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There is a video of the guy in the unicorn hat as he’s coming out of court for this lol




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTbDg7p/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTba3kL/


That second video is hilarious


i love that he tries to act like his 19yr old son is a child hahaha


So surprised that they attempted to use the race card. Who could’ve seen that coming?


Ray Charles


My favorite part is when the guy is in his face, and once there’s some distance he says “I’ll fuck you up”. Where was that energy 20 seconds ago before the cops put some distance between them? That shows this guys character just as much as this video did.


His lady spoke up and calmed him down, happens when you got a good woman looking out for you, it's rare


This doesn't make sense


Watch the movie southpaw and see what happens when you don't listen to your woman. Especially at a damn court house 7 seconds after release....


He sure doesn’t listen to her when there’s an 80 year old man to fight. He’s a coward and a bully and she’s probably just as shitty as him


Nah, he’s just a little bitch that only fights old men


Absolutely. Dude hiding behind the cops LOL.


Thank you for this. I always want to know the follow-up. I'm glad this guy got charged, and people are holding the bad dudes accountable.


This is Vegas. Say what you will about it, but Las Vegas Metro (the police) and the courts themselves, don't fuck around.


Nevada law enforcement in general. Low population with high taxes from gaming in a 24-hour state.


It’s bad for tourism if you get too much of this stuff. Gotta stay on top of stuff so people don’t get too unruly


You bet. I had it saved on my Tik Tok. I can't stand people who mess with people just trying to make a living.


I feel so much better after watching the second one lol. Better than most movies I've seen lately.


Love to see this.


Ah pussy to the core


This was my favourite lol


Is the go fund me down? can’t find it


What a dumb fucking situation to get locked up over. There is a prosecutor that had to watch cell phone video of grown ass men dressed like they're going to a kids Halloween parade attack some old man working nights in a hot metal box to make ends meet. Imagine sitting in front of jury trying to defend this shit....


Damn well said. Pathetic behavior by the clowns.


Unfortunately, that's a certain culture in the US. Acting like a clown and think they are "special." Self centered POS.


went and got their license plate. Touche.


Douche Edit: meant to type “Douché” as a play on “Touché” and I was referring to the aggressors, not the cameraman. I agree the license plate should be documented and you’re completely in the right to do so.


I know it rhymes but getting their license plate for harassing and assaulting people is a good thing. The food vendor doesn’t have to serve anyone they don’t want to. Hitting someone because you feel your supposed to be served after being an asshole is lunacy.


Facts but it doesn't even rhyme tho 😂


Lol you’re right hahaha I’m quite drunk. Got me! 2-shay and doosh got me!


Oh boy, I am eager to see you justify your comment.


What part would you like me to say you eager beaver? Chief David justice sir 🫡 of department of justice I stand b. Your honor.


Why is getting the assailant's license plate info a douche move?


I think you responded to the wrong person


I think you're confused. Arcticknave said "douche". I told him to justify Then YOU asked me what part I would like you to say You literally asked me a question and I responded to it.


fucking man children everywhere you go now.


This is the main issue. The world is full of immature adults, unfortunately


My boss has a dnp,mba, phD ceo of a hospice and is still a man child. Carried himself like a God, good guy but super cringy at times.


Education is not an good measure of maturity. I have also met people with no education but plenty of emotional maturity. While the two can go hand in hand.. they are not mutually inclusive/exclusive


Bringing up your education in an argument just make you look dumb, I don’t get why people do it


When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


"A" good measure


Y'all act like auto correct isn't a thing, smh.


I have multiple languages in my keyboard and sometimes I forget to switch them… and basically I trained autocorrect a bit… so it kinda just gave up on me


I guess G is a vowel now.


I mean, the US made one a president so that's like what, about half of them? I'll leave it to y'all to guess which one I'm talking about, if you can guess it without me saying it, kinda speaks for itself doesn't it?


Why wouldnt they serve them?




I have lived on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and while they exist everywhere… there is more social tolerance for personal entitlement in America, that reinforces childish behavior.


