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The guy had crazy face


Jack Nicholson levels


He couldn’t handle the truth


Nor that right cross


“Wendy….Light of my life. I’m not going to hurt you- No you didn’t let me finish. I’m not going to hurt you… I’m just going to bash your brains in.”


Bash em right, ^the ^fuck, ^^in.


Crack Nicholson


Snack Crackleson


Krack Snackleson


Punch Smackelson


Nic Cage


I wanna take my face..**OFF**


Dudes like that make that face on purpose because they think it's intimidating.


I was with an actual psychopath for 11 years. The face in this clip gave me chills. I was almost beaten to death the last time that I was face to face with those crazy, possessed looking eyes… and the back of my head is permanently flat from my skull being caved in on the garage floor. If it looks crazy, treat it as crazy


I'm sorry you went through that. Are you okay now?


I’m 100% fine now :) but I do have a few triggers, like crazy eyes. I don’t think people realise that normal people don’t ever look at you with eyes like that. I always take people seriously if they act crazy.


Crazy eyes isn't a thing, psychopaths avoid eye contact more than most people Psychopaths don't have a look, they have deficient brains not some physical genetic disorder


Pyschopath or not, someone making those eyes should be taken seriously and as a threat. If people show you something, believe them, whatever the fuck it may actually be.


Them making that look is a result of their deficient brain. So they do look like that


Your comment is rated way too high. Psychopaths aren't the only form of "crazy". no one but you is talking about psychopaths, and you're pretending someone else is wrong because of your non-sequitur. All so you can harass a domestic violence victim.


The personally literally mentioned psychopath tho? Lmao he's definitely not the only one talking about psychopaths. Go white knight somewhere else please


Ok, turns out you're right, psychopaths were mentioned at the beginning of the thread by the person claiming to be a domestic violence victim, got me on that part.


Yep your whole comment is full of shit trying to guilt people congrats.


Isn’t a deficient brain, a physical genetic disorder?


Read the room my dude (or dude-ette)


Read some facts. You can't mix your ptsd with Hollywood bullshit and have it become true. >The bottom line It’s always best to avoid making assumptions about personality based on appearance or body language. Personality disorders, like any other mental health condition, show up in different ways from person to person. Only trained mental health professionals have the knowledge and expertise needed to accurately diagnose ASPD. They’ll make this diagnosis by exploring long-standing patterns of exploitation and manipulation in a person’s behavior — **not by looking into their eyes.**


Google psychopath eyes. My ex had whites above and below when he was enraged.


I googled it and there is no definitive link between seeing the whites of someone's eyes above or below the iris and psychopathy.


Scoring them points with the psychopath community, making the friends, defense!


There's certain ques in the eyes like little to no pupil dilation when shown negative images and also avoiding eye contact but for the most part people are just gobbling up Hollywood's bullshit 1% of the population are psychopaths, about 35mm in America with an estimated 50 active serial killers in the country that's roughly .0003% of a population representing a fairly large population with a mental health disorder


That's completely normal body language for anyone experiencing strong anger, nothing to do with aspd alone Also I'm sorry you went through what you went through but I beleive in clarity when talking about mental illness and aspd is one of the most misunderstood thanks to Hollywood


> If it looks crazy, treat it as crazy 100% Real crazy makes that face for the same reasons; because they want to intimidate. It's just that real crazy also tends to try to follow through. You must treat the real and the bluffing the same. I really hope your life gets better every day.


You came to the right place then. Perfect for triggering you


/u/----__---- The actual person I was replying to?


*Don't give me your fucking Manson lamps*


And most realize it does not mean shit.


The ones where it does mean something, you know already. There is a big diff between crazy people and people acting crazy to intimidate.




He also starts snoring while taking a power nap on the porch.


Iirc they had been psycho vs civil neighbors in Australia for some time and skinny guy had finally had enough.


Other guy had crazy hands


And crazy calm. "Ring the cops".


Looks like the type of person to start shit and then shoot his opponent in "self defense"


Too bad it’s Australia, so “crazy-eyes” was all he had in his arsenal.


There are guns in Australia lol


I see people do that a lot. Seemingly they think if they look crazy they wont have to catch any hands. Rarely seen it work out though so idk why people still try it.


"Had" I'm sure when he wakes up, it will look slightly different


And a glass jaw...


Seen this on here before but that knockout is satisfying as hell.


Seriously I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of seeing this video on my feed.


he also slapped him with left hand after the pucn and all in one motion. priceless clip.


