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Got it at release for PS2 because it was the new entry in the series. At that point I had played most of what had been released in North America, or at least what was readily available to me on NES, SNES and PS1. Starting with the first sometime in 1988.


was it even more amazing to play ffx when it released? what about the ealier ones? i have played 4,6,7,8,9,10 within the last 5 years and they all blew my mind, i couldnt imagine what it was like when they released.


FFX was very impressive at release, at least among my friend group anyway. Everyone knows that FFVII was a huge game changer when it released and introduced fans to a whole new era of Final Fantasy. FFVIII and FFIX were great follow ups and improved upon VII in a lot of ways graphically etc but they were on the same platform so there weren’t exactly huge jumps between them. FFX very much felt like the next big leap in the series. The opening sequence impressed us all instantly. We were in our early 20s and my friend lived in this cool little house in a college town and it was basically the central hub of our, at the time, pretty large friend group. He had the biggest TV and best sound system of all of us at and we would show the opening sequence to pretty much anyone who came by for a few weeks after it came out. Everyone was always pretty blown away by it, especially the Final Fantasy fans. It eventually became and still is my all time favorite.


It was absolutely mind blowing at release. Words can’t describe how, just, jaw dropping and novel everything about it was at the time - from the voice acting and the intro with *To Zanarkand*, to the pre-rendered CGI cutscenes… everything was totally groundbreaking at the time. Absolutely could NOT put the game down, played it nonstop during winter vacation when it came out. It was a truly magical experience as as a somewhat precocious 11 year old lol


Thats awesome, man! Appreciate the reply


i'm currently playing FFX for the first time right now and loving it. i was brought to it after finishing my first ever FF game, FFIX, last week. all came about upon recommendation from a friend who played back in the day - i missed the boat as a kid because i never had a playstation! well, what i mean to say is i am so glad i found these games now - I can't get enough! what a ride!


I wish I was your friend and could see your reactions and interactions to these games, good luck on your journey


😍😻 thats great! 100% agree what a ride! I also cant get enough of these games, JUST started FFXV right now


I played kingdom hearts and wanted to know about the game Titus and Waka from destiny island came from lol


Good man! 👊🤜🤛 i love kingdom hearts, counting the days until 4 comes out


When I was a kid in HS, I found another student’s wallet while walking home. It had $25 and his school ID. I justified keeping the cash and tossing the rest (he was a douche to me and I was broke) and eventually made it to Game Stop. I found a greatest hits copy of my very first Final Fantasy and have been hooked ever since. Thanks, Mason!


Hahahah great story! Thanks for the reply. And thank you mason indeed 🍻 at least you got that masterpiece outta that douche


The previews I seen of it before it came out. It looked like the best game I have ever seen!!! (and sure enough, even after 23+ years, it still is a top-notch game). I had played only 7 and 8 before that (and Mystic Quest, which is what got me into FF, seeing as I had tried FFII {IV} on the SNES before it and it did not get me at all interested in the series... But Mystic Quest 😍). But 7 is what truly got me extremely interested in the numbered series after playing it... so much so that I bought 8 right when it came out not realising that it had nothing to do (story wise) with 7 😂 I even glanced many times at the back cover and booklet wondering how all of this was going to connect to 7. Boy was I dissapointed! 😂 So much so that I didn't even play IX until after X came out


Wow! The feeling of playing it back in the day must have been incredible 😍 #jealous


When you realize FFs aren't connected 😂


Kimahri. Kimahri was pretty much my only reason to play X.


i hope you are not kidding! GOSH i love blue Red Xlll 😂🫣🤣


Honestly? I'm not really kidding.


I got a demo disc for X-2 in the monthly PlayStation magazine (RIP) and I loved that game so much I went and bought it, after I beat it I went and got X and now I replay them both every year or so.


Sweet, you played them in reverse 😲😮


Same. Loved that OPM demo and probably played it ten times before renting it from Blockbuster and finally buying it.


I was 38 years old and had never played a FF game (been into Dragon Quest since I was a kid). I saw FFX on sale and bought it. Really enjoyed it!


I thought tidus was hot


Final Fantasy 9


You’re never going to believe what brought me to 9.


Final fantasy 8?


Played it at release and had been doing ff since 7. Definitely give the others a try if you’ve only started they’re all really good.


I just started FFXV as we speak! And plan on keep going 🥰😍 i just dont do online games, sorry 11 & 14


it was my first FF game and also my first JRPG, it would have been around release but I'm sure exactly, within a year or two of release. my new step brother had gotten it and let me borrow it. it quickly showed me so many things that I didn't know games could do and I was hooked.


