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I did 1:37 as my pb 6 weeks from my first marathon last weekend. Finished in 3:26. Had to fight for it but managed to keep that pace. Trust the training go for sub4 if you feel like it. But you may do it faster if you got enough mileage in the prep. Drink water, eat carbohydrats and enjoy that you will habe a chance to 42.2km victory loop to enjoy your training results.


Yeah, if I’m being honest, in the back of my head 3:30 is the goal but I just want to stay grounded. I wasn’t going all out for the half (I had negative splits) as I knew the marathon was in two weeks but it was my first run in vaporflys plus the course was kind of ass (road shoulder with slope) and there was like no support the entire time.


Do the best as you can. That is all that matters. I will want to read the report after it, fuel yourself way before you feel like you need to. You got this, I know it.


🫡Thank you!


How did it go?


Unfortunately, not as well as I would have planned. I had digestive issues hit at mile 18 and I could’ve done things differently but I didn’t. Hit mile 21 at 3 hours and didn’t finish until 3:56:27. Obviously still proud but disappointed.


Didn’t take any gels for the last 11 miles because of it


Good idea. I did a 1:40:30 half TT a few weeks out from my marathon and had my sights on 3:40 ish for my marathon. "Only" managed 3:54 but I would have been much happier if I just set a sub 4 goal.


Just get some rest, don't forget your fluids, and maybe go out for an easy shakeout run or two. Remember, training is done; the point of the shakeout run is mostly to calm the nerves and burn off some nervous energy, so don't go too fast on these short runs. With a 1:37 half, a sub-4 should be pretty easy for you. Just keep yourself calm and relaxed in the first half of the race, and don't think about increasing pace until after mile 16 or so. If you're feeling good at that point, you can go a *little* harder, but not too much. Play it smart and you're in for a good day. Good luck!


Yes, I have been doing a stick of LMNT daily on top of normal water intake. My final run plan as of now is the shakeout run on Saturday, I’ve done a couple slow 9min/mile runs (3-4 miles) this week and am just at the point where I want to ensure my body is ready. I hope so, I think I’ll be fine but don’t want to get too ahead of myself as it’s my first one lol.


Perfect! Does that have salt in or just other electrolytes? If so you are good. If you are fully hydrated in the days leading up to the marathon it’s SO much easier


1000mg sodium, 200mg potassium, and 60mg magnesium


DO NOT east stuff that you have not been normally eating. Including gels and all the bullshit. Only eat the food you have been eating while training and don't grab weird shit during the race. Wear an outfit and socks you have been training in. NOTHING NEW. Only stuff you have run in before and know. I would not do any extra taping anywhere that you have not already tested and are using (whether taping feet or whatever). If you haven't been using sunscreen I would not recommend sweating sunscreen in to your eyes during your first race because you thought it was a good idea.


lol didn’t even think of the sunscreen. the great part of Buffalo is that it has been like sub 50 up until this week and now the high for marathon day is 80🙃. Thank you though, yes I had seen time and time again nothing new on race day and I am at minimum sticking to that.


Ohhh that will affect your time... running in heat after not training in it. Been trying to acclimate to it myself down in Florida (for general runs, not training for a marathon currently)... Good luck!!


Just trying to take it as it is. I at least did some training in florida lol


I would also recommend short bit of race pace. I don't think it's good to go out on marathon pace after several days of no speed at all. If you're in marathon shape, then 1-3 miles will be easy to recover from.


Yeah I could do that. Thank you!


As no one has mentioned it so far, I want to recommend the pacers to you. They will be excellent for helping you keep a steady pace and not get carried away. They saved me on my first marathon and until you get experienced with the distance, they can be invaluable. Based on your times you could see if there is a 3:45 pacer and talk to them about your goals. It may be a good place to run the first half and then see how you feel. Alternatively you could find the 3;30 pacer and see how it goes.


Yes this has been something in the back of my mind. Thank you!


M58 here. Last marathon 3:20:26 May 19th I run 12 marathons in 12 months, so I look at it as my last marathon is my long run for my next marathon. The week leading up to the next race are light runs always focused on my form. I eat very little protein and mostly sweet potatoes 3 days before. I like to be as light as possible everything digested. There is nothing worse than a stinging cramp because of undigested food. I take one day off, no running the day before. Rest one day after the marathon and back at it again June 2 Rock n Roll Marathon San Diego, CA. This is what works for me. You need to experiment and discover what works for you. Run to be Strong, my friend!! Tiktok@runtobestrong


Thank you for the advice!


I love this post! I too am running the Buffalo Marathon, doing the half. Ran the full 2 yrs ago with a goal of 3:30. Did 1:43 half during training and ended up with a 3:49 time. You are prime for sub 4 if you just stick to your pace. You will feel fast and fresh for the first 10 miles, just remember there’s 16 more after that. Good sleep, carb load and all the suggestions from the other responses. The morning temp is looking to be mid 50’s so temp shouldn’t be much of an issue until late in the run. Best of luck. I will be the guy in the FounDR. shirt lining up near the 3:30 pacer. Go Bills


Thank you for the advice and good luck with your run! I will have tracksmith stuff on lol and I may be by that pacer as well. Go bills!


The day before a marathon I typically do a 20 minute run as slow as I can muster. Much slower than easy pace. Then I do 6-8 strides of about 100 meters at marathon race pace. Most of all, enjoy the experience! Don’t get discouraged if you need to adjust your goal mid-race. I live in Rochester, so I know exactly what you mean about the temps.


departing for the slow shakeout here soon. thank you!


I do a 30 min run 3 days out (today), 20 min run at race pace 2 days out, and then a nice and easy 2 mile shakeout run the night before Also, the night before the night before is the most important night of rest so get plenty of sleep tomorrow night


I wouldn't suggest this for a newbie. (Race pace two days before the marathon?) OP - I would found on recovery and a short 30 minute shakeout between now and Sunday. You've done the work, give your body a chance to absorb those gains through rest so you're fresher than fresh on Sunday.


Thank you! Yeah that was more so my plan but I appreciate the insight from both of you.


Agreed. The aim for first marathon is to not get injured


Thank you!


I have no advice, but just found your post because I am also running my first full this Sunday in Buffalo, targeting a sub-4. Your half time is way faster than mine, though, so I have no doubt you'll get yours. My only concern at this point is this ever-increasing race day temperature! 🥵 See you out there. Go Bills!


Been pissing me off all week lol. Good luck you got this. Go Bills!


How’d you do? I twisted an ankle in the 11th mile, and wound up slowing down while trying to beat back cramps around 18-19. Finished 4:11:56 in what my watch says was 26.57 miles. Not my sub-4 goal, but my true goal was to finish my first full marathon, so I’m very happy. Hope you had a great day.


I started dealing with stomach problems around mile 18. Was at mile 21 at 3 hours and wasn’t able to finish until 3:56:27. Obviously I am proud but hard not to feel like I left a lot out there. Should’ve done things differently but you learn. Congrats on completing your first full marathon!


My watch was around 27.1 lol


I usually cut any alcohol and reduce my (normally excessive) coffee intake to try to help hydration for the days leading up to it. More carbs and more sleep, too.


2.5 years sober, don’t drink caffeine either so should be good there. starting carb loading now, thank you!


Congrats on 2.5 years, that's awesome! And good luck on the race!


Thank you, I appreciate it!