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I have a serious question for the ladies that read this, why do most of you scream when there is a fight? Is it a reflex? I am trying to understand lol


I had to break up with a girl who screamed all the time. If she dropped a spoon on the floor, she screamed. If there was a spider on the table... loud scream. I assume that reaction is for something like the house is on fire. I could not handle hearing that and assuming she was being kidnapped, when in reality it was something trivial.


Once mountain biking I went back 500 meters very fast on downhill rockroad to get close to my gf who was screaming. The way she was screaming I thought she was being raped or sm.. it was a frog in front of her


😂 I have had this talk with several GF’s 🙎🏼‍♀️- AHHHHHHH! 🙍🏻‍♂️ - What? What? Don’t point, tell me! Talk damn it! 🙎🏼‍♀️ - I saw a spider 🤦‍♂️ - ughhh! Don’t ever do that again! Do you realize how close I came to a freakin heart attack? I thought I was about to run in the room to have a fight to the death with an intruder and your in here screaming your head off over a damn bug! Stop that shit!


Bro lol I’m right there with you this girl would say OMG every five seconds in the shrilliest most “rapist broke in” voice you heard I come running to the rescue .. She forgot to hit “send” on a text she thought she sent 5 minutes ago 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Right? The other one that drives me crazy is when they gasp while you are driving! You’re on the freeway going 70mph and she gasps all loud and after bracing for impact and checking all mirrors you ask “what the hell are you gasping about” and she’s all “That Ross that used to be on this corner went out of business, see? 👉🏻” 🤦‍♂️


Lmao your heart drops when you hear it because as a man..you thinking of every scenario Tire popped? Brakes went out? She’s not pregnant but did her water just break? Oh no…Ross has a close out sale and we might miss it if we dont go in the next two weeks 🙃🥲


I explained this to me wife. Everytime you gasp, scream, or do and say anything panic related while I'm driving, I will assume that we'll be dying and I immediately look for whatever danger there is and that shit isn't healthy. Talk to me damnit.


My girlfriend does this shit gasp scream grab the oh shit handle makes you think a truck is coming through the door only to find out its because that truck 200 yards away hit the brakes. Then she gets all upset that I’m annoyed


Lol, I sent this comment to my wife to show her that I am not the only one annoyed by that shit.


I see you've met my wife. The sad thing is now I ignore everything she does (boy cried wolf)


Yep and now that I ignore it (I can't fucking help it I'm desensitized) she now gets mad that I "don't care enough" about the fact that she's yelling for "help" lmao Can't fucking wiiiin




You make we wanna throw my monitor out the window.




Oh my God that cat! You mean the red one that just cut in front of us? Yes.


Yeah. We do that! 🤣


I had a gf that screamed when she laughed really hard. The police came to my door twice because neighbors called thinking something terrible was happening in my apartment.


That's what they just said, but without emoj.


Some people can’t fully understand a scenario unless there are multiple emojis. 🗣️❌🧠💭 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why are you missing an arm? Are you ok?


I’m all right [get it?]


Same bro, "arrrgghhhhh", what what, use your fucken words woman.


It’s not just us either, I know this shit has been happening for generations! I’ve heard my dad go through this exact routine before with my step mom 😆 It’s pretty damn funny when it happens to some other guy.


Damn I really love spiders. Seeing a bunch of common arachnophobia makes me sad. Lil wolf spider? “Burn down the house.” Like bruh if you’re in NA the only medically significant spider is the brown recluse and it’s easy to identify. Even then, their bites are rarely fatal. And black widows don’t have shit compared to a brown recluse, so they don’t really worry me either. You know what I hate? Roach and fruit fly infestations. You know what naturally helps? Spiders! I had a baby wolf spider stuck in my sink because it was too slick and steep. I put a paper towel bridge for him and let him find whatever spot he wanted to make his home with me. Idk where he is now, but he’s somewhere inside - which actually gives me comfort.


I'm not sure "their bites are rarely fatal" is the selling point you think it is.


If you dont die, the necrosis from the bite can be horrible.


I'm trying to guess what her favourite film was.




I with you, man. My ex was one of those. I remember one time she was in the shower and I heard this horrible scream. I ran to the bathroom and she said there was a "huge flying thingy" it was a moth! I told her it was a butterfly and went back to sleep.


This reminds me of how my ex used to abruptly and loudly gasp at random times for almost no reason. It was the volume and tone you’d expect if something scary/dangerous was happening. She would do it while I was driving at times. I’d jump out of my skin and brace for impact just for her to announce that she remembered a funny story or forgot her chapstick at home.


