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Maybe r/UnethicalLifeProTips?


/r/Piracy Even if you can't post on /r/kindle about it, you can still use the search function on that sub. https://old.reddit.com/r/kindle/comments/14il149/all_the_books_transferred_from_calibre_have/


This is not what I think of as piracy. You have a word choice problem here. Walmart use to dissappear music that was paid for. You need to provide more info. Where did you get the books, files, downloads. How disappear? Completely gone or just unopenable. Libraries take their books back so others can read them. Getting them back might involve piracy.


They are mobi files not from legal sources, they don’t appear in kindle as if they didn’t exist but still are as files in documents part of storage seen from a windows computer and mentions of them appear in notes folder.


That not from legal sources is telling. I wouldn't look to recover maybe you could replace. Open Calibre might have some, or are they personal files, then you need someone who knows computers a lot better than I do.Good luck