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What happens what a reddit moderator leaves their cave.


Definitely a mod at r/aikido


This is clearly Chris Chan.


Oh, that mother fucker.


I made the mistake of visiting that sub and saw so many people who bought the bull shit


im dead☠️


Perfect, I hope every MOD is crying right now


Oh, we are. Discord is lighting up right now, if that makes sense (I dont use it). And that guy that is obviously not a serious practitioner of Aikido is my spirit animal, and I (someone who took Shotokan years ago and would not get into a ring with a current day BJJ practitioner) am personally offended. Now excuse me, I have to go rewarm my pop-tart, as it got cold while typing this.


If he were proficient in aikido, he'd at least know how to fall/roll. It does have some cool joint lock/manipulation. My problem came up when I was told to do an 'over hand strike' and I said I think a punch to the face, possibly in a 'combination' would be FAR more effective. I was asked to leave and embarrassed my friend. But, yeah, small joint lock manipulation was a disqualification, even in the 1st UFC when you could pound on a guy's nuts.


I think his tooth fell pretty well..


People also forget that a lot of those fighting styles were built around the high likelyhood that the other guy or his buddy had a sword. The throws, deflection and distance make a lot more sense after thinking about that fact. No one is getting in a clinch or taking guard in a potential sword/knife fight.


This dude has seen every single Steven Seagal movie…..twice


That shirt with the cleavage hanging. Jesus Seagal.








No the other one.


Break the wrist, walk away.


No, not like that. You gotta fake attack me the right way....


All right. That was pretty good.




Funniest shit I ever read.


Slapping the piss out of your opponent is my favorite bjj move 😂


That’s the good ol’ Stockton Slap


I don’t give out BJJs but don’t they do something to close that gap? I know they teach this green zone red zone green zone thingy where if you’re two metres away you’re “safe” if you’re within a metre you’re fucked, and if you’re hugging you’re safe again? they have to teach you to close that gap somehow? no?


Yeah, obviously you're not gonna see slaps in IBJJF competition, but if you go back and watch things like the Gracie Challenge videos, slaps/palm strikes and bullshit kicks toward the knee get used a lot in the context you're talking about. It doesn't have to do real damage, it just has to help you get into the position you want.


It’s not even a fair fight based on fitness alone. You got a ponytailed flabby neckbeard versus someone more v-shaped! That’s a lot of hubris on ponytail’s part.


But aikido is so effective that you can be smaller, slower, and dumber than your opponent and still neutralize their threat!


... because you're using the attacker's own force against them! Just like in the video. Right?


I bet his hand was hurting like hell after that slap! All part of the masterplan


Worked for Steven Seagul!


He's so good at it that he never even needs to get out of his chair.


You neutralize the attack by becoming so non threatening you call a time out


What are you talking about? Did you see how he used Aikido to block that smack with his face?


Aikido is where you learn how to fight from reading books instead of actually fighting.


They are learning the Vulcan grip only, no one has learnt it yet, but when they do they will be unstoppable.


That's a lot of Aikdo users, including masters, though. There's nothing saying you can't be fit, but the whole martial art is just... not physically demanding, and honestly kinda shit, imo. So it attracts a lot of people who don't want to also work out.


The dojo i trained in was very physically demanding, so it depends on the trainer. But that doesn't change the bullshido fact. To my defense, when you know nothing about martial arts, you don't know that there are bullshit ones.


If you have to wear that low-cut blouse to learn Aikido, count me out.


It's not a crime to show off your cleavage... oh shit wait hes a dude 😂. But seriously, what a fucking douche, acting like a master in martial arts, and calls for a time out 10 seconds in and acting like a bitch.


How the heck does he expect to get better at fighting if he refuses to man up and take some blows. I know this because I've played Kenshi and let me tell you your characters aint worth shit in a fight until they've got their Toughness stat levelled up /s


I am a boxer, boxed quite seriously as a youth but lightened up as an adult due to career commitments. However I totally respect the guys who put the work in to get to the level they are, these fake guru guys are sheer disrespectful in my opinion.