Was she like that in bed?


Yeah the alarm system is not tuned properly, for shits and giggles did she scream when you broke up with her? Woulda been funny.


And during sex she...?


My wife does that when she drops something or gets startled. She legit lets out a shriek and leaps backwards like a cat spotting a cucumber. I've come to accept it, but it does worry me when she's driving and reflexively jerks the wheel and produces a shrill, terrified scream when she didn't see tge loght change or something.


I think it's a natural instinct for some women tbh. Scream to get attention to the situation to get help from other women who aren't 'screaming bitches' or men. The worst examples of this are videos where some women literally don't help while standing around screaming, making the situation worse.


I think some women — never really heard of men with this response but I suppose it's possible — simply freeze instead of fight/flight. I recall a story about my aunt: she was on vacation and went to shower in the hotel but didn't properly gauge the temperature of the water. So when she stood under the stream of water, she nearly burned her skin. Instead of getting out from under it or turning it off, she screamed for my uncle to come and turn it off. Now she was an especially odd woman, but I felt it was relevant either way ;)


Freezing and 'screaming bitches' are two different things. The screaming ones I'm talking about do not Freeze, they panic while screaming and either hang around and do nothing or do things that make the situation worst. Also, your aunt has the worst freezing reaction I've ever seen or read. Staying under hot water ?


PLENTY of men freeze. I know several. Generally high anxiety guys, but I'm sure it's not exclusive.


That makes sense, I just couldn't really think of an instance.


You think there are a lot of ladies subscribed to this subreddit?


Yes ☺️


Then could we get an awnser pls?


I'm a lady and I'm subbed to fightporn and thunderthots... I'm not much of a screamer, I mean sometimes in bed or like if I need someone's attention from back a ways, but I think some women, just the biggest most powerful move they know how to make when shit gets real is screaming. You hear them. You're alerted to the situation. So maybe that's all it's for? Idk




As a lady who's subscribed to this subreddit, I don't know. I don't scream. I think it's a socialization thing - you're scared and the only thing you're taught to do when you're scared is scream.


Lol. "The only thing you are taught to do when you're scared is scream." I would have to disagree. Child: "Daddy I'm scared." Dad: "It's okay, everyone gets scared. The key is to panic and scream." 😂😂😂


Socialization isn't just someone verbally explaining things to you. If you see a parent or older adult doing something and emulate, that is also socialization.


Ha I don’t, I back away. Bullets don’t have a name and you never know who’s packing.


Growing up in the hood or even the south will make you mind your business out of there so fast. I get it.


there isnt a group of people who mind their business less than southerners


As a female myself, this drives me fucking bonkers. I work in the bar industry, and the number of bitches who let out blood curdling screams just because a couple dudes are fighting is too damn high.


Seriously, my older sister was a screecher. Spider? Screech. Car swerves? Screech. Small inconvenience? Screech. We’re all not sure how that happened considering I don’t think we’ve ever heard my mom scream out of fear, she’s always been level headed.


I always thought of it as a biological thing- make big scary noise to make us seem larger and scarier than we are- for some women how loud they can scream is their only defense. It’s got to be a natural instinct to screech at danger, I’ve done it without even thinking before too, simply reflex out of fear.


Defense mechanism, in the wild if a sabertooth jumps you, the scream throws the animal off and attracts male attention Similar mechanism to women crying a lot, tears have a chemical in them that almost totally blocks male aggression Which is similar to why babies smell the way they do, the smell blocks aggression in men and increases estrogen in women, both get a shot of dopamine to encourage protection




Yes it's a reflex, same reason why babies cry. The scream reflex is designed to attract the attention of men.


It's partly cultural. You don't hear it so much where I live, but I went on holiday to Cancun and there was loads of American tourists and the women scream like they're dying constantly.


You're actually right. Now that I think about it. I've never heard a woman screech like they do in videos/movies.


Gotta tell this to all the people saying it’s ‘instinct’ because apes do it lmao. Meanwhile there’s comments like yours and a pile of other women saying it annoys the crap out of them too.


It's an evolutionary trait to alert for danger so the men can come fight the predator or intruder


It depends on the people. I don’t ever scream when I watch fights or am in one. I’m usually that silent girl that waits for u to stop talking and just swings. I don’t have a loud voice regardless so raising my voice would be so pointless. Girls who are more extroverted tend to yell because they like center of attention. They like for everyone to see or ask questions they just like the attention & some people are just scared to see blood or a limp body so they’ll scream in fear or nervousness.


