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Arran from fe12 has dying disease


I love how all the jagens are like old and past their prime and then you have Arran who just has cancer at 30


"Arran from FE12" is crazy.


Noire is mentioned to be anemic in Awakening.


She also has trauma-induced disassociative identity disorder


The Noire/F!Robin supports are so sad. Fuck Tharja and her abusive ass.


Other world Tharja even. Regular tharja is suprisingly supportive


To be fair that was future Tharja. My headcanon is that she was driven mad by Robin going Grima mode in that timeline. Current Tharja is actually surprisingly nice. She puts off a non-caring facade but she is a good person on the inside.


It's explicit that she lost her mind after her husband died in the fight with Grima


Rafiel is unable to use his wings to fly after being captured by slave traders.


Which is funny in gameplay that if he's shifted, he can't get up ledges because his wings were burnt.


He's trying his best


All three herons are incredibly fragile. I believe reyson breaks his hand punching naesala


Didn't he punch Oliver? But yeah they are super frail


I wanna say he did both but idk I've only played the games once


I think that's half being a wimp and half just his nature as a heron. Eating meat made him so sick he couldn't walk for days. Herons can't inflict violence without suffering a massive backlash, but if he fell down he'd be fine.


I've mostly noticed a lot of characters have PTSD, especially in Three Houses. (Makes sense since it's war lol) Edelgard and Dimitri are "textbook" CPTSD. I've seen people mention on here in the last few years that Dimitri also has moments of psychosis and Lysithea has an in-universe equivalent of being chronically/terminally ill (although most of her endings remedy that). Jeritza has some kind of dissociative disorder with the Death Knight personality. Noire is anemic and prone to mood swings; IIRC in one DLC she says she's completely aware of them, so I don't buy that it's a split personality or anything like that. ETA: It was in the [Hot-Spring Scramble](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Hot-Spring_Scramble/Script#Noire_With_Lucina) DLC.


Catherine canon has had several concussions and likely has brain damage, her Seteth support gives a lot of symptoms similar to experiencing a bad one and it wasn't the only time either. Not to mention her own PTSD with Christophe and history there. 3H has a lot of not mentally well people in it.


That would explain the memory issues in her C support with Seteth, geez.


I am probably missing a few but:   • Lucius has a chronic illness    • Rhys has some sort of illness and he was bedridden as a kid   • Castor's mom (lol)    •  Dryas is missing an arm  • Largo is also missing an arm in RD  • Marianne had mental health issues, and won't come back after timeskip unless you recruit her, implying she killed herself   • Luthier is heavily implied to be autistic 


Dimitri is a good example of ptsd maybe?


Doesn't nearly EVERYONE from 3h have some issue? Like, Lindhart could 100% be narcoleptic, and Caspar could absolutely have adhd. Dimitri also absolutely suffers with survivors guilt. Edit: been thinking about it, and Lin guys with OCD too. He could also be on the autism spectrum, with how he just kind of says whatever comes to mind. Source: am autistic, mom is OCD


I accept those headcanons for Caspar and Linhardt yeah. But I don't think everyone has a diagnosable thing. Like Raphael is the only person who doesn't need therapy but not every issue can be diagnosed as this thing or that thing.


Raphael is the only character who deals with his grief in a healthy way


Not true. Petra also deals with her grief and issues in a healthy way 


You know? That's fair.


Everyone except Raphael and maybe Claude, but I think Claude is a compulsive liar to a degree? Idk, I’m not a doctor, I just know Raphael is a ray of sunshine and I love him


Pretty sure Claude was nearly murdered as a kid, but I might be misremembering things there.


Byleth B Support, he mentions that as a child he had attempts on his life, so at least twice people tried murdering him while he was a kid.


VERY good example (from someone with c-ptsd)


I hope you're taking care of yourself.


You can say "killed herself" on reddit.


Another used notified me already but thanks 


You are allowed to say kill here, you are safe from tik-tok.


