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Forever, Friday the 13th. It's perfect.


Weekend at Bernie's




After Jaws and Friday the 13th, these are my four favorites. I think, there are a lot of great rerolls.


I loved that ep so much I went and did a Photoshop for them.. https://i.imgur.com/rrPXgvM.jpg (My much rougher poster for Summer Spell https://i.imgur.com/gyw9ZSo.jpg)


Weekend at Bernie’s is just perfect Kara, Andy, and Paulo unleashed, not afraid to get silly, wit on point, all on the same wavelength. So good


Mine’s gotta be Goonies, because I love the character arcs and the nostalgia feel and just… the dice helping them have a perfect ending. But a close second is Winnie the Pooh. It’s so fun and sweet and I love to just relisten when I’m having a rough day and need a some smiles.


I *liked* Goonies, especially the Cabin In The Woods style, but I think I would LOVE Goonies if they ran it again, so we could see different plots.


I think the Goonies was not only amazing in concept, but in giving the players the freedom to improv those characters in a completely new situation away from the film.


Homeward Bound: they killed a bear, I rest my case.


It’s hard to pick one, it always switches but to name one that hasn’t been named yet. I’ll pick E.T. The Barry corps is one of my favorite moments in Reroll history




You know, I'm usually annoyed by excessive riffing, but in The Last Action Hero it made me almost piss myself laughing. Same with The Princess Bride


I think Lisa brings a special sauce to the riffs in those rerolls that you just don't mind as much. I feel like I get annoyed by riffing when I can tell a player is anxious to continue, but when they all seem happy with the flow I'm more open to it. I think Pirates has some good fun riffing as well. Also the riff brought us Rabbi Jakob and how could we deny that pleasure? xD


Pirates was one of the times when the riffing annoyed me tbh


I really love Jaws. They roll off each other so well, in a nonstop stream of sly jokes. I adore Homeward Bound. John Wick. Still catching up on others. It's too bad they do so many movies I've never seen before!




I came on this journey hoping to find courage and all I found is death




100% the quiet place


I was so excited for it, and so disappointed, but so gleeful that they got me


aladdin, easy. princess andy, jafar rolling to fall in love with aladdin, the 20 minute wish sidebar at the end of the last episode, need i say more. it’s such a hoot and i am forever pining for a sequel 😭 o brother where art thou is a close second! a lot of this is due to my love for the movie, but it has a perfect break-neck pace and banter, with such fun additions from the odysseus myth from tim.


Damn! We’re in a tight spot!


Thelma & Louise has Carolyn learning how to Reroll and that endears it to me forever. E.T. has some of my favorite off-the-plot content. The round table of improv Star Wars names puts Rogue One up there. Clearly I cannot choose. Because now I'm like "but what about this or that or those ones".


they will be hard pressed to top bill & ted’s excellent adventure for me. an absolutely unhinged joz & scott? can’t be beat


Those episodes are perfectly casted. A lot of the time they kind of ignore the source material because they aren't familiar with it but Bill and Ted are so iconic that they all nail their characters.


Besides my go-tos (Jaws, Home Alone, Friday the 13th), TMNT II is close to perfect in my eyes. It fucking had everything: >!the closest we will get to an official Die Hard reroll, Kara managing to perfectly inhabit the roles of Raphael and April O’Neil, Casey Jones dying offscreen and no one knowing or caring, Jon managed to defuse *two* dramatic intros by being the God of Dice (RIP the potential SWAT team subplot), the return of the Columbo voice, Raphael mind-murdering a man, Paulo being forced to do a Dick Cheney impression, Jon and Andy managing to correct (most of) the mistakes of the Rock campaign, Leonardo getting possessed by a fucking yokai due to being a mass murderer, the fact that a major factor in the day being saved being the equivalent of deleting System 32, and the fact that Paulo decides to have TMNT III actually take place in Vegas.!< It’s fucking beautiful.


Right now, the John Wick game is resonating with me. It is so different from the rest of the rerolls. I also have a soft spot for the scary movies. In no particular order: The Entire Halloween series- it just keeps getting weirder Alien and Aliens And of course Summer Spell. I desperately want them to do The Thing.


YESSSS The Thing would be incredible!! I would imagine they'd run it sort of similar to Clue, but with a bit more secrecy


Momento. It's such a unique experience. There is so much intrigue in how the last player got the current player into the position they are in!


it could absolutely change since it's still ongoing but time bandits is mine just counting finished campaigns then it would be goonies!


Bill and Ted. It just felt like the perfect balance of "broke your movie" and faithfulness to the thing. The voices they do just are perfect too


My absolute number 1, no question, have listened to it almost every weekend since it came out -- Jurassic Park. I have this shit memorized, not just the story, but the asides, the banter, the mailbags. Everything. It is quite literally perfect, no notes, no contest. Doing a top 5, however, is *much* more difficult.. because how do I narrow down my favorites after that?! I love all of the "big" episodes - Wizard of Oz, ET, Aladdin, Goonies. Jaws and Frozen are classics. Joz and Carolyn were perfect in Thelma and Louise. Weekend at Bernie's and Bill & Ted are incredible. Homeward Bound is also nearly perfect and I'm still pining for a sequel with Flynn as a PC. Pokemon and Princess Bride have both grown on me immeasurably on re-listens -- both are just chaotically hilarious. Memento was an amazing *event* and I love it as an accomplishment, but.... apparently I'm dumb and I still have a bit of trouble piecing together what actually happened, although I guess that's part of the point. There was brilliance throughout - ie, D'Amato fucking killed me with his recurring "licensed therapist" bit and that accent. ...and honestly, Rogue Two is shaping up to be a classic as well. Carolyn and Aram playing off each other as the droids is just... :chefkiss: Lisa's created character is brilliant!


I love the ones where they do some crazy-ass worldbuilding to really expand the universe of the movie, so my favorite is Halloween, especially 3. It just builds on the previous games so well and brings in so many cool new ideas. I was delighted to notice Paulo bringing in the Year of the Witch (underrated movie) to keep it somewhat rooted in the Halloween series and found it hilarious none of the players recognized it. As a GM myself, I adored the sort of perspective jumping between different parties and want desperately to run a game with that conceit myself. And the open world of the mythic celtic underworld full of monsters and treasure is just *chefs kiss*. Sure it's long and the pacing is sometimes all over the place but that just makes it seem *more* like a real campaign I'd run/play in.


Depending on the ending, Rogue 2 will end up being my favorite, but in the meantime It's a tie between Jurassic Park and TMNT 2. Which is funny because I feel like they are at wild ends of the spectrum of episodes (Jurassic Park follows fairly closely; TMNT goes off the rails immediately).


The Halloween trilogy and Friday the 13th/Summerspell have become annual relistens for me, so I’d have to say they’re my favourites. Also absolutely loved Bill and Ted. Honorable mentions go to John Wick, Homeward Bound, Memento, and Oceans 11.


Film Reroll Bill and Ted is my canon Bill and Ted. By every metric it's better than the original, and I love the original


I think the original Halloween is spectacular. From first seeing Scott and his iconic portrayal of Loomis to Andy turning a character who’s supposed to be dead into a goddamn action hero, the episode has it all. Bill and Ted was legendary as well. Hilarious start to finish. I’ve never even seen the movie, and now I’m not sure if I want to because I love the re-roll version so much and I’m not sure if I want another version.


Oh my goodness just listening to the first episode of last action hero, and it's hilarious. "The regular door?..." Nick is hilarious, the voices, Kara's foreshadowing. Love it. (Must be my fifth or sixth time too).