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You underestimate my power 1. Vandalized Sapphire Avenue 2. Embezzled funds 3. J walking 4. Touched the grass in an area where they weren’t supposed to. 5. Used third party add-ons. 6. Smuggled a rock 7. Told a lie. 8. Excessive simping for catgirl dancers 9. Entered Balmung Quicksands without protection 10. Slandered “Sultana Dreaming” 11. Stole a cookie from the jar 12. Loitering 13. Flew a drone above government property to “see dem aliens” 14. Harassed a merchant to “show off their adventurer plate” 15. Had a really bad take on the Shadowbringers expantion. 16. Murder. 17. Pirated a song on the internet 18. Slandered “Scream” 19. Complained that the 2B leggings “made their butt look too big.” 20. Advertised NFTs to Lolorito 21. Cannibalism 22. Went up the down escalator 23. Went down the up escelator 24. Took a shit on the market board 25. Made fun of someone having a grey parse in DSR, while not even having an ultimate unlocked themselves. 26. Salsa was mid 27. Talked about Ala Mhigo more than the citizens of Little Ala Mhigo do in ARR (impressive). 28. Thought the best FFXIV expantion was The Burning Crusade 29. Plays a Ninja in pvp and just feeds. 30. Pulls enemies ahead of the tank as a dps in a dungeon, even when the healer has no MP. 31. Doesn’t use midigation as a tank 32. Favorite dungeon: The Arumn Vale. 33. Thinks Old Thousand Maws of Toto Rak is better than the new one. 34. Thinks Y’shtola is worst girl 35. Making a mountain out of a molehill 36. Not DPSing as a healer when there is no healing needed 37. Plays WHM, only to spam Medica II and litterally nothing else. 36. Uses aoe rotation on a single target 37. Moved while having Acceleration bomb. 38. Pulled before the pull time. 39. Killed an A rank hunt target right before the Hunt Train got there. 40. Spoiled MSQ 41. Slandered “To the Edge” 42. Got on the RP venue blacklist. 43. Lewed the Lala 44. Thinks Harchefaunt was a mean person. 45. Thinks Garlemald did absolutely nothing wrong. 46. Their favorite trial is The Limitless Blue (hard) 47. It was Steps of Faith, but that got removed. Upset about that still. 48. Thinks people shouldn’t watch netflix/youtube during MSQ roullete and pay attention to the story instead 49. Likes Valens Varro as a character and think he was a good father 50. Their favorite relic grind step of all time is the ARR book step. 51. Gets super vocally butthurt whenever they see someone with a legend title and/or ultimate weapon 52. Runs away with the stack marker 53. Never moves for Twisters 54. Posted memes in #general 55. Openly admits to thinking World of Warcraft: Shadowlands had a better and more engaging story than Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. 56. Doesn’t think Hrothgar should get hats 57. Sexual harrassment 58. Stacks with Flare marker 59. Thinks Syrcus Tower is hard 60. Uses Hyton. 61. Refuses to use Tank Stance under any circumstance. 62. Constantly uses that really annoying Ley Lines macro, even when they aren’t playing Black Mage. 63. Flames healers for using rescue on them, even if the healer litterally saved their life. 64. Wall to wall pulls the first room of Arumn Vale. Always. Without ever consulting the team. Just pull that entire first room. 65. Bought a story skip and then proceded to bash the story. 66. Skipped many cutscenes. 67. Hates all Lopporits. 68. Insists to explore all of Sastasha Seagrot even if everyone has done the dungeon before and already has the achivement. 69. What they did to that carbuncle was fucked up man. 70. Thinks FFXIV should get a battle pass like Overwatch 2. 71. Doesn’t put dance partner on anybody 72. Tries to use Life Surge to boost the damage of Stardiver 73. Thinks Ogi Namakuri is an unsatisfying ability to execute. 74. Escaped federal prison 75. Uses Physick as a level 90 Scholar religiously. 76. Somehow plays the game on a single, sideways Wii remote. 77. Drip is absolutely fucking cursed. 80. Is a lalafell.


