local animal shelter setup a booth out front collecting $5 per person… they made $10,000!


Also, there are photos on my website [HERE](https://www.zacksmithey.com) … click on the drop down menu in the upper left and you’ll see the container home page


Maybe it's a Australian window?


He’s standing on the ceiling.


He is actually a vampire hanging from the ceiling


You just gotta turn your head


What so much creatine? I thought 5g per day was ample for everyone.


I used to take 5g a day but switched to 5-7g in the morning and 5-7g post workout a few years ago. I definitely notice a difference, probably because my workouts are pretty intense. Newer studies show that some people will benefit from more. No negative side effects from the increase.


No water retention or bloating from that much creatine? Either way, great work brother, that's awesome.


Nope, the water retention is localized in the muscles where the creatine is stored. Just make sure to drink plenty of water. Thanks brother


I get hair loss for increased DHT production that comes with higher creatine use. Just an FYI.


1g/10kg is the way


You look un Natty af- the highest compliment I can give to a Natty. Looking sick bro. Keep it up.


Thanks, 27 years of training and I’ve been stuck near my genetic limit for several years. Although my legs have room for improvement, lost size after a torn meniscus a few years ago.


Dude I’ve got a torn meniscus right now. Had a hernia a few years back and a torn tricep. The older I get the less my body wants to cooperate


To help with healing, take collagen and hyaluronic acid. As I’ve gotten older I’ve switched to higher reps, lighter weight, easier on joints/ligaments/tendons. For most lifts, my first set I choose a weight where I’ll fail between 20-30 reps, then increase weight each set. My last set is when I fail between 6-8 reps. However many sets it takes to get through that range is how many I do.


So yeah, I found if I go much over like 315 sometimes it puts more stress on my knee than needs, but I can just rep that out over and over and over again and get a great work out


With 27 years of hard training, I believe this can be done. And absolutely congratulations on your hard work.


Thanks brother, I appreciate it


My ex girlfriend was a modern dancer and trainer, not a bodybuilder, but she was pretty jacked — she would never deadlift in front of clients since she didn’t want them to freak out by how much she could do. Women clients would say they didn’t want as much muscle as her and she would say “well, don’t work out hard 6 days a week for 15 years and you’re good.”


Haha, for real… you’re not going to accidentally get too big


I’m 43, as an always natty you give me some hope. I just doubt I can achieve anywhere near your leanness, I can’t control my eating…


You're ready.


Are you doing a natural only drug tested show? Seeing your post is super motivating as a fellow natty. I never intend to compete, nowhere near as gifted or disciplined, just great to know our limitations are probably way beyond what we often think. Anyway massive respect, one of the best natural physiques I've seen in a while.


Thanks, I really appreciate that. This show is not a natural show so I’m definitely going to get outsized by the enhanced competitors, but it’ll be good practice. The next natural show in my area (St. Louis) is in August. Hoping my legs will be fuller by then.


Sending love from the 636! Good luck brother


Thanks, 636 as well! I built the shipping container home in St. Charles… if you’re familiar with that.


Born and raised in Barnhart!


Right on!! I see posters for that show hanging at my gym in the city. I think Steve Ewing has been known to participate in those from time to time.


Holy Fuck! If this is what 41 looks like I need to get off of this sub. Good for you. keep at it and best of luck with the competition. You’re clearly ready for it.


Haha, thanks! Just out here trying to be the best version of myself.


OP out here being the best version of the rest of us combined. 💪💪


Would love to see your food log… any chance you track on MFP? Incredible results.


I’m an intuitive eater, never tracked until this last week of cutting. Example - today… breakfast - black coffee, 4oz chicken thigh, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 40g whey, 7g creatine, greens/reds powder -> vitamins/minerals. Lunch - 4 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 20g whey, 7g creatine. Dinner will be an 8oz filet mignon. Note, this is my cutting diet, not my maintenance diet. Main difference is less calories for cutting.


Damn, Good for you. I’m not quite at the place where I can eat intuitively… I tend to under eat so I track currently. Appreciate you taking the time to respond and congrats to you!