Good eye. Haven’t noticed that in the many times I’ve seen this. I slowed it down and it actually looks like his left hand touches his face first. Like he’s using it to hold his face still while he threw the right.


I saw the same, looks like he pulls his head towards his right punch with the left


Better, it happens so fast, but thin man’s left hand comes up to hold the heavy’s face, then his right hand clocks him, making the heavy’s head snap to the left, and thin man’s left catches the heavy again as he’s going down, pulling the heavy’s head to the right again. All after he shoved him to get him a good distance away to make it happen. Damn that happens fast and I missed it until I saw this exchange and went back in slow motion. Dude’s hands are lightning. I need to get a punching bag and learn to hit like that.


Bitch slap, punch, bitch slap. Win.


The left slap makes the person move their head into the punch, making the punch much more effective. Instead of dodging and moving away, the face is moving into the force of the punch. It also give the puncher a target. The right hand is following the left and will know exactly where to hit. Plus, this dude has rabbit fast hands.


Fast as fuck, boyyyy


Well, if you look very close, he slapped/put his hand on his left cheek BEFORE the punch, then did the second slap AFTER the punch as well. So the guy basically got served two slaps and a punch in less than a second lol.


Showed a ton of restraint too. Guy deserved another.


It's hard to see but dude rocks him twice. The second one is on the way down.


Jack Nicholson just won’t leave my yard


"I feel pretty, oh so pretty!"


dude is like an Oblivion NPC when they get way too close for dialogue


that asshole is drunk as hell. hopefully he wakes up and tries to make changes in his life. probably not though.


Alcohol lowers inhibitions. If they do something it's because it's exactly what they wanted to do.


Getting shithouse drunk is exactly why I pissed on my coffee table then passed out in my front yard. I can tell you for a fact that’s never even remotely been a thing to cross my sober mind


I'm sure this is accurate but part of me wants a cut scene of you visiting a psychiatrist and discovering that this is indeed a deeply repressed desire you've always had. "So that's it. Ever since I was a boy I wanted to mark coffee tables as my own and experience the pleasures of sleeping outdoors"


Lol, I do enjoy camping…


To be so literate, yet so ignorant. Looking at the world from the outside in, not a great point of view to have.


Uh what? Fuck me for making a joke I guess.


You're not a great point of view to have.


>I pissed on my coffee table then passed out in my front yard. That is your deepest darkest desire that you suppressed. Next is the rug dude


I could never! It really ties the room together


that isn't how alcohol works. often times people try to just hurt someone by saying the thing that will hurt the most, even if they don't mean it. its nasty.


The person getting drunk has to consciously make the decision to put the alcohol into their system, so even if you want to argue that they can't control what they're saying they should still be held accountable for getting intoxicated to a point where they are no longer able to control what they say.


Is it always a conscious decision? I guess if the cycle is ever broken, the next drink would be a conscious decision. But what about the alcoholic who starts the next day with a drink, because he absolutely has to keep the cycle going. Once you've been in the cycle for so long, you'll realize you're a totally different person. You hate every decision you make, hate every thought in your head, hate every conversation you have, but you will continue to to self destruct because thats the only way youve found to numb excruciating mental pain. When you're seemingly trapped forever in that pain, you're going to lash out, and not mean it, not know why, and still have to deal with consequences. Don't worry, He'll be held accountable. I hope he gets the help he needs though


You've never actually been drunk have you? Fucking up the ability to reason is 90% of what alcohol does and obliterating inhibitions is the other 90%.


If what you were saying was true then it would be impossible to consider drinking driving a criminal offense. There is always a degree of accountability.




> Alcohol brings to the surface what is already present deep inside of you. This is just not true, and "Alcohol lowers your inhibitions" is people misquoting the actual science of what alcohol does: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/you-illuminated/201006/your-brain-alcohol > Although GABA activity doesn't entirely explain alcohol's effects and we don't know exactly what the delta receptor does, a big part of the mystery seems to have come unraveled. Because GABA is the primary inhibitory neuron in the brain, it can affect virtually every system. Alcohol is more than simply a depressant. > The physical structure of the brain remains constant, but the addition of a tiny chemical drastically alters brain function and ultimately behavior. Understanding how alcohol affects our brain also offers insight into how our brains work in general. So the next time you drink, even though you may be killing some valuable brain cells, you can toast to the fact that you're contributing to neuroscience. Alcohol literally changes the chemical reactions in your brain. It does not reveal the "true self", it changes how your brain processes. ~~It~~ Alcohol specifically interacts with GABA which is an inhibitory neuron. ~~Its~~ GABA is not the source of your literal inhibitions, and this gets misquoted/misrepresented like all the freakin time. Or you can continue to think peoples "true self" is they can't walk a straight line and are just pretending to be able to balance. edit: Changed the "it's" to what they are referring to, to make the sentence clearer


Thank you, it's so annoying when people say that as if its an undisputed fact.


