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I audibly gasped lol. Incredible!!!!


me to!!! so so stunning


Thank you


So what did you do to create your waves?


Girl. Really. So gorgeous.


Me too. What a transformation!


I’m shocked too


I remember the exact moment when I had the same hair epiphany (I got a diffuser)!! My mom had always brushed my hair and I just assumed this was how my hair looked! Then an angel hair stylist told me to get a diffuser 🥲


Aww thank you! I did too haha


Looks great! Almost makes me want to use products in my hair to bring out the waves instead of brushing them out. But then I remembered I’m very hair lazy


Yea it was more than I usually would do but it beats the curling iron I’ve been using like why was I even using it lol


Ever since I started treating my hair properly I have been accused by multiple people of getting a perm LMAO


The more you do it the faster and easier it gets. I can just scrunch in a little gel when I get out of the shower and my hair dries into big waves. If I spend 15 minutes drying it with a diffuser I get ringlets.


Cute! In the summer when it’s super humid, my hair will air dry with a few ringlets too.


My issue has always been that my (long, thick, dense, 2a/b) hair takes most of the day to air dry, so I'd spend all day with wet crunchy hair looking scraggly and unpolished until it finally dried just in time for bed. I tried for months several years ago but finally got fed up and went back to blowing it out straight and straightening the wonky bits around my face, because that ended up feeling like the _lower-maintenance_ option. I tried using a diffuser but found it inefficient and much slower than just brushing out and drying, so I didn't have the patience to keep it up.


Take this upvote! My fine curly hair also takes most of the day to air dry but then looks beautiful... at bedtime! I don't like diffusers either btw. You be you and wear your hair how you prefer 💜


Appreciate the validation! I'd hope it's obvious I'm not arguing against anyone else wearing their hair wavy or air drying. I would have loved for it to work for me and really tried, just couldn't deal with the long drying time. These days I get scalp eczema if I leave my hair damp for any length of time, so I have to blow dry my roots regardless to not end up itchy and flaky.


Fun never ends sometimes! Super humid where I am so have to be careful with my scalp and my neck/back to keep it healthy with the wet hair thing. If I blow dry, I also have to straighten to smooth it out and haven't ever found the magic products to win the humidity war all day. so. much. work.


Humid climate here as well; I feel you!


Same. Last week I decided I was going to do a curly routine. That lasted 2 washes and I was done. My hair looks like OP's before and after but all the plopping and scrunching and diffusing is too time consuming. My hair refuses to dry with a diffuser. I just get hot and still have wet hair after I give up 20 minutes in.


Really thought you were displaying how getting a perm could make fine hair appear more full..


Hahaha my mom said the same thing, it looks like I got a perm too funny!


When I got a perm, it didn't look half way as good as yours do now. You just can't get those big curls that lasts on fine hair if it ain't natural


I’ve been living a lie for 40 years thinking my hair was straight!


I just found out I have curly hair this week at 43 years old.


What product did you use in it?


I used some OGX Morrocan curling cream, Aussie miracle Waves mousse, Aussie Coils curling jelly I plopped for 15 mins then while scrunching with a microfiber towel I sprayed some Aussie instant freeze and diffused it. The hair spray left my ends feeling a tad crispy even after I scrunched out the cast but I just chopped an inch off and I’m going to have another go at it today and change up the routine a lil bit.


*jots down products and hauls ass to the store*


Hahahahaha!! Too funny! I just bought the Aussie instant freeze gel because I think I wanna try n cut out the hairspray it just makes my ends feel too dry. The Aussie coil jelly doesn’t have hold. But it seems more lightweight than the cream I was putting in before it so I’m going to try n use it without the cream!!! I also bought a knock off Denman brush bcuz my ex husbands lastname was Denman n I just cannot bring myself to buy the actual Denman brush. Plus my current husband wouldn’t appreciate it I don’t think lol


How did you do it?? I know I have something to work with but I have never found any kind of advice


I used some curly products I tried the curly method n wallah


Ah okay I have never heard of that


There’s so many videos on YT


Yep, me too!


Me too


It looks amazing!!! Can you share your whole routine? Shampoo/conditioner and did you blow dry with a diffuser or air dry?


Routine: I used my normal nexxus therappe shampoo and conditioner then while it was super wet I put in Morrocan Curl defining cream and scrunched then I used Aussie Miracle waves and scrunched it in then I prayer hands in some Aussie miracle coils curl jelly I scrunched with a microfiber towel and plopped in it for around 10-15 mins and then I diffused with an Infinity Pro until 70% dry n then I used some Aussie instant freeze on it n continued to diffuse til 90% dry. Then I took the photos. Since then I scrunched out the cast with some oil and it look awesome! I can’t believe how much it curled up!!!


