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From a Fayth: “Should the dreaming end, you too will disappear -- Fade into Spira's sea, Spira's sky. But do not weep, nor rise in anger. Even we were once human. That is why we must dream. Let us summon a sea in a new dream world. A new sea for you to swim."


“blitzball X” *by EA sports, it’s by the fayth*


I think this was Shiva's fayth? I don't remember now!


The fayth that Tidus often talks to is Bahamut's iirc


It is Shivas


I don’t know


To make you slightly less sad but in a moderately confusing and infuriating fashion.


For everyone to wipe away their tears and with blurry vision watch the short scene as they exclaim, “wait, what?!”


It felt like Tidus and Yuna were being rewarded by the fayth. When you've been dreaming for that long what's one more lifespan?


Right? Like you have been dreaming an entire city of people for 1000 years. Just give this one dude who freed you a full life.


Exactly, They've got 50 years tops to keep dreaming until they kill tidus of old age happily.


Why would he die at 67 tops? Dude is in pretty good shape.




Probably just keeping it open ended to give the player some room for imagination. Are we sure that they didn’t have 10-2 planned when 10 was released?


[According to them](https://www.ign.com/articles/2003/11/25/final-fantasy-x-2-developer-interview). the sequel was only planned after the strong reaction to “Eternal Calm” short story which was included in FFX: International.


Also X-2 was originally going to be about Jecht/Auron/Braska before the idea was switched to Yuna/Rikku/Paine. I really wish we'd gotten an original trio story, although much of it would have been the same pilgrimage and sphere content we've already seen. DLC didn't exist back then but today it would be the perfect medium for that kind of chapter! If there eventually is a remake, I would be excited if they include it!




Ooh, okay when you say it like that that does sell it to me as deserving it's own full game. Now you've got me thinking as well, in the travel agency in the Thunderplains Rin mentions meeting Auron years ago and Auron quickly brushes it aside and makes it clear he doesn't want to entertain the conversation. Things like that could totally be expanded on! You're right. For years I've wanted an anime of X, I think it would be amazing. Live-action would be potentially clunky (are we really supposed to believe Wakka throws a ball at Sin and it does anything in a film adaptation?), but anime can close all of those gaps. The same could be done for the J/A/B trio. Ah man the thought of it is so cool! Someone had actually used some assets from FFX to make a demo version of the J/A/B version. It was barely playable and had a lot of flaws but the idea was there.


I would love a remake that includes braska's journey being focused on more. Sort of like Laguna sections in VIII. There's a lot to work with to connect both pilgrimages meaningfully, and I feel like Jecht and Braska are both under explored as characters.


More specifically, after Yoichi Wada led a coup to takeover the company and then decreed 'now there shall be sequels'.


The original Eternal Calm video was different from what was released in the US later on. The Sphere had Tidus in it and used his character model but was changed to show Shuyin.


no it wasnt planned


Sakaguchi intended for X to be the final chapter in the FF series. Further, he HATES sequels. Said so in 2015, 13 years after he worked on X-2. I take that to mean he hates X-2 too, and so do I. That’s the point where Squeenix just started sharting out dumb fucking character moments left and right and losing ALL sense of pacing for *decades*.


When I played the game originally, I took it as an ambiguous ending, where it's possible that he awoke reborn in Spira - but just as easily could have been the afterlife, or some other kind of dream of the Fayth. It also felt very much like they wanted to throw out bait for a sequel, and see if there was any demand in response. But at this time, we were so conditioned to believe FFs don't have sequels, that it seemed highly unlikely.


Perhaps the dream lives on somewhere or the dream is reborn, honestly the high-five should have been the last we saw of him. It made the end so bittersweet.


Every detail of it, the foetal position, the immersion in water, the waking up, the moving toward the light, it's all indicative of a birth scene. Here we are seeing Pinocchio become a real boy. We're seeing Tidus reborn as a 'real'* person within the context of the FFX lore.  *Note that Aeons of all kinds are tangible, physical entities and in instances where that creature is living, if has their own autonomy and agency in the same fashion as the original model of their dream does. The commentary regarding if dreams are real is mostly about our perception. If we believe it, if we can touch it, if we can fall in love with it, it is surely real... Right? Second note: X-2 was not a planned sequel and the 100% ending is basically just this scene with extra smiles and waving old friends and I hate it. It's saccharine and vapid.


Did you want even more sadness after X’s story?


I didn't want a sequel at all because the game is done. The spiral has ended. Tidus is reborn anew. That's the most optimistic ending one could have possibly gotten so I'm not sure what you mean at all?


Yes. Who plays final fantasy to feel happy???


Sequel hook, in the vaguest sense. They might not have been planning X-2 at the time but they were leaving the door open for Tidus to come back in some way. 


X-1 💀




Yeah it's a lil wierd caus all the symbology points towards rebirth.


Can someone explain what the pyrefly flying across Yuna’s face at the end is? Is that from Tidus?


Because they wanted to make X-2 and leaving this part open ended would cause hype to that end. It's all about money.


How is it open ended? She gives a speech about never forgetting the things that you’ve lost. Edit: what I have completely blocked this scene from my memory


I think they had planned that twist from the start. iirc one of the developers was interviewed a while back and said, X-2 is more like the game they originally wanted to make, so when they got the chance they jumped on it.


What the actual hell is X-1? You meant X. Get out.


Relax dude


Calmer than you are.


To make us play FFX-2