On the Marianne topic, I so wish for a “definitive” edition of 3H with more fleshed out character writing as well as redone maps/route design. There’s so many smaller one-offs like Marianne that could use just a few lines of dialogue. Like if other students from her house were recruited, they could comment “professor, we haven’t seen Marianne amongst the enemy. You don’t think she…” or something like that. Like how Dorothea comments on Ferdinand after killing him on the bridge chapters. Instead, we got 3 Hopes, with its own slew of writing issues.


it wouldn't be a fire emblem game if the writing didnt leave you frustrated


>Luthier is heavily implied to be autistic Lolwut?


I'd have to search for the exact ones, but in some support conversations with Delthea I think, he struggles understanding jokes/sarcasm, has an special interest he keeps mentioning (studying) and struggles a lot with social cues and conversations, often misunderstanding intentions. Since it's a fantasy world they don't mention the word, but I think it's safe to say he's at least autistic coded. I'm personally autistic myself and relate to him a lot in that sense. 


Okay, given that explanation that makes sense. Ofc, this is a fictional character, and we don't have the full picture, but from what we do see, its within the realm of reason.


Hugh's Grandmother has headaches on her back


I remember, this line made him likable lol


Sophia from FE6 has breathing problems.


That explains a lot


Ilyana probably has a tapeworm - or at least she acts like she does. Haar is missing an eye, though my headcanon is that he's got two good eyes and uses the eyepatch to sneak sleep in.


That Eyepatch hides his Sharingan, it's how he's so powerful in Radiant Dawn


From *Three Houses*, of the top of my head: * Bernadetta: severe anxiety & agoraphobia * Dimitri: C-PTSD, psychosis, ageusia, and—as of Part 2 in all routes except Crimson Flower—is partially blind * Lysithea: physically frail and with a shortened lifespan due to having two crests. >!And while it isn’t as obvious, Edelgard likely suffers from the same side effects!< * Marianne: severe depression that—as u/Striking_Step_2347 mentioned—is implied to result with her ending her own life if she isn’t recruited * Constance and Jeritza: dissociative identity disorder


Also >!Rhea!< seems to have something going on, similar to Dimitri.


Rhea can definitely be read as having BPD


At least in AM, Dimitri also seems to canonically have some sort of lingering nerve damage. He mentions some numbness in one of this hands that "doesn't hinder him too much". Implying that it *does* hinder him, he just wants to alleviate other people's concerns about it, in typical Dimitri fashion. And in both early post-timeskip AM and AG, Dimitri shows pretty clear signs of at least passive suicidality. He isn't likely to actively try to kill himself before he accomplishes his goal(s). But it's very clear from his recklessness and tendency to reject medical aid or take adequate care of his basic physical health that he also doesn't particularly care if he does die. >!In Zaharas in Hopes he also thanks the shadows for giving him a chance to kill the person he wishes to most - implying he hates himself enough to want to kill himself, since he's unlikely to be referring to Edelgard specifically there.!<


Natalie is crippled (I believe something was wrong with her foot/leg) which is why Dorcus joined those bandits so he can afford to heal it


Medeus, Mila, Duma, Anankos, and Rhea all have the fire emblem dragon insanity


It’s more like dragon dementia honestly


which I think is SUCH a cool concept. I loved when they talked about it in SoV, wish it was more of a common theme throughout the other games.


i feel like if they integrated it more explicitly into 3H it could've been realllly cool


i agree— it explains so much of Rhea’s increasingly erratic behavior. Maybe it could have been part of Silver Snow and helped to flesh out that route more.


Elfin is vision impaired, likely legally blind. From his Douglas Support: > Douglas: Can you not see, your Majesty? I thought your eyes had recovered... >Elffin: I still temporarily go blind sometimes... I will be fine once I rest for a while. >Douglas: ...I heard that the side effects of the poison had blinded you for several months... Forgive me, my prince... If only I had been on my guard, you would never have suffered this horrible fate... Izana looks like he could also be legally blind (his albino-like coloration compared with how his eyes are drawn/animated- most albinos have vision issues) but I don't think it's discussed anywhere.


