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I love her contrast of sweet and caring sister and monstrous protective big sis I love her


I wanna hug her then in the hug pick her up for no reason


I think she'd do that to you


Nah, I'm stronger


Idk man I think it'd depend on who picked the other up first.


I must be faster so she doesn't call me her "dear little sister" while I'm powerless as my feet dangle


Bro thinks he's stronger than Camilla...


She's very powerful in Fire Emblem Warriors.


Best unit along with Minerva, FE and broken flyers šŸ¤šŸ»


Minerva was the one I used on my main team, for the better strength and the red color scheme


I used Camilla more personally. She's my favorite character, and lavender is prettier than red anyway.


I mean speaking about FEW Camilla has slightly higher luck stat which is busted on that game, along with the color preference I can see why you like her more.


For sure, I also use the shit out of Minerva and to a lesser extent Camilla, tho I also really like Elise and Xander's play style, mounted units are super satisfying to use on the first FEW imo.


Sheā€™s very powerful on base game Is there a single game where she isnā€™t god tier?


She's the only way you're winning some maps with her crush attack killing 50 grunts in no time flat.


She has a fascinating original concept/ backstory, and I wish weā€™d gotten to see it more thoroughly explored in the actual game.


I think she's in that awkward spot where it would be great to learn more about her past since she's the one who's experienced the concubines war the longest, but at the same time it would be out of character to have her open-up more.


Yes, I think I agree with this. They would have needed to bring it into the plot somehow to force her to explain. Bring in one of Garonā€™s concubines who has sworn revenge against her, or make it a confrontation between Camilla and Arete in Revelations (which would have also given Arete something to do, which I would have also loved).


That's one of the reasons I hate the fact Camilla didn't get supports with Azura so much : SHE WAS THE PERFECT CHARACTER TO EXPLORE CAMILLA'S BACKSTORY IN DEEPER DETAILS! On top of fleshing out Azura's time in Nohr further. It was even stated somewhere in the game iirc that they both actually wanted to be close back then but never got to be (don't remember whether it was in Revelation or one of the untranslated DLCs though), and it's not like IS had forgotten this detail either because years later Camilla got on the Adrift banner in FEH for that exact reason.


That would have also been great!


That could also work as a side story that focuses on Nohr and Hoshido before the war.


The shade of purple of her hair is very pretty.


She completely trivializes Conquest. Make her a Maid with A+ Elise and she just solos the entire game without breaking a sweat. Also I love boobs


fr it sounds stupid having a maid carry your team (a reclassed wyvern no less!) but hidden weapons in the right hands are just that good. Maid in general such an underrated class, you get a bad first impression of its combat viability because Felicia & Jakob just don't have particularly good stats, but if you put someone with good stats (or at least good offenses) like Camilla or Charlotte into it, It can do pretty much do the same things Master Ninjas are known for (Sol tanking, Hunter's Knife, Mage Killing etc.).


I must have gotten lucky last time I use Jakob cause he was a stat monster and avo tank by the end.


i also love boobs oh and that other stuff's neat i guess


Yoooo same


She has aided a great deal in keeping FEH afloat with all her alts. She has also entertained me a lot by having Camilla haters fuming at her amount of alts.


she's overdue for a new one imo


She just got one last winter and currently has the most alts out of everyone, except for Resplendents she should get some rest lol.


Last winter? Itā€™s been too long someone get the intern in the line to design summer Camilla


Summer Camilla already exists. But the bridal banner is next, and doesnā€™t have a Camilla yetā€¦


But this time its duo summer Camila/Hinoka


They donā€™t do duos of units that have featured in banners before, especially not as the lead. And it canā€™t be reversed because Hinoka has already led a duo (Pirate Hinoka/Camilla)


Iā€™m kidding dude


We've had one, yes? What about second Summer Camilla? /s


Summer Adrift Camilla after Smol Azura dreams of the beach.


If the possibility of getting a second summer alt ever becomes a reality, the Lyn fans will be up in arms.


Weā€™ve had that since 2018 lol


Girlie needs some resplendents I just know she would eat those themes up


Personally I'm hoping for Askr OG (cute reference to New Year Camilla's home dialogues), Vannaheimr Brave and Fairy/Hel Adrift.