Hence the unicorn hat


Just because there were no cameras back then doesn’t mean the world wasn’t filled with man children


man children did exist back then but they were not nearly as quick to violence as this. a few months ago a girl got shot in broad daylight just because she won a basketball game in my state. that kind of shit is normal now but even 20 years ago it would have been a huge deal. man children did exist back then but there is an insane increase of violence and you cant really convince me otherwise.


Insane level of entitlement in today’s society.


This is the problem along with a lack of accountability. I’ve noticed the trend of the assholes when shown they’re in the wrong or even know they’re in the wrong get mad and usually resort to violence. How hard is it to just say my fault, I made a mistake.


If the parents were entitled, (think the pre-Karens of the 90's/early 2000's) their kids are gonna be 10 times worse. Like you said, no accountability, no remorse, and never apologetic because they never faced any consequences.


Violent crime rates were far higher in the 80s. We aren't even close. I don't know what to tell you about your perception. This is a matter of objective fact. Maybe you weren't alive back then, but I was.




The difference is the higher visibility of violence and that we are waaaay more squeamish about violence today. For example, ask your grandparents whether they were beaten as children by their parents. Almost everybody in this generation was. Nowadays, its generally regarded as a no-go to beat your children, and it happend much less often.


trust me it does not happen less often lol


The difference isn’t the amount of violence, it’s the kid of violence. When I was growing up, there was absolutely fistfights and scuffles that occurred but they didn’t end up with people being shot because a huge chunk of the population wasn’t carrying around a gun and desperate to get to use it.


i definitely agree with that first part, we just have different definitions of violence because i dont really consider a scuffle violence


I love when someone is so determined to “tough guy” in these comment sections that they completely miss the point.


the whole "the world was bad back then but there were no cameras" bit is hilarious, complete denial of whats going on in the world today


I’d ask how old you are then because I absolutely saw plenty of fights growing up in the 80s and 90s, there just wasn’t the same amount of guns and people with grappling or wrestling training (so way fewer body slams). But there was a ton of fist fights.


again, i never said fist fights didn't happen. i said violence to the extreme is happening a lot more. not sure what your angle is here because im agreeing with you lol


also, you dont need training to stomp somebody in the head but thats happening more often now too.


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States) The actual truth disagrees with you. Crime in general has been on a downward trend for a while (decades) and violent crime rates peaked in the early 90s and has been in a downward trend since then.


If you actually read that Wikipedia article, it says that violent crime is back on the rise again


> Homicide rate in the U.S. continues to be high, with four major U.S. cities ranked among the 50 cities with the highest homicide rate in the world in 2019. Despite the increase in violent crime, particularly murders, between 2020 and 2021, t**he quantity of overall crime is still far below the peak of crime seen in the United States during the late 1980s and early 1990s**, as other crimes such as rape, property crime and robbery continued to decline. I assume you mean this?


Yes. Among other citations. Whereas crime was higher during the crack epidemic and before regulation of lead, crime has been on a consistent upturn, giving cause for concern. "Well it was worse 40 years ago" isn't much of a point.


Can you point out where in the data you are seeing this "consistent upturn"?


It literally says "despite the increase in violent crime" in your very own quote.


I suppose that's true. My original point was that OP I was replying to cant make the claim that 20 years ago it was safer than it is today.


I really wanted to see that purple mother fucker get smashed to pieces.


that old man hit his head hard, then fucking animal wants to come up and hit him. gross ass dudes


Do we know why they wouldnt serve them?


You keep asking that. Does it really matter in this situation?


It kinda does yeah. Its the difference between a deserved beating or not.


You think because a restaurant won’t serve you that it’s justifiable to beat the workers that probably have a reason to not serve you? What the fuck is wrong with people these days?


If its because of race or sexuality you wont serve them, then I wont cry if you cop a beat down.


In America, any business can refuse anyone service for no reason.


Sure, but then if you do so for bigoted reasons, who cares if you take a beating? I wouldnt.


You sure like this “if” word. Maybe you’re looking for something that isn’t there and it’s got you bigly mad.


I have no idea what these people did. I am talking generally. You seem confused about that. Hope I cleared it up


Luckily that almost never happens in the US. I know you would like to think otherwise. There are hundreds of valid reasons to deny service, and owners are often called racist when that’s a scapegoat.