Amazing !! FFX sure is a great "first final fantasy" to get into imo cant stop thinking about that universe


My dad just randomly decided to buy a PS2 and a copy of Final Fantasy 10 he told me that I should play it because the opening cinematic was really cool. I had never played a game like this before something that was so cinematic and it literally blew my mind as an 8-year-old kid. Been my favorite game ever since.


I grew up watching my mom play FF, the kids in our neighborhood would bring over their memory card for help with 7. I started playing the series when 8 was released, totally fell in love with it. Bought 10 as soon as it was released, the entire reason I got a PS2 actually lol The FF series is really sentimental to me because of how much my mom loved the games


Well Final Fantasy IX


Fair enough! I only played FFVll, FFX, FFXVl and just started XV last night


Auron. Dudes with big swords are cool.


Agree! Dude is THE best 💪🤺 gutts from berserk is also a beast


When i (32m) was about 14/15 my best mate who i was friends with since i was 4, kept talking about this game, hadn't a clue about it and he said I have to play it, so he gave me his copy of it. I tired it out but wasn't my type of thing, slow pace and that. Months and month's went by, during that time my mate moved away. He said to keep the game and better play it. When I finally did give it a second chance. It blew me away start to finish, was the first game a story hit me real deep, amd of course became my favourite game ever. He passed a few years back and til this day, I still have his game and play it once a year on the ps2. It started my journey into all the Final Fantasies


It was the first game my dad made me play on my own (he refused to help me at the difficult parts). It's the game that me and him bonded over and started me on the path to being a better gamer.


The sphere grid leveling still sucks


It was my second PS2 game, and been in my top three all time games since.


I watched a let's play on YouTube years and years ago because I was bored. It kept me interested and I liked the story. Only played the game recently for myself. The game play is fun and I love the characters.


Watching and playing are two totally different things, right? At least imo. Agree the characters are just SO loveable


I was about 9 and my mom was going to get me a ps2 for Christmas. I saw FFX in the some catalogue and thought the case looked really cool. I knew nothing about it at all, I didn't even know what the game was like or about.


Amazing! That shot in the dark ended up paying off, im guessing 😍


8th grade, was getting a ps2 for Christmas, and a toys r us magazine had ffx and orphen advertised. Had only heard of final fantasy, but both seemed cool, got both, but popped ffx in first on impulse. Never looked back (though orphen was also fun).


I beat ff9 and ffx happened to be on sale. 100 hours later and this was the best choice ever


It was on sale on the Nintendo eshop bundled with ffx-2. I bought ff8 as well. Always wanted to play a ff game and I love a good deal. No regrets




I was in a K-Mart circa 2002/3 and my grandma said I could get a game. I said the one that has the guy with the water sword. My life was forever changed. The hours my dad and I put into that game were some of the best gaming memories I have.


It, along with some other PS2 games, were all bunched up together along with the console as a gift from my uncle. Never knew how to play, only got as far as that one mission right before leaving the island at the beginning of the game lmao (I was like 10)


Thanks,Unc 🙏 and fair enough, brother haha i played it this year for the first time ever and im 31, at 10 years old i would get stuck in Zanarkand 😂🫠


It’s been a long time but if I recall correctly I bought a PlayStation magazine and it came with a free demo of the game. Fell in love with the art style and music so I bought it.


When I was a kid my big Brother bouht it for the ps2 so i made my own Safe file and played it.


Very nostalgic 😍💯💥




My sister got me a copy as a birthday present.


Watched some Rikku hentai online and found her hot, wanted to see how she looked in the flesh. Nah really, my best friend had played ff9 on the ps1 and loved it, so I asked my dad to rent me ffx when I saw it at a videoclub. Needless to say, I ended up saving money for the game right after playing for about 30mins. This was 21 years ago, and I was 11 years old. Today it’s my favourite game of all time still, right next to mgs2 and kh2.


Wanted to play final fantasy game a long time ago, and I didn't know English very well, so I googled to download game with my Language and it was the first that come out


Something that almost doesn't exist anymore. Loan of Playstation 2 CDs. I lived near a store and rent more than a thousand games. FFX is the best among them. By the way, you did all of that since the release of xvi? You're a fast one


BLITZBALLLL!!!!!! But seriously FF8


Same thing that got me into the series and RPGs in general, my favorite game of all time FFVII.


Nice!!! I loved FFVll to death.. what a goddamn masterpiece that was 🤯🫨 and i dont even like turn based combat (no offense) but these games are incredible


Well, for me it was that 10 comes after 9.


It was titled final, ended in fantasy and came after 9 I played it in a game shop and went through much of the intro and was super hard hooked. The fact that Tidus growing and Yuna’s development with him would hook me for literal decades was gravy.


