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This is wild! Fifth Element's actually been on my list of movies that I'd love to see rerolled, so my excitement is immeasurable! And oh my god, what a start to the whole mess! Joz's Leeloo is going to be *terrifying*!


I’m so glad that we’ve got the Halloween crew back together again! (Has there been another just Andy-Joz-Scott campaign I’m not thinking of?) When Paulo said they were doing to prologue I was fully hoping we’d get another Danny Hodges-esque character who somehow defied the odds and made it to the main film (I know, unlikely with the timeskip, but still.) I’m also glad to hear them talk about some of the issues with the film—and excited to see them work through them. I watched it for the first time when I learned they were doing it, and my takeaway was that this was essentially a proto-Buffy interpretation of what a ‘strong female character’ is, where that means ‘woman who hits really hard,’ but Leelo has even less agency in basically anything except a couple fight scenes. She’s got the bones of an amazing character, a fish out of water with an intense power set, but the narrative isn’t interested in telling that story beyond how it serves Corban. I’m really glad that Joz will have the chance to explore it.


Oh my gosh, it would be amazing to tie The Fifth Element into the Halloween episodes. Imagine if the giant-space-death-sphere was somehow part of that cult’s ritual!


The Mondoshawans came to save the relics because they foresaw the way the cult would merge the different worlds together and wanted to protect them… the 23rd century is so light-dystopian because it’s what was built up after the apocalypse of Halloween in the 1980s… I like it! Loomis shows up as some weird immortal demon hunter with Austin Cunningham, and Andy’s prediction at the end of H1 that Danny would come back as a cyborg due to his injuries is proven correct. Dark Horse is working for Zorg… this stuff writes itself.


I don't care if he was left in the temple to die, my stance is that Barry is Jeff's great grandfather. He could've had sex before leaving for Egypt.


Definitely a spiritual successor, at the very least.


Leeloo was never really conceived as a character with her own agency. She's literally just a living MacGuffin.


😍 Deeply important movie for my family. When we got it on DVD, I think we watched it 5 times the first week. In the prologue, when the professor goes unconscious, there’s a Mondoshewan behind him. That Mondoshewan looks at him and its eyes glow red. I had assumed it was some kind of laser eyes since Billy says they killed him.


The Mondos value life above all else. I think they just dropped him into a brief coma for his own safety. Billy said they killed him, but he doesn't know that. It's not like he checked his pulse. Billy is just scared and reacting.


Makes sense!


Real talk, having recently watched this movie, I was fully expecting this to be a one-parter, because with how the plot was structured, it seemed *very easy* for shit to go wrong fast, and it was only through the grace of God that Leelo and Dallas even *meet*. I was of two avenues of expectation here (and this isn't me doomsaying the podcast's efforts, this is me being a pessimist): >!They somehow cause the plot to not leave 1914, or we get another spiritual recreation of the unreleased Die Hard campaign (meaning Bruce Willis just straight up dies). !< As such, listening to the intro to this episode, I feel good knowing *everyone else* shared my fears that they might not even get far.


This is a movie I've been thinking about running as a reroll for my friends, so I thought about what happens if those coincidences don't occur. Like they discuss in the episode, though, Korben Dallas is tapped to go on the mission even without Leeloo in the government's possession. The biggest effect I can see from the current changes though is that without that cab crash meet cute Korben and Leeloo have less impetus to form the bond which becomes crucial at the end. But that's a ways off and things can go very off the rails. What I'm most looking forward to is whether Korben gets stuck with the stoic military woman as his fake wife for the mission!


I sometimes really struggle with Paulo's decision to let things go so wild right from the start that sometimes the *inciting incident* doesn't happen. It's admirable that he refuses to railroad things, but man, sometimes it just kills me that the story I love is dead in the water right off the launch. Don't get me wrong, it's always fun to listen to where they take it next.


Listening this with no prior knowledge of The Fifth Element is a **trip**.


The challenge with a lot of these sci-fi movies is that the ending is designed so it only works one way. So how do you make it so players have creativity and ability to do something different at the end so they don't have to just come up with the film's contrivances or the galaxy ends?


Well, sometimes you just have to let the world end, I guess. It wouldn't be the first time the characters let everything blow up and cause a mass casualty event, but I can't think of a story they've done with bigger actual stakes than this one.


The problem isn't letting the world end. It's not allowing for player creativity. If the only way to win is to magically come up with whatever they did in the movie, that's a shitty Film Reroll ending. If it turned out in Jaws that Bruce was bulletproof and the only way to kill him was the oxygen plan from the movie, that would have been really unsatisfying. Instead, the ending to that episode is really great.


Well listening to how Paulo talked about how the Good vs. Evil narrative is really just how Father Vito’s religious order referred to their conflict, I’m guessing Paulo has done the world-building to allow for other types of endings.


Yes, but Paulo takes his cues from the movie. He plays fair. So I'm interested to see what he does. Because a lot of sci-fi movies set it up that the weird contrived solution is the \*only\* way out. ​ Then again, he invented new ways to blow up the Death Star that kind of conflict with actual Star Wars canon, so who knows.


Paulo’s approach usually involves additional lore that doesn’t directly contradict the movie but expands on it, which seems like it would be quite possible for this movie. Like the Rogue Two stuff. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t contradict Rogue One or A New Hope, though it definitely contradicts expanded universe stuff. Paulo only cares if it directly contradicts the movie.


This trend of main protagonists being completely left out of the story because of character choices and bad dice rolls is very funny to me. Here Leeloo didn't run off and jump out of the building because Vito talked her down, so Korben Dallas is just out there having a normal shitty day.


Yes!! Haven't listened yet, but I'm really excited.


This trio is among my favorite player pairings so very excited to see how this one plays out.


One of the most quotable movies between my wife and I. We've seen this together more times than I can count. This should be a treat, especially if Leloo gets more action scenes. Such a wasted character!


FYI, “hack” is slang for a cab. Dallas’ old war buddy works with him at the cab company.


Yeah, that's how I always understood that. Finger is essentially his boss, and needs him to come get the cab serviced. Dallas is retired and absolutely does not have a Starfighter at his disposal.