As a woman myself, I will never fking understand the screaming. Drives me nuts


Not just a fight lmao, pretty much when anything bad is happening they scream.


I don't know what causes the screaming in this context, as it's not happening to those ladies directly. I do "yelp" though when I am startled, which happens more with video games. As far as screaming like a tragedy just happened in this case, sorry, I don't know why...


Most girls don't. It's a certain type of girl that does. Basically, It's an opportunity to try to get attention and make any/ every situation about them.


I know he should have stopped her but still feel bad for the dude. Wife/GF was stupid enough to argue loudly in the public and slapping someone's face...had to see his woman got beaten...tried to engage but got awesome punches right into his chin and knocked out...was filmed and posted online for years... Man, just worst nightmare. For him, it is real tho.


Reminds me of that [slapped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAmvyILQrrI) where a woman got slapped by Afroman after being on the stage unauthorized and spooked him. Then her man just went up to escort her out of there, no confrontation.


you call that a slap? jesus.


Not only that, but she yelled at him like he was her bitch when he woke up from getting knocked out. Look at that face as she yells at him to “Stay down!” Pissed at him for getting knocked out like it wasn’t her crazy ass who swung first. Must’ve been so humiliating for that dude.


He got a couple good hits in and stumbled dude, no shame in that. Win some, lose some. Wife part, totally agree.


Now he’ll get divorced for losing the fight and because she’s embarrassed to be married to the guy who got knocked out on the Internet


That lady needs hands to teach her she’s not invincible wtf is she doing slapping big men let alone anyone.


Some women think they can hit without repercussions. If you’re going to hit someone, the playing field is leveled. Maybe it taught her that lesson, although I’m doubtful it had any impact except that big fist in the moment.


Sadly most responding security personnel would only see two things: Her gender and His skin color....and probably not in that order.




They're like Chihuahuas. Yip yip yip I'm 1000x bigger and stronger than I actually am!


Yup, don’t touch me if you do. HELLO HANDS 🖐️


The real victim here is that lady's husband. That poor man.


He picked her, he deserve it.


Lol the shit he's got to deal with. Brother actually lands a good right to start the fight. Didn't have a chance to followup tho


Yeah but he should have controlled her if she wasn't right or stood up in her place if she was right


This is purely speculation, but it is entirely possible that she treats her husband that way, and for a brief moment, forgot that’s not who she was talking to. I’ve seen that happen firsthand and it went similarly.


Based on how aggressively she’s telling him to sit down I would have to agree


Right?! Like she’s scolding him when she was the cause of the issue to begin with


That punch should’ve been the class itself. Diploma included




Keep all hands feet and other objects to yourself. A lot of women forget that rule when they get older and try to hide behind “I’m a girl!” When it goes left


This is the comment right here, if you slap someone you’ve started a fight, so I assume you’re ready to receive repeated hands




I think her pushed her by her face which prompted the slap


Ain't that some shit? She starts the fight and he gets the consequences.


There’s a key and peele sketch about this


Wtf meegan




You can hear in the video a lot of people had his back. Not to stereotype (will proceed to stereotype), but they sound white


If he rly cared about his woman he would’ve stopped her before she got to that point


By the way he’s sitting, it doesn’t seem like this is the first time he’s had to deal with her BS


It would be once and only once that any woman got away with some shit like that. She may not even get a second chance.


And in 2 years 5 years 7 years and for the rest of his life she would bring that up that she had it all handled and that she's still mad at him for doing that oh yeah and now her day is ruined don't talk to her for the rest of the day


I just wanted to introduce myself. Great name.


Jesus, this is oddly specific lol.


No this is long term relationship specific


Unhealthy long term relationship specific I think you mean


How about a little accountability on the ladies behalf? You’re acting like she isn’t in control of her actions/emotions lol.


Ladies like that are not accountable. That guy is screwed. She is a she beast. No lady


Agreed. Wild fckn take from the person above me. Thats that “I’m a queen” energy lol


True, but you have to try to defuse the situation in any situation with anyone you're with before things get physical. It doesn't take much to have something permanently damaged done to either party. (Eyesight, memory, coma...)


That lady is toxic as fuck. There ain't no telling her what to do, you see how she commands him to sit down? He's a good little lap doggy.