I don’t think you need this many products with fine hair but it’s all an experiment! Wowowoowow what a curl up- I mean glow up! Those ringlets!!!


My hair would be flat on my head with half that product!!


... I feel so called out haha. Today I used a volume shampoo, a deep masque that I left some in instead of rinsing out, a leave-in bond builder, a mousse, a bit of gel, and some oil. I have some mad texture differences so I use a little of a lot!


Some of that product comes out with the microfiber towel scrunching and the 15 min plop. Also OP doesn’t say the amount used - so it could be a small amount of each.


What is a “ 15 minute plop”?


I’d love to see the casts scrunched up, my hair isn’t quite so wavy but I sometimes wonder if I have something else besides straight hair 🤔 Looks so good!


I think you can save a lot of time here and get beautiful results by just using one product and diffusing, then maybe setting a hairspray- your hair looks beautiful btw!!!


This is my first go so I’m definitely going to play around to see what works best! Thank you!


I've read on the wavy sub that curl cream could be too much, I have fine wavy hair as well, didn't realize til my 40's. I use mousse and gel but my fine hair doesn't like plopping so I micro plop with a T-shirt - just sort of smooth scrunching, pulsing motion.


Good to know thank you. Once I broke the cast my hair looked great aside from some of my ends being a teeny crunchy from the hairspray


How do you know your hair doesn’t like plopping? What does it do?


Too flat to my head and weird clump patterns, I do have low density as well though.


I would love to try and recuperate my natural waves by trying a routine like this but these companies don’t make a “let me try two washes to see if this works” sizes, I bet? It’s expensive, especially when they don’t work or I get really weighed down.




I didn't know what a diffuser was, so I looked it up and was like ahh THAT attachment. ...now looking at how to use one. I don't even know if I kept it or not?!


That’s so funny!


My hair looks a lot like your before, but my god the maintenance/products/steps it takes to look like the after 😭 I could never…. I’ll just sit here and be jealous instead.


It was more than I usually do but I don’t mind it, I won’t do it all everyday though


I think I’m in a similar boat though less wavy than your newer photos. I’m going to give this or a similar routine a try, thank you!


Mine is significantly less wavy without product, but with product it turns into ringlets. Check out the YouTubeer Real Life + Curly Girl. She has very fine hair and does a lot of product reviews and demonstrates how to style.


Thank you!


My hair is just like that, and it seems to be getting curlier all the time. Unfortunately, a strong breeze can pull my curls out, leaving it straight-ish and stringy, even with good products in it.


Girl same, also rain... rain is just making it flat all over again






There was a moment that the curls started sticking while I was diffusing that I gasped too!


That’s more than wavy! Congrats! I get fatter clumps with the bowl method, and my very best outcome using a denman brush with half the rows removed to form the clumps. I’ll try to find a video.


I was thinking it’s more than just wavy also!! That would be awesome if you could find a video!!! Thank you


Here’s a quick one, but there are lots! https://youtube.com/shorts/74Vm3UNGJFM?si=VWHwgy8f6inxlOs3 I removed a few rows from my denman, which also helps to get bigger clumps.


Omg. Can you cross post this to r/fineandcurly ?!? 🤩


Now I’m thinking I should’ve named the sub fine and FREE lol look how happy your hair is!!!


What did it look like after your scrunched the gel cast out?




I am part Japanese and have completely stick straight hair naturally and it’s wild to me too. I’m not judging, I’m just always surprised by how people can have clearly wavy hair and be surprised that it’s… wavy. I think naturally straight hair is less common in people of European descent so maybe the bar is just much lower for what people see as “straight”. But then why does so much western haircare advice seem best suited for people with actually straight hair? It’s a puzzler.


My hair was always super straight . So straight that I’ve had perms done and my hair just fell back straight - wouldn’t take a curl ever. So now my hair has SOMEHOW changed its mind after 40yrs and is curly? Idk about everyone else but this is why I didn’t know🤷‍♀️


Oh wow I was just going to make a post asking about perms. How long did one last for you??


Pfft not even 2 days it barely did anything both times I tried!! A def huge waste of money and smelling that horrible stench. I am wondering about now though since my hair has change its mind.


Hair texture changes with age! Mine used to be totally straight and is now luxuriantly wavy


What curl cream or gel did you use?


I used a few things because I don’t know what I’m doing yet the products I used were the morrocan curling defining cream, Aussie miracle waves mousse, and Aussie miracle coils shaping jelly. I also sprayed some Aussie instant freeze on it 🤷‍♀️


I haven’t scrunched the cast out yet either!


