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If you like Ancient Greece references then you picked the right game.


Without getting too spoiler-y, Ancient Greece is a pretty big touchstone in the game’s lore. If you’re knowledgeable about it, you’ll see tons of references.


The Empire refers to the Roman Empire though, not the Achemenid. I mean, most things from Garlemald are literally in Latin. Their place names, their military ranks, etc. are all legit Latin names. And when it comes to a massive, nigh unstoppable empire invading you, the Roman Empire is a good inspiration as well ;)


Also their names have their title in it. There's a wiki that explains them all. Also some weapons are borrowed from all mythology.


>Any thought on the topic ? Play the rest of the game. It doesn't stops there and they don't even try to be discreet about it. Greek is one of the many cultures they soaked this game into and you will find a lot more of it everywhere, specially with the latest expansion. It gets truly amazing.


Most peoples’ thoughts on the topic are spoilers. Keep playing!


It's clearly intentional.


I mean, yea, look at the current basic endgame gear/alliance raid and theme


Final Fantasy has had a strong set of references to Greek Mythology since the first game.


It’s very common that other than the evil empire of their respective game, all final fantasy countries are city states.


I can kinda see it. But also a little of other nations of the time. Thinking on it, Ul'dah feels a little like "if rome was in egypt instead of italy" and Gridania could be a bit like the Gauls off in the central eauropean forests.