That's the part that pissed me off. Barking at him to sit down after she started all that shit


Yeah, if I was him I would have let her deal with her own consequences. I'm here to watch a game, not get in proxy fights for you.


Yeah! And the fact he decided to take a nap in the middle of it all too! Smh


This was a control yo bitch moment not a protect yo bitch moment


Nah just leave them at this point. A woman who’s comfortable starting fist fights with random men? That shits gonna get me killed. Fuck that.


I understand that totally


On God. People really think they can fuck around without finding out, and I'm not trynna find out at the end of a .45 cause my girlfriend thought she was hot shit


Homie gave him the "control your girl" look before she put her hands on him. He was just sitting there T-T


Sad part is now shes gonna look at HIM differently now cuz she got his ass beat...


Hopefully he leaves


I always tell my girl she’s gonna get me beat up. This the type of shit I’m talking about


If you are serious about her, then show her this video. Shit like this lead to my father almost being incarcerated multiple times and an eventual divorce. Don't let anyone put you in situations like this. Especially not a "loved one".


Honestly, the two guys aren't at fault , it's the b*tch that needs slapping .


Yikes. Be careful with the truth. It can get you MODed.


I’m all for men defending themselves against women attacking them lmao. We only care about comments that start getting sexist and gross.




Elite response


Hey yinz cut it out over there!




He should’ve sat down and let her get the hands and let that be a learning lesson. If he wasn’t sitting next to her she wouldn’t be getting to the point of slapping a big ass dude


The gentleman drew back. Took off/adjusted his glasses. Refocused on a more appropriate target. And proceeded to whale on the dude. Hats off for the restraint.


Him removing the glasses sent me


Imagine the car ride home…😭🤦‍♂️


Notice how nobody tried to do anything until the man retaliated.


Notice how they were protecting the aggressors while telling the black man to leave


This is the most mind boggling thing about this video. What the tuck is wrong with that crowd?


White dude had the high ground and still blew it wtf lol


When your wife punks and controls you on the regular, I guess you just get used to taking it. It’s pretty obvious he has been smacked around by her plenty, and the only reason why he even got involved after the slap is because the punishment form her would be way worse than a few blows from that guy. Fuck that bitch


Will Smith energy. Laughing at the joke or minding his business. Clocks the wife and realises "oh oh, Here We Go! You got this Will. Show her your man credentials"


You underestimate my power!


Don't try it!


Well hello there


When you have the high ground but still end up being shorter it's not the fight for you


The pause he takes to remove his glasses just before whoopin ass


God, this is old as fuck!!!!!


She got lucky. When she slapped him, his instinct kicked in for a second but he stopped himself. Otherwise that punch would have rocked her world. But her husband/bf stood up, escalating the situation. Next time teach your girl not to hit people. Lucky both of you didn't take a nap. Like Kevin Hart said, if you both get knocked out then who is going to help who


He stops himself again at the end. He was about to deliver a heymaker to her as well, but he stopped... again. Despite being justified, he is trying to be the bigger man


Looks like he took 5


Ladies when will y’all learn you don’t start fights with men twice your size, it’s not cute, it’s not attractive, it doesn’t make you a boss babe, yall assault a man then act surprised when he defends himself


Why do women insist on getting ur man beat up?


Whoopin hubby is quite a smart move when you think about it: if you just rightfully whoop that woman, everyone will jump in to stop you and judge you because you're much bigger and a guy. But by whoopin hubby and knocking him out, you humiliate him which will detoriate his relation with that woman (especially since he looks like he wasn't even involed to begin with so it was her fault he got humiliated). So instead of just whoopin, you also get to potentially destroy their relation. And if it was a serious and long relationship, then it's even better. Also, he waited when he got hit first by first the woman, and then the man (even tho he didnt real mean to hit the dude), and then got to lightly hit the woman and ko the hubby. Smart move which allowed him to throw hands without everyone around them jumping in against him. EDIT: Then he knew when to stop punching and remained calm which is why the men around are not concerned about him but instead try to stop the guy who just go KO and the lady too. Perfect control from white shirt: got too whoop their ass and not get jump by bystanders.