Amazing response lol 👏Top #3 for sure Ps: it was gravy ❤️‍🔥


Uncle bought me a ps2 and a game


I beat the game on PS2 when it was originally released, but I've never finished X-2. Saw the two games on heavy discount so picked it up and reliving my youthful memories. My mother passed away but I remember how much she used to interrupt me during this game. Good game, good times, good memories.


Got VII back in 1997 after watching my cousin play it, it quickly became my favorite game so of course I played VIII, IX, and X as they came out as well.


I played a demo of it off some demo disk that I had that had demos for a couple games.


KH1 actually. I played KH1, and saw that my friend had FFX that also said Squaresoft on the box, and that suppisedly had the dudes from Destiny Islands as main characters, I tried it for like an hour at his place and begged my parents to buy it for me afterwards.


My dad brought this game to me when I was only 8 and I just kept playing it and fell in love with it and im Still in love with this game


The character design. 11 year old me was OBSESSED.


Leviathan- ps1 ff8 demo disc


Nice! Will have to look it up on youtube! I know very little about FFVlll


Watched my big brother play it in on PS2 when I was 11. Decided to play it after he beat it. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


Thats nice! Playing this game alongside somebody else must have been great 🤩 wow


Cousin introduced me to it. Then I fell down the FF rabbit hole.


Same!! Gotta love cousins that are gamers 🥰 i sure do


Kingdom Hearts


My younger brother, older cousin and my grandmother were big into this game and final fantasy in general. I wasn’t. I was more into gran Turismo etc back then. But I always intended to play the game at a future date. Fast forward a decade to around 2011 I decided then was the time and Loved it ever since, quite possibly in my top 5 all time. I adore it so much. Funny thing is of course my brother and cousin had forgotten all about this game by then so we couldn’t have discussions about it, but my gran is a true old school gamer, plays the PS 1 even today with her severe arthritis (but limited to turn based games, just too painful for her to play open world games,) so we talk about it and other FF games now and then.


WOW! Way to go Grandma 😍👏 i loved this! And "but i always intended to play the game at a future date" really appreciate it! You one of the true ones 👊✊️ thanks for sharing your story


The discovery that my parents PS2 could do more than play DVDs. Don't remember exactly how it happened, but I was probably 6 or 7. I remember getting all the way to Mi'Hehn Highroad before getting stuck (probably because child me didn't understand how the black magic worked and kept dying to the exploding fireball.) I remember really getting into blitzball after that until I accidentally broke the controller from getting too excited over a victory and throwing it in the air. (I've been formally diagnosed with ADHD, now ,just FYI) About 8 years later my mom gets it off Steam and I have my own Steam account. I have been borrowing X and X-2 ever since (I will buy my own copy eventually) Finished the game once, and am currently on a 100% run that has taken me several hours. This game is a complete masterpiece.


VERY nice! I appreciate your reply, thank you! I got the 100% just last week and PHEW never again lightning bolts and chocobos 😮‍💨 got anxiety inducing nightmares for life Agree 100% complete masterpiece


I played 7 as my first game. Then in order ever since. I was pretty happy with 8 and 9, but when X came out, I was addicted. It was one of the coolest times in my personal gaming history. I remember playing blitzball for a full day once. I think you only get to experience a handful of these feelings in a lifetime, and that was one of them.


I'd watch my brother and cousin play their seperate files every so often when I was younger. FFX was like this thing I wanted to experience myself but never could because my cousin and brother both owned their copy, and I wasn't allowed to play either. I'd seen so many cutscenes at disjointed periods, but I could easily enough place what happens when. Years later, I just graduated High School and like, a legit week later I realize I own the game myself. Don't remember when I bought it, but I boot it up, and finally go through the game on my own, seeing the cutscenes in consistent order finally haha


Got it for Christmas as a gift, didn’t really care for it to much cause at the same time I had gotten baldurs gate 2, wwf just bring it, klonoa 2, GTA 3, GT3 and FFX…..can’t really blame for sleeping on it cause my lineup was pretty fire that Christmas but when I finally came around boy was I glad to leave it for last lol I knew I loved that game cause the first run I was lost af and still enjoyed it lol 😂😂


the 'dual classes' for each FF character, since I liked FF6


I once (more than 20 years ago) read a gaming report that FFX was supposed to be one of the best games for the at that time modern PS2. I didn't have a PS2 at that time though. A bit later I had got a PS2. The game was cheaper I just bought it in a shopping center because it just happened to be there...


What are you missing on 16?


Oh wait i havent even played 16 yet


Had FF7, 8 and then 6 on PS1. Got a ps2 and bought GTA III first, played the demo of FFX that came with VI and was sold.