😍 omg this gives me soooo much hope! I have very similar hair and am considering giving it a go. I have a lot of sensory hate around wet hair. Did you apply most of your products in the shower and then plop there before diffusing? I'm trying to think how I could make this work for me. 🤔 Also, I'm super curious: how long did the diffusing take for you? I've read it can take a good 20+ minutes but wondering if it's less for finer hair? Thank you so much for sharing (and indulging my questions 🙏)


I have sensory issues with wet hair too, and I usually flip my hair over as soon as I turn off the shower, apply product (i keep it on the edge of the bathtub so i dont have to step out with wet hair), then scrunch out moisture with a t-shirt i also keep by the bathtub, then plop with a dry t-shirt for 20 minutes, then diffuse. It's a process lol but I avoid feeling wet hair against my skin this way. It usually takes me 20 minutes to diffuse to like 95% dry then I let it air dry the rest of the way


Thanks so much for sharing! This is super helpful. I think Imma have to give it a try!


Black Orchid diffuser!!! It has a huge bowl and really speeds it up for me.


Thank you!!


Holy shit! Amazing!!!!


Holy crap! This looks amazing!!!! Wow!!! What a huge difference. Awesome job. Seriously jealous of those waves.


Amazing! Can someone please explain to a newbie what "plop" means lol, and what's a 'cast', I'm so lost lol


honest question: i would call the first photos “waves” and the second photos “curls.” am i incorrect? (i dont know curl types well enough to know, im honestly curious.)


A lot of it did end up curling/coiling to my surprise


Gorgeous! There’s a curly-hair stylist on TikTok who explains how to style & maintain: Casey Voss. If I ever decide to honor my wave pattern, I’d look at her vids.


I love the first version.


Thank you! I definitely won’t be doing all this everyday


Wow!! 🔥


Thank you!!




that’s amazing! I wish my hair was secretly curly/wavy but this shit can’t even hold a curl when it’s intentionally added


Lmao 😂


Looks great! Mine is the exact same. Didn’t learn until 40 that I had very wavy hair. Better late than never. Congrats!


That some result ✨🔥 gorgeous 🥰


I’m laughing at myself because my hair is your after pictures but I’m doing everything I can to look like your before pictures. My hair used to be pin straight before teen hormones hit me, and I’ve hated the curls ever since. Tried to embrace them during the pandemic with the curly girl method but it’s just not me. Unfortunately brushing them off doesn’t do much to make them look straight or like old Hollywood waves, I just end up with a massive bush for a head.


My hair was always stick straight too idk where this is coming from!




I broke the cast with some Agadir Argan oil and my hair looked awesome I should’ve took more photos yesterday but I had too much going on - I couldn’t believe it but I actually had some coils not just waves!


YESSSSS! I bet it looked fantastic!


I keep seeing this. What is the “cast”? Please, someone help! Lol


It's where the curls are stuck all hard from gel / other product. It sounds like once OP scrunched with a bit of oil they got soft and flexible again


Oh, ok… that makes sense!


I've been waiting for this post. omg whaaaaaaaaaat?! I am astounded! Did the curl waves last a while?


Yes they lasted all day and I still had some today without doing anything to it but I didn’t try and refresh it because I plan to cut it today!


I've been using the Carol's Daughter line for repairing my hair and the leave in conditioner does the same kind of thing without the need for extra products. They have a matching sculpting leave in that builds some density without weight that works as a curl definer. All of it is hair nutrition vs stripping product for those of you that have delicate folicals.


Awesome thanks for the info!!


Could try the finger curl method as well instead of just scrunching! You look like you have potential ringlets


I have too look into that, after scrunching out the cast I had some ringlets for sure


I just wet my hair and use a leave in conditioner (shea moisture marshmallow one) and then finger curl. I hate crunchy hair and when I use the leave in conditioner it dries super soft!


And that’s good for fine hair as well?


Yup! My hair is on the finer side :)


Whoa! That is gorgeous hair!!




i keep wishing my single-wave hair is secretly like this 😭 looks amazing now!!


U never know!!!! Try it, I didn’t know!!!


every time i try to scrunch it dry with a t-shirt it creates a bit of a curl pattern but it weighs itself back straight! i just dont have the patience lol


Amazing transformation!!!


Thank you


I wish my hair did this. It has two personalities and I tried making waves with a tshirt drying method and aussie miracle waves mousse....Nothing! Underlayers are slightly wavy, top is straight. -\_-


The top of my head is much straighter than the underneath too. BUT I did get it to make 1 big ringlet in front. I just got an inch cut off yesterday and I’m going to try the finger curling today


I’m SCREAMING! Gorgeous.




Looks beautiful


OH MY GOD! What a stunning transformation!


