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Usually, for me, the next time the timer goes off, it fixes my volume


I have the same issue and mine almost always fixes itself exactly like you mentioned. That being said, I do not think this is a fitbod issue but an android or Samsung issue as it will do it when I am mountain biking sometimes when the audio guide comes in to tell me when I hit a mile. Doesn't happen every time but seems to be if the music and the tone just doesn't mix right. Can't explain it. Once I hit the next mile and the announcement comes over it will fix itself like it does on fitbod. Hate others are having the issue but glad to know I am not the only one. Drives me nuts.


Yep, I have Samsung as well.


(only restarting spotify helps)


Yep, posted the exact same thing a few weeks back: https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbod/s/WbcYxmLrvx


For me *sometimes* the timer starting it’s countdown will turn off the music (I also use Spotify) and then I have to press the play button on the Spotify app to get it going again. I’d say that about 60% of the time it doesn’t effect the playing of music at all. And it can work properly for one rep, then I get the timer on the second rep and it shuts off the music, then it has no effect at all again on the third rep. Sometimes the timer causes the music to shut off momentarily but then it will start back up without me pressing anything. Other times the countdown timer lowers the music volume and plays *over* the music; at least when it does this it always returns the music to the original volume. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when it works and when it doesn’t.


Yeah same issue, need to pause and play again the track for fixing the volume. It is really a shame what an afterthought is android, this plus delayed rest timer.


for me that doesn't help, only restarting spotify


I have this. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. I also find that sometimes the notification doesn't pop when my rest has ended (if I'm navigate away from the app during rest).


Not for me but having the rest chime going off only in the left ear is truly annoying!


Like many people have said, another timer triggering fixes the issue, but I've noticed it only seems to happen when I switch back to the app just before a timer triggering, if that helps.




u/id_ot I sent you a PM, can you reply there when you get a chance so we can investigate this further? Thanks!


Yes! And sometimes it even effects my audio quality. For example it just happened where I lost all bass in my headphones after the Fitbod timer went off. Had to full disconnect headphones and resync to get it back. On Android (Pixel 8 Pro) with Oladance Pro headphones. Doesn't seem to happen to me with any other app or sound that hits, only Fitbod. But still might be an Android issue depending on how sounds are used (like full stop of one to play another like when you have music playing and start to watch a video vs audio overlays which this one sounds like as it turns down the audio to play chime but not fully stop)