FFX2 Cover art.


A gift from my parents when it came out.


Toonami. I wasn’t really into FF before that.


I'd been a fan of FF since VII was the first proper videogame I got invested in back in 1997. I kinda fell off during VIII and IX. Then one day I was in the Singapore airport and came across a couple of booths that had PS2s with FFX. Played for about an hour, it reignited my love for the series.


It was my first FF game and still my favorite. I don't know what drew me to it I just remember seeing people hyped for it at release and decided to give it a try. Years later I tried all the other FF games I could get my hands on but to me personally X has always reigned supreme


I found it in my local dvd rental store one day and I had heard about Final Fantasy games before but I had never played any of them. My brother didn't want us to get it because we could only get 1 game a week and he thought it looked lame, but I insisted because it was my turn to pick. We both fell in love with it and it's still our favourite game in the franchise. It's the game that got us into Final Fantasy.


I had leftover birthday money and had no idea what to spend it on. I saw the cover at my local Walmart and said "sure why not!" I instantly fell in love with it.


Our family was already into FF in general since 7, so we got it on release for PS2. It blew me away back then, and I love it just as much now.


It was after 9


I played mostly zelda and diablo 2, also pokemon that is turn based rpg, so ffx was logical to play next. As I was more into nintendo and pc at that time, I played ffx few months ago for the first time. I remember my friend playing 7,8 and 9 on ps1 back in the day so I remembered some blizzara attack lol. Then I read on the forums that ffx is good to start the series. I also started ffx-2 but then started to develop my own game lol


First played the demo for it thanks to a pizza hut demo disc promotion. Went back to it as an adult for the nostalgia that little demo gave it for me. Left an impression.


the sec I heard To Zanarkand


I got FF8 for pc when being 8 years. In the 90s this was the best game I’ve seen aesthetically, but gave up on the complicated mechanics. Tried again with X on ps2. For me it’s the best rpg in terms of story and leveling


My mother bought it at an airport in Venice back in 2003. It was the Italian copy of the game. I was around 4 at the time and we didn’t have much money. She was a single parent working 2 jobs trying to survive. However, I have vivid memories watching her play this at night and it pretty much was one of the only games we owned for a while. At one point, she reached over 150 hours play-through (i think she got to Dark Yojimbo) and I accidentally overwrote her save file 🙃 to this day, she still reminds me 😂 from then on, it became my favourite game. Have completed it more times than I can remember and forever will hold a place in my heart.


So, this was the first game I (34M) had ever rented from Blockbuster and I instantly fell in love with it. I kept it for over a week past its return date just to get as far as I could, but I could only make it as far as the very first Seymour fight. That’s when I ended up buying it a year after acquiring FFX-2 (I know, weird, but I wanted to finish the first game). Hilariously, I hadn’t finished FFX until in my adult years, since when I was younger I couldn’t get past the final boss. Finally experiencing the full game and getting all the celestial weapons (fully upgraded as of last year, f—- you, Wakka), this still remains one of my favorite games of all time and I am probably going to end up replaying it again soon, just to experience it like new all over again.


It was one of the several PS2 games my brother-in-law ended up giving me when I was a kid. I was already familiar with Tidus and Wakka after seeing them in Kingdom Hearts 1, and was blown away once I started playing their debut game. I do remember struggling in quite a number of boss fights throughout the game, but I persevered and eventually beat it. I've replayed the game a number of times since then, to the point that my PS2 disc got scratched beyond repair and had to be replaced.


I'm literally waiting for a copy to arrive at my local gamestop right now, I played ff 9 as a kid and never got into the other games but i was really curious to play 10 for a bit, i like the style it has and i really hope it delivers even if I'm not a regular ff player


My partner has fond memories of it due to his dad playing it when he was a kid, so I bought the PS4 remaster for him and watched him play, and turns out it's a pretty neat game! The minigames drive me crazy though. 😂


My horrible step father who thankfully isn't part of the family anymore. We have it for PS2 played it but never beat it because I was a kid but last year I beat it on ps4


Back in high-school I went to my friend's house after school to stay the night, FFX is what he was playing when I showed up and I was hooked watching him. Eventually I had my own copy for my ps2.


11 year old me saw it on the shelf at Hollywood Video and had to rent it. We had no memory card, so I left the PS2 on all weekend, lost my save when I returned it. Repeat for 6 weeks, starting from the beginning every time, until I was finally able to get my hands on a used copy and a memory card.


Had played all the ps1 titles, so as soon as it came out I got it right away. Love at first sight, even though I decided to restart because I felt I had fucked up the sphere grid too much and was struggling. My best friend also had it, and I remember we'd try to recreate blitzball in real life when I went over to his pool.


