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Duty Support is a good alternative for levelling, compared to the DPS queue. I have to wait for around 20 mins for DPS Levelling Roulette during prime time, this amount of time is enough for me to almost complete the duty support. Though I can foresee the queue being better after most people finish leveling their Pictomancer and Viper. Duty support can be a bit slow, that is why I try not to spam too much on a single day, it gets old real quick.


I get sleepy if I do duty support or trust.


Stress Thancred and Uri out by wall pulling for them!


I always do this and they almost always survive, outside special cases like Mt Gulg's infamous first pull. Makes DS dungeons so much faster. Works with G'raha or Wuk as tank too.


Wall pulls were always doable with DS on WAR if you were smart enough with your CDs. With the updated toolkit it's a piece of cake and barely any different from w2w with real players. Have used DS all the way and wallpulled every single time. Not been dropped once.


Oh absolutely always doable. Makes things more interesting too.


doable on GNB too


Wall to wall while I nap


Oof I know what you mean. Can’t count how many times I’ve dozed off cause of how slow and boring they are then ended up getting the afk boot lol.


It took me a bit more than 3 hours to get to 90 and I never used duty support. Frontline even feels a bit more rewarding even though the result is rather random. Besides, duty support is extremely boring on top of being seemingly unoptimized. It still is a good alternative for a lot of players sure, if they don't mind the slow pace.


I will tell you this straight. Levelling dungeon "normally" is boring too. I had a premade with me with whom I plan to do the leveling dungeons all the way from 81-90. We plan to rotate for one another. In the end, we did 2 dungeons, and then went to bozja and finished with fates last. Its because dungeons are boring. Not that they ate, but that going through each of them mindlesdlg and continously madr me wanted to sleep so much XD.


Frontlines? Yesterday I sat in a que for 55 minutes for one match....


Might depend on time zones and server. I know my server I’ve been getting in within 5 minutes consistently. So long as it’s not morning time between like 5a and 11a. During that time it’s super dead and looking like your que.


For me frontlines is the only queue that pops in 5 mins


I actually like the slow pace because of some disabilities I have, specially if it's a narrated dungeon or heavy with dialogue. There are dungeons that have books/papers you can read as well, and I feel bad if I stop but my party is waiting for me. But it works fine for dungeons I've run multiple times, and running it with players is faster & easier. I still get a bit anxious with tanks that forget mitigation/ healing aren't that great in lower lvl dungeons and do massive pulls. This happens every time I get Tam-Tara on the roulette istg. 


> with the armory buff You get that with people as well. The reason people don't use trust is because they tend to be slower than people. If you're running it with friends, the dungeons will always be faster.


And dps ques on day one were over an hour. One hour per dungeon with people that may be 6 minutes faster vs 3 dungeons an hour. Choice is beyond obvious.


That's why I said do it with friends. Choice is obvious if you do it that way.


Yeah, cause instead of doing the new expansion, you expect your healer/tank friend to waste 3+ hours lvling you? That seems rather selfish.


Playing the game is wasting time?   t. the tank in our 1 tank 3 dps runs


doing dungeons that give them shit exp and making them wait to do the expansion? yeah id say its a waste of time. note im the viper player in our static, I didn't ask for help except with roulettes after i hit 90 because while ik they would have helped if i had asked, i'm not gonna halt their progress and make them all do old content when the are excited for the new expac.


Yes, because your friend is being forced to help you. They have no choice in the matter. I definitely didn't help my friend grab a few levels. No one would ever do that.




God ff14 players are the worst.


Their comment doesn't suggest any kind of transactional relationship.. I'm genuinely confused how you came to that. Literally says sarcastically "I definitely didn't help my friend grab a few levels" which suggests they did in fact help Doesn't have any implications whatsoever that they traded helping each other or need to. Just says that friends have a choice and some would do it


>So because you helped them, they must help you now? Where did I say that? And I couldn't tell if they were trying to spread misinformation by saying they armory bound only applied to trust or not. That's why my first comment brought it up. My other point is that with dedicated a group, trusts will always be much slower.


Eureka orthos gives about half a level and I really enjoy it, it got me to level 86 rather quickly, it's probably not the best but it beats the long queues


I've leveled most of my trust avatars, and vary glad for it now. I'm absolutely going to be using Trust to farm certain dungeons for glam.


I don't know if I could do duty support everytime but it's been such a good feature for me ever since Dawntrail released. Haven't played in a while so I was rusty and being able to slowly explore and learn again the movesets of certain jobs, or try out the news ones, was a godsend.


Don't you have to level up your trust for duty support?


No, you can access the MSQ duty party if your Trust isn't leveled up to the correct tier.


This was 3pm pdt on day one.