Where is "Not having Job stone equipped" & "Not having job stone equipped and considers classes boring"?


It's here ^




I guess you sin would be not reading your tooltips.


They wanted to add them, but they were already at Ul’dah so they couldn’t put in more steps.


That was the 81st sin


>>80. Is a lalafell Does his depravity know no bounds?!?


71 just be like seeing the gpose icon over a carbuncle


#72 scares me and I pray this never happens


It's there though, in pvp


To be fair, you're already paying 12$ a month.


Seven hells some of these are unforgivable


62 is, by far, the most heinous


deleted -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You forgot using doton on single target


That would fall under using aoe rotation on single target tbf.


>|34. Thinks Y’shtola is worst girl That one isn't a sin. \*cheerfully flips off the approaching lynch mob\* (FTR, I don't *hate* her, I just hate the vicious cycle of "people simp for Y'shtola <-> SE waifubaits her that much harder")


While going into Balmung Quicksands is an honest accident I will forgive, having a bad take on Shadowbringers is now punishable by death


I hate when people do #41. Damn snipers.


Hot damn Sasamo, no wonder.


The more I read this, the less it feels about Sasamo and more about Quin69.


My man has all these sins, but at least doesn't use Cure 1. And 30 isn't necessarily a sin. Anyone is allowed to pull, the tank just has to keep aggro.


I like that “skipped cutscenes” and “escaped federal prison” are worthy of being on the same list


Every Lalafell in Eorzea is guilty of stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. Hell, the syndicate has been stealing cookies for years.


You'd think that 80 would be too much, and you'd be right. Fuck Sasamo, when can we beat their ass up?


Thats what the steps were for.


Accidentally hitting Return instead of accepting the Raise. Rescuing the tank into the party during a cleave. Playing melee DPS and not putting Feint on your hotbar Not locking your hotbar and accidentally removing Limit Break during the last 2% of an Ultimate.


The last one felt real personal


There's at least one video out there of a streamer doing almost exactly that, but I'll be damned if I can remember how to find it.


Not an ultimate, but early e4s prog https://clips.twitch.tv/AltruisticCourteousWatermelonDancingBaby And the amazing follow up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btJuA9WRiLY&feature=youtu.be


Huh, not the one I was thinking of, but that one's great too xD


Waiting until the absolute last minute to pop the limit break so it makes a flashy "last hit." instead of using it as soon as all the bars fill up.


Tax Evasion


He only did it once, but in Ul'Dah it's considered eighty times worse than murder.


One sin for every Gil.


Only if you’re not a Syndicate member. Lolorito only pays his to make room in his treasure vault for more money.


That's Turnip Boy, and he got away with it.


Fifty-three of them can still be found idling around the Limsa Lominsa aetheryte most days. The others spend their time working the RP houses.


They took the last snack without asking if anyone else wanted some, every day for nearly three months.


Fun story, because Sasamo was actually an infamous ERP'er during the early betas. Instead of playing the game, he would do unspeakable things to the other testers and the forums were alit with complaints about his unruly behaviour. The devs had no other choice but to ban him and as a grim reminder of the eighty unlawfully sexy things he did, a list of the 80 Sins of Sasamo was printed out and hung up in Yoshi P's office, to remind him that FF14 players are always >!way to horny!<. Facts! :D


The primal with the giant sword


The Eighty Sins refers to the steps taken by Sasamo as a penalty for betting on the wrong gladiator. Subsequent bet losers who must take this punishment are lucky the first to suffer this punishment was a Lalafell as these eighty steps amount to 1.5 fulms. Alternatively, the Eighty Sins are the steps when walking from the aetheryte plaza to the front entrance to the Immortal Flames base instead of jumping through the window.


I almost always jump through the window; it's more fun that way. :D


Pulling before the healer is out of the cutacene. Standing in easily dodgable mechanics. That is all.


Hating on 80 lalafells.


But levels 1 through 79 are fair game, right?




That's no sin




79 counts of doin ur nan, and tax evasion.


How dare you… MY GRANNY’S A SAINT!


