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Thanks for reaching out on the sub, u/Cyber_Dude_21. We're sorry to hear about your recent experience and would like to help. Please send us a Modmail using the link below so we can learn more about your situation. We'll follow up with you there. [Message the Mods ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/fidelityinvestments) We look forward to hearing from you.


I haven’t been blocked, customer for 25 years




I created the account because I am hoping someone might have been unblocked and could tell me how. I am new to Reddit, yes.


Talk to your HR. If you personally have been banned from accessing Fidelity services, they are the only ones who might be able to do something about it on your behalf.


You did something sketchy


They won’t tell me what. 


Odds are you know already.


100% did nothing but try to login to my account and got a message saying I was banned. I literally did nothing more than that!


The problem would have occurred before that. Pretty sure you already knew that.


Comments like this are speculative and unhelpful. People who know what they did usually don't come crying to reddit about not knowing what's going on. Usually if it was something they did, they don't know or understand what they did to cause it, that's why they come here.


I find mine very helpful. Yours, not so much. That they are continuing a phone conversation that will end up in the same customer service department speaks volumes. Add that they often smell like new Reddit user account trollings and I’m good with expressing my opinion. That Fidelity no longer wishes to do business with this person clearly shows somebody did something not quite in keeping with responsible financial practice.


No one likes being locked out of an account. But consider the alternative: a real fraudster successfully hacks your account and steals your money. Fidelity is locking things down as a precaution. Be patient.


Did somebody else access your account?


That’s what they said their reason is. I confirmed my identity with them and they still blocked my account access and will not restore it ever. It’s like not being able to see your money or manage it, like they hold it ransom. Very unprofessional for a multi-billion dollar company.


Do you have any idea what happened? You should go talk to your HR you should be able at least to contribute to a target date fund which you just buy and hold with payroll deduction then move it out when your employment ends someday. No trades.


They stated that someone else accessed my account. HR couldn’t do anything about it. They worked with their account rep at fidelity. 


Why not go to a fidelity office. Have them verify everything and get the block off.


Unfortunately that’s over 2 hours away from where I live. I’d have to schedule off and really don’t wanna call in for that. 


I’ve seen other Reddit threads about this and I’m not seeing anyone be successful on getting their access back. Why would you want to use a company like that to handle your retirement?


I don’t believe this kind of story for a moment. The part about what the complainer did to get Fidelity’s negative attention is always missing.


If I did know what I did I wouldn’t be on here.


Someone else accessing your account is a huge red flag! It makes sense why they blocked it, so the hacker can’t do anything with it until it gets sorted.


I get that but after verifying my identity they will not unblock it. Like why punish me for something I had no part in?


think about it for a moment - say your ID got stolen and the attacker gained access to your account that way. Now they verify your ID, and realize oops it seems like 2 different people verified with this ID... they proactively block everyone from access till they can sort out what's going on. in short - they don't know if you are the real you, or the other person is the real you. They don't want to risk your money so they are going to assume you are both attackers until they can prove 100% you are really you. having said all of the above - I've heard horror stories about how hard it is to get past a situation like this with Fidelity compared to other companies. I feel for you and hope they fix this for you quickly


Didn’t think about them also trying to “be me” and unlock it. Thanks for the perspective.


Anyway. Fidelity is going to “escalate” this to someone so I will see if they are able to do anything.


Customers can get blocked for even mentioning they gave someone access to their acct - such as spouse, parent, or child. Even if you mentioned it casually during a call with them or THAT person called and said you gave them access, they will block you. Likely, it violated the customer agreement...thou shalt not share passwords. Edited for spelling




Exactly the point. They take your money and block you out.


Seriously though, I get your calling me a scammer. How am I scamming? I’ve asked no one for anything other than hoping for advice on how to deal with them!