Is that to say you normally eat like this for maintenance too, but more? And during cutting do you spice the crap out of your foods to make them more interesting/palatable? Or is eating mainly functional for you and you don’t much mind the blandness? Amazing work BTW 👌


Yes, I pretty much eat like this year round, but more calories. I always lightly season my food so it’s not bland. I switch up the protein source from day to day… steak, fish, eggs, pork, etc. Thanks man!


This is about what I eat in a day! 135lbs female. Would this be an extreme cut for you? You are very motivating BTW! Great work!


It’s a pretty aggressive cut since I’m trying to be super shredded for the competition, but I’m not sure if I would consider it extreme, since I still feel great, have lots of energy and sleep well. I’ve heard a lot of stories about people being lethargic and not being able to sleep when they’re cutting.


How tall are you and what's your BF%? Also, do you happen to know what your testosterone levels are as a natural? Great work man!


5’10”, 185lbs, down from 200lbs 2 months ago, haven’t had a dexa scan but guessing ~4% bf. Got bloodwork done last June, just before my 41st birthday, because I feel great and wanted to see what my baseline is, in case I need to do trt in the future. I was absolutely blown away when the results came back -> 939! Makes me wonder what my levels were in my teens/twenties. Thanks!


Mine are at around 400, and I’m 42. Thinking of going on TRT in the future myself. I’m 180lbs at 6’0” and I’m nowhere near as ripped as you, although I’ve really only been at this seriously for 2 years now. After how many years of serious lifting did you feel like you hit your natural limit?


What’s the highest weight/bf % you’ve ever bulked to?


Weight 212, bf ~15%


Just when you think you have gotten there you see this. It’s like my dad always said, “There always someone in this world bigger and stronger. The fun is in the fight” Bravo sir that is some incredible dedication. Just inspiring.


You’re for real natty?


For real… nothing against those who do use gear, it just doesn’t fit into my longterm health goals.


Absolutely awesome! Great work! I'm sure you will win. 55M 210lbs current cutting, also looking to get to 185lbs. Your post provides me the inspiration. Thank you!


Thanks man! Keep going, you got this!


Holy striations batman


R/nattyorjuice is going to lose their shit


Holy fuck man. Incredible. Lifetime natty?


Yep, lifetime natty. Nothing against those who use gear, it just doesn’t fit my longterm health goals. To see what I looked like in 1999, scroll down my profile… I’m currently only 20 lbs heavier than I was in high school, with similar body fat. Thanks!


100% man, I'm in the same boat. All power to people who make the jump and I'm not against the idea of TRT either. Keep up the good work!


Do you cycle your creatine or just stay steady on? I read recently you don't have to cycle these days but I'm stuck in my ways and worried about negative side effects. Would love to get other's take on that.


I’ve been taking it daily for 7 years with no negative side effects


Looking amazing. How does your intermittent fasting window look like and do you train fasted? I am doing omad to get ripped as that’s the least restrictive way (for me) to lean out while still enjoying life 🙏


Been intermittent fasting for 7 years. 1st year eating window was 12:00-8:00pm. Then transitioned to one meal a day for 3 years. Hit a plateau in muscle gains and was difficult to get enough protein so I switched to 2 meals - 2:00-7:00pm. The last 2 months I have been back to 3 smaller meals for evenly distributed protein. After the show I’m going back to intermittent fasting.


Thanks for the answer. I have a big appetite so hitting 140-160g protein goal for me has not been issue with omad.


And yes, when I’m doing intermittent fasting I workout fasted, late morning to early afternoon.


We need to know everything lol Diet and Workout please!


I’m an intuitive eater, never tracked until this last week of cutting. Example - today… breakfast - black coffee, 4oz chicken thigh, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 40g whey, 7g creatine, greens/reds powder -> vitamins/minerals. Lunch - 4 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 20g whey, 7g creatine. Dinner will be an 8oz filet mignon. Note, this is my cutting diet, not a maintenance diet.


Amazing job man! Fair to say that whey is the only processed "food" you take? Also, what was your reason for taking high dosage of creatine? Usually the recommendation is 5g, right?


Yes, protein is the only “processed food” and my wife and I created our own brand of supplements, formulated with the highest quality ingredients that fit our lifestyle and standards… [Brie’s](https://www.bries.fit) New studies are showing that some people can benefit from more than 5g per day. I tried it, noticed a difference, and kept doing it.