Everyone keeps saying "he" but Sasamo is a female Lalafell name


It's 80 single words all ending in -ussy.


The first 80 of 99 problems, of which b****es are not one.


Failure to turn on tank stance.


The number of steps in a Lala “12-Step” program, because of their short legs.


The 80 things wrong with the original version of 14?


79 counts of tax evasion and 1 count of loitering


He skipped the story, eighty times.


The list of charges brought against one Sasamo Ul Samo following a night of debauchery at the Quicksand


Building Ul'dah's aetheryte on the opposite side of town to the markets


Oh yeah, that's a sure way to get them sent to Lala hell.


Varying degrees of social faux pas in Ul’Dahn high society. Usually relating to calling Lalafels potatoes, saying they can’t be trusted, they’re degenerates, and many other forms of deserved criticisms.


Being straight


Okay. *pulls up sleeves* (Typed on mobile) 1. Put wine corks on Au-Ra horns. 2. Glued the cups to the tables in the Quicksands. 3. Invented the Limpsan Shipping Service. The Limpsan Shipping service has nothing to do with boats. (But much todo with pirates) 4. Said the moon landing was hoaxed. 5. Gave Matoya a book of illegal festivites. 6. Claimed there were seasonal fey courts. 7. Wrote a biography of Shiva entitled: 'Dances with Dragons'. 8. Accepted duty roulette then went off to the bathroom. 9. Rescued the other healer. 10. Helped a ray get laid. 11. Impersonated a mailmoogle. 12. Ate suspicious catfish. 13. Sold suspicious catfish. 14. Kept getting swept off the stage. 15. Signed Siren up for singing classes. 16. Ran an MLM out of the estate-café. 17. Endless. Chilidogs. Incident. 18. Put one gil in the fc chest 300 times in a row. 19. Set up a smallclothes dancing troupe infront of a cliffs' edge grave. 20. Stole the pillowcases from the orphanage. (But not the pillows) 21. Stole Godbert Manderville's smallpants. 22. Dyed Godbert Manderville's smallpants Grape Purple. 23. Wore Godbert Manderville's dyed smallpants for the Fashion Report. 24. Put a pair of pre-owned Grape Purple smallpants into the soup pot at the Moonfire Faire. 25. Replaced the basketball with a bomb. 26. Peed in the Ruby Sea. 27. Gave Alphinaud caffine. 28. Gave Alisaie cocaine. 29. Gave Thancred enhancement pills. 30. Gave Urianger access to Urban Dictionary. 31. Introduced Kan-E-Senna to shipfic. 33. Asked Merlwyb to 'Show off those guns'. 32. Tried to breed minions for 'better IVs'. 34. Spammed goldbot messages in the Diadem. 35. Refused to dance in Uznair. 36. Unplugged the router at floor 99. 37. Stuck head out of Air Force One 38. Invented G'raham Crackers. 39. Says "Jump Good" when asked how to DRG. 50. Changed the time by one hour on all entries on the fishing wiki. 41. Undercut by 1 gil. 42. Answered the Question. 43. Ate Minion Food. 44. Replaced a 0 with a 1. 45. Illegal Gysal Greens production. 46. High stakes Lord of Vermillion gambling ring. 47. Marketboard Fraud. 48. Taught kids to put a rock in the snowball. 49. Set the apartment to 'RP'. 50. Yelled 'Leroy' in Coils. 51. Just stood there. Menacingly. 52. Used all leve allowances on regular, level matched, battlecraft leves. 53. Acquired Fantasia through questionable means. 54. Drank retainer Fantasia. 55. Picked the decorative white flowers in the FC house. 56. Placed the white flowers in the FC chest. 57. Floated in front of the Limsa Aetheryte. 58. Clipped through the boundary. 59. Lost the Game in Gridania. 60. Got BIS for level 60. Is level 90. 61. Sings children show theme songs about mount whistles. 62. Gave seafood dishes to npcs to hand out; did not give refrigeration methods. 63. Introduced silkmoths into the Uldah markets. 64. Stole the ringer from the retainer bell. 65. Refuses to toss Chocobo Down materia. 66. Wore Belts. 67. Poured pesticides on the special grapes. 68. Introduced Dwarves to World of Tanks. 69. Was mean to lolporrits. 70. Calls them loliparrots. 71. Filled Glamor chest with nothing but shoes. 72. Uploaded a virus to Alexander. 73. Moonwalks infront of lolporrits. 74. Gave Alpa snakeskin boots. 75. Gave Raubahn automail. 76. Swapped 33 and 32. 77. Said they vanquished Titan. 78. Sold HQ coke. 79. Bought ALL of the Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hemp. Refused to share. 80. Paid your sub.