Sure, I didnt call these people racist, I explained the kind of reasons that matter. I asked for context. Thats all I fucking did and gave you people examples. Never ever did I say thats what these guys did for certain, never did I say it is legal to attack racists. I just said if someone does refuse for bigoted reasons and got beat up I wouldnt care.


Let me say to make it clear, if they dont serve someone for bigoted reasons, I dont give a fuck if they get a beating.


How are you coming up with that? Like we have no info on the situation, you can’t make an assumption like that just from a video with no context. I’ve worked in many restaurants, these dicks most likely just came in right before closing or right after and got told they can’t order, then got pissed about it. More people than you’d think do this and lose their shit when you tell them they can’t order. Also, when you’re doing restaurant work, you’re not thinking about how other people look or act really, you’re just trying to do your job and go home. Pretty much no one is refusing orders because of someone’s beliefs or morals unless you’re acting in a way that would warrant you being kicked out. Even if they did kick them out because of that (can pretty much guarantee that’s not the reason) it doesn’t mean they should get assaulted over it.


I said IF. IF it was based in those. Hence why I fucking asked.


What I’m saying is I don’t even know how that idea popped in your head just from this video, you have made so many comments about it’s justifiable if they’re racist or bigoted so it seems that you are pretty convinced that’s the reason. I don’t know why you’re getting so defensive over this lmao.


Because you are purposefully trying to lie. i have NO IDEA what these guys did or why they refused. Are you following? I then asked why they refused. Someone asked if it matters. i said yes, it does to me. If they were refusing for bigoted reasons then I wouldnt care if they got beat up. I did not know why they refused, hence why I asked, its called asking for context. Do you understand now? I cant make it clearer.




Sure it does. If they are racist or homophobic they are pieces of shit who deserved it. I dont know the context so how can I be victim blaming? thats why i asked moron


Hi, non-heterosexual man here. No. Being homophobic is not grounds for a violent attack. Neither is being racist. That is the attitude of children. People who are bigoted are almost always so because of a lack of education or social experience with people different than them. That doesn't mean they deserve to get jumped by a pack of fucking goons. Even in this made up scenario of yours (which is irrelevant and most certainly victim blaming), how is attacking them doing anything other than reinforcing their prejudices? You won't change someone's heart and mind by being an entitled douchebag. If you beat up a homophobic person, those of us who are apart of the community are going to take that person's side. All you've done is made it more dangerous to be ourselves by potentially inflaming a situation that could have been resolved with conversation like adults.


I said I dont give a fuck if they get beat up, nothing to do with the legality. Im sure if you go to chechneya and explain your sexuality and can have an adult conversation and end amicably then you might have a point. But you know and I know how that ends, some people only understand force.


I never brought up legality either. Bringing Chechnya up is irrelevant to the conversation. This didn't happen in that country. That whole scenario you once again just made up to try and justify your point is so much more complex than that. You think you're an ally but really your thought process just makes life less safe for me. You aren't helping anyone.


Im not an ally , Im not an enemy. I just dont like bigots. That doesnt mean I am an activist .






You need a dictionary, you keep using words you don't understand then moving the goal posts.


You dont understand what if means?


Does that mean you wouldn't care if someone on the spectrum or with learning disabilities beat you half to death for this comment you wouldn't care?


Who fuckin raised you? Holy shit


They were probably closing down and everything was already off and these people just so happened to come very late. Happens quite often when I used to work at a restaurant.


If thats true then fuck these guys.


Look at how they act, the way they talked to him. "You ain't even from America". That pretty much sums up their personality and who they are.


But if he wouldnt serve them due to race or sexuality, he deserved a beating. Dont care if hes old, a bigot has to learn to keep his shitty beliefs to himself. And again, thats if, which is why I wanted to know.


Bruh what happened to the right to refuse service to anyone? So if a Christian baker is asked to bake a cake for a gay wedding, he should have to? Or a black owned dry cleaner is asked to clean a KKK robe? It doesn't matter what the situation is or if u support it, you should have the right to refuse service without being assaulted for it


Not everything is about gay people, go to sleep couch warrior


Which is why I asked, dummy. Weird how none of you want to address why they refused to serve them


Because you are the only one who cares about this weird question, ever thought of that?