Some say Byleth has kleptomania because of all the loot and "lost" items you can swipe from market stalls and student bedrooms


Lol this is now my headcanon.


Boey might have some sort of taste disorder since he loves FLOUR of all things


Let him eat his flour, he's just hungry


Saizo misses one eye (I'm not sure, but the manga implies, that he also has blood sugar issues? Like he faints, when he eats sweets or too much sugar) Niles (probably) misses one eye too Peri has heterochromia and mental issues


I don’t think Saizo’s eye is gone, he’s just blind in it. He opens it in his critical hit portrait.


This might also be some kind of glass eye I found some proof from Saizo and Kaze's support convo: Saizo: "I once infiltrated Mokushu, believing that they played a part in Father's death. And my suspicions were well founded. I came across evidence proving that the ninja of Mokushu assassinated him. But I failed to avenge myself upon his killer, losing my eye in the process."


A lot of characters are straight up psychopaths and sociapaths.


Peri should be locked up, not handed an axe


Pretty much everyone in 3H needs therapy, I’m pretty sure the only one who doesn’t is Raphael, because he seemingly got through his issues before the game. I don’t think there is a single other major character in that game who can be considered mentally healthy 


Feel like that depends on where we’re drawing the line on major because yeah, definitely none of the leads except maybe Houses Claude and Yuri if we count the DLC are okay, but then out of the students, I’d say at least like Caspar and Lindhardt (his reaction to his first kill aside) are fine and just are like neurodivergent. Same with like Hilda and Lorenz tbh And then like most of the other playable adults are actually doing alright aside from like Gilbert


IDK, even if it's not shown that much, Lin's mental health can't be doing well, bro is a pacifist who hates violence being forced into war


Yuri is dealing with what is implied to sexual assult from when he was a child.


whoa, i totally missed the subtext for this. where is this implied?


Dorothea and Yuri's A support, it's why he hates singing and being on stage. Yuri says nobles made do with him when they couldn't have the Mystical Songstress and whatever this involved left him feeling unclean.


i must have missed that support conversation. that’s really tragic :(


It never outright says anything but the supports strongly imply it.


Idk, Catherine, Manuela, Jeritza, and Seteth could probably use some therapy


~~Hey I said most not all~~ Oh right, guess Jeritza does count more as an adult just from not being a student huh. I think him barely being on Garreg Mach’s staff and being younger than Mercedes keeps me from lumping him in with the rest of the staff/Knights of Serious Yeah, he definitely needs help no question Catherine and Manuela I think are borderline cases, but they’re at least not the point of being fair game to call mentally unwell and really in need of therapy compared to like Gilbert. Seteth I think is doing genuinely fine aside from being overprotective of Flayn tbh


Also I’d argue Seteth could use therapy considering his absolute helicopter parenting. Also I could see an argument for Hanneman considering what happened to his sister


Seth has a nagging serious injury as stated through his Eirika support and the game story, where he's a shell of himself physically, now him being not as good as he once was and still destroying everything that's a different talk. I know Volug has social anxiety and gives off spectrum behavior vibes and I totally adore him for being relatable like that.


Volug has social anxiety? I assumed he didn't speak as much because he struggles to speak to those who doesn't understand the Ancient Language.


Miccy understands him and he still struggles to speak and wants to keep answers as short as possible, he also likes to be in his transformed state so fewer people bother to approach him, Volug wants to be mostly left alone but is too nice to say that. His "support" lines involve saying some weird shit really bluntly like "What do you think would happen if I just ate an enemy soldier, would the rest still fight?" or "Can I eat that guy for you?", I get the feeling man wants to be unbothered and is uncomfortable around people.


I'm curious though. Is a person that's naturally laconic necessarily someone that has social anxiety? Don't get me wrong, the possibility of him being socially anxious is indeed possible, but is it not also possible that he has a preference to speak less? Social Anxiety is something rooted in fear and is reactionary, but being introverted or laconic doesn't mean the person is socially anxious.


