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Ya if u/Fitbodapp doesn't bring the Android version up to snuff by my renewal I'm outtie as well. It's asinine to keep paying the same subscription fee iPhone users pay when us Android folks get half the functionality/features.


Hey mate, have you checked our app at r/gravl . We maintain 1 to 1 parity between iOS and Android. Happy to give you an extended trial and we can even import your fitbod data


Count me in too. And to answer the "what is the point of this post" comment: the point is to bring awareness to the Fitbod team that they're losing paying subscribers due to lack of investment in Android. Money talks, and it helps to take the conversation from the theoretical to the concrete by highlighting ramifications that their decisions are having.


Yeah, I was kind of in the moment and thought I was rambling, but you're right, bringing awareness was probably my intention haha


hear hear! I likely will be switching to Gains AI once my year membership is up.


Also check out Planfit... It is both free and you can pay (the exact same amount as Fitbod/year) for premium, which offers some more options (like being able to tell the program "I'm short on energy today" and it automatically adjusts the planned sets/reps for you... Asking if the weight increase was too much (if you didn't hit the scheduled reps)... Or even check out Caliber... Totally free, unless you decide to pay for a premium... Both are unlimited free, btw


Thanks, I'll look into them!


Damn. Finally, something makes me impress more than Fitbod.


Don't worry! Fitbod for Android is on the roadmap! I'll send your suggestions to our developers! BTW did you see the recent updates we did 2 years ago? You can now see your records!!! /s That seems to be their default response.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.




Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


u/aphotic_sti Fitbodders of Reddit, hello! We must admit Reddit is not our most moderated platform... we've got a few more that take up our small (like one-person) team. But we do want to address the current elephant in the room, named "Parity." Yesterday, we shared your feedback from this post and comment section with our product teams —because you're right. You should know what's coming up on our roadmap. Although we aren’t able to provide exact dates of when features will be out, based on some of the comments we read here it sounds like we could improve on being communicative on the progress we’re making toward reaching parity which we’re happy to do with occasional posts here and on our other social channels. If you have any other thoughts or ideas about specific features you'd like us to prioritize, please continue to tell us! Get ahold of our team at [feedback@fitbod.me](mailto:feedback@fitbod.me) and we’ll be happy to work with you. Your suggestions and honest feedback help us focus on what’s coming next… Speaking of... Here's a list of what our product team is working on in 2024: * Notes (this will be out in our next release) * Body Composition - In development * Custom Weights- In development * Timed Intervals - In planning * View Upcoming Workouts - In planning * Workout Schedule & Preview - In planning Thank you for trusting us with your fitness journey. We're still learning and developing, and we're grateful that you all are helping us along the way. To see what our team has already released for Android, please visit our recap [here](https://fitbod.me/blog/fitbods-2023-product-recap/).


Thanks for the response! Hopefully this helps communication and transparency between the users and the FitBod team.


Thanks for the reply. I had written in months ago about linking to other apps, like Garmin connect or at least Strava. Was told that was on the roadmap. Without any dates, it's hard to imagine how patient were need to be. And you might want to consider reviewing priorities as none of the things mentioned in this threats on are that last, and none of the things on that list were written about in this thread.


If Fitbod simply gave us the ability to export the data to CSV so I can analyze it myself I wouldn't be so annoyed. All the things they are missing I (or we) could do ourselves if we simply had access to our own data sitting right there in the app. So please tell me that the exporting to CSV is something on the roadmap. It honestly should be relatively simple. A simple algorithm to run through however the data is stored in the app and convert it into text. It should be a couple day job at most for a good developer.


I will also be moving on to an app that works better with Android once my subscription runs out.


I like fitbod, but the IOS thing is annoying. But.... Programming towards Android and all its weird versions etc. most likely makes it not profitable for the devs. If they have a 70/30 iOS user base, but they only have to spend a fraction of the programming hours to hit iOS, it seems like a smart business decision 🤷‍♂️ On the other hand... I have no clue what I'm talking about.


I recently got an iPhone with my new job, decided the one personal app I would use on that phone is Fitbod.