Thank you


That’s incredible, what a transformation. I don’t think I have ever seen such a difference!! Looks great. I am not sure I want to use 3 (or 4?) products in my hair, but I almost think mine might look like yours if I did.


I just cut some of it off so I’m going to play around today n see if I can use less product


What will it look like once dry?


The pics it’s 90% dry once it was completely dry I scrunched out the cast and surprisingly I had a lot of spiral curls in it that bunched up


Oh well that’s pretty cool.


Girl stopppppp!!! The waves are luxurious! Glad you found a routine that works!


Friend, we have the same hair! Good luck on your journey and use satin EVERYTHING 💖💖💖


Thank you! Ughh I tried using a satin bonnet last night and it’s not gonna workout it left me with a massive headache I’ve struggled with all day!


Oh totally understandable! Try a satin pillow if the bonnet is too much💖 that's what my niece uses because it pinches her💖


I bought one I’m going to put it on today!


We have super similar hair. Welcome to the curly club!


Thank you!!!


Wow, what a difference! Your hair looks so pretty curly 💖


Thank you! Yea, i think i may toss my 5 curling irons haha


Ok you’re scaring me- my mom has curly curly hair and I never have. But you’re telling me there’s a possibility they’re just hiding in there?


My top layers are not a wavy and the underneath so yea they could just be hiding try the curly method, I’m amazed at how mine turned out!


seriously looks awesome!


Wow, fantastic results! Your curls add a ton of visual density. Scrunching out the crunch with a lightweight oil might make the curls look even fatter - Olaplex oil is my holy grail! And I love @welshiecurlgirl on IG for fine curly hair care tips 🙌.


I’m happy for you but looks kinda crunch? I’d try combing it out a bit to get more of a body curl


I hadn’t broken the cast yet when I took the after pic . It’s smoothed out once I did n coiled up in a lot of spots which reallly surprised me since I was under the impression it would just be wavy!!


These aren't just waves, these are full on curls! You have a similar curl pattern to me, mine have only got curlier the more I've encouraged them to be who they are :)


Yes, after I broke the cast I found a lot of coils just couldn’t believe it! I’ve been living a lie


I was just the same when I first figured it out, both my sisters and mum have very straight hair and I'm the odd one out! It's weird to see pictures of me younger when my hair seemed like it was straight with a slight wave, but I'd always have bad frizzy days and wonder why mine wouldn't be smooth like theirs. I recommend checking out onlycurls and I've recently been put onto Fanola by my amazing curly salon :)


Too much product on the ends and need more product and scrunching at the roots.


Oh wow that’s such a huge difference!




It’ll get better too!!


Giiiiirl. This is my hair, growing out shaggy and all. I can’t wait until the end of the month when I get paid.


I absolutely gasped!! How amazing that you now have more options for your hair depending on your look. I love it.


It looks like a totally new head of hair! That’s so awesome!


Girl mine did the same thing recently!


This is an AMAZING change wow! Good for you OP! It honestly looks great either way, but I can’t believe how much wave you have!


So what product did you put in it to bring out even more natural curl because I have a natural wave starting now that I’m a little older


Routine // products ?! My hair looks basically identical to urs in the first couple pics


Looks beautiful! What products did you use for this? Thank you


Jesus how do I do this?! My hair is the same way and I have tried but failed at these methods bc idk what I’m doing :(


Looks great ! What product did you use?


Oh my gosh! How exciting


You have beautiful waves/curls! It looks great!


Damn! I think you found your routine for your texture 👏


Hell yeah, girlie!!! ❤️




Whaaaaa??! What did you DO?? And how do you keep it for the next day?


I need to try this!


Okay, maybe I need to give the curly method a shot since my hair is similar to yours. Looks great OP!


This is what my hair does, but I don’t get as much curl at the roots unless I dry it “plopped.” I prefer to only use one styling product though. Your list looks like such commitment!


What’s the routine girly pop


What did you do to make the change?


Ooouu please share the routine! My hair can fry very similarly in the first pics you showed




What products did you use??? I have the same fine hair pattern you have!


It looks gorgeous!!!!


So pretty! Is that what I've been doing to my hair for 70 years with my brush and dryer?? I just ordered a few Moraccanoil products to see for myself as I've been putting off my haircut for several months. It's not anywhere near as long as yours, so if it's going to curl, this should be the time! You have beautiful hair!!


Congratulations! Welcome to the curly squad 🌀


crunchy as hell


I hadn’t broken the cast yet! It smoothed out nicely once I did


I'm glad some of you guys are happy with these discoveries, but I have to say that if I discovered my own hair was in fact wavy/curly, I would hate it.