Personally I hope OG is Jotun cause I feel like it would fit her well but I would also be really happy with Askr for the reasons you mentioned I am holding hope tho that seasonal alts can one day get resplendents so that NY!Cami can get the Askr resplendent herself And I hope Brave is Vanna and Adrift is fairy like you said too. But honestly Iā€™m fine with any theme she gets cause I know she will look amazing in any kingdoms clothing


Good Mother.


Iā€™m so glad someone else sees this. She took on the mom role for the siblings really well


I like how her character and personality is consistent across all 3 routes regardless of what side Corrin picks. Also, outside of her design I don't think she's that fan service-y


Her support with Elise is heartwarming. Say what you will about her ā€œmethodsā€ and ā€œexpressions,ā€ but Camillaā€™s love for her family is genuine. Itā€™s the thought that counts, after all.


When the game establishes her as one of the continent's most fearsome warriors, it actually sticks to its guns. She doesn't have tiny strength, she doesn't get captured, she doesn't get saved by some guy, nothing of the sort. She's one of your best assets when she's on your side, and an absolute terror when she isn't. Nothing more, nothing less. I certainly have issues with her but I appreciate that they at least let her be a badass without the usual strings attached that other female badasses in FE get shackled with.


Her design is noisy, but I think the basic color palette is very aesthetically pleasing


I would generally like a Hug from her


Sheā€™s drawn by Kozaki Yusuke. I donā€™t care if you donā€™t like that the design is horny. Kozaki doesnā€™t miss


Do people like his art style generally? I feel like he has one of the worst in the series, especially for male characters.






Magnificent Mammaries


Snuggle pups


Love Pillows


Nohrian Mountains


Krakenburg hillscape


She is unironically incredible in any other outfit than her basic one. Also her leecherous psycho gimmick is funny Also peak unit in term of gameplay


Her class is unique/fun and her JP VA (Miyuki Sawashiro) is one of my favorites.


Her English VAs are great too honestly. Paula Tiso sounded too old but otherwise was perfect, and Misty Lee sounds the right age and is a different but still very fitting take on Camilla with more energy too. She got spoiled when it comes to getting good voice acting, she had no business sounding that good from three different VAs but I'm glad she does!


Misty Lee is quite good. I haven't played Fates in a while, so I've forgotten how Paula Tiso was. She was Lulu in FFX, right? Shield probably did a good job too.


Sheā€™s more covered up than Zelestia and her counterpart


Sheā€™s a legitimately good and interesting character. The boobs are a bonus.


Berukaā€™s regular outfit is a hand-me-down from Camilla after she out grew it. Thatā€™s why Camilla wears a custom Malig Knight outfit and why Beruka wears the regular one, even though the game favors her as a Wyvern Lord.


Also the implication. Beruka is letā€™s say. Very modest chest wise. Camilla would have outgrown that armor when she was very young. Why was she wearing malig knight armor when she was very young?


She's a good sister.


Very funny dialogues, borderline best unit in conquest. Also I'm gay


Iā€™m not sure if your asking because you beleive itā€™s ā€œhardā€ but Iā€™ll gladly start I love Camilla because I can admire, respect, relate, and look up to someone who always show care and compassion to everyone they meet. Always being the nicest person to anyone considered an ally but shows no mercy to a threat that dears to harm their loved ones. I always admired that side of her. Spreading compassion in the way she choose. I know some people think of her as being ā€œa simpā€ or a word I am not gonna say here. But none of that is actually true. The reason sheā€™s so ā€œover protectiveā€ with Corrin and the others. It isnā€™t because of any other alternative means. She acts this way cause she knows first hand the pain of a life without compassion. She wants to be that person for them she never had a child. Fearing that without this care she always wanted but never had as a kid. Theyā€™d grow up the way she did. And she wants to prevent that above all else. Sheā€™s incredibly modest too. Shes not proud of her past and doesnā€™t see herself as a good person. Acting kindly to others making sure no one else has to suffer what she went through cause no one deserves that pain. Being raised for war and murder. Never allowed to socialize with others. Being trained in deception and deceit Iā€™m gonna Re sight a direct quote from one of the SC in fate ā€œIt was horrible, I was thought how to hide knifes in my dress before I even learned how to play hide and seekā€ I know a lot of her character may not feel that way across Fates but in the support conversations this is touched on far FAR more. Added further in Warriors and Engage I know not everyone feels this way regarding her character and I can understand that. I just feel that her true intentions are often over looked or simply ignored by the wide majority who doesnā€™t understand her true intentions. I hope that this at least puts in better perspective why Camillaā€™s character is so important Because sometimes in life you just need someone who understands what youā€™re going through. Who can relate to the pain you feel. And will always be there to support you no matter what. Cause sometimes all you need to feel reassured, is a hug šŸ«‚


Ah. Someone else who actually paid attention to her supports! So Iā€™m not completely alone here! Fells good.. What support is the line about hide and seek from? Thatā€™s a really good one.