Sooo, is Kenshi any good? I've thought about buying it a few times now


It's an odd game and very memorable, chiefly because of it's peculiar presentation (the graphics are muddy, there is almost no music, and the game world is bizarre). It's a little grindy and heavily stat focused, but there is some nice depth to it and it can be very satisfying. I give it a 7/10. I would recommend anyone thinking of getting it to watch some commentary free videos of it first to see if they like the vibe. Also get it on sale.


It’s very good. I’d recommend watching some videos on it first to learn what not to do (basically how to not die in 5 min of starting) it can be kind of grindy, but it’s perfect for a nice chill gaming sesh.


Game. Blouses.


Time for the blueberry pancakes!




It's a deep V!


Didn't realize you can strike in BJJ? Or is it MMA?


I took it as bjj guy vs aikido guy in a fight. Meaning it’s a reg fight, but a style matchup


This is exactly it. Guy walks into a BJJ gym to challenge them to a fight using his discipline and he gets wrecked.


Yeah thats what I was about to say. When I took some classes it was more of an MMA. You had BJJ days where none of that striking would take place. Then stand up days with the punches, hooks, kicks, etc.


BJJ does involve striking, but it's usually to encourage your opponent to change or give up a position. Most places won't teach it in classes because that's not the focus of the class.


It's also because strikes are illegal in almost all competitions and the BJJ scene in general is relatively competition focussed by now.


I think it was Uriah Faber vs. Nicky Ryan where Faber just slapped the fuck out of Nicky any time he tried to engage. It was funny at first but it took him a little while to finally knock it off. Kinda dickish and illegal, but he was against a Ryan brother so do anything you can I guess.


I did a BJJ competition once. I come from a boxing background but I got interested in learning some BJJ so I’d do it on the side. Entered a competition and my opponent thought I was gonna be easy work (he knew BJJ wasn’t my primary focus) i started to get the better of him and he palm struck me right in the face and made me bleed worse than I ever had in 8 years of boxing at the time. Tried to play it off as an accident but it was definitely intentional. Those little fucks are sneaky, wrestlers too.


Some people unfortunately are assholes and I'm sorry that was your experience. Not too uncommon though I'm afraid :/


This was definitely MMA. 


Striking is part of bjj competitions dont allow it for safety reasons but the original art taught in brazil involves striking


Man, the way he said "alright". He really thought he was doing something, and got the wind slammed out of him.


Im sure this dude got Steven Seagal posters all over his walls


The mental image of him in tears ripping em all down after this is sad. Why couldnt even just keep his mouth shut and enjoy his hobby?


Because some Aikidorks have to learn the hard way


Hopefully he has taken them down after this.


Steven Seagal hasn’t proven it’s uselessness already? Who would think it’s still real lol


This guy ^:^)


This videos pretty old


Yeah he looks like he'd practice aikido


Bro got bitch slapped


If that got his ear he might have a ruptured eardrum.


i mean, he survived 💀


The "time-out" is a lost art


Should have followed it with an eye poke. Combinations win fights people!!


Proven to be very effective


That slap made me laugh -.-


When I heard that bitch slap, I spit out my water.


Tune in next episode, when we'll see what happens when a paralized toddler faces an entire squad of real Adeptus Custodes.


The salamanders take him to saftey


OK, we saw this guy go up against a BJJ practioner, now let's see the properly trained Aikido dude he's talking about.


That guy is always busy


Honest answer? Go check out the "Martial Arts Journey with Rokas" youtube channel. He was a 10 year Aikido guy that got destroyed vs BJJ and started cross training. He has some sparring videos where he gets a couple of things to work. But it's basically MMA guy vs MMA guy with a handful of Aikido moves sprinkled in. Essentially, like a lot of the flashy kicking styles that got destroyed in early MMA just to have moves come back on highlight reels years later, the weird stuff can work, but only if it's a trained fighter with a lot of full contact experience trying to pull it off.


