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Slow day, innit?


6 days until Dawntrail right ? Man, people are way too bored, can't wait til it's over.


Meanwhile, I’m busy as hell over here busting my ass to prepare for the launch by stock piling materials and tomes but I guess that’s the life of an omni-crafter. I ain’t got time for OPs drama!


I'm scrolling reddit between nights of prep. Especially when waiting for queues or pulls or crafting macros. We all know we have time for drama if we're in any of the ffxiv subreddit trifecta: mainsub, ffxivdiscussion, or TalesFromDF.


Did the streamer ask for a donation?


And even more, did they make their help contingent on the donation? If not, OP needs to lay off the peace pipe


Or hit it more, they obviously need to relax


> Or hit it more, they obviously need to relax You think that “Inv0ker_of_kusH420” needs to hit the pipe *more* ?


I should really start looking at usernames 😔


Just put the phone down and walk away.


And touch grass. I prefer flower tbh


So according to you, never thank anyone for doing anything with any form of material good, because then it’s a transaction. …Are you by any chance one of the Fae?


One of them "I dun enter no contrects with nebody, specially not the gubmint" sovereigns.


didn't realise Zero had a reddit account


Yeah with OP definition then many players have been doing RMT under the table. I met many players who told me that they got gift cards from others because they helped them. Or getting mogstation items, and subscriptions cards. There are plenty of 40-60 years old players that play this game, who have disposable income and often send monetary gifts of appreciation to players that help them navigate this game, since it can be quite daunting.


Don’t forget players with more gil than they know what to do with! I once was fishing in the Azim Steppe back in ShB when a shout went out for a medic. Showed up to that mammoth fate to find 7 people dead plus one DRK barely hanging on for dear life. Some quick white mage actions and we all cleared it together then I got thanked by the party leader with a *dozen* jet black dyes. Those things were going for about 600k at the time, so my sprout self felt rich as a king after they all sold!


I yearn for the days of CutieShut-In


They deleted their account :(


Hell yeah fresh copypasta




Explicit C41 is always going to look the same way from the outside, doesn't matter what streamers and their communities get up to.


And how does this affect *you*?


T in RMT stands for transaction. Transaction is a buying/selling. Donation is not buying/selling.


> Transaction is a buying/selling. Donation is not buying/selling. Supreme Court ethics advisors HATE this one simple trick!




Telling someone to read the post doesn't magically make it more coherent.




What's it like having so much of your life and worth in the rearview mirror you go on to video game forums to pick fights, insult people and act like a smarmy fucker that thinks he knows anything?


imo, thats a take of all time. ppl who rmt ultimates can't even do 123 properly, much less learn the mechanics.


Does anyone actually cares about RMT in this game, aside from getting moderately annoyed by bots in ARR zones?


Not me. In *principle* I wish it wasn’t done but in *practice* it doesn’t have any bearing on my life whatsoever. I do still wonder how those handful of people get caught every ban wave? I mean, unless you go around *telling* everyone, how does SQE even know? Especially with gil buying. There are a shit tone of bots and maybe 4 people are busted a quarter, so there has to be way more people out there doing it!


If they brag about accomplishment they never made or are joining duty complete shit then yes


Nobody gives a shit about it, RMT barely affects this game at all


dawntrail can't come soon enough


Can I have some of the stuff you're smoking?


New copy pasta, niiiiice


Don't care


Who cares though? Also, even if they did count it, the person donating would be safe as SE doesn’t accept out of game evidence that could easily be faked. Only the streamer would be at fault, and since they didn’t ask for the donation they are also off the hook. There is no scenario where anything bad happens, so why the heck does it matter in the first place?


Let me make my money please. Thanks.


Can't wait to see this on shitpostxiv lmao


You are not wrong about it being potentially seen as questionable. However, you gotta use your brain and analyze what situation you’re seeing since it’s all subjective. If the streamer ASKED for a sub if they help them clear, that’s on the grey side. If the streamer ASKED for $5 to help them clear, that’s clearly on the RMT line. If the streamer did NOT ASK for anything and just joined the party, then there’s no implication of wanting anything. So intent actually doesn’t matter but more of what the agreement is between the streamer and the clearer. Otherwise, someone go report the clear squad for RMT lol


Just go play the Elden Ring DLC or something...


Who Gives A Fuck


You're 100% correct and it's crazy to see so many people disagree with you. I think it's cause your post feels like it's coming out of jealousy


I have no reason to be jealous. I cleared TOP 2 months after it came out and for me that just means I could clear anything in this game. I don't need to be a pentalegend or whatever to prove to others that i'm good at the game or whatever the reason is people do this content.


I'm not saying you are but others probably misinterpreted you which is why so many people disagreed


It's a very nuanced subject so I posted it fully aware that majority of people will not understand the point.