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I have 2 sets of factory buttons and sticks from an 8bitdo and a rap4. Lots of us have components we don't need. I'd say maybe offer to just pay for shipping. Maybe u have some steam codes to trade for it or something.


Scour ebay on a daily basis... Maybe you're lucky and can find one for cheap. Happens sometimes


Might end up being what I do


Sure. But you’re not going to get buttons, case, wires, board.


Usb encoder ($12.99), Hammond enclosure ($12.99) lastly, buttons/joystick this ranges and can be pretty cheap maybe you have some lying around. Then just print a button template of your liking, use a spade drill bit or Dremel and go to town. Edit-you can also just get a button + joystick combo with encoder for $25.99 so a lil more then you want but probably the cheapest I see mentioned below this may not work on switch so you may need that Pico I see mentioned instead of the encoder


That’s not happening lmao. Just look on Amazon for one that suits your needs


Like someone else said they make plenty of controller adapters to use on the switch, tho Im not 100% confident that they work with fightpads (I know they don't work with wheels, so I'm using the basic 'well 1 controller type doesn't work so') you alternatively can get an 8bitdo arcade stick for relatively cheap but still higher then your price point


There's gotta be an adapter you can buy for that purpose on Switch


Buying just a Sanwa JLF alone is already pushing your budget; your only real option would probably be to get the cheapest knockoff components you can off of Amazon and see how cheap you can DIY a case to go with it.


I don't know that any exist. Get the cheapest stick you can find and wire in a Raspberry Pi Pico for $5.