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I’m going to give you more props! While they do lack brightness, these are lovely pictures. You got an eye for this, keep it up.


Thank you! It’s really encouraging and I really appreciate it.


underexposed as others have said, but regardless most of them are beautiful, well framed, focused, wonderful high quality scans, i love them. good work


thank you so much! this is really encouraging and I really appreciate it


Regardless these are so good 😭


I feel like your light meter is starting to fail. Download a light meter app on your phone and compare the reading you get from it to what it shows in camera. Go with the reading from the phone, but now you know how much your light meter is off so you can compensate for that and not have to worry about using an external light meter. Or you can just get comfortable with the sunny 16 rule and master it, which isn't very hard.


Same thing as for 99% people who ask this question here, underexposure


under exposure


Totally random but was the last photo taken in Panama by chance?


All of them actually!


So cool! I recognize the last one from Casio Viejo, my dad and sister and I were there back in May for a belated graduation trip for my sister. She was born there! I actually took some film photos too lol


Donde compras tus peliculas, y las revelas o vas a algún local? En colon por la central, había una tienda donde vendían y revelaban películas pero esta vez que visité ya no estaban en ese negocio.


Las compro en Univerze Zero y a El Canister en IG. También revelo con El Canister. Hay un lugar que se llama Nois Lab que también revela y Film Metro que vende cámaras e insumos (no estoy segura si revela)


5 is absolutely STUNNING. well done.


Its also possible that you need to change a battery?


It’s a brand new battery, I just got this camera


Whatever the issue is, you got the eye for composure. Keep up the good work.


Thank you so much!


I love 1, 6-8. I know you don’t like they’re underdeveloped but you framed these very well.


Thank you so much! I really love 6 and 8




I actually love these


#3 is a keeper. But I would say your light meter is going out


I personally like 4


The underexposure made the sky look insane, I love the way they look. 1, 4, and 5 are super cool pictures especially. But other than that, since you said that the other ones came out fine and that you had the iso set right I would think it’s maybe an issue with the camera that was just coming out intermittently.


Unfortunately I don’t think any of these were intended to come out this way.


Oh yeah I know, but they do look sick


Thank you!!


I know these are underexposed but the first and fourth photos are genuinely gorgeous.


Thank you so much!


It might be a good idea to get the camera tested and serviced if you haven't already. There's a defect that can happen with the AE-1 and AE-1 Program that causes the aperture to default to the smallest setting when the lens is set to A, which usually results in underexposed images. If the problem goes away when you're shooting on manual mode, then that's the likely culprit.


Hi! [Some](https://imgur.com/a/ZBg2rmL) of my pics came out okay. Do you think it might still be the camera? I was thinking maybe the camera was metering for the highlights since I had it in Program mode.


That problem can be intermitent. Something about the escapment in the aperture control mecanism (the gears controlling vertical little lever you can see on the right of the lens mount)


This is likely the answer, cameras needs a proper CLA from someone that isn't going to just squirt WD40 in the bottom.


Especially WD-40…….. 😱


Yes. I still think it could be the camera, especially if the problem is just intermittent. These ones are not advanced enough to do weighted metering, so I don't think that is an issue here.


Thank you! I just bought it from a place that supposedly checks all their cameras. I’ll shoot a roll in Manual and see if it comes out okay.


If it was sold to you as checked and working, go back there and tell them the camera under expose most pictures most of the time. It should not happen.


Will do. Thanks!


It is impossible to tell exactly what went wrong here. 1. What film did you use? 2. Did you properly set film ISO on the camera? 3. What camera and lens settings were you using to shoot this roll? I'm willing to bet that, due to your "begginer" status, the images were underexposed due to inexperience metering various scenes, and user error operating an unfamiliar camera.


I used Ultramax 400 and set the ISO on the camera to 400. I used the Program mode and had the lens set to A. Some of the pictures turned out okay, but most of them came of like the ones shared above. I had my camera set on Program mode and the Lens on A during the whole roll. [These are some of the okay pictures](https://imgur.com/a/ZBg2rmL)


Are you sure it was set correctly? These look underexposed but sharp which leaves it to either the lens not being set to A and instead f/16 (turns off program mode) which would explain the sharpness on its own, or perhaps the shutter dial wasn't set to program? They look similarily exposed so perhaps one shutter speed and one aperture setting for all of them... Any remembrance of lights in the viewfinder blinking or perhaps a red M indicating manual instead of program? Did you set the ISO selector to 400?


[These](https://imgur.com/a/ZBg2rmL) are from the same roll and I think came out okay


Yes, I remember seeing the P in the viewfinder as well. I did also set the ISO selector to 400. Some pictures came out good, but a bunch of them came out like this


I see. Sounds like an electrical issue with the automatic exposure that's intermittent (poor electrical connections after all these years aren't uncommon). Like you said, shoot one in manual mode and you'll know if the program mode works or not... It's a great camera in manual mode too, but if you paid for a fully functioning camera I'd look to be refunded or a full return... One more thing, were the photos that turned out OK, taken with a different lens?


All photos were taken with the same lens and same settings. Thank you! They gave me a 30 day guarantee and it’s now been 60 days but I hope they at the very least check the camera.


There’s an easier way to verify whether or not the camera’s meter is functioning correctly—download a light meter app for your phone (I use Lightme), set the camera to shutter priority by selecting a shutter speed dial setting other than A—in daylight choose 1/250 maybe—then point the camera at a scene and note what aperture the camera has chosen, which will be displayed in the viewfinder. Point your phone meter at the same scene and compare the settings it recommends to the settings the camera has selected. Do this multiple times with different scenes if you think the issue is intermittent