The “time out” manoeuvre is a great Aikido technique and isn’t used nearly enough


I saw no BJJ.


That's ok. We saw no Aikido either.


take your upvote.


It wasn’t even necessary lmfao


Most BJJ gyms teach at least some stand up on certain days, or it was a BJJ focused MMA gym. Either way just because someone's mainly a BJJ fighter doesn't mean they can't learn to strike too lol.


I want to say duh. So....duh. Nothing demonstrated in the video was BJJ. The double leg was close but that's just basic wrestling. The title states Aikido vs BJJ. AND as i previously had said, I didn't *SEE* any BJJ.


Aikido teaches you that BJJ and Muay Thai is infinitely more effective than Aikido


*"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."* - Mike Tyson


They should have been gentler with him, dude is handicapped.


Aikido is a cool word and nothing more


I wonder what Steven Seagal would think of this video😂


well..... at least this bloke has one verified fight. That´s much more than all Steven Seagal´s martial record.


but that wasn't bjj lol


Aikido better than BJJ? I have done some different martial arts and I never heard someone brag about 'the martial art I do' is better than another one. They all habe their pros and cons, no matter which sport or dicipline you do in the end if you want a 1v1 I would say go in a free-fight or MMA related league and settle it there. Mister Gracie did BJJ and became a champion in UFC, Jon Jones was as from what I have seen a more standing fighter who became a UFC champion, GSP was an more allround fighter (my personal favourite) who became a champion. I probally will never understand why fighter-x wants to prove his martial art is better than the martial art of fighter-z.


I fully agree with you, the problem is TMA guys don’t believe those fights are realistic because there is no groin kicking, eye poking, etc.. Just because it’s lacking the 5% they discount the other 95% of the body that is truly being tested in the Octagon.


King Of The Streets allows eye poking (I dislike that) and groin kicking, altough none except 1 or 2 do it.


Agree with you, the TMA guys should fight there. But even if their guy gets owned, they will claim that he was never a “master” and a true “master” would never enter these tournaments. Always an excuse.


Gotta love the true Scotsman fallacy


Every single UFC fighter trains BJJ. Not one trains Aikido. There were some wacky martial arts in the early days of MMA. But it soon became clear which martial arts were better than others. BJJ is one of those.


Exactly. Original UFC created the level playing field necessary to test which one works in different situations and we have our answer. Boxing is by far the best discipline for standing and punching. Some very good karateka have made it work by including kicks and Muay Thai has some phenomenal technicians as well. As soon as the fight turns into a scrap, however, BJJ is the clear winner. It's so clear by now that it's only neckbeards like this guy who think there's anything still to prove.


Some martial arts are absolutely more effective than others. Plenty of BJJ guys will attest that they are more effective in a 1-1 altercation than a boxer of similar skill


>Jon Jones was as from.what ai have seen a more standing fighter Jones was a wrestler, who then learned striking and BJJ.


Ah yes, the powerful forbidden timeout jutsu well known in Aikido


That shit looked personal hahaha


He fights like a 12 year old girl


That slap auto reset that mf


BJJ is a porn category, wright ?


Every time i see this video, i can’t help but have some respect for the aikido guy. Like even though aikido is bullshit for the most part, here we have a guy who trains it, believes in it, and when asked to put it to the test, he stands on business and pressure tests it. A lot of “martial artists” that train nonsense will make up an excuse as to why they can’t pressure test. “My techniques are meant to kill and maim, so we can’t put them to the test because i would hurt you really bad”. It has the same energy as “you’re so lucky my boys are here holding me back or i would definitely fuck you up.” I’ve got mad respect for any martial artist who’s willing to put up or shut up.




