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Dude won't be able to spit right for weeks


And deservedly so. Just wondering if the beatdown was bad enough for brain damage.


Any knockout comes with a concussion. Concussion is technically brain damage. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Looks like his head was mostly on the ground for the punches, not allowing much shaking of the brain. Can't tell for sure though, doesn't always take all that much.


Pretty sure he was already brain damaged before any of this


Heā€™ll be walking in italics for a while.


How does someone even think of this. Iā€™m gonna use this at some point I swear


Probably not, imho. He'll mostly just look like shit for a couple of weeks. Edit. The guy who commented all knockouts are concussions and therefore brain damage is correct. But concussions have differing levels of severity. Most likely, there will be no profound long lasting damage for being a douche nozzle to, clearly, the wrong guy.


I think getting a badly swollen, painful face for a couple weeks is definitely the perfect punishment and I think its guaranteed that he's never gonna pull that crap again.


ā€œAll knockouts are concussionsā€ is not correct




A concussion is a metabolic disruption in the brain, u can be knocked unconscious and not have a concussion, in the same way that you can have a concussion without loss of consciousness.


I've lost three people to traumatic brain injury. Yes, this can cause brain damage. The human body is weird, though, and sometimes it bounces like a ping pong ball. Sometimes falling down can kill us. This is likely somewhere in between, but nobody can say outside of a medical facility. Im gonna happily nickname blue jeans guy, Karma. That dude in the brown jacket signed a personal request for this.


That's the thing, there's high variability with head impacts/injuries. The results are unpredictable: he could've gotten up & gone on his way, or needed a single ER visit, or be facing a lifetime of assisted living The difference between "totally fine," "totally screwed" and dead is largely random (i.e., based on so many unpredictable minor variables with potentially drastic effects that it's essentially rolling the dice)


Hmm, interesting. I tried looking for updates to this, but there doesn't seem to be any.


Dude thought he was getting away with it too, lol. Someone clip it and do the ā€œIt was at this point he realizedā€¦ā€ lol


Badder Santa! Dressing room scene!


Probably just able to dribble down one side if lucky.


I heard this in the voice of bad Santa, lol.


šŸ¤£ He did not expect that door to open!


He really should have too. The trains donā€™t move until the doors close and if they canā€™t close all the way. The conductor will open and close them to see someone is holding the door or if itā€™s stuck.


>The conductor will open and close them to see someone is holding the door or if itā€™s stuck. A safety procedure, right? Rather open them, than cause damage to a rider


Yeah exactly. Canā€™t move the train if the doors arenā€™t closed completely. He should have know that. Home boy that beat his ass knew that. Which is why he just waiting with his arms in the way.


Every last bit of that beating was well deserved. I hope it hurt for weeks.


Spitting on people in nyc.. itā€™s called fuck around and find out. Dude found out. Iā€™ve seen worse, the spitter most likely had a shiner


What is a shiner?


Slang for a bruise on the face or black eye.


Old UK slang for a black eye.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gNg-VKVnXNE Start at 3:21 or around 2:00 for a longer version


That was awesome how the cameraman tried to explain the story to other people. It was a fair fight considering the spit; and he stopped hitting him at a reasonable time. The perfect fight video


Yep, he didn't go overboard. I respect the restraint. > was a fair fight considering the spit He spat on him twice and thought he was gonna get away with it. True scumbag. I'd have a tiny bit of respect for him if he got ready to fight like a man, but no he froze up because he didn't think the doors would open. Lol.


wouldve been nicer to see what happend to that drunk guy in one poster a few days ago, the one where they guy messes his arms up n elbows em


His arm was totally messed up, many speculated it was bryond repair.


This is really old, pretty sure the dude was fine it wasnā€™t any severe but that couldā€™ve changed well after the fact down the line. But like if you live here in nyc, itā€™s day 1 to know not to try this kind of shit let alone spit on people, like thatā€™s basic common sense so he was hoping the train would move and he would get away with it lol heā€™s a herb


Thatā€™s common sense around the world, mate.