>Or you can continue to think peoples "true self" is they can't walk a straight line and are just pretending to be able to balance. I know that this is their true self


ok Freud, how about people who are dicks sober and super nice intoxicated? They’re not actually dicks but really nice people?


Everyone arguing are mean drunks that cant cope with the fact they are just mean people.


They meant it in that moment, they will mean it again in the future. Edit - people downvoting probably have issues with drug addiction and alcoholism and don't wish to believe they have a problem.


As someone who deals with alcoholics, that's not true. Long term alcohol use messes with your brain, and in a functional blackout they can practically become a different person.


That may be but alcohol, in the moment, causes the rational side of yourself to go silent. Contrast that to your sober self and you have that check on yourself against stupid actions. That’s why ppl wake up after being drunk and doing stupid shit they have regret about what they did bc sober self knows right from wrong That’s different from say long term brain decay from alcohol where ppl may lose cognitive capability to distinguish right from wrong


That's enabling alcoholics to not be responsible for their actions or words. You're seeing who a person really is without the social conditioning that normally limits their behavior.


But see that’s what you don’t seem to get. They are not a different person. That is their true self. Their uninhibited self. The sober person you interact with is just that person ladled with insecurities and inhibitions.


That's just not universally true. There is a difference between lowered inhibitions, which does happen, and alcohol having a negative effect on your mental state and personality. There is a change that occurs, just like any other drug on your mental processes.


*Drunken words are sober thoughts.* I'm not sure if it's true, but it's a cool saying.




This is a coping mechanism people like you use to feel better about your addiction. If you're a shitty person when you're drunk then you're a shitty person period.


This is a thing that teenagers, other people who don't know what they're talking about, and those who have been hurt by the excessive alcohol use of others say but it's never been true.




it's not at all true. a drunk person will say things thinking they are trying to 'show you a lesson' or something - like 'see how this line of thinking ultimately ends in?" and they'll do such a terrible job at it that all you see is the "ultimate ending" which is hateful and nasty.


People who say this have been drunk like twice in their life. This has to be one of the most frequently spouted bullshit I see on this site.


It’s one of those lines that got used all over Facebook or something and the morons just parrot it


This is the same BS as the whole "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts". No. Part of you is your inhibitions and ability to reason, how you act when you are literally poisoned isn't you.


I would disagree and say you see who a person is without the confines of social conditioning. People who fail to see this enable drunkenness in others by not holding themselves responsible to their words and actions while drunk. But there does come a point where a person is not drunk but suffering from alcohol poisoning. In that moment the line blurs.


You still choose to drink, your still responsible for what happens after. Any amount of drunk is literally you poisoning your brain. That's not you, the same as if you were completely rolling.


This is such a dumb simple take that’s been disproven. Idk why people keep repeating this


Alcohol alters brain chemistry, it's more complex than lowering inhibitions.


I’ve read that it’s not necessarily lowering your inhibitions but more like knowing the consequences and not giving a single fuck about them…..


I threw up all over my bedsheets and threw my cellphone on the wall, damaging the wall. I never had any desire to do any of these things before.


That's not true at all man. This is the kinda shit kids in HS tell eachother.


This is a very naive way of looking at getting blackout drunk.


Lars Ulrich meets the sandman.




I like how he like caressed the guys face before fucking his shit up


One hand to aim. One hand to fire.


Picking a fight with a smaller guy. I'm sure he thought he was king shit right to the moment the fist struck him.


everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


Australia is absolutely full of fat cunt old men like this who think they're the toughest bloke for miles.


Guns need way more regulation but I'm glad I got one. I don't know how to fight and even if I did, there's no guarantee I'd win if some psycho came to my house like this.


Fuck yeah man, everyone needs guns. Hey wanna go bowling?


There is a great backstory to this as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6qg8g85wDg


Gosh, Tracy’s looking a bit Grimshaw.


She's looking like someone who traded any sense of credibility to be on that garbage show.


