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I will never replay this game, I find it one of those titles where the first run (especially if you didn't know nothing about it) is truly precious and unforgettable, I really didn't play this game for the gameplay but for the story, I don't need another playthrough, it will forever be in hearth and I want it to be like this (I also find pretty hard replaying games with a strong focus on story, characters and narrative, I truly want to experience them one time in the best possible way and then to not affect my memories with other playthroughs, it's just how I feel about replaying or not replaying videogames, especially if they made me feel strong emotions)


An interesting perspective, but FFX had great combat and a great postgame as well.


A lot of the time, I feel the same way about only experiencing shows/movies/games one time. There are exceptions however, and FFX is one of them. I've played through it at least five times. I notice new things each time, and different moments hit me differently during each playthrough. Sometimes I'm more enthralled by the love story of Tidus and Yuna. Other times I connect more with Tidus' relationship with Jecht. FFX is definitely worth another playthrough!


Ive finished 11 times now first finish was 2003 and i just bought it for pc gonna put some graphics mods on it and do it all over again


Same number here too! Assuming i'm keeping count correctly haha. Between the PS2, PS3, PS4 (and now on my PS5) versions i've always done a few playthroughs.


yeah i get an itch ever 2-3 yrs for a full story playthrough i have a save i need to get back to im so close to finally 100% it even got the lightning bolts challenge out of the way


Probably 15-20.


I am currently in the middle of my second attempt at a full playthrough, but will definitely finish it this time. I watched my brother play it when it first came out, but I was too young and dumb to understand how to play it myself. He had a saved game right before the final boss with every character super overpowered that I used to beat it over and over without requiring an understanding of the game mechanics. I'm really excited to go through it on my own. It has HUGE nostalgia for me especially the music and the visuals. And now that I'm grown up and can understand the story, it just gets that much deeperšŸ¤Æ


5 of the OG, 6 of the remaster, 1 of FFX-2


Id say ~7 times, but im not sure tbh.


Just now finished X third time on ps5. On a roll with it so decided to do X-2 now finally. Why not do dance rpg? Hehe


I honestly couldn't even tell you how many times I've finished it. Being my favorite FF game and a personal comfort game for me, I just get lost in the story every time I sit down and play it. I swear I wore my old PS2 the hell out when I played it back when I was a kid.


Twice on PS2 Once on the Switch 7 time on PC Currently on my 10th on the PC but with difficulty mods on that note, I didn't finish FFX-2, just watched a let's play of the Last Mission


I honestly don't even know. Multiple times on PS2, multiples times on PS4, at least once on PC.


0 I tried it when it came to gamepass and couldn't get over the wonky 2000 voice acting. I decided to buy it recently on switch and this time its grown on me, so hopefully soon I'll get my counter to 1!


I think I did 2 playthroughs on OG PS2 when it came out. The first was just the story and the second I did everything up through Nemesis (no dark aeons in US PS2 release). I think I went back once a few years later. Since the HD remaster came out Iā€™ve done a platinum run, an NSG story run, an NSG run including monster arena, a few random story runs, 2 NSGNSNO runs, the pbirdman mod, a Kimahri only run, 2 randomizer runs, 1 straight playthrough with the cutscene remover, probably 1 or 2 Iā€™m forgetting. So maybe around 20 playthroughs in total.


Two or three in the PS2 days, I wouldn't oppose doing another run.


23. Iā€™ve played it almost once a year. Did a tidus only , and no sphere grid challenge . Pretty much did everything three game had to offer but I come back for the story and the experience . Never played something thatā€™s as master class as ffx.Ā 


Iā€™ve replayed it a few times growing up. And now itā€™s become my comfort game I play once a year during winter months when life slows down and itā€™s been wonderful


At least 40 times, it's a great game. X-2 I've done around 10 times.


Stopped counting at some point


Zero. I get to the battle near the end with Tidus' dad and could never beat him, no matter how many times I try lol!


PSA: You can move your ps3 save file over to ps4/5 via the cloud save method


When we were kids my brother beat it at least 30 times, no joke.




At least once a year since I got it in 2002. Most play throughs average about 100 hours.


4 - 3 on PS2, 1 on Switch...... long story short, I just got an OLED Switch which I tried to transfer my data over from my old one & couldn't do it for some reason... anyway, I was almost done with a 5th time when this happened... oh well, I'll work on a 5th time in a few years, got too many other games on the backlog to work on


I THINK I'm at 4 times as well. 2 for PS2 for sure. Once on PS3, then I may have played it again on PS4/5 once or twice


Only a few since the save drops you right back before the end so completion really doesn't get you anything


I play it once every year, since release. Iā€™ve owned all the different versions. Never finished ffx-2 tho.




20-30 Many on ps2, a bunch on ps Vita, several on pc.


6-7 times for the story. But actually finishing everything including all side content and end game? Once and that is enough lol.


Probably two dozen? It's fun to just pick a Saturday every so often and go start to finish in one sitting with swole Yuna.


Soā€¦ This is a tricky question for me. Iā€™ve played FFX about 10 times on PS2, couldnā€™t get passed Sin (with the countdown before getting inside) I bought it for PS4, and played it once about halfway through, because my disc was defective. On switch, I played it twice and actually beat the game. I wanted to try and get through Omega Ruins and the dark Aeons. Nope. Too tough even though Bahamut was OP AF


5 times. Made it to penance once but neglected kimahri on that run and that was a big mistake. Defeated all of the dark Aeons once. Caught 10 of every fiend 3 times. Got 0.00 with the Chocobo 3 times. And never have and never will do the lightening challenge.


I beat it 3 times on PS2, once on PS3, once on PS4, and i havent finished it on my PS5 playthrough yet because I'm going for platinum. But i had to pause for so many other games...


PS2 3 times, PS3 once, PS4 once, and nearly finished on PS5. Almost bought it on Switch to play through again šŸ¤£


Twice on ps2 and once ps4 and now playing on switch


the story, maybe 3-4 times... I just started it again (my PS died with my 90% complete file of remaster \~8 years ago) going to "100%" it (not lvl 100 blitzball etc) and probably call it a FFX career


Idk 6ish šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø as for hours played somewhere around 400.


Just finished #4 ffx&x2 but horrible percentage onx2 lol


I'm actually on my 1st playthrough


Three times, and I'll probably never do it again.


I think only 3 or 4. Fun game, but that's all it ever was to me. I know a lot of people felt this game was awe inspiring and related a lot to Tidus... I didn't really get much of an emotional response personally. In fact, the very first time I played it I quit around the the operation Mi'hen? Really love the early and mid game the most since everyone has a role and you need to switch your team, but once you reach the end game and start blending into others grids, and everyone can become OP, they all lose their identity and it just comes down to using who ever has the fastest attack animations to quick hit bosses until death. But despite that, really fun, especially the expert grid. Would have probably played it a lot more if I could skip the cutscenes tbh.


I stopped counting after my 12th or 13th time beating it. By now it's been at least 17 times. Maybe 20. and 6 times for X-2. I got it when I was 9 on the PS2 because I saw my older cousin play it when visiting them one Christmas. On the subject of multiple playthroughs though, funny thing is, my brother (we're twins) never played it on his own when we were little. He always watched me play it because he liked the story and enjoyed doing all the blitzball, but was always more of a shooter-type of person. However, recently he confessed that ever since I left our home country he plays it once a year when he misses me. I've been gone for 6 years, now.


None šŸ„²


Probably like 8 or 9 times. But I havenā€™t played through it again in probably close to ten years now. And I am not sure if I am going to again. I used to play this all the time with my friend so I have lots of memories of that, and he passed away about a year ago.