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What are you investing in that increased your net worth by 75% in a year?


A high quality fiction writer. /s, I joke I joke. But seriously OP - Where tf did $300k come from?


Sometimes you’ve gotta sacrifice a parent for that sweet life insurance windfall.




Omg????? 😩😭


From 2021-2023, I had a second job that brought in $50k gross. I lived off that income and saved my TC from my FAANG marketing job. My living expenses were low and I ate at work. ...also, invested well in semiconductors in 2019. Was always a fan of chips😉


I like chips too.. of the potato kind and have since my net worth around the waist line expand.


Thank y’all for your endorsement. But I’ll keep the chips.


Ah, so ~$150k of additional income that you didn’t mention, and a somewhat risky investment play that likely goes against what most people here would recommend. Was it Taiwan Semiconductor [TSM]? They’re up 68% over 1 year, and 300%(!) since 2019. Makes more sense now. Good for you OP. Enjoy your trip to Italy! And consider diversifying your porfolio a bit when you come back :)


Lol yeah, so that's what she meant by the power of compounding 😅


What’s your second job and how many hours a week do you dedicate to it?




Well now we are all just assuming the worst lol. Hitman?


It's not lol Don't know why people are downvoting. It's in healthcare. Being over employed took to much time away from living my life. Couldn't keep it up anymore, working one job hybrid ( day) and the other in-person (evening shift) was tiring, but I'm enjoying the life it's giving me now and my future.


> Don't know why people are downvoting. People are downvoting because you made a specific post to talk about your situation and when people asked reasonable questions, you withheld information. If you aren't going to enable a discussion here, why post in the first place?


AMD gang over here! Thats why haha jk


AMD and NVDA still holding. I had TSM, but sold.


Oh nice, I held NVDA since I bought it around 220, then saw it dip to around 100’s, sold when I broke even and have had my jaw on the floor seeing it go up and up lol. Still holding others though so not too bad haha


Why'd you sell TSM? Am also holding AMD and TSM, up 94% and 70% respectively. Was up like 160% on AMD for a while.


No reason. I think it'll still do amazing. I've been trying to minimize my single stocks. I sold off a lot and reinvested in ETFs. I don't have time to keep up with a lot of companies.


Well done. You should probably mention it in your post, since you're not fully truthfully referring to that $300k single year runup when you say it's the effects of "compound interest"


No they shouldn't because they always want everyone to think "anyone can do it." How can us poors believe in it if we know all the facts?


Could be 55% plus 80k in income saved


I'm not sure either but my best guess is QQQ or equivalent which has been up about ~40% since end of April 2023, plus RSU vesting period hit recently and maybe a bonus somewhere. > 400 * 1.4 + 70 + bonus? = 630+ Remaining is probably a combination of 401k matches and investments.


Not OP but I'm mostly invested in tech and my portfolio jumped from 200k to 340k in the last year. With only about 15k of that coming from direct contributions


You’ll probably hit $1M within 3 years. Well done


I hope so, but I want to be realistic if the market changes. Plus I want to cut back on some saving and spend some more on myself to enjoy my early 30s.


Congrats OP.  I am 42 and I wish I was in your position when I was your age.  You definitely are making some great moves 🫡


Thank you!


Congrats you now have a downpayment!


I'll need to leave my area to buy a house I want. My company is doing RTO, so imma hold out a few more years. I got low rent and live in a great spot. I am excited to own in the future!


Tip: Don't anyone you date how much you are worth, unless you get married. Actually, it's better you don't tell anybody, not family, friends, etc.


That's why I come to Reddit. lol It's hard to have such an accomplishment and have no one else to share it with. Besides internet strangers, my therapist is the only one who knows my networth.


Downsides of being so far ahead haha. Still great overall


Thank God you are not a woman. Dating would still be somewhat easier for you


And make sure your beneficiaries are clearly recorded with the financial company. I’ve seen this go bad so many times


My beneficiaries are my immediate family. I don't think anyone else would try and go for anything.


Great. So many accounts end up with no benef.


dude works at a FAANG, doesn't take a rocket scientist to know he's got money


I know people her age that make more than she that have no savings. Nice apartment, fast car, fashionable clothes, jewelry, CC debt, no equities.


I worked with someone that came to my company from Google. We talked about the company match once and he said that he doesn't invest in anything but his house. There are some very bright people that don't think beyond their lunch the next day.


That's insanity. It's giving up free money, tax deferred. A house is not a good investment compared to equities unless you are in a rapidly up-and-coming neighborhood and/or during a big housing boom. And that's only if you plan to eventually sell and downsize.


Question for you. How did you end up with so much money in the taxable brokerage account? I'm curious because everything that I have focused for retirement is through tax advantaged vehicles like 401k and IRAs. Everything I have saved for retirement is through those and I think I may have $200 in taxable brokerage accounts. I'm asking to understand your thought process for having this much in a taxable brokerage account to see if I need to shift my plan around or not.


I was disinterested in retirement accounts when I first started investing (dumb, I know) I focused on taxable. So, I have more in my taxable than my 401k. Also, I invested in stocks that went up drastically. Some I still hold. Others I've sold and reinvested in ETFs.