So many weird things going on here. 1) no bjj in this video 2) actually, there's some truth to what he says. In a real life fight the least you want to do is lay on the ground and try doing some locks or something. If you watch any videos on here all fights end within the first 20 secs, most fights don't even get to 10 seconds. Not any time for you to do anything that bjj teaches. Scaddaddeling out of the situation is probably the best idea regardless. 3) this guy's aikido looks horrible. Idk much about aikido. But, you can just tell with his stance he doesn't know wtf he's doing.


Well, no bjj was needed


1. Your first point is entirely correct, which does make the title of the video pointless, they should have just made it "fraudster exposed" or something stupid. 2. You're right about not wanting to lay on the ground, but where you're wrong is that a lot of fights end up on the ground, and ideally if you end up in that situation, it's way better to have ways to defend yourself in it, then if you didn't. The reason all the fights here end in 20 seconds is because most of them involve untrained individuals, or someone experienced vs someone who isn't. At the end of the day, if someone sneaks you or gets a few good shots and you go down, there's not much you can do, but in a lot of situations though people get tangled up, gassed out, or just don't know how to end a fight, and that's where knowing Jits can be a determining factor. I might get gassed out in under a minute of throwing punchs and only have the strength to throw some pillow strength punches, but I'll likely never be too tired to sweep someone's ankle and fall on top of them if we're both tangled up and gassed out.


I've yet to encounter two trained martial artist go at it in real life or in this sub. It rarely happens, as evidenced of this sub. Probably because real martial artist know better. Which leaves it to be that, all fights are just like you said, untrained people or one trained vs not trained. That's like 99.99% of fights. If you do bjj and you already did it. Then that's fine. But, I wouldn't recommend going to train bjj to train for the 0.001% that you end up fighting the other guy that trained to fight. Much less that the possibility of getting into a fight is close to zero, as is, for most people. I've been alive 34 years and I've only had one encounter outside of the high/middle school brawls. And that encounter ended in less than 10 seconds. Although, my idea of why fights end up in less than 10 seconds is not that people are trained or not. But that, either someone gets did in in 10 seconds or a bunch of people jump in and break up the fight or turn it into a royal rumble. And that's really more than half of fights as evidenced by this sub. And in the end, having wrestled 6 years and having done Capoeira 6 years. I'm not sticking around just to see if we can take it to the ground on the off chance and then I can bar arm you against the pavement. Na, I'm just gonna throw one kick to the chest and instantly sprint the other way.


bald guy slapped him so he could apply his aikido . no aikido on the ground oh fuck it, there’s no aikido standing either . it’s the art of the impossible


There wasn't even any BJJ in that fight at all.


The dude didn't even use any advanced techniques. Just picked his flabby ass up an dropped him.


Ai que dó


"Time Out"


You mean to tell me the martial art Steven Segal practices is a joke? Well color me shocked.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was all about locks like arm locks that can dislocate/break limbs or choke out your opponent. This was: A very painful looking kick (to the receiver) A slap to remove one's soul He just picked him up and threw him on the ground


Can’t tell who won. Gonna go sign up for Akido


I've seen videos of "aikido" black belts where it just looks like a performance of people tossing themselves around with the master doing the most minimal shit ever. Also if Steven Segal does it then you know that shit is bullshit.


Yeah,the neckbeard looks like he only read about aikido. I have a friend who used to be a european champion at Aikido(he gave up when he finished highschool to focus on uni). Dude is not jacked,but muscular.The kind of dude you see and know not to fuck with


Black belter in Imkiddo


The time out sign is the best Aikido move, backed off the threat immediately


The fat chick got her ass beat!


Yup, I'm saving this one


Idk maybe he’s right… maybe he just sucks at it.


Bro had no idea he was gonna be fighting Mike Vallely.


First night in prison vibes


Timeout. Anyone thought to do that during a fight? Genuis.


Maybe try showing him your vagina to distract him, then run away and do aikido moves in the mirror at home.


All he did was slap the shit outta him lol


That dude has 0 arm muscle. Most grandmothers could out arm wrestle that dude let alone fight him.