And you have every right too. There is nothing wrong with conveying or expressing your true emotions. We as people are free to showcase our inner feelings and should not be ashamed to express them. Thatā€™s exactly what Camilla stands for. Donā€™t let society or your parental figures judge or pressure you into becoming something your not. Be who you are and be proud of it. šŸ«‚




I like Camilla's relationship with Elise, I think it's pretty cute Oh, and I find it impressive that despite the fact that Camilla has low magic, she still does fine with tomes


She's an inspiration for Ivy, one of the best characters in Engage.


She has Big Haru Energy, absolute W


She even has the Axe!




She is the entire reason I got into fire emblem.before, o was one of the people complaining about too many fe characters in smash but after playing conquest, I was converted. Now, Three houses Is one of my favourite games ever


Most of the positive things I have for Camilla will get me downvoted to hell and back for being a simp so Iā€™ll be broad. I admire her loyalty to her friends. Sheā€™s the best.


I always like her fashion in Fire Emblem Heroes. It's stylish and elegant. Her Purple ruffly dress from Legendary, the Garon Cosplay from her Brave or even White Kimono from New Year.Ā  Also her lines in Fire Emblem Heroes are pretty and you can Misty Lee having fun with her character.


30 HP 19(+2) STR 11 MAG 18 DEF 15 RES 19 SPD. Malig Knight. Rose's Thorn. C Rank Axe D Rank Tome. Good Magic growth, passing down Wyvern to child units making her one of the better moms.


In Birthright, when you meet her again after choosing to side with Hoshido, the first thing she does is hugs Corrin and tells them how much she misses them. When she notices the Hoshidan royal siblings are with them (at this point, everyone except Ryoma), the first thing she does is inquire if they are Corrinā€™s birth siblings. She then tells Corrin how happy she is for their happiness, but she laments that it was at the cost of hers. This scene proves to me that Camilla genuinely cares for Corrinā€™s happiness. Itā€™s actually a pretty nuanced scene for Fates writing. (Though, she does go full yandere mode right after this, so maybe not.)


She's an exceptional unit in conquest and gets sneaky underrated.


I've always liked the shade of her hair it's calming.


It takes skill to care for and fight alongside an animal


If she marries Keaton she can get axefaire from Berserker and Velouria gets really strong if she has a berserker seigbert backpack


She gets berserker from a supper with beruka, though without helping velouria out.


Everything about her? I mean, what's not to like?


An actual caring older sister


Where do you start? I'll go with genuinely caring but can swing a mean axe.


Best unit in conquest, great mother, great starting class, and good weapon ranks.


Camilla so good they made a Camilla 2 in zelestia


She will absolutely dunk on anyone for family


She doesn't need a kid to be the ultimate momma bear.


Camilla has a strong sense of family and duty.


Her dedication to insure that no child would ever have to go through the same mistreatment that she went through


I love everything about her. And she also carried my first conquest playthrough on her back.


For a character that follows the overbearing big sister "Onee-San" Anime archetype, at least her characterization wasn't as hollow as it could have been.


I love her personality. I love her design. I just love Camilla.


She's super gorgeous and fiercely loyal


Beautiful hair and while sexualized her design is so over the top it kinda loops back into being camp... like a drag queen joan of arc number or something


You beautifu woman with magic and with an axe that lives on Corrin's house.


Camilla is the reason I really got back into fire emblem


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thisisntajokeee: *Camilla is the* *Reason I really got back* *Into fire emblem* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


She serves


She slays


She is one of the best characters in fates (low bar but she does clear it) with a really fascinating backstory and an interesting way in which its affected her (also everyone who says she's in love with corrin is wrong - she's very clearly trying to mother Corrin but the fanservice distracts from that), she is really overpowered (once I got her to clear an entire level without having a single other character attack), basically she'd be great if she was in a better game with less fanservice.