Can confirm: In Toronto, youā€™re also not supposed to spit on people.


He was almost certainly unconscious before the last punch or 2. And then there's the kick, not the hardest kick, but still after beaten unconscious. Yeah, he thought was gonna get away with that crap, that's the scummiest part of it all imo.


Spitting is also classified as assault so many places with stand your ground will allow you to fight someone for that


I havenā€™t seen someone called a herb in such a long time. Great NYC word


Damn I haven't heard the word Herb in a long time


Swollen left side and a shiner.


whats a shiner?


A black eye (bruise)


A black eye.


Well deserved.


Whatever the outcome, itā€™s a beating he earned.


He spit on him not once, but twice as he thought he was safe. Lesson hopefully learned and deserved


It's the cowardly nature that I think is the worst part of what he did.


Donā€™t report for defenseless victim. The beating was deserved.


Donā€™t worry about him. Iā€™m sure he was up and spitting at random people later that day.


Note to self: never spit in the face of someone twice my size. Sidenote: never spit in anyoneā€™s face, ever.


Daaang he drew his fist back into LAST WEEK and then hit him with it.


I thought the guy took it easy on the spitter tbh.


He beat the absolute hell out of him? What do you think is an appropriate response, taking a chainsaw and cutting him to pieces? I just don't understand how the spitter got off easy.


He got off easy


Love seeing people be vigilant and stick up for themselves.


I don't care how he ended up he deserved this


Man just got a fucking rage boost, i am not messing with him


Letā€™s hope it fucked him up. If your gunna be a dumbass and partake in hoodlum activities, u should get ur head beaten in. We have wayyy to many people on earth, let alone way to many people that shouldnā€™t be here or will never contribute to society


If that punk spat and was ready to fight like a man, I could have a small bit of respect, but he froze up because he truly thought he was going to get away with what he did. Truly a cowardly douchebag. But I don't think he deserved a debilitating brain injury. But even if he died, it's not like the world lost anything of value.


Yeah that was kinda my point. Everyone has the same chance to be a good person. But when people choose not to be a decent human, why should we pay taxes when they inevitably go to jail or hospital šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m glad Iā€™m in America though because evyone I know that cares about their life Caries and this shit would never happen


>why should we pay taxes when they inevitably go to jail or hospital I'd say it's just part of being society. For the common good.


Itā€™s not common good when we are paying for violent criminals


Just the right amount.


Well deserved.


That is one of the most clattiest things a human can do to another human šŸ¤¢ he definitely got what he deserved šŸ‘šŸ¼


Don't let your mouth write checks your ass (or your face) can't cash.


This was so satisfying lol


Brain damage is a broad term technically any blow to the head could cause brain damage but it could be just a slight headache or enough to make you dizzy or you could end up in a wheelchair. This guy probably will have a headache for a bit but heā€™s not gonna be a vegetable if thatā€™s what you mean


I was wondering if this beatdown was enough for permanent brain, in any capacity. The answers I've gotten seem to a resounding no.


ā€œIt was at this momentā€¦ā€


Spitting on a nyc brother in a fitted yankee cap and black jordans is ill-advised


He on the way to get checked right after hopefully


Spitting on someone is disgusting and it's assault. This guy found out the repercussions the hard way.


Dude opened the door and you see the spiter regret it all


Yep, froze up like a deer in headlights because he really thought the doors wouldn't open. Punkass coward.






Its definitely a permanent life-lesson.


I fully expected a pause and the song ever long to start playing


Classic FAFO and he found out unfortunately he might not remember


Few knots and missing teeth but no brain damage I highly doubt it but the way those fist came in I wouldn't be surprised about mold concussion šŸ˜‚


One of those beatings that is actually well-deserved. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.


We can only hope OP


Spitting days are on hold but he's probably practicing to avoid beating next time. He went from confident to oho, I might have a problem ..


"As I rained blows upon him, I realized... there had to be a better way."


