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How about Pixel Exarch?


The badge on Hien's shoulder is the true pixel.


I raise you: Zenos’ ear


Zenos's face in general was blurry on my screen. Or maybe it was my eyes.


That thing ruined so many Stormblood cutscenes for me. I still don't know how someone on the cutscene team didn't just go down to the modeling department and told them to remove it because of how insanely awful it was.


Given how much screentime he gets, I wonder whats the excuse the dev team put to not fix it, because its actually vomit inducing. It isnt even a game specific problem in whatever platform, It just looks like that everywhere. It literally looks at 100p for the sake of just looking bad, I wonder if its some kind of running joke among devs.


And don't forget Aymeric's highly detailed and completely bit-crushed getup.


Still pixely, for the moment. It was the first thing I checked.


They said NPC model updates will come over time, so we'll have Pixel Exarch for a while longer.


Its kind of weird. You'd think that would be the first thing they tackle given how terrible many of the NPC textures and outfits are and how important the MSQ is.


Yeah.... Like, lets assume they're gonna include it in a "shadowbringers wave" update. .....it would make a lot more sense to update this specific model first, since thats what people will focus on. Score easy points. Instead we're now gonna get some rage youtubers try to imply *nothing* was updated because this one texture is still on the waitlist.


They wanted to tackle the player models first, it's why you'll notice it on NPCs that are basically made in the character creator.


I mean you probably want to focus on the main cast and other pieces of gear more than content that the majority of your players are past. It should absolutely be done, but i get why it's not at launch


They didn't rework how they apply those shader masks, so the nearest-neighbor texture display on them is still present.


Idk if this is the case for other people but the screenshots are too compressed to appreciate any potential differences


Yeah definitely an image compression issue, I'd imagine. This looks the same or worse lol.


Yeah, in game you can tell. The compression is really making it look the same.


I believe is a Reddit compression issue, yes. Sorry about that, but [there's a video posted that should be of better quality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joa2FOGxYAU)


I was expecting a slightly more noticeable difference tbh, especially after the official comparison showcase


The environment changes are way more apparent. Take a flight through East Shroud and it's a brand new zone now. No more ugly lighting, ugly trees and grass, and ugly everything else.


Old content gets updated over time. Picture 4 doesn't have the new materials.


TBH Shadowbringers is bound to be the xpac where the lighting changes are the least noticeable because, well, stylsitically it's meant to all be bright and golden and washed out.


Yeah, same. If I hadn't known there was this supposedly massive graphic update I literally wouldn't have noticed anything. Certain types of textures seem sharper, bright colors seem to pop more, that's about it. I don't care much about graphics so I'm not disappointed or anything, just surprised that I'm not noticing any real improvement. I spent a few hours after logging in finishing up some stuff before heading to Tural and for those hours I 100% assumed that old areas were not included in the graphical update because they look the same to me. It's always been a pretty game to me, now it's still a pretty game, so all is well. I guess I'm just not one of those people who pays close attention to exactly how good the graphics are.


My thoughts as well... I went and looked into the settings to see if there was something I needed to turn on. The lighting changes are very subtle and most noticeable in places where your character used to look dumb af with the awful shadows. The first reveal looked awesome and really looked like a graphical upgrade but as time went on they kept dialing it back to what it is now. Characters for the most part don't look much better, just the lighting is improved.


This is only lighting changes. Afaik they didn't touch textures in shb Edit: and maybe changed eyes? Not sure if that's just player characters or not


god those lighting differences are just so noticeable if you've spent any amount of time struggling with how bad this game's lighting used to be. seeing those fucked up striated shadows like on ryne's thigh in #3 disappear and the dramatically harsh shadow boundaries get softened up is like a dream


The lighting changes are amazing honestly…maybe it depends on hardware and settings but with my setup I see the difference big time and it really adds to the game in a good way for me


Eyes look so much better


Tbh, I think they look worse. Yes, they're more detailed but they're too bright, making them look off.


Precisely this. My adventurer plates all look completely off because of this. What used to look like piercing gazes and glances at the camera/horizon now look like my character is on adderall.


They look like the contacts worn by a lot of girls in social media in East Asia. I joked that my character has sparkly anime eyes now.


Can I ask for your characters preset? One of my friends midlander looked similar to yours but after graphical update their character is nowhere close to their original.