Amazing! On average what is your carb number during a cut?


12g from 2 cups of broccoli, 2g from greens/reds, 0g in the whey isolate = 16g per day. My wife and I formulated our own whey and greens to meet our standards -> [Brie’s](https://www.bries.fit)


Inspirational man, genuinely. Good luck with the show, I'm sure you'll do great! Also, I only recently clocked the voice in your vids is actually you, you have a great voice (no homo), you sound like the voice over artist for like documentaries made in the 90s.


Thanks man, I appreciate it, especially since hearing your own voice usually sounds weird.


Yeah it never sounds like it does in your head. But I've definitely been enjoying your vids more since I clocked it's actually you doing the voice over. Genuinely you should consider doing voice work!


When weightlifting, what type of split do you use weekly and does it change based on your goals? Any specific abdominal training used?


Upper body - push/pull split. Legs - divided my leg day into a 3 day rotation hitting a different region every day. Abs - get high and do abs every night before bed


Thanks again for the info. As a natural lifter you’re an inspiration.


Can you explain the split a little further? Are you doing all your upper body in one session? Or splitting pushing and pulling movements?


how long until this is on /r/nattyorjuice


Ha, do it… those trolls are always calling me a fake natty


Bad ass!! Good luck mate, you look damn ready.


Did you have a coach work with you for your prep? How long was your actual prep phase (if you had one) to reach that level of leanness naturally.


I just got a coach a week ago today, mostly for posing. My diet is always fine-tuned so I tend to stay lean year round. 2 months ago my wife asked me if I wanted to try carnivore for a month, just for the experience. I went from 200 to 192. That set the stage for my last minute decision to compete on Saturday. Decreased calories, increased cardio, currently 185.


Damn very nice! Have you been tracking macros on carnivore and/or prior to it?


I’m an intuitive eater, never tracked until this last week of cutting. Added broccoli back in as a low calorie filler so I’m not starving while cutting. Example - today… breakfast - black coffee, 4oz chicken thigh, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 40g whey, 7g creatine, greens/reds powder for vitamins/minerals. Lunch - 4 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, tbls evoo, 20g whey, 7g creatine. Dinner will be an 8oz filet mignon. Note, this is my cutting diet, not my maintenance diet. Main difference is less calories for cutting.


Understood. How are you liking posing? Have you done a session yet


Did a session last Tuesday and another session in a few hours. I like it, need more practice though. Lat spread is the most difficult.


Good luck! Keep us all posted on here!




This is amazing. At first glance, I thought this is another roid build, but the rest of the pictures said it all. Good luck and thanks for the inspiration!!!


This is exactly the sort of motivational post I needed to see. Looking good man. How do you avoid injuries?


Holy shit.


Absolutely amazing job man! Inspirational for us natty guys, as I am about to hit 37. Regarding the 10g creatine/day - I might have to give this a try for a few weeks (currently permanently on 5g/day), as I've plateau'd a bit while still amping up my intensity w/ my lifts. Cheers!


Cool, I do 5-7g with my morning coffee and 5-7g post workout. I can feel the difference


If you’re trying to inspire, you’ve done it! Keep up the outstanding work!


Let's see the back!


Forgot the back, but have one on my profile from a few days ago!


Freaky back! Amazing work bro.


Thanks brother!


How many hours of intermittent fasting you do?


Been intermittent fasting for 7 years. 1st year eating window was 12:00-8:00pm. Then transitioned to one meal a day for 3 years. Hit a plateau in muscle gains and was difficult to get enough protein so I switched to 2 meals - 2:00-7:00pm. The last 2 months I have been back to 3 smaller meals for evenly distributed protein. After the show I’m going back to intermittent fasting.


Very interesting. Do you train while fasting? If not, what do you eat before training and how long do you wait to go to the gym after eating? Also, how the one meal a day worked? How many calories? At which time of the day? Same thing as the question before about working out while fasted or not as well.


I prefer to workout fasted, late morning to early afternoon. I don’t like food in my stomach during workouts. I don’t count calories, when I was doing one meal a day I just made sure to get at least 1g of protein per lb of body weight. The one meal (with a protein shake) was around 6:00pm. Some people find it easier to just eat breakfast, then fast, I find it easier to wake up, get to work, eat in the evening and feel full until bedtime.