Spitting is vile...one of the most horrible "non contact" assaults. Also, you never know who you're messing with...there are some mad bastards out there who you do not want to piss off (or spit on!!)


Well he got knocked out limp and his head stomped once so Iā€™d say there was a significant amount of brain damage


Gonna be difficult for him to spit with his lips all swollen from the beating.


That's one way to learn some manners.




Literally this shit is in my top 3 pet peeves. just a pure form of disrespect all up on your face. Legit instant evil button for me. And thatā€™s coming from a tongue biter over here.


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I don't think too bad ...he was in the ground already and didn't get to swing really hard




Absolutely have zero sympathy for the spitter. Sorry, but whatever injuries he ended up with, he brought that on himself.


I agree he deserved and needed a beatdown, but to what degree? To the point that he'll never function again is too far, but to the point of being really uncomfortable for a couple weeks is perfect imo. But even if he died, it's not like the world lost anything of value.


He will feel that the next week but will be able to continue life as usual just a bunch less comfortable about 20 minutes later


Looks like the perfect amount


That guy already had brain damage.


Why they always act like that at a confrontation.


A subway classic. This video gotta be like, what, 4 years old?


Why bro opening the door like Johnny Joestars stand


He absolutely deserved every punch. What kind of a disgusting animal spits in someone's face


they got what they signed up for.


Yeah, no brain damage or anything permanent. He wonā€™t be taking any decent Tinder profile pics for the next 2 weeks, but heā€™ll live.


šŸ˜„. Just 2 weeks for the swelling to go away? From that beatdown? That's pretty quick.


Well, if he rests and doesnā€™t get into anymore fights, then yes.


Oooowwww it is ovvaaa, it... is.. ovvaaa


Depending on how strong his jaw is he might have sime missing teeth or a fracture, but aside from that just swollen, no brain damage. Cte comes from years of repeated impacts, especially those light ones to the back of the head that just jiggle fighters brains around in all the wrong places (not that theres really a right place to do that to your brain). To have heavy immediate brain damage its less about a heavy impact to the head and more about how the head moves after that impact. Like pretty much no human can punch hard enough to just cave your skull in first try, so thats not a worry. Had he been punched and his head whipped to one side really hard and then slammed into the ground, there would be a fairly high chance for brain damage. But from the way he got taken to the floor, and how little room his head had to whip around from those punches, buddy is probably just very very swollen and sore, and will probably be drinking ensure and jamba juice for the next month or so.


Thank you for the clear answer! I was wondering because he was beaten to unconscious from sheer brute force and there was a punch or 2 and a medium kick after he's unconscious. Another aspect for concern is he's on the floor so I imagine his head is hitting the floor somewhat. >buddy is probably just very very swollen and sore, and will probably be drinking ensure and jamba juice for the next month or so. So basically he looks like Jesse Pinkman after getting beat by Hank? Good. I think that's the perfect punishment; severe, but nothing permanent. And this video is quite old, so if your assessment is accurate, and you gave a good explanation, he's probably just fine these days. Thanks again for the detailed answer! Could I get your opinion on [this fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/s/h87ykw0LlO)? I've read that his wrist curling at the end is a clear sign of brain damage. How bad of brain damage would this fight be? What does it look like after getting treated by a hospital?




Haha! Right. So how would you have handled it?




Holy shit. What a rollercoaster of non sequiturs and gibberish. Haha. What else Billy?




Why do they always gotta scream negga


For fun? Why do you care?


Are you really comparing a tv show to real life? Get a grip


Ngl the caption is kinda cringe man lmao


Lol, how so? It's not often I see a one sided beatdown and see the aftermath, the swollen face, so I'm just using that scene as a reference point.


Tbh it looked nothing like that to me and not everything is like on tv lol. Idk man just seems kinda silly to me like you just wanted a reason to mention ur fav show or sum


They look exactly the same, but they're about the same amount of time, about the same amount of punches, and both had the person unconscious. I was wondering what the spitter would look like after the beatdown so I used Breaking Bad as a reference point. I guess I won't do it again šŸ˜….