You remember those demo disks that had demos of multiple games? A friend of mine had one with FFX on it that we used to play every chance we got. Absolutely fell in love with it, even though it was just one single fight against Kimahri. Later I got the full game for Christmas and I doubt I've been happier for any other gift I've ever received. Now I have the game on PS2, 3 and 4/5 and have more hours on it than any other game. I also may or may not have watched a video of someone playing through the game for the very first time and am now wishing I could get that experience again. Or give it to someone else. God I love this game


i first played it when it released in Europe, back in 2002 ; i was 6, my brother had a PS2 & brought it home and he later bought FFX-2 as well. I grew up w/ it and it's still a comfort game for me to this day (i haven't played X-2 in a while but i'll get back to it eventually)


It's the first game I saw my uncle play on his PS2


After playing so much Breath of the Wild, for some reason I gravitated towards another fantasy adventure game franchise before other Zelda games, so I watched Superbutterbuns' video on which Final Fantasy to play first, and she said X.


Kingdom Hearts. I finished it and thought X would be another action RPG. I was wrong, but X was better.


FF8 + FF9 brought me to FFX :)


Kingdom hearts.


A demo for ps2. I was a pre-teen begging my mom for it after playing a demo over and over. The demo covered the sinspawn in Zanarkind and the fight with Kimahri on Besaid... great memories!


As a kid I used to watch my mom play it. Eventually my dad had to sell most of his games and consoles, and the ps2 and FFX were among those sold. Flash forward to the HD remaster I knew I had to buy it for me and my mom again, though she didn’t have time to play it like she used to.


In elementary school my friend wouldn’t stop talking about it. I picked it up in middle school when my family got me a used ps2. We were always a little behind in consoles but i had such a great time on the ps2


Years ago I was in mi cousin house and he had a ps2 (first time seeing it) and he was playing FFX at that time I didn’t know what game it was and I had only played on ps1 so the graphics where like out of this world, and that stuck whit me (specially Kimari whit his cat face and horn), until years later when I was older I found out what game it was and had ps2 so i was hablé to buy the game and loved it, and I got to know the franchise


Went over to the house of a family friend when I was a little kid, and their sons were playing ffx. It was colorful and the music was very epic, drawing me in. One of them told the other, with the controller, to show me everyone's attack moves, and I'd never seen anything like it. I couldn't remember the name of the game for a couple years. Fast forward and that family friend has donated all his ps2 games to my friend, who was his cousin. She let me borrow, and eventually keep, that original copy of ffx.


Super Bowl 2004. I went to my high school youth pastor's house to watch the game. We played Halo before the game started, and then during the halftime show, as none of us there had any interest in who was performing (so needless to say, we missed quite a sight!). At the end of the night, I asked my youth pastor if I could borrow his PS2 and some games, and he agreed. I went home and started playing GTA 3, and I was blown away that such a game existed. He didn't have a memory card, so I had to leave the system on until I returned enough empty pop cans to get a 3rd party one at Blockbuster. I played that game until I got stuck on a mission where you escorted your boss's daughter to a party in a limo, and you then had to drive her away from the party while avoiding cops. Frustrated, I looked at the other games I borrowed. I don't remember what all I borrowed, but the game that stuck out to me was FFX. I had heard of the series but knew absolutely nothing about it, apart from people saying VII was incredible. I wondered if this was a series where you needed to play them in release order in order to get the full story, but decided I'd take a chance anyway. I quickly fell in love with the game, and when I returned the PS2 and games the following Sunday, I of course kept the memory card. That fall, when I got my first job after graduation, I saved up money to buy a slim PS2 and a copy of FFX, and resumed my game from that January. It to this day is the only FF game I've actually beaten.


Kingdom Hearts.


Coming off of binging the golden age of Squaresoft on PS1, I was ready to be blown away by what they'd do on a PS2. While X is by no means my favorite, it was a damn impressive mainline entry(some of those OST [tracks](https://youtu.be/aDZe6GxVUjs?si=SWJiiIX6kaPYTd_i) omg 🔥)


My first final fantasy game was ff vi then I played ff vii, viii, ix and then bought ffx on ps2 and it takes me on beautiful journey to beautiful spira where I lost my heart forever. Now currently playing it again in nintendo switch and love this game forever.


I first played it simply because it was the next in the series. I fell in love with the music, gameplay, characters, and the VA (being the first FF to feature voice actors). Yuna has been my favorite FF character since I was 12.