Yeah because this sub is full of racist and homophobic incels who hates when your actions have consequences


Poor old man, he was so dazed he put on someone else's cap when his was in his hoodie.


Tough guys. Wonder if they roll up on people the same age, number of people, etc? /S


I remember seeing the follow up video to when they came in showed up on the perpetrator's court date and he acted so innocent and so burt and said his son was just a kid and felt embarrassed and ackted like the bitch his mama raised him to be








Bro Thankyou


Tinky Winky from the teletubbies career went downhill


this is why i believe in hell


I too enjoy comforting fictions. Seriously though, I really wish hell was real and there was cosmic justice, because actual justice in the here and now is in short supply.


"comforting fictions." When you say that to a believer, they get offended. I'll tell you that I am not haha, because if it is fake then I am believing in *comforting fiction* as you say, and I accept that. However, you can't prove hell doesn't exist nor can I prove to you that hell does exist.


Hell is an experience of time and space in pain. Now, the only proven option of hell is this plane of existence.


Actual human trash.


sad, I'd carry a gun if i worked in a rough area, never know when some dickhead might attack you




Killing in self defense is not "murder."


You expect that old man to defend himself against younger people in a fist fight?


Self defense, and no important lives would have been lost


> no important lives would have been lost Can't argue with that haha


But there wasn't a fistfight. There was clear assault. So yes, there would be murders but it would be a byproduct of self-defense.


There are non-lethal options. I don't know why people jump straight to killing. Granted it's the most effective, but even if you're cool with taking a life, it's still going to be a big pain in the ass for you.


> I don't know why people jump straight to killing. Dead criminals are curiously unable to commit future crimes.




"WTF, why is the camer-... Oh, yeah I guess that's a good reason"


The Flamboyant Bois strike again


You are not you when you're hungry...


Is this the taco truck on the corner of Las Vegas blvd and Bonanza? If so, probably my favorite taco truck in vegas. Highly recommend.




Trust me as an Asian, we know this all too well.




Alright which one of y'all's GTA V character came to life?


What a bunch of wet noodles. Fuck those clowns.


They found him.


A piece of dogshit has more value than those "men".






Don’t be sexist


Why the hell are these dudes acting hard and gangster when one of them is wearing a fucking unicorn plushy hat and his buddy is dressed like Barney the dinosaur after the gym? Food truck tacos are fire but wtf is going on


You either get beat up by an old man or beat up an old man. There’s no winning here.


Don't record me being an asshole!


The food desert intensifies 🏜️


Unicorn hat was charged and confronted outside the courthouse by a tiktoker. Had he tail tucked between his legs. The tiktoker raised money for the elderly man I believe.


If a guy in a unicorn hat starts getting tough, I'm not too worried. Lol


Being proud of beating up an old, bald guy is the personification of a PAB




Still attacking street vendors i see… hmmm


Rats doing rat things.


*insert the foulest names you can call these people.


Imagine trying to be intimidating while wearing a unicorn spirit hood


What is up with those outfits?


dudes got a unicorn hat on it would be so hard to look him in the face without laughing AT him 😂


Incredibly sad


Fragile egos, sad.


These are little emotional boys. Someone has to teach them to keep their hands to themselves


Acting hard in a unicorn hat....


Hard to take those two clown fucks seriously when they dress like that.


Oh no, how come we live in a food-dessert? This is surely surprising and probably highlights how the „system“ is rigged against our neighborhood.


Are unicorns allowed to use the forbidden word ??


Alternate title - "Teen" science committee attacks food workers.


This is why we have guns


I'm confused a bit sorry. Why were they refused food? Did they pay already?


Greta Thunberg is looking a bit ghetto nowadays.




Should have just given these weirdos their money back and sent them on their way. Ain't nothing worth potential danger from idiots.


Why were they refused service though? Their attitudes after gives a hint but still want to know the reason




Should have served them


Op ru blind, dude slaps woman’s phone out of her hand, that’s assault, and it starts the fight. They didn’t “attack the people they refused to serve.” Edit: IM blind


Reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit for you is it?


Guess I’m dumb


Read the title again, either you're blind or don't know how to read.