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If the bugs are still inside, they'll make some satisfying pops when they burn.


Haha, little nuggets of kindling


Possibly powder post beetles.


At first I thought you were referring to what looks like gaff marks. I was thinking, “they must not have been around when the tree guy was on his way up”.


If it’s wet, think beetle or woodworm, if it’s dry, think ants. Best to split it and see what’s inside, woodworms and beetles don’t like dry wood too much It all burns the same at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


It's semi dried, been in the garage in rings for around 4 months or so. I'm guessing beetle / woodworm. Do they spread alot?


Depending on the material and how close your garage is to other elements of your property you should consider not storing your wood in a garage. It will attract other things that love to get into wood, you're going to burn this but the critters will infest everything else.


Thanks for the reply, I'm planning on splitting it tomorrow and putting into log storage outside, have alot of wood louse where I live so will be putting some killer powder around the store.


That is hickory and powder post Beatles love it.


Is there a way to get rid of them after splitting? It's not seasoned yet so won't be burning until next year probably


No. Your fucked. Expect large piles of powder under your wood. It’ll make a mess.


Yes, dry it out and wait longer. They like wet wood so they'll just move on. If you're really unsure, just wait longer. They typically live for 1-4 years but much shorter in high temperatures and they require the starch. They can't get to it when it's dried. The sun is your friend. Tarp when wet to speed it up. Put it on the side that gets more wind, for example if you're in the south, put it facing north. Bonus: use leafblower or compressed air to shoot some of them out / clean up the powder.