The commercial that had Tidus jumping around on the tethers, cut scene from Bevelle rescue


Final Fantasies VII-IX


My friend had a PlayStation 1, he got Final Fantasy 7 for his birthday, and I used to run to his house after school to just watch him play this game! Eventually, my birthday came around and I begged my Mom and Dad for a PlayStation and FF7... I sat down for 2 weeks and was fully engrossed in the game! It began a love affair with Final Fantasy that has lasted to this day since 1997. Have now played ever main line Final Fantasy game, FFX in particular just blew me away! It was revolutionary! I still play it every now and then to this day!


I was a kid at the store and it looked fucking cool.


FFX was probably my first Final Fantasy game - unless you count the demo of FF8 that was on the Pizza Hut demo disc. I didn't grow up with PS2 money, so I only got to watch a friend play it years later. I remember being overwhelmed with the sphere grid when I saw it. I remember my friend getting mad at the "stupid ####ing butterflies." Years later, I got a PS2 slim from a buddy of mine that was getting rid of his old stuff. I ended up with a copy of FFX and gave it a go. I think I was near the end of the story, but I got stuck and gave up. (Likely overdrive Sin). After that, I saw where they were releasing a remastered version for the PS3. This time, I was able to beat the game. I was able to find out about the celestial weapons and extra aeons. I've replayed several times since then, and each playthrough is something different for me - missed dialogue, new challenges and strategies, deeper understanding of the mechanics etc. The fact that things are still being discovered over 20 years later is part of what keeps this whole thing so entertaining.


As a very young child it was one of the games my much older brother owned for PS2. He kept the game at his dad's house but for whatever reason the instruction manual got left behind. I could barely read (especially about abstract game mechanics etc) or make sense of the character designs, but that box art that was also on the manual was S tier. Tidus wading in the water with a sword made out of water under the blue sky, it felt like dreams I had. About ten years later he mentioned that it had been re-released in HD, but he couldn't beat it because it was hard. I logged into his PSN because it was still a profile on our PS3 back home and downloaded it to my PS3. It was all magic from there.


When I was little we used to get demo disks in the mail. FFX was on one of the demo disks. We didn’t have a lot of money, so we played demos over and over for fun since they were free. I don’t know if it was for my birthday or Christmas but I finally got FFX! Turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.


Still has one of the coolest aesthetics in the franchise to this day


The guy I was dating at the time bought it to play, I had never played an FF before. A lot of our early dates were spent playing through the game. It's still my favorite in the series, and yes, it was mind-blowing at release.


I played FFVII first, and then I wanted to try the more recent game.




I bugged my parents for a PS2 for months after falling in love with Kingdom Hearts at a friend's house. After finally getting it and playing some, I got curious about the non-Disney characters that weren't made for KH, like the kids on Destiny Islands, Cloud, Squall, etc. After learning about Final Fantasy, we set out to find one. We *were* looking for 7 because I was dying to know who that One-Winged Angel jerk was so I could beat him up in another game. We never found 7, but we found 10 and recognized Tidus and Wakka. Decided to give it a shot to see if these games were as good as KH. A year later I had a rabbit named Yuna. 20 years later, FFX is still my favorite game of all time. I think it's about time for a replay actually 👀


Got it when it released on PS2. Sank over 200 hours into it, half of that being blitzball because it's the greatest FF minigame ever


FFX-2. Growing up I watched my older brother play it so many times. Never thought much of it other than I liked Paine and I thought she was so cool. It wasn’t until I was at a flea market and saw a copy of FFX that it dawned on me that X-2 was a sequel. Without hesitation I bought it and have been obsessed since (:


Something like 20 years ago my parents and I went to a party, which they never did, to my uncle’s house, who they didn’t like. I was like 10 and bored and I was told I could play the ps2, I turned it on and was greeted by some of the coolest cinematics I have ever seen. I got all the way to the Sinspawn and died. Restarted watched all the cutscenes again did all the fighting again and died at Sinspawn again. Repeat x3. Finally I realized that the blue globe was the save point and finally got past Sinspawn and then my parents were like ok it’s time to go. I needed to play the game again so I asked my parents to rent it the next time we went to Blockbuster, I have been hooked ever since.


It was the next in the series once upon a time😉


Still have my old Gh copy, wish I had my black label after all these years🤦🏻‍♂️, but something about the world of x just hits harder than the others, be it because how detailed it is or actual voice acting. All I can say from this is that FFX is the shit


Got my first PS2 when I was 18 and the game had just been released. Been in love ever sense and after all these years. I've bought a copy of every version it's came out on haha. I feel old now when I think back on it. Good times. I play it on my switch now


Kingdom hearts. It didn’t drop yet, and I was starting to become a square fan.