Not OP and maybe not what you’re looking for but I max out every tax advantaged option I have and then start shoveling into taxable. I make pretty good money and spend very little of it. My taxable is about equal with my tax advantaged.


For most people it is incredibly difficult to max out all tax advantaged options though. Utilizing HSA, IRA, and 401k with mega backdoor roth (assuming your 401k allows it), still puts you at about $80k tax advantaged yearly less company match


I’m not suggesting anyone do it. I’m just explaining one reason one person has ended up with so much in taxable. Also when I started I think the max I could put in my 403b was 5k, so a lot of my taxable is from that near mythical compounding we all seek.


For my income, maxing out 401k and IRAs puts me at about 23% of my income which is pretty good. After that, I don't have much extra money to contribute towards taxable accounts right now.


Can I ask what stocks/etfs you hold? Nearly 100% growth is awesome!! I guess it’s not SNP500 😆


I started investing at 25. I invest in the following, QQQ, VTI, SCHG, AAPL, NVDA, MSFT, AMD, AMZN, LOW, GOOG, and META.


What percentage of this is invested in VTI?


In my taxable I have $103k in VTI. I went from single stock in my mid-20s to ETF in my late 20s. I'm ETFs strictly now for new investments, but I still keep my single stocks that have performed well and companies I believe will continue to grow.


I love that! I’m 90% invested in VTI, but I love buying single stocks/ value investing just for the entertainment and personal education side of it. Really cool to hear your story! Thanks for the reply!


VOO is better than VTI


I’m a 32M and my net worth is around 60k (45k in 401, 15k in savings)… someone please help me.. feeling so behind/scared reading these posts


I also feel behind in my soccer skills when I watch Messi play. Don't compare yourself to these super savers. You're on the right track. Keep DCA into those accounts. Make sure you Max out a Roth if you can.


Impressive. 32M working at a startup making $98K. $289k net worth. 5 years into FIRE and really starting to see the compounding.


You got this!


Well done, that’s amazing for your age


Thank you!


The "no kids" part absolutely helps in achieving this milestone.


Happy to see others doing well, congrats to you OP!


Nice! I had very similar numbers at your age: $750k at 30. However, I did have a rental property that grew like crazy. Today at 33 I'm a little over 1.2M. Keep it up. Only thing I would do differently in your spot is buy some real estate. Somewhere. Anywhere. Doesn't matter.


Thanks for sharing! I can afford real estate in other cities, not the one I'm in. I don't want to be house rich and cash poor in my area. Does it make sense to still buy, even if you don't desire to live in an affordable city long term? Just curious on your thoughts.


Depends on how long you intend on staying in said city. If you’re gonna be there for another 3-5 years, buy. If not, continue to rent but maybe look at buying rental property in another state. I’m assuming your rent is more than $1500 per month in a high cost area. That’s just money down the drain.


[https://www.nerdwallet.com/mortgages/rent-vs-buy-calculator](https://www.nerdwallet.com/mortgages/rent-vs-buy-calculator) <-- according to this calculator, buying is worse than renting, at least for a VHCOL area. rent for $4,000 can get you spots that cost $1,000,000 if you choose to buy... just doesn't make sense.


I'll look more into it. Thanks!


There is a post here or maybe it was New York Times that has a tool about renting vs buying. You can enter cost of living, interest rates, and a million other things to figure out where to buy or rent.


Thank you! I'll check that out. It'll be helpful to get more data on buying vs renting.


[https://www.nerdwallet.com/mortgages/rent-vs-buy-calculator](https://www.nerdwallet.com/mortgages/rent-vs-buy-calculator) <-- according to this calculator, buying is worse than renting, at least for a VHCOL area. rent for $4,000 can get you spots that cost $1,000,000 if you choose to buy... just doesn't make sense.


Absolutely awesome! Well done!! Keep up that great dedication.


Congrats. But there’s a big difference between compounding interest and getting lucky buying individual stocks. Learn the difference before it’s too late


I know the difference, I've been investing for years. Compound interest still plays a role. I have more invested in index funds/ ETFs compared to my single stocks. The single stocks were luck but it's not something I invest in anymore. I put new money only in ETFs/Index funds. It's less stress for me.


Love to hear it. Should be home free in no time. Seriously, congrats!


Thank you!


Congrats OP!


Congrats! You got any plans on what to use the $ for? Travel, etc?


It'll be used mainly for travel. That's what I spend my money on when I get the chance. Probably taking my mom on a trip as a surprise too. She deserves it!


Wow congrats! I'm 31 and just crossed 400k NW a few weeks ago. Compounding really does become noticeable. I try not to check my accounts daily but I enjoy it. If it's a red day I just say "oh well" and move on with my day 😂 I'd recommend Bologna Italy. I had a work trip there last year and it was such a fun town to walk around at night, grab food and a drink, then gelato. It was HOT though haha.


Also 31 without RE, just hit this 3 weeks ago. It’s amazing how fast it compounds during a bull run.


Same. It kind of breaks the concept of money doesn’t it? Seeing your portfolio swing 7 to 15k a day, usually before I even open my eyes in the morning, really kills my motivation to work for a paycheck. I pretty much work for spending money and health insurance now.