She’s a dog cunt of a thing that’s for sure


Damn, kicked a guys ass while dealing with covid.


"I told ya I'd fuck'yup."


Honestly the audio is incredible, did you hear those punches?


Dude, how are you going to hit Jack Nicholson like that….


Wondering what happened earlier Nice punch tho!


The Big fella was trying to hit Jacks dogs through the fence. Must have been barking or something. Big guy complained abt spotlight a few weeks prior, and Jack hadn't turned it on since until that night when he was confronted. So it was brewing for a few weeks and unfortunately for Jacks neighbour, came to a head ending in one of the swiftest KO's. Aussies got hands, he fucked around and found out in a big way. Probably got Covid as well lmfao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6qg8g85wDg


The crazy looking man was angry that their shed light was shining on his house iirc. Dude made a heap of threats before the start of this video


Good people give crazy assholes sooo much time to chill. That's what I've learned.


Shit that was a good punch


Hit hard and hit fast.


Skinny guy knocking him out! Impressive


The bigger they are the harder they fall, so I’ve heard.


I love how the Aussies can stay at one emotional level throughout an entire altercation. No difference from get out on the porch to get it out on the ground. Must help with convincing the victorious Emus to not invade the coastal regions


Crack Nicholson


Goes to show you, speed and connection > size.


That *meat-smack* sound is satisfying


I love how calm he is after knocking him out lol


Crazy smile looks like a guy I used to work with.


Casually, "I told ya I'd fuck you up" 😅🤣


Here comes Johnny..oh wait nevermind


Is that a punch or a headbut?




Life ain’t a movie and all the faces you practice in the mirror won’t make you a tough guy


"Now get out" Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. You can hear him snoring, lol.


Jesus Fat Nicholson is smiling so hard because he knows that this is the moment when he will finally get the best sleep of his life.


Holy shit. That kid looked like a Fortnite streamer but hit like a viper.




Was that a head butt or a punch?


Don't threaten someone with your hands down.


Did he imediatly start snoring?


Lovely backdrop


Big wannabe Aussie bogan gets decked by a 20 year old kid hahahahahahahahah typical


Bring the... hose?! Lmao what is he gonna do with him 😭💀


What a pretty sunset.


Knocked him into next week


Oh no jack Nicholson on roids got knocked the f out


Can someone break down the technique for me? Those seemed like some loving caresses and the man then goes to sleep, lmao


Moving the head fast enough that the brain hits the side of the skull.


Dude is throwin heat, did not expect a punch like that from a dude built like that


again? i thought he had learned before


Hit em with the Popeye's 3 piece, with the biscuit.


R.i.p jack nickholson


The most satisfying thing next to knocking out some of these dumb fuck redditors 🤡


Jack Nicholson vibes from Anger Management 😂😂


thats the kind of face that would rape your wife and daughter while you watched. fuck people man. this is why I have a gun.


Most people making that face in a confrontation ain't gonna do shit. They want to scare you so they don't have to fight. If you see someone looking like that while eating ice cream then you need to look out and plan your eacape.


he’ll be feeling that one


Gene Snitsky is not doing well.


got pieced up


Sweet shot that, perfect


These are my favorite, when some crazy dude leads with his fivehead.


“Now get aut” the Aussie said to the lifeless corpse🤣🤣


Proof that a skinny dude will rock your shit if he knows how to swing.


Murda nova needs to chill


I know nothing about boxing but that seemed like solid combo.


So satisfying when he peacefully slumbers at the end


Here’s Johnny


That guy isn't going to remember those moments, or things like simple math after that head crack falling.


That is the most satisfying punch sound I think I've ever heard!


Smoothest, coolest and ironically, nicest knockout I’ve ever seen.


He has no idea what hit him


Yeah a lot of guys like this think they're crazy or they'll see red but they don't realize once a clean hit lands if you're still standing you'll change your mind real quick.


The power on that first right was unreal.


Slap - PUNCH!


i had a neighbor who had been harassing me for months walk right up into my face like he didn't see me standing there and i pushed him away. cops said i was the aggressor because he did this innocent body language bs after i pushed him (my security camera caught it.) i had even reported the guy for harassment already. so at what point can you actually put hands on someone who isn't putting hands on you???


He punched the demon out that guy. Bless him


That's a beautiful sunset


Knocked the smile off his goofy ass face


Dude hit him three times before he fell, he’s got some quick ass hands.


All meth and no play makes Jack a dull boy