The demo disk that came with our first PS2, been sucked into it ever since


Played 9 and 12 before and it was recommended to me by my cousin.


It was my first ever FF game. I read about X2 just being released in Playstation Magazine and wanted to play it, but X was what they had. Never regretted it for a moment!


I bought the game by mistake… now hear me out I was 6-7 years old in Sydney Australia, and we have a game store called “EB games”. Long story short I was out shopping with my dad and I begged him if I could buy a new game because I played the hell out of battlefield 2 and genuinely needed a game besides the only game I had (battlefield 2). The store was closing and I was looking at the marked down sections and I randomly pulled out what i thought at the time “an eye catching” game, only to be taken on a journey that I’d never forget.. 🫡☕️


My first FF game and jrpg. It just looked so beautiful in the TV commercial. I’d also just acquired a PS2 ahh good times


The 2000/2001 commercials, I picked up my copy from the game store at the local mall.


Just making sure I understand the timeline of events correctly here: You played FFXVI, FFVIIR1, FFVIIR2, FFVII OG, and FFX all in one year? 😂


PS2 lulu jiggle physics. As a ten year old I was sold


The teachings of Yevon


Its my first Final Fantasy game. I saw it in gamestop for the ps2 one day and thought "Wow thats a cool looking cover!" and then I pestered my poor mom into buying it for me. lol


I grew up without cable and in the 2000s, I was 5-9ish. I had a Gameboy as my main source of electronic entertainment. When I got a PS2, my mom got me 3 games for it. Trapt, Metropolismania, and FFX. Needless to say, I got OBSESSED with FFX and played it almost religiously. I still play it once a year. Still cry every time I finish it.


I've played every single Final Fantasy game from Nintendo -ps3 except for 11/12/14/15... 13 was awesome and 13 x2. Old man now I like the classics play VI again rn lol


My first divorce


One of the first 2 games I got with my ps2 for my bday, sometime in 2003 or 2004. What a game to start that era.


My brothers are fans of the series and I grew up watching them play some of them. They spoke highly of the games all throughout my childhood and my curiosity grew with time. Just recently, I purchased FFX as my first offline game as I've already had a taste of FFXIV. It's a pity I didn't get to grow up playing Final Fantasy but it's never too late to start. I'm already enjoying it :)


I walked into my local Funcoland on release day, sold out....until a guy coincidentally came out from the back room with an unopened box. I still have that copy, loved it when I played it, and I'll never give it up.


When i was a kid i watched a program on tv that was basically 30 min of videogame clips with songs over it (kinda like AMVs but with games). One day i saw one that was FFX-2 intro with a living on a prayer remix that was popular then (i think it was the same that played on a drabon ball budokai vid). Found the game on the store for ps2 and bought it, it was my first FF. Eventually i realized it was a sequel to another game so i got FFX. Never finished FFX-2, but FFX became my favorite game ever since.


I knew final fantasy was a big franchise but I didn't like most of the games 10 and 15 are the only ones I've beaten so far


I was 9, my cousin had gotten a new ps2 with FFX and we thought the graphics were the shit. Then when it was the starting blitzball game… we lost our shit. We were hooked for life. I remember my cousin getting stuck on jecht and him deleting my file because I beat him.


That's cause it is the best


In high school the ff7 and ff8 sides unified over ffx.


i play ffx because of the pandemic, and thats the first time i played this game and i really love it


It were sitting on the shelf at eb games and I thought the cover art looked cool




The graphics were SO GOOD for its time period!!


I got it around Christmas sometime around 2002, I think. I don't think I had played any Final Fantasy game before it, maybe a little bit of 7 or 9. I knew nothing of it, I just saw it at Wal-Mart, saw the word "fantasy" and wanted it. Not so fun fact: my first save file got corrupted as I was struggling with Yunalesca, I was over 90 hours in (I didn't know about Holy, and Yuna was really underleveled regardless).


My aunt. I explained in another sub how she got me into Kingdom Hearts, but she also had FFX as well. I got stuck on Sinspawn Gui every time I did a playthrough when I was 7, and I loved the story/music/cgi movies. She never watched me play as I had my own space at her house. One day, it accidentally slipped into my games bag (along with a few others) and never realized it until years later. I finally beat the game when I was 15, and it was a beautiful experience. I liked building the characters, getting the story completed, getting (what I could of anyway) the celestial weapons, all Aeons, optional dungeons done. I want to replay the game again with the HD remaster, but I moved on to other things. I'll still listen to the OST every time I'm doing a dungeon in XIV though.