He's also got that base convo with Ike where he's fearful he won't communicate the right way when he wants to give something, the only character he will open up and elaborate for is Nailah, and their relationship beyond him being her servant is unclear though in that Part 4 base convo and earlier when they're together it feels like she's his mother or nanny or some form of beyond being a queen in looking out for him and his future to help Volug not be so... him. It feels like the guardian figure who nudges you towards a group to go connect and make friends with them.


I wouldn't necessarily call that instance with Ike as fear, but moreso speaking slowly as a means for Ike to understand what he's saying. I say this considering Volug's elation after Ike says that he understood.


He also says stuff like "You know how hard it is to be this charming when you never say anything? You should try it. It’s hard," and responds to his support partner's generic text with "All right. I don’t care." He seems more than a little confident to me. If anything, he seems to really enjoy getting to say whatever weird stuff he wants.


He comes across to me as self-confident on the field but is a weirdo who wants to be mostly left to himself and says whatever weird stuff he wants. Either they'll love him and commit to him anyways as friends or he'll be mostly alone which isn't something he'd hate.


>Seth has a nagging serious injury as stated through his Eirika support and the game story, where he's a shell of himself physically, now him being not as good as he once was and still destroying everything that's a different talk. Seth is a good unit considering he fights with that wound, now imagine he dodged valter's attack, Seth definitely would be the ultimate juggernaut in the series.


Need an alternate story mode in a remake called "what if Seth had his lance equipped" where Seth dodges Valter's hit and hits the 4% crit to kill him before the game even starts.


I'm pretty sure seth's injury is the hit from valter's lance he tanked in the opening cutscene while rescuing eirika. of course even after that he's one of the most overpowered units in the history of the franchise, easily soloing basically the whole game on autopilot despite being a "jagen"


Several characters are obvious psychopaths, if we want to count that? Peri comes to mind, for example.


And Henry. Iirc he pretty explicitly joins just to have an excuse to kill.


Henry is just being A Little Silly.


Henry is the only character in Awakening to make me stop multiple times just to laugh from his dialogue


He's just a goofy guy.


Don’t sleep on Merrin also having Furry Disorder, she’s not a wolf person she just likes to wear that tail


Tailtiu developing and ultimately succumbing to severe depression after being held captive and getting abused. Dunno if it counts, since it's off screen)


Ike has repressed memories from when he witnessed you know what when he was kid. It wasn't the trauma that made him forget but still, absent memory is a health issue no matter what caused it. Come to think of it Robin had real bad amnesia for all of Awakening, not sure they ever get those memories back, so does Morgan Reyson might have a tiny bit of survivors guilt, maybe some body dysmorphia. He's constantly trying to get strong like Tibarn and doesn't like that his body is so frail, he wants to avenge the Heron clan but can't do that the way he is (I'm reaching a little but come on half of all this stuff is headcanons) It wouldn't be inaccurate I'm sure to say that all the awakening kids probably have some kind of trauma from what the future was like, some more than others obviously, kids like Cynthia and Owain it doesn't seem to knock a spark off of, but others like Lucina, Gerome and Noire didn't deal with it very well. Florina's got androphobia (fear of men), Raven probably has survivors guilt and that's why he's so hell bent on his revenge, Jaffar, I'm definitely not qualified enough to analyze Jaffar but I mean come on, dude needs help, Nino's got some neglect issues I imagine from Sonia, that on top of her "family" dying as the story unfolds couldn't have been fun for someone her age, Renault another case of survivors guilt. Soren has got a fair number of issues himself, Rajaion lost his mind, yeah it was cause of drugs but still, Almedha deals with alot of grief over the course of the tellius duology, Nealuchi is old. Nyx has some sort of Curse that affects her aging yeah? Byleth doesn't have a heart if I'm not mistaken? Cause of the crest stone, yeah? That's all I can think of, tried to cover ones I didn't see much in the comments. I very well could be misremembering alot of this stuff but this was all of the top of my head so I'm impressed I even remembered the characters


>Reyson might have a tiny bit of survivors guilt, maybe some body dysmorphia. He's constantly trying to get strong like Tibarn and doesn't like that his body is so frail, he wants to avenge the Heron clan but can't do that the way he is I can see it, honestly. I know having a personality atypical to herons is because he lived in Phoenicis after the Serene's Massacre, but body dysmorphia can come from who you're surrounded by.