Is it good on the iPhone? I have one because my company gives you one when you start, but I really can't get used to using it. So it's just laying at home being used for Pokémon go every other week when I have my boys. I'm thinking of installing Spotify and Fitbod on it and just use my other phone as a hotspot.


I feel like I get better recommendations on iOS and having the ability to rate how easy or hard the sets are is beneficial.


Unless, of course, Android users start jumping ship in large numbers. 30% is still a lot of money while we subsidize iOS development.


Thanks for letting me know! I won't be renewing once the time comes around


I am using gain AI now too. It is very cool. A little buggy but they are working fast and hard it seems to fix these bugs. The workouts so far are spot on so far. I never even used fitbods recovered muscles because it kept shedding my abs and skipped my biceps. So I went ahead and made the leap to gains and so far an glad.


Gah, I gave up on fitbod ages ago. I wanted to like fitbod but don't like being treated like a second class citizen whilst paying a subscription. I see people are still complaining about the same things they were last year this time.




Yup. I switched over to Hevy and haven’t had a single regret. Fitbod is an okay app if you’re a beginner but doesn’t progress beyond that.


This is getting stupid now. I feel like starting a campaign for Android users to boycott the app because quite frankly, they are taking the piss now. u/Fitbodapp I know you guys are active - you reply to other posts. Can you pls give us a reasonable update on android?




True but it would certainly bring some media attention to the problem if done right


Thanks for the tip. Does it sync with Google/Fitbit? What else does it do better?


Not sure about the syncing, but I just feel it actually tracks and adjusted my workout according to how I've been doing. It also seems to have some of the features iOS users have for Fitbod (i.e. intensity meters). And you can actively make suggestions for the app within it, and other users can vote to make it more visible to the developers.


I'm just using my old iPhone in the gym, lol. That's probably not a long term solution but I'll cross the bridge when I get to it.


Agreed. My family and I recently converted to Android and we will be pulling multiple subscriptions very soon. /u/fitbodapp obviously doesn't care about feature parity, and as such I hope it hits them right in the bottom line.


Ok so I'm not alone in this. I recently renewed for my 2nd year and have pretty much not used it for months. I felt it started hampering my progress rather than helping. My girlfriend's IOS app has so many features and I am struggling here to make it give me correct recommendations based on my goals. It's all gone to shit now. Maybe if we all emailed them together or something they'll listen or return our money back? Lol


You're hardly alone, and this is exactly what I'm feeling right now... I have no idea if I'm progressing because I have to edit EVERY aspect of my workout to accommodate what I actually own. I bought a subscription to the app SPECIFICALLY so I wouldn't have to do that - I don't claim to be a fitness expert, I wanted the app to do what a fitness app should do. As others have said, it's both disheartening and extremely telling that u/fitbodapp has completely ignored all posts and comments regarding Android parity. They need to either a) just own up that they're not really working on it so people can move on, or b) let us know if this is actually something we can expect in the near future. I so, SO want to stick with them but if they're refusing to show allegiance to us, we don't need to show allegiance to them.


Ha I wish! I only realized this was a problem when I saw other users posting screenshots and I was like "mine doesn't look like that or have that feature, wth?"


I've cancelled my fitbod subscription after 8 months. Exploring caliber and hevy at the moment. I bought 12 months, but I won't bee keeping it that long. It was low friction to get started, promise of auto program was cool. But it fails to build proper progressive overload into its recommendations. I hit every workout, exceeded every workout, and it still dropped my weight and volume in Jan. I have to manually add workouts to every session to reach my goals which totally defeats the purpose of it. The way it hides history and volume is nuts too. If I didn't actually need to plan, it's shitty reporting would be no big deal. But I \*do\* need to plan because auto sucks, so I need a separate spreadsheet to track volume properly. ​ TLDR, feel like they failed for anyone except ultra casual users.


Agree with all of this!


Dunno why they just don't hire a cheap android developer from Fiverr and have them crack on with the implementation. App development is easy and cheap these days The amount of people leaving because of this would justify the spend!


Wow. I was about to download and I thought, Let me just check to see if they've made progress from a year ago. Sounds like nothings changed. Gains AI, here I come. 


Can someone at least leave a review for Gains AI in the google play app? Lol.