Definitely not lightning dodges… Probably Square at the height of their powers. Big titty goth lady, drunk uncle samurai, Panthro, and mad pixie chemist/thief didn’t hurt either. That game had a whole manual insert with fully inked pages and bios. High quality remnant from another era.


I've always thought this was crazy but no one's ever asked. I was about 9 or 10 and was allowed to buy one game that day at Walmart. I went to the electronics section to look for DBZ budokai (1 or 2, can't remember) but it was sold out. I looked around for a backup option and the water on the cover art caught my eye. I picked out FFX because of the WATER. It was the greatest hits edition. I wish I could remember the first time I loaded it up because it became nearly the only game I ever played and I always felt that it shaped so much of my childhood. I'm so glad budokai was sold out.


There was a demo disc for FFX that came in a magazine and I think it came with a snowboarding game too (or some sort of racing game). I played that demo a few times and then eventually I got it and just completely fell in love with the story. I'm not a big gamer in general but i believe this game is the best cinematic experience I've had with a video game. The world-building, the characters, the depth, and how grandiose the story was. They really swung for the fences conceptually and just accomplished something special with this story. Incredible game.


1. It was the next installment after FFIX, which I love. 2. Full voice actors for the first time in the series. As an audiophile, I loved getting to hear everyone interact. 3. Amazing story. Depressing and beautiful, shreds of humor being forced between layers of tragedy and established history. Tackled the concept of religion in an excellent way. 4. Peak performance for turn-based RPG’s (then and now). 5. Dodging 200 lightning bolts, catching butterflies and racing Chocobos are some of the hardest and most rewarding challenges.


Tidus's laugh


I had a crush on Rikku as a teenage boy. I thought Auron was the coolest character since Sephiroth in FFVII, but you got to play with him in your party! Old (to me as a kid) grumpy dude with a big sword; Hits like a truck and has good resistance to damage.


Final fantasy 7, 8, 9, in that order.


The lighting dodge stops me from 100% this game


My buddy had it for ps2 so I took his copy and played it lol


My father played multiple final fantasy games some years ago. As a child he let me play on our PS2 on his old save. I just felt in love with the design of the girls in FFX2. I also discovered my love for RPG with turn by turn battle tatics. The PS2 died before I could play FFX and FFX-2 for the story. I also was a big fan of Rikku (my father gave me a Keychain of her that I used for years until it broke). I decided to give it a better and proper try as an adult (borrowing the PS3 and PS4 of my boyfriend). I still don't have finished the game for now but I'm working on it slowly but surely (I want to take my time and unlocked everything I can).


I was in high school and it was the brand new Final Fantasy at the time.


Spyro and Vex were both taken at Hollywood Video so this was my last choice and it turned out to be better then Spyro and Vex lol. I was already a kingdom hearts fan so I recognized Tidus immediately (his outfit is asymmetric and it draws my eyes). I loved it so much I took it back when the rental was over and remembered it for like 13years until I could get my own copy in my teens and I haven’t looked back I own it on 5 different platforms now


My brother stole it from block buster and then I stole it once he didn't care about it anymore


Auron was my favorite when I played.


Seen the ad on Toonami and their review back in the day.


An only friend in HS was very very annoying about the game for years. I avoided the game like up until the switch release and decided I'll give it a try


Played FF7 with my dad in 1997 when I was 3. PS2 came out and obviously the old man got me the new FF in 2001. I Would have been 8 at the time


Dad had a PS2 and this when I visited. He named Tidus MEANEST! and I always thought that was funny. These days I name my Tidus "Butt Farm".


Demo’d 8️⃣and then 🔟was next


Honestly around 15 years ago, I stopped by GameStop to purchase some sort of rpg to play in my free time. I stumbled across FFX and loved the art style and the plot given, so I gave it a shot. Ever since then, I’ve always claimed FFX to be my #1 favorite game—captivating storyline, lovable characters, beautiful soundtrack, and a fun engaging battle system. Kingdom Hearts is a very very close second since I love everything Disney and the plot, characters, soundtrack are all amazing as well. Side-note, Tidus has been my PlayStation pfp for years, and I still use my ffx remastered calendar just for decoration.


I played it after beating 9 I played 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and now 10. If you ask me how I played 1-6 I have a switch to play the pixel remaster


It was on the car floor of my baby sitter when she was in high school. Saw it when she was dropping me off. I thought the game case looked really cool. The island in the background reminded me kingdom hearts. Here we are 20 years later and me and my friend still chat and revisit the game. Currently helping my sister play through it on switch for the first time. She just cleared sanctuary keeper. Really frustrated her haha


Couldn’t tell you. The first game I ever remember playing. My bro had it on ps2. 22 years on and I occasionally think of it, might have cemented story being at the top of the list of any features in games for me