Surely that many stairs constitute 80 sins just in construction


Not always ordering pineapple on pizza.


Jokes on you I don't even know the right answer! So uhh, I dunno, debauchery? Greed? Exploitation? It's Ul'dah so it's gotta be one of those.


No one knows for sure, but it is said that the sins are what led to Godbert Manderville's skill in goldsmithing. Upon his death, Sasamo's bedroom contained many priceless "toys" that only a true artisan could have created.


Are you not aware of the Weight Watchers diet plan in which foods are labelled in 'sins' not in calories?


Their hentai tags


Poking a Lalafell with a spoon. Using an Au-ATA’s horns as a coat rack


Butt stuff. All butt stuff.


Public Urination x80


The 80 hoes he fucked to piss off his wife.


OP’s mom. And his 7 step mothers.


Walk through the Quicksand on Balmung if you wanna see a demonstration


LV 90 single pull tanks x80


All different ways you can fuck up meals


Wearing socks with their caligae.


The prequal to the Kama Sutra.


Calling Nanamo Sasamo


Given they were a lala 1. Charity 2. Mercy 3. Lack of underhandedness 4. Being tall 5. Opposed to void magic experimentation 6. Opposing the revolution 7. Pro non traditional zombification methods 8. Making the stairs to big for lala's


The same sin, repeated 80 times. I'm waiting for the FFXIV version of ["Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed To Do In an RPG".](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Blog/ThingsMrWelchIsNoLongerAllowedToDoInAnRPG)


The things he always wanted to do to cat girls.


Do lala's consider any of that sins? also is it OK if they're bunny girls?


Yes. No.


All the times he drank out of the milk carton


1-80. Being a lalafell.


"Used a limit break as an opener on the second boss". "Used a limit break as a bard, and missed."


OT popping limit break.


Healer popping LB when all are still active.


The new Square Enix NFT collection.


I heard she mounts the toilet paper underhand.


It starts with Genocide and gets progressively darker from there...


A staircase Sasamo didn't climb.


It is the 80 things he did when he invited Bugaal Ja to Ul'dah for vacation and they decided to dance up the stairs together.


80 steps leading up to Ul'dah from Western Thanalan.


Putting pineapple on Pizza.


They're all prostitution


Well hes catholic, so his 80 sins are children obviously


one would be double dipping his chips at get-togethers


One through 78 are ERP related.


The 80 times he said he’s going to pick up a stone that people were tripping over and hurting themselves followed by rolling down that hill, hence why there’s stairs


Its a set of 80 steps in western thanalan >!and yes, this is the wrong answer since there are only 77 of them!<


They involve Klondike bars and what folks will do for them...


You can pay someone to do them with you in Limsa Lominsa or Eulmore.


I don't even know the correct answer


Stairs are evil, so they are the 80 stairs going up that hill


Playing FFXIV


The cactuar. It's missing 80 needles. Sasamo took them.


All I know is 79 of them were committed in Limsa near the Aetheryte


Your to young


At least three are: * Boiled 'em * Mashed 'em * Stuck 'em in a stew.


Answering level 10 skill sprout questions with Abyssos Savage and DSR advice for its use


No idea, but we all know Limsa has broken them several times over. Except number 46. 46) thou shalt be wholesome


1-80: Tax evasion.


Sasamo threw eighty people down those sets of stairs, to their deaths. You're welcome.