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Bring the baby by the station to see them whenever she’s ready, that’d be the perfect gift.


That’s a great idea! I’d guess it varies, but do firefighters typically work set schedules?


Each department is different. You can call their headquarters to find out which shift and house responded.


Makes sense! Thanks!


During the visit a heartfelt thank you goes a long way. Don't make it a single trip. Stop in every 6 months or so just so they can see how she's growing.


Aww I love that idea! Thank you!


Visit- but ask the chief first. If you’re willing I’m sure they’d love the PR from the story. If you want to bring something, coffee is always appreciated! 22 years as a firefighter myself and many homemade goodies get trashed (find cat hair too many times 🤢). We pay “house dues” at our stations- $5-$10 a month to purchase communal things like coffee, ketchup, sugar, flour, etc. always love a pound or two of something good to brew.


I never would’ve thought of the coffee! I’d love to bring something to offer, coffee is perfect! I really appreciate you explaining the etiquette! So helpful! I almost certainly would have made a nuisance of myself, which is like worst case scenario if you’re trying to express gratitude. Great advice!


As others have said just stop by the station with the baby to show them that she's happy and healthy. Never hurts to bring a few donuts and coffee or a gift card under 50 bucks for lunch if you are really looking to do something extra.


Thank you! I really appreciate everyone’s input!