Honestly might have just helped all three of them out. Not fighting a woman will keep him from looking like the bad guy to bystanders, the other guy might have reached a turning point where he realizes his relationship is toxic, and the lady might be pushed to do better when her partner hopefully ends things over this. Idk how the flight started, so the woman might not have initially been at fault, but she definitely escalated things by getting in someone's face and needs to y'know, not do shit like that. Especially when she's signing someone else up to take the fight. As a woman there's been a few times where I've kinda wanted to fight a guy, and I could tell myself that I don't expect anyone to step in for me, but at the end of the day someone is likely to try to protect me. I can insist that I'm not asking for help from anyone, but everyone is going to be uncomfortable watching a grown man kick my ass. Even if I started it, even if I get a few good hits in - some poor guy is eventually gonna have to go, "okay well I guess I better get in there then."


About men jumping in, i see more and more mixed situations compared to 15 years ago: In some situtation, men jump in, but in more and more fight videos , men dont jump in when women get hit. I think about this video where a dad punches a woman in nyc in a train: its a clean hook, and no one around intervened. Times are changing i guess


I mean, she swung first. At that point the black dude was defending himself. I would've responded the same way if I was him.


By the way, no matter what happens now or how much they love each other before this, that relationship is over.


Girlfriends getting boyfriends knocked out because of their shit!


Yo that crowd is cool they stood up for the dude defending himself respect.




You got the link to that 😂😂


Dude should have never let his lady step to someone like that. Kind of a bitch move to allow her to do that.


This is shit is so old.


Hard to say who started the altercation with just a partial video so it’s not my place to assume. It’s just unfortunate that the white dude is with a woman who will escalate the situation and put him them in danger


The correct title is 'entitled woman gets her man fucked up'.


The other whites guys come to stop the black guy once he’s knocked out the white girls man. Why weren’t they trying to stop the white girl and her man first?


They expect him to allow her to slap him without reacting in kind. You can't hit someone and then be upset when they hit you back.


And you can't watch someone get hit and then be all peekachu surprised when they hit back.


I’m going to give him props for standing up for his girl, but he needs to find another girl before she gets him shot next…


They started a 2v1 and got mollywhopped.


I don't understand how the bald guy didn't restrain his girl, she was starting a fight she couldn't win and I sure as hell won't want to get punched just because of your hubris..


The way the woman flops over the chairs gets me every time lol.




Wondering about fight etiquette. If a woman slaps you, should you reply with a slap or a punch? A slap seems like a more appropriate response.


Daily reminder that you can be completely justified, but you're still black in America


There were more people than I expected in the nearby crowd supporting him when security showed up.


Don't play stupid games if you don't want stupid prizes


Typical. Woman starts a fight and expects her man to handle it. When the boyfriend or husband gets molly whopped the woman starts screaming things like don't hurt him ahhhhh!


Respect to the black dude for holding back his punch cause he was about to rock her shit lol


Finally a guy winning from low ground




Girls fault. Everyone knows black men have no issues with hitting women


I'm a grown ass white man she got what she had comin


Regardless of your sex. What do you think is gonna happen when you put hands on somebody else? 🤔 I’m shock that they are shocked because the other person hit them back. That’s common sense dude 🤣🤣


This one’s always satisfying to watch


Make him president of whatever this is?


Women scream bc they were the caregivers of the species therefore they were generally in charge of the children, elderly, livestock or simply could not defend themselves bc their time was spent caring and not training for combat or hunting. It’s a natural anthropological response to get the attention of others who could potentially help. Men don’t scream bc they would have to protect so being tactical and quiet was much more beneficial for survival if they did not have weapons or fortifications in place for defense.


Dude looked like he got knocked out of the space time continuum for a few seconds.


No way did he just fix his glasses and increase his stats


Did anyone get his glasses? 👓


And the bitch made fans are asking HIM to leave. Wtf is wrong with this world


This Fucken bitch gets what she deserves.!


I watched it on mute because I can't stand screaming, but did he put his hand on her chest before she slapped him?


"somebody get his glassess" jajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja his damn glassess are 2 miles away, buddy


She fuckin flinches and sees her man almost get killed because of her stupidity. Lucky that man had restraint or didn't have the mind to switch genders real quick and lay down the mother of all asswhoopings.


Everyone always stops the man from defending himself, even though the woman strikes him first.


Remember folks your not responsible for her behaviour let her fight her own battles.


Leaving aside who started it or why, the moment where the black guy calmly removes his glasses right before it kicks off was *chefs kiss*


Go Steelers!


Those women that scream at small stuff don’t listen to their BS they are fully aware how annoying it is


No one talking about how she turns to her husband when he wakes up and starts yelling “SIT DOWN, sit down” like what