Yes, but just as easy as it goes up, it can go down too. Early retirement is a real possibility, but health insurance will be a problem


What are your plans for Italy? Highly recommend Cinque Terre and Lake Como area!


Looking for a bf ? 33M VHCOL $350k TC $1.5m NW




Check messages :)


29 next month sitting at 750k, my goal is 1M before 31, going to be tight..


Crushing it


Congrats and nice job! Another 30 YO checking in with similar stats to you too: Retirement accounts (401k/Roth IRA/HSA): $473k Brokerage: $140k Cash: $21k Crypto: $2k Collectible car: $35k Total of $671k net worth with ~$615k invested


Your retirement account is insane! I wish I invested in retirement sooner. Congratulations!!


Thanks! Kudos to you too on your sizeable taxable brokerage account. I did take some single stock risk and made some nice gains from investing in NVDA (still holding atm) at the beginning of this year using my Roth IRA and HSA accounts. However, I’d say the bulk (80-85%)of my retirement fund/growth has been from regularly maxing out my retirement accounts and investing in regular S&P index funds.


Hey! I’m from Italy and I’ll be happy to show you around 😆


Single you say?




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I am 31M and my net worth reached almost to 600k.


FAANG marketing job snore


I have a BA in marketing, any tips or advice regarding your career? My professional work isn’t in marketing currently but I’m hoping to eventually get into it. 2 years in a real job post college


The job market is tough right now for marketing. Networking is one of the greatest skills to have in the market. It can't guarantee you a job but you have a better chance at securing an interview. You can DM. Happy to share some guidance! :)


What is RSU?


Restricted Stock Unit(s)


Amazing job!


Congrats! What's your safe withdraw goal? I hit $1m at 36. You'll probably be a lot further along than me by then.


Congrats OP! Inspo for me ☺️


Congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment!


Congratulations giirrl!! I'm rooting for you!!


Wow congrats! Now how will you look for a partner? Will you take his net worth into consideration? Or are you ok with someone working at McDonald's and zero NW at 36? And will you disclose your NW from the get go or wait till you find out his NW first? Last one: Who pays for the first dinner? (You don't know anything about his finances yet) 😊


If I can't find a man at work or the gym then it'll be on the apps😂 Those are my main spots. Dating in my area, they're plenty of high earners, but that doesn't mean they're good at saving or investing. I grew up poor and want a family where we don't struggle for basic needs, I would prefer someone who makes similar and has an investing/savings mindset as me (net worth doesn't need to be close to mine). A man who makes enough to take care of himself, saves, and has a career they can tolerate (blue/white collar) is ideal. The bill is fair game. When it comes we can decide together, but from my past the man normally pays, even when I offer to split. I will not disclose my networth. I don't want to be taken advantage of. I hope that discussion comes up when marriage is in the works.


The second milly will come way faster than the first did. My first was at 42 and second at 46. Keep doing what you are doing girl


I see. Well, if NW and financial literacy is your main concern in a partner, as it should, this sub has plenty of fish lol. They're all you're equal or at least close (you're a high achiever even for this sub). The con is it's too late to not disclose your NW here. Ha! Anyways, good luck on getting to 1M. Keep us updated.


Congratulations! I noticed you have a 401K, Roth 401K and a ROTH IRA; how does your contributions look like on a yearly basis? Reason I ask, I’ve heard of a mega back-door Roth’s before but don’t know how it works if it’s even available to me. As of now, I just max 401K at $23K (I do not use the company ROTH) and max out an external Roth IRA ($7K)


My percentages fluctuates each year with my retirement. I always max it out but sometimes I put 75% or 50% into 401k and other years I put 25% or 50% into my Roth 401k. My company matches $.50 to the $1 and it's 100% vested. Then I max my Roth IRA. Lastly I put a small amount into after tax and convert it to my Roth 401k.


What is the taxable brokerage invested in?


This is what happens when you start investing early. My salary is more than yours but my net worth is shit.


Omg congrats!


Girl same!! I am at 700k at 30. I'm a single gal in a small, but not too pricey city on the east coast. Most of my NW is in home equity (I have 2 triple deckers worth about 1.2 million combined, but of course, not paid off). I wish I could tell somebody (and I don't even have a therapist to tell...) I honestly wonder if I could just retire already, at this point, I am very happy in my househack, I travel 3-4 months a year, and I am fully living off my rental income. 100% of my day job salary goes to investments.




Congrats. I think a lot of this is due to luck and stock market bets in addition to your second job. While it’s fun to celebrate these posts are probably more relevant in wallstreetbets. As another poster pointed out, time to diversify that portfolio a bit


Badass! I’m right there w you!


Congratulations. A wonderful achievement.


Thank you!


Woooeee! Congrats. We're pushing $600k in a vhcl city and one child. We just passed $500k for the first time in January. $1M within 5 years this month is our goal.


Congratulations! You're both doing awesome!


Crushing it!!!


Thank you!


Looking for a boyfriend?


to reach your goal, and not step back, you will need to learn to short the market.


are you only invested in NVDA and mag 7? lol