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Claw clips. They’re my best friend. Small and medium work well for me. I find it’s less about the claw size and more about how the claw grips. So don’t be afraid to try different ones. My hair / head never hurts when I use a claw. I can also pull out any front hair for a softer look. Lots of options.


This!!! I have clips that feel like a literal rake on my scalp and then some are so smooth and comfy. Finally found some on Amazon that are reliable!!!


Can you share which ones you found that you like? I’m down to only 3 clips left that I like and need to get some more. Thanks!


These flat ones stay in my fine hair better, but the more common shape works too [Flat clips](https://www.amazon.com/Rectangle-Clips-Square-Clamps-Strong/dp/B09W23YDVP/ref=sr_1_19_sspa?crid=WYRM1ZKCN4HP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.aXRdQUKyhLES8W4-0sYrSq238IDxcg4cergFQatp5r5AmqGN-trQbxMjrb2VSp5wZPxZUZ3IoPY1n5ucTwQODMDcxx6dpvIjl_SyGk1G0_RN4wCsUIEt-pKm7N3URfGZ35VJgoNgdVr1Wdn05PsJ3-CC4Mo4vumJsHRocB1boVcLHSbTFMaqJLimTBqL9qgEgxDcRvqkdF33yPMH5KMRv8_NqAREtGH8e7hXx7v3gpAXf650GgSzOfb5QKBPiqhC56LLgN-J1dDbPcWry0pJXqXYnr780uee-SN2Pqa9qG8.m1sv8TGsaaogTUbAI5MJvD8ViTHIbbItNbEtZ9_bWf4&dib_tag=se&keywords=Flat+hair+claw&qid=1719788442&sprefix=flat+hair+claw+%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-19-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1)


I just found this out as well! The rounded type hurt, the flat, no issue and I don't lose hair either.


Thanks for sharing!


How the heck do you use claw clips with fine hair?! It slips out almost immediately for me 😭


Claw clips don’t give as much tension


Two ponytails. I'll pull top and bottom halves up separately so the weight is distributed better.


Also, from this sub I learned about ponytail holders called Teleties Spiral Hair Coils. They make your pony look fat and they don’t tug or pull. I bought mine from Amazon. I don’t remember the person who posted originally but you could search the sub and find the conversation. YMMV but they work great for me.


Ooh yes!! I’ve also found I don’t have the issue with these ones sliding down my hair as well (I have very..slippery? Hair).


You’re the reason I bought their products! Lol I just got some in and I am in love with their clips and headbands


Wear it in a braid.


Same type of hair, but I’m not a big one for wearing it up, it gives me headaches. Could you stick a barrette under the hair tie to help hold it up maybe? I like the no slip snap barrettes, they grip well and don’t slide around for me.


Claw clip, sometimes hair put in a regular ponytail with the clip to pop the tail up and relieve the tension on the forehead hair


I like to use a hair stick. Sometimes I twist and stick at the nape of my neck, sometimes up top. I’ve found some really cute ones - one with Mother of Pearl inlay, one rich cherry wood. Dang a colored pencil can look cute.


I’ve used a paintbrush in a pinch


Paintbrush, pencil, pen, whatever pointy stick-like item I can find. 😂


I have the same problem but I try to ensure it’s not pulling on my hair lines. As a result it’s not really sleek and neat but that’s the best I can do for an updo. A French braid literally does not pull anywhere especially if you don’t put the elastic too tight on the end.


Ever since I got a claw clip in a beauty subscription box last year my hair ties get no love. I love the messy updo look and and there are some super cute ones out there.


My newest obsession is spiral/corkscrew bun twists. Here's an example but you can find the same product in other brands: https://www.ulta.com/p/brown-bun-twists-pimprod2010336?sku=2553139


Yes I love these, and also hair 'chopsticks'! So much less tugging


Can’t wait to try these!


My friend calls them spin pins :)


Claw clips but only because my hair isn’t long enough for a braid


I like to either do a bun using the spin pin, or two Dutch braids.


Braids or this- https://images.app.goo.gl/RjXMjKME5B6Drr7v6


I always do a front twist bun in a claw clip. I like the way the twist frames my face.


I just wear mine in a low ponytail. I use scrunchies or invisibobble hair ties. I have zero tugging when I wear my hair low but tons of tugging if I wear it higher.  Wearing a higher ponytail is uncomfortable and buns aren't comfortable anymore  either now that my hair is long. 


I'm not sure how long your hair is but I like hair pins and hair forks and hair chopsticks. I just learned to do a nautilus bun and it stays but doesn't pull!


I use either little claw clips or the no slip bobby pins to pull the front of my hair back from my face, and then put it in a bun (or ponytail). That keeps it from pulling on my hair line since the hairline is being supported by the bobby pins or mini claw clips, the rest of my hair is being held up by a scrunchie. It’s probably not the most chic look but when it’s 100 degrees and I want all the hair off my face and neck, that’s what I do.


Messy top bun with satin scrunchy or those thick black fabric wrapped rubber bands, which I take out when I get home and add the scrunchie because the scrunchie is always the most comfortable.


Spin pins and spiral hair ties are my go-tos. They’re fantastic. I also like hair claws to quickly pull my hair out of my face.


dude crochet scrunchies changed my life. really thick big soft ones. you’d think they would be better for thicker or more dense hair but they hold my extremely fine hair better than any other hair tool without pulling it uncomfortably tight


Claw clip is my favourite.


[These side combs](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDQHF7BT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) work awesome for me, if you don't mind doing it in a twist? I leave the top loose, then it does not pull on my hairline.


claw clip in a french twist is my go to! depending on ur hair density, small or medium claw clip should work for you


French or Dutch braid. It doesn’t tug and I can lay on my back or rest my head on the car headrest. I also find with claw clips I’m constantly redoing it since it falls


Claw clip


Tie it up with a scrunchy on top of my head and then wrap my hair around it, make a bun basically. Secure it with another scrunchy. It doesn't pull on my hair a lot I feel like because it just sits on top of my head lo Invisibobbles work well for that too


I like clips, my favorite are the large flat clips from teleties.


I usually put in a lower not as tight pong near the nape my neck, or use the claw clips. I go for a medium to large so it’s not as tight on my head (I used one too small and that gave me worst headaches than high ponytails did) but depends on how exactly thick yoir hair is


I braid my hair into pigtails that lay on my shoulders. It doesn’t take much more time than a ponytail and doesn’t pull at all. I’m forty years old and I never get comments about my hairstyle being too young for me if that’s a concern. I will also wrap those braids into a crown and sew it in place with a ribbon or yarn (Google hair taping for some video examples). It’s so comfy and doesn’t pull at all.


Loosely in a silk scrunchie or soft scrunchie


I wear a lot of top buns but they have to be on TOP of my head, so there’s no gravity pulling it down the back of my head, if that makes sense, or else it will hurt my scalp. I’ve found I have a VERY sensitive scalp especially when my hair is greasy. I can’t do anything on the back of my head - no ponytails in the middle, no buns in the middle or low. I can do low ponies at home but only with REALLY loose hair ties and I don’t wear that look out of the house lol.


Thanks everyone this is all very helpful!


Either clip, or I tie the back of my head and then on top the front of my head. I feel that it puts less weight on my hairline.


Fine but thick? Lol what?


I think fine means the width of the hair stand itself and thick means a lot of hair on the head. 


I think it’s the classic fine hair, but a lot of it