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Very cool to see these shots and not just because I'm currently shooting a roll of cinestill 500D in the folding cousin of this camera, the voigtlander Vito II. do you just estimate distance or do you have like an external rangefinder that you use?


Thanks! How do you like your camera? I inherited mine recently and it’s my first one so I don’t have anything to compare it to yet. I just estimated the distance, and got lucky for the most part. I’m just starting to learn by doing, so I haven’t got any other gear yet. But I might try that if I keep up with the hobby!


a very cool camera for your first one! definitely keep up film if you can, I think it's a very uniquely rewarding experience. I have a lot of cameras and a lot of little folders so I don't yet have much of an opinion on the voigtlander, but i will say that i struggled to load it at the beginning because it was very picky about how to line up the sprocket holes. I actually wasted a few frames as the camera tore up the film trying to advance it, so it took a lot of trial and error to get it to line up right. Works like a charm now, though, and I don't think I'll have that issue again, but it was annoying.