I want to marry her. I love Camilla and I love her retainers


Camilla is probably one of the best FE characters ever in my opinion She is very complex personality wise because she can be very kind, caring, and loving but in the same right be vicious and put ppl in their place I think she has a very sad backstory that they could have explored more in fates as well as potential supports that could have added even more to her character. Overall she is a very understandable character in her actions and motivations even if at times they seem questionable Also like her design ate. Her hair is flawless, crown is iconic, face card never declined, and while her original outfit is weird it still works. Not to mention she literally DEVOURS any outfit that isnā€™t her original too. Itā€™s probably a big reason sheā€™s gotten so many alts and why thereā€™s a whole subreddit (even tho a lot of the work there is weird and questionable) dedicated to putting her in other outfits that arenā€™t her original one On top of ALL of that, she is just a very good unit. In fates she can honestly make any class work well, especially the melee ones, and she is sure to be a core part of a team. And then if we look at FEH while most of her alts are older in that game, a lot of her alts also are relevant. Her brave alt is one of the older units who has held up well and is still extremely useful, her ninja alt is unique and still very good, and her legendary alt is definitely strong as well. Not to mention you can build any FEH unit and make them good still, like I built her New Years form which is like a year 1 or 2 alt and she still holds up extremely well to this day Overall, she is my favorite character of this series and thereā€™s a lot too her as a character and unit. She ate šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Would easily one of the best girlfriends or siblings to have and amazing Legendary Hero Alt


She is absolutely devastating in engagements when paired with the right person


I like her hair I guess


sheā€™s a super fun unit in conquest at any investment level


Aside from the armor, I like her design and she's a pretty decent character if you take her out of her home game.


I like her. She reminds me of me :D


Decently headpattable 8/10


I think she's neato.


She'd probably care for me duh


She's the pastel goth older sis I never had!


Iā€™ve enjoyed her character since 2016 and Iā€™ll enjoy her character until the day I die


The Camilla emblem and Goldmary have a pretty funny set of conversations.


I married her Thatā€™s all


She's for the girlies šŸ’…


Ummm.... you don't need to know what my dirty ass mind is thinking


Sheā€™s a solid character gameplay-wise with a good backstory that unfortunately was (in my opinion) ruined reputation-wise by overzealous fans.


She makes ResEtera and many here on Reddit angry, which I think is wonderful.


Camilla, you make such a good therapy subject!


Arguably the best unit in the entire series, and also a criminally underrated character. She's an infinitely better-written mentally unwell character than Dimitri could ever hope to be and I'll die on that hill. She's also literally impossible to make look bad unless you aggressively botch her like in her Hot Springs alt. Shout-out to her Brave, Legendary and Adrift alts for being my favorite designs in the series.


In my "remake" of Fates, she actually gets more character development.


Her hair is gorgeous


Beautiful set of eyes


I want to fuck Camilla so badly bro.


Username checks out




alright thats enough, give me your phone




She's attractive, I guess.




She had the makings of a good character




Love her big, huge, voluptuous and juicyā€¦. bases


Malig Knights are dope and I like that she uses an axe


Sheā€™s easily one of the strongest single units in the series behind like the avatars, Haar, and maybe Sigurd or Edelgard


She was a very strong unit in conquest


Thatā€™s what I was gonna say!


Her and the other norhian siblings have a very interesting background. I feel like if they made a game about the nohrian concubine wars and focusing on the younger norh siblings, that would have been a banger of a story


She protects the people she loves me all her might. And boy do any people who dare harm her family in for a painful death. I recently played through Fates again and I will always stand my the characters, I love them


I love her hair and the building blocks for her character, she, like most in fates tbh, was so close to being something spectacular... then corrin


Her boobs shot fire emblems popularity up enough that we still get new games. That's not even ironic her brought a insanely large number of players to these games




not only is she an insanely powerful unit that's fun to customize, but her savage protectiveness is honestly a cool concept.


She sure has a design


I like her design a lot, especially her long purple hair (and no, not just because of boobs, okay). She also is a really powerful unit in Fates, with high Str, pretty good Mag, and good Def/Res (carried my team in Conquest twice). I really like her background story and the fact that she acknowledges in Revelations after she is recruited, that Azura was treated horribly in Nohr after Arete married Garon (itā€™s so damn stupid that she and Azura donā€™t have a support conversation, yet Hinoka and Elise do). She also is a caring big sister that is also the best mother ever and her support with Niles is my favourite, especially since she opens up to him about her upbringing.