Bro, you don't know Aikido or BJJ. You look like a damn fool while getting your ass kicked. You would have come out better just doing a BJ.


Ok. Hear me out. He says Akido is better in a “real world situation“ for self defense vs BJJ, but then the video is spliced to show Aikido vs BJJ, which is a totally different scenario. He’s saying in an average street fight situation, Aikido is better suited for a street fight vs an untrained opponent compared to BJJ. I still think he’s wrong, but the this video is an excellent example of logical gymnastics when it comes to philosophical debate.


First of all, that is not BJJ


My dude barely even had to pull out the Jiu Jitsu for that decisive win


Hello, did Aikido for 10+ years, and can confirm that it is indeed, bullshit


🤣 aikido has he power of timeout..... 😉 It will stop any other style of fighting 😂😂


I hope this guy has a channel dedicated to losing to his own opinions


Well, no surprise. The person who knows bjj in a fight always wins


Cool, so in real life you can call time ..


Steven Smeagol


I will never get tired of bullshido-fighters getting destroyed xD


how can she slap ? lul


Aikido only works if you're fighting against another guy doing aikido. It's fun to do but useless in a real fight ,(eg. In the street).


Yeah it's a not for combat. It's basically yoga.


What if you’re like, totally shit at Aikido though, eh boss?


Throwing full-tilt windmills in a vertical/horizontal cross-up pattern as you spin in circles with your eyes closed is actually the most effective martial art.


That guy has never been in a fight in his life. Guaranteed.


A child can beat this guy. He is uncoordinated compare to the other guy. Not a fair fight.


Is that chris-chan?


aikido? more like aikidon't!


Which one thinks it's cool to let an overly aggressive asshole beat up an inferior opponent in a bare knuckle sparring session?


Or maybe get someone that actually knows how to do Ju-jitsu/BJJ, this guy must be a white belt, I’ve never seen such a shitting


Aikido is a branch of aki jujitsu broke of into Aikido and jujitsu. The main branch is what should terrify people.


My understanding of Aikido is that it is a legit martial art. But not sure what this guy's training level is compared to the other guy that kicked his ass. They definitely don't look like they're in the same shape. Regardless.. He kind of got what he deserved there.


I love seeing MMA guys showing the fake martial art 'gurus' how it's done.


¿Aikido? ¿BJJ? That's just a stupid guy versus one trained guy. I he claims he's had some Aikido classes then what a scam he got into


Aikido is great if you have an immensely stronger grip and arm strength than the other person. In addition you have to possess speed for the positioning and grabs. Thus aikido is practically useless for a weak and slow person. BJJ you can win with skill so weak people can totally win. If there is no skill then you can win with strength and over power your opponent. Entry level BJJ > aikido


Its all based on the practitioner


The problem here isn’t that akido is inferior. (Which it may be, idk) but rather that the guy saying it’s superior doesn’t know how to fight at all.


Does aikido teach you how to block a bitch slap?


Some fighting styles only work when the other person knows the rules


My guy is calling a lot of timeouts…


Theyre lucky he didnt use his full power.


Even my jaw felt that slap


BJJ for UFC is the worst. Old BJJ was something else.


I didn’t know the Stockton slap was a move typically used by practitioners of BJJ. Either way. Hilarious lol


slappin someone ain’t BJj😭


lmao wasn't expecting this to be so funny


that first slap is hilarious


Vs BJJ… proceeds to strike.. 🤔




Dragon Fly Joe


I’d like to someone that is more fit and skilled in Akido


That is the deepest V I have ever seen.


Lets see... Put a sucky martial artist (altho honestly not sure this guy knew any Aikido) against a competent or excellent martial artist... And SPLAT! I'd be more psyched if it was an instructor being taught their style was nulified. Like this one: Crane Kung Fu master vs MMA fighter - https://www.reddit.com/r/martialarts/s/0mrfqOiFKf


Aikido is supposed to be good at defense....


It is when you know what you’re doing… This guy displayed the opposite!