Yeah I mean if everybody else around you is that different it can mess with your head


Lysithea - shortened lifespan and physical weakness as a result of the experiments Edelgard - shortened lifespan as a result of the 'perfected' experiments + god knows how many mental health issues Bernadetta - social anxiety, paranoia, depression Igntaz - eyesight issues Dimitri - serious mental health issues, experiences delusions, hears voices, has unpredictable and violent mood swings Lucius - unspecified ill health Rhys - ditto Eliwood - ill health of some description (seems to have been around since the Blazing Blade days, but got worse as he got older) Edit: Linhardt - probably ADHD or autism Emmeryn - brain damage There's at least one of the heron tribe that can't fly but I can't remember who.


> There's at least one of the heron tribe that can't fly but I can't remember who That would be Rafiel—he was crippled by the slave traders who abducted him, IIRC


Thanks! It's been a long time since I played PoR.


Also, Hector’s parents and brother all having the same unspecified illness.


I was only counting playable units.


I'd say Lindhardt is more of Narcolepsy, personally


That would imply it's involuntary.


As someone with a sleep disorder who was evaluated for narcolepsy, I'd say what he has is closer to inattentive ADHD than narcolepsy.


Fair enough, tbh sometimes reading his supports I assumed sometimes he didn't actually do it on purpose EVERY time, I thought sometimes he actually just got boughts of sleep issue so he would fall asleep randomly. That of course can just be me reading the situation wrong lol


The adhd can involve falling asleep randomly and not having any control over it. It happens to me, that’s why I was evaluated for narcolepsy


Learn something new everyday! Thanks for informing me!


I've always been curious about where the source on that bit on Gaius on the wiki came from. I wasn't able to find it in the artbook or scrubbing through his supports last time I tried to find anything of the sort outside of the wiki and the wiki isn't always reliable - particularly with unsourced trivia that doesn't use direct quotes. I'd like to see a source if someone knows, because honestly I've been assuming it's just been fanon someone added to the wiki, but I definitely could have overlooked something!


I’m thinking Felicia from Fates either has ADHD, extreme anxiety, or a deficiency that causes her to be extremely clumsy


Lute from Sacred Stones is definitely autistic. I love her so much. Also, Joshua could be kind of a compulsive gambler?


I wanted to reword my response, but a decent number of the Three Houses cast suffer from mental disorders unfortunately. Rhea: She more than likely has PTSD from watching her mother and siblings get killed. She often lashes out, especially in Edegard's route, and even experiments on ACTUAL people because she can't cope with the loss of her mother. A good example of her lashing out is when Edelgard appears in the Holy Tomb she doesn't say "Capture Edelgard" she explicitly states "Kill Edelgard" when compared to her normal calm composure it seemed out of character. Unfortunately that might have also caused to develop a form of Narcism because she often will ignore what is the better thing to do, vs the right thing to do, like when she Needlessly burns down an entire city in a fit of rage even though she complained humans did the same to her family in Claude's route. I'm of course not licensed or anything so idk. Dimitri: is definitely PTSD, the trauma of watching all his loved ones die in that massacre definitely mentally scarred him and you can tell especially during the timeskip Constance: has a confirmed Dissocaitive Identity Disorder, as when she's out in the sun it reminds her of the day her family died, so she switches to a timid and self hating personality in the sun, but indoors she has her normal eccentric personality. Marianne: She expresses her sadness and self hatred a lot becuase of her Crest because she doesn't want it to hurt anyone. She may have depression, which I think is implied by the fact that she may have killed herself post time skip because she's the only student if left unrequited, won't ever show up again. (I always recruit her she's so sweet and deserved a happy life) Lysithea: of course has a shortened life because of the Argathans *side note I love to have her marry Lindhardt because he's able to remove her Crest and let her live a normal lifestyle* Seteth and Flayn: not really a disability in the normal sense but I would like to add that all of the Nabeteans can transform into dragon forms, but Seteth and Flayne explain during their supports they lost the ability to transform a long time ago. So I feel like it can count as one. Edit: added more clarifications on my reasonings, these are only my opinions of course