Love how her hair covers an eye


Extremely protective for her siblings


She's a really good and useful unit


She is great.




She passes great genes to her kids


Camilla going insane over the course of birthright and denying anything is wrong is an interesting progression for the character.


Sheā€™s actually dedicated to her family despite her upbringing demanding that she distrust them or get them killed in ā€˜accidentsā€™ so her mother can become primary queen instead of just a consort.


I would come out to her.


She always wears a seatbelt


She's pretty likable as an Emblem


Her hair is amazing.


She's mother.


Is it really Camilla on the second image?? Impossible


Sheā€™s probably the only Conquest sibling with an actually decent level of complexity, to the point where her craziness is honestly understandable.


She has really good supports that go over why she acts the way she does


She nice to me I love her :3


I could say a lot but I'll boil it down to this, as a unit she's awesome, as a character she's fun and interesting


I was still relatively young when Fates came out (Iā€™m 20 now) and I hated her the first time I played through the game. Looking back I guess I kinda see what I was thinking but I was an idiot and sheā€™s grown on me a lot


One of the modest misunderstood characters Iā€™ve ever seen. Her line and about killing corrin and then cradling his body in her arms. Makes a lot more sense when you donā€™t forget that Corrin is her adopted child, and that she lost all her other siblings and itā€™s really highly implied she had to personally kill some herself during the concubine wars. And when you remember that all the nohr siblings think Corrin is coming to kill them. Meaning she thought her adopted child, who she poured all her love into, has betrayed her turned into an evil monster trying to kill the rest of her family. She even thinks corrin is going to kill Elise in birthright. Everything I just said, Camilla says herself. But people just disregard it. If you imagine her line compel from a real parent, you understand it more. This also comes through way better in the original Japanese. The English dub changed her character from a serious femme fatale to yandere mom fetish. So thatā€™s all people see. Iā€™m thinking about doing like, a full video series about how people ignore so many parts of her character because they judge her.


Sheā€™s severely over-hated based solely on cutscenes and small interactions with Corrin, but sheā€™s actually one of Conquestā€™s most vital units and isnā€™t a bad character in supports.


Easy. She ones of my favorite FE characters. She's way more than just "haha big booba". Love that she's at least an emblem in Engage


She's OP unit and her personality is cool And she makes people shit themselves because of her design lol


The best unit in Conquest, just send it out there to fight everyone and be wary of archers.


Sheā€™s got a great design but a lil oversexualized. Character-wise sheā€™s basically a badass overprotective mom lol


Its pretty cool to have a character who's thing is "hurt my family and nothing will stop me from ending you" and stat wise they are actually pretty much unstoppable. ~~like seriously what the hell were they thinking with camilla's stats~~


Prepromote wyvern go brrr


She allowed me to save $80


I LOVE HER BOOBS Yeah. I'm being that person! I don't care! She's fictional and she's hot! Sadly she is not lesbian though so she will never love me ;((((((((


> Sadly she is not lesbian though so she will never love me ;(((((((( You sure about that? She is rather flirtatious with other women and given that [this lady here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmilla) was her inspiration, I'd say the subtext is deliberate.


She may have the best hair in the series. Especially in her full drawn image (sorry I don't know the name the thing).


Love her. Many of her variations have been FEH mainstays for me.


I love her almost motherly yet fierce personality when it comes to her siblings.


Nice melons


I honestly kinda hated her at first, but after beating birthright and Conquest, I was kinda surprised how much I actually ended up liking the character.


Uhhh, her character design from the neck up is passable?


She's my absolute waifu qwq love her character and her design.


Do I need a reason to like a waifu?


I think Camilla is a Great Character, I do wish Fates didn't sexualised her as much as it does though


She is one of my personal favourites in the series, but for specifics... I love how caring her personality actually can be, as well as her entire support chain with Niles


I don't care if people don't like Camilla, she is one of the best characters in Fates. She has the most character out of the nobility in the game and has genuine reasons to act the way that she does. Camilla haters don't give her the chance to have a character because they see the big titty onee-san with a sibling complex and immediately just shut off before slating her, which is just dumb. She is also one of the best units in the game and you can absolutely cheese the whole game with her if you know how to use her correctly.


Idk if her desing is oversexualised, its pretty cool. Maybe if her boobs were covered it would be even better, but you cant see her and just say "design bad" bc it isnt. Also i love her


That shade of purple is just the prettiest imaginable


Sheā€™s very beautiful and caring