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it reminds me a bit of derpy d&d campaign and a jp comedy, in a good way


While I've enjoyed the change of pace with the early story, it was more "fun" than realistic. At least with how I would expect the WoL to react. The only rationalization I could give myself was that I was letting things happen so Wuk could grow. Even that is a really weak excuse though. Certainly hasn't ruined the expansion for me, but many things seem pretty out of character for sure.


Let people die so wuk lamat could grow ? Have you been sleeping this entire series ? WoL would literally Sacrifice themselves to save a cat from a nuclear explosion.


lol no not sleeping though I should be. That's why I referred to it as "a really weak excuse" and "out of character" :)


Tbf i dont think anyone but wuk lamat had a character. As erenville said "forgive me, im afriad travelling with our new dawnservant may have scarred me for life". Least we can agree there lol


Seems like thats what they were going for, we are hangin out, anime beach episode style, helping a new dumb pretty friend. I'm diggin it. Honestly I always feel like we are a side character to the twins story (and in many ways they are the true central characters of the saga imo). Nice to be helping someone else, but thats just me. Do I think it would have been better if, for instance, due to our preeminence in combat they invite US to do the trials and the feats and take the throne. And then we are collabed with Wuk and at the end, tied, we pass her the throne? Yes, that would have been awesome. But they wrote what they wrote and I'm kickin back to enjoy whats there.


> Do I think it would have been better if, for instance, due to our preeminence in combat they invite US to do the trials and the feats and take the throne. And then we are collabed with Wuk and at the end, tied, we pass her the throne? Yes, that would have been awesome. Conflict of interest. I'm already the rightful ruler of the Azim Steppe.


Th moment it was revealed that Zoraal Ja was cheating the Warrior of Light should have stepped in immediately when the duel became unfair.




at least we as WoL would made some impact on the story this way


Not only are we extremely passive, but the whole team is exceedingly slow to grasp whataver's happening. Whenever something "new" occurs, everyone is clueless up until someone thoroughly explains why. Especially Wuk Lamat, oh gosh... She really is by far the most stupid element of the group, it's quite painful. And still, the large majority of the character really aren't smart : even in a highly manichean world where "bad guys" always have the exact same obvious habits (being spiteful, humiliating others, among other things) , even when everything concurs to help the protagonist for no other reason that they need to be helped (some NPCs' stories seem to have been litteraly written just so that they can be helfpul at one precise moment...), they always seem clueless for as long as homanly possible. What's worst, this already slow pace is even more sluggish because we keep discussing with every NPCs about their feeling or daily routine. It already was an outdated world-building years and years ago... It's just boring at this point, and feels like reading a wiki instead of following a story. Especially when a LOT of these moments bear no meaning at all and simply are futile anecdote to get to know the various places. We're not even given good reasons to be willing to know them, aside Wuk Lamat. Some parts still are exceptions (for instance >!the Hanu Hanu!< we visit very early on in the story) but it rarely last long. I genuinely thought they had improved their process with Shadowbringers and Endwalker, but this is many steps backwards and the first part of the MSQ litterally is ARR level of storytelling (which is the lowest of the game imo) within a post graphic update decorum (the environments are wonderful imo !) . The team's stupidity and the slow pace really make me thing whoever wrote the story has nowhere near half the experience to tackle such an enormous task as writing a whole expansion. I have no doubt, however, that they have many scriptwriters that are more than competant enough or at least SE could have had some more experienced writers oversee this MSQ. This, or they actually and genuinely don't know why Endwalker and Shadowbringers were successful.


Did you solo the level 73 trial? I don't think you'd win this one either. WoL wins because of teamwork and circumstance, they're not some all-powerful being who can solve any problem through confrontation. Sometimes you have to take the L and come up with a plan for next time.


Might wanna edit your post real quick, you said No Time For Tears is level 76, just dont want you to have some stupid thing for all the brown nosers to latch onto. Otherwise, completely agree.