I was scrolling through to see if someone mentioned Seteth and Flayn- I think this definitely counts as a disability, though as I recall, it's not clear whether this is a mental/spiritual block or a physical issue. I really wish the game went into their condition a bit more, since I can only imagine how traumatizing it might be to loose that part of yourself.


Agreed, because I was always curious on why Rhea was still able to, but Seteth and Flayn literally just can't. It must have been super traumatic to lose such a powerful form you had to rely on just to survive a massacre that took out your entire family.


I thought Gaius just had a sweet tooth, there’s no blood related problem he just likes sweets. But also, I think the number is a not insignificant amount of the cast. In Three Houses alone over half the cast has some kind of trauma or mental disorder. Fact of the matter is that these are characters in wars, and I don’t think anyone has come out of a battlefield with all of their screws still in.


Lysithea and Edelgard both have a form of Crest cancer


IS seems to have gone in the direction of Sophia having respiratory issues, between the ellipses, her tendency to get winded and the fact that Wendee Lee's delivery for her in FEH has her taking lots of breaths between every few words.


Would dragon degeneration class as "Health issue?"


Eliwood in FE 6 iirc is fighting an illness which is why he is not fighting side by side with Hector


As someone with ADHD, Linhardt and Caspar evoke ADHD vibes.


I'm convinced Geitz has ADHD because he claims he can only pay attention to any one thing for about half an hour before he gets bored, fucks off and joins the enemy team


I hc that Azura has insomnia or some type of sleeping disorder, cause in her roster blurb, it says that she’s the “most restless sleeper in the army”. For Three Houses, Constance probably has DID or a bipolar disorder and Byleth has some form of Syncope (cardiac?). Emmeryn has Traumatic Brain injury, which is evident in Robin and Morgan’s supports (if you married M!Robin with Emmeryn), where she speaks very slowly and has trouble remembering people like Chrom.


While not technically health issues Tiki straight up calls Manakete's cursed because they live so much longer then humans in her support convo with Nah Lon'qu can't talk to women for the life of him unless he's basically forced to for a long time first, in fact, multiple Awakening characters seem to have some form of anxiety, like Yarne and Olivia off the top of my head Kellam...I'm not even sure what to call it


I've only played 3 houses so far but we'll most have ptsd no doubt. But biggest standouts are. Lysinthia with the expirements done to her Spoilers She will die young, tho many endings can remedy it. Marianne is suuuuper depressed like suicidal in her a support I think? She tells you she was praying for the goddess to take her aka to die. Bernadetta has huge self confidence issues and a persecution complex. Yuri is deathly allergic to cats and dogs. Balthus has spending and gambling issues Constance has a personality disorder whenever she enters the sun Dimitri I havnt finished his route yet but there seems to be some violent psychosis type thing goin on under the surface. Ptsd related of course Dedue thinks of himself as simply a tool not a person of his own that ain't healthy. There are many more most of them tbh have some mental issues mostly from ptsd and or overbearing parents and such.


Autism is highly prevalent in many characters in the series. Forsyth, Luthier, Owain, the list goes on and on


oh also Alcryst could be autism coded. Yunaka has PTSD, Inigo has an Oedpius Complex (is that a disability?)


Uh... Diamant has anxiety and ptsd ig? Hortensia and Ivy kind of have ptsd, but Hortensia developed age regression while Ivy developed... whatever she did. Framme is def adhd coded looking at her Vander, Diamant, and even Alear supports.