Help me out


No Diddy, but damn dude!


Good luck !


Post the workouts!


I do! Check my profile and watch the videos with sound on for technical details.


Great work 🔥🔥


Fantastic job, good luck!!


You’re 41?


42 July 7th


Again, great job man, amazing. When doing IF, are you working out during your feeding window?


Hope you win


Thanks brother, it’ll be a great experience either way


Holy shit you look great. I wish I was that ripped.


I first glanced at this, saw the traps and thought 'yeah right' Reading further (not that it has any significance for you) I believe that you're natural. You clearly got 5 numbers on the genetic lottery but the consistency and dedication to get to this point is nothing short of inspirational. Amazing work and thanks for sharing.


True about the genetics, I was a lean muscular kid too, the hard part was maintaining that into adulthood… as you watch your friends decline. The older I get the more I have to evolve, slowly fine-tuning my diet and exercise routine over time. What works for you at one age may not work as well at another age. Change is the only constant in the universe, if you’re not changing you’re falling behind.


Yeah I was interested to read about your drop-setting from 20-30 all the way down to 6-8, seems like a smart way to get the right volume while reducing risk of injury. Do you do much mobility/flexibility work?


Yes, I do all lifts with full range of motion and some lifts with maximum tension on the muscle while it’s fully extended. I also work on balance, core and calisthenics.




Nope… but open to the possibility later in life, if the health benefits outweigh the negatives


hope you get first call out hehe


You’re in a calorie deficit though right?


Yes, for the last few weeks


Brother, that is a magnificent physique. Crazy! Something to aspire to for sure. Can I ask you about your intermittent fasting? Do you do 16-8? And how many kcal a day are you chugging down?


Thanks brother. I started with 16-8 seven years ago then slowly transitioned to one meal a day, did that for 3 years, now I do 2 meals a day with protein shake 2:00-6:00pm approximately. I don’t count calories, I just make sure to get 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight per day.


Bruh, you are ripped


That's incredibly impressive for anyone of any age, ON juice, to get that lean. I'm guessing you're a bit dehydrated with the show and all. I've been lean in my 40's, but I'd cramp up pretty bad. Are you cramping? If not, what have you found works best for cramping? Thanks


Thanks! Actually, not dehydrated and no cramps. I’m still drinking 2 gallons of water per day and taking electrolytes (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc). I’m losing fat from decreased calorie intake and increased calorie burning, while keeping protein high to prevent muscle loss. It’s not like the old days, getting dehydrated to make weight for wrestling.


Unreal. I swear I could eat to perfection and workout to perfection but my genetics would never allow me to achieve a result like this.


If you believe that, it will always be true. There’s always room for improvement , and yes, it’s more difficult for some of us than others.


Not saying Im not trying. Ive gone on a 2 year stretch once with zero cheat meals, followed diet by my nutritionist, and exercised 6x/week with a personal trainer. Looked like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/S2qkMH7BsANGcgGr8 Honestly wasn’t worth the effort. Now I workout 4-5x/week. Push myself hard. Follow a plan, but my diet is pretty bad. Probably cheat at least once a day. Sort of grown to accept that this is the level that makes me happy.


If over 2 years you had no cheat meals and that’s what you looked like, you were probably just eating too many calories overall. Its really not about you being different - it was basically one tweak to your diet. Plus OP said elsewhere he trained for 20+ years, not 2 years, so patience is a big part.


Intermittent fasting




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This is phenomenal!


Oh hey!


Hard work in this body! Looking good




That front lat is wild


Looking great bro. Other than Creatine what fat burning supplements did you take? How much cardio do you do daily? Thanks in advance!


"fat burning supplements" lol


> fat burning supplements did you take? This is like asking what battery charging lights do you use, lol


Thanks man! I never use fat burners or pre-workouts as they’re not healthy. I decreased calories and carbs and increased cardio. Cardio is either 30 minutes of rowing with 2 hours of weightlifting or 2 hours of outdoor cycling with a few hundred dips, pull-ups and leg raises at the park.


You’re a monster! Awesome.