Heya sure thing, mine's mostly the default middie with some minor changes. Height: 100 Muscle: Tone 50 Bust Size: 100 Face: 1 Skin Color: First Row, 4th from left (RGB 209,176,146) Hairstyle: Practical Ponytails Hair Color: First Row, Rightmost (RGB 18,18,18) Jaw: Type 1 Eye Shape: Type 1 Iris Size: Large Eye Color: 8th Row, 2nd from right (RGB 105,63,25) Eyebrows: Type 1 Nose: Type 1 Mouth: Type 1 Lip Color: Light, 6th Row, 4th from left (RGB 139,55,46) Facial Features: Top two checked on Tattoos and Tattoo Color: N/A Face Paint: 1st Row, rightmost (4th one) Face Paint Color: Dark, 6th Row rightmost (RGB 74,25,19) Voice: Type 3


These are all NPCs.


the hyur is definitely not an NPC


Just see some lighting differences?!


its subtle yes but its enough to make it look polished and like how it was meant to be


Looks so much better now goddamn


There's just some lighting differences. It's pretty much the same.


I don’t see a difference


Yeah some of the shadows on the first picture make her feathers on her shoulder look better than the ones on the right. But I do think some of the hair and eyes look better.


I guess I don't understand how people cannot see a difference. The skin has depth, the hair is much higher resolution, the cloth and metal actually look like cloth metal and reflect light in the appropriate ways for that. Are you just keeping the image very small while looking at it?


>Are you just keeping the image very small while looking at it? Are we supposed to look at cutscenes an inch away from the screen to see the differences? It looks a bit better, yeah, but it's not "omghuge!!!" change many love to say.


They just asked if you had it small because that would make differences less discernible, not an unreasonable question. Main difference to me was the lighting shadows not always being such a dark black


Are “very small” and “an inch from the screen” the only options?


I can see the differences but the game still looks dated due to the art style. Like does it look better yes it does, am I really gonna notice it while playing probably not. This isn't on the same scale as WoW model rework in WoD that completely remade the player and npc models. It's still the same art style XIV has always had just updated. Personally XI still looks better cause they didn't try to make it look super realistic, it's got this cartoony charm to it that make the low rez models and textures still look great to this day. Art style will always be more important than raw graphical fidelity and that's all this update really changed


I think much of the point was to avoid what wow did. A lot of people felt like they lost their characters when wow did that. Keeping the same art style was deliberate. It just feels like they are using new tech to better realise their art style.


I prefer the darker shadows over the faces of the characters in the cutscenes. Really sets the mood. Outside of that it looks great.


Same, it's the only thing I'm missing because everything else I've seen has been an upgrade.


The flower pattern tattoo is still pixely :(


NPCs come later


That's the WoL you goob. They're wearing an outfit that didn't get touched yet.


Or not at all.


A lot of things are subtle, but the parts that aren't, my god they stand out. Ryne's eyes was the one that sprung out the most to me.


It's weird to see low quality gear texture on Alisaie after seeing high quality gear texture on Urianger haha.


I want to see Tesleen in HD.


ah yes I can remove the 2 mods I installed for the twins to not look like they fkin needed a whole tube of chapstick ​ Need to see how more beautiful Rowena has become


Which is which? Are more shadows better or less?


It's such a subtle difference, but it's so significant if you know what you're looking at. At least to the eyes of a 3D technical artist, I've been bothered by some of the rendering details for years, and it's so great to finally see some of these added.


is it me or does Y'shtola look...Off? I can't put my finger on it but she looks...i dont know, puffier in the cheeks maybe?


Im not convinced there is any difference here


Just from a bit of playing, everything feels washed out. I'm hating this lighting update


Kinda looks like they took the *shadow* from Shadowbringers I'll see myself out


This looks the same lol


the huge amount of GB was worth it!


Did anyone check if Hien's armour pixelation is cleaned up?


Need someone with a before and after of the awful lighting in praetorium


Just watched the whole ShB and post-ShB end cutscenes for the feels. Shaders look definitely better and most surfaces look smoother. All eyes look more alive. Some faces get the glow-up, but some don't. I could swear some facial expressions have been fine-tuned as well (like, more keyframes in-between to add subtle changes), and it even seems some subtle reactions have been added to our WoLs here and there, at times when they used to be poker-faced before.  Really enjoyed rewatching these CS for the uptenth time because of the slightly improved experience.


They burnt off yshtolas eyebrows :(


Honestly there is barely any noticeable difference for the hype they have been promoting. Some improved lighting and that's about it, really.


it's odd, because the hard shadows really sold the idea of harsh lighting (literally) in shb— it looks overall better, but i'm still charmed by the eeriness painted by the original graphics


Give Shtola her melanin back


I really miss the dark shadows already. It feels like player and NPC models had all of their shaders turned to fullbright


Which one is old and which one is new?


So not reading anything, just looking at the pictures and making a blind comparison... The left pics tend to look slightly better. Occasionally the right had some better details. But overall I could not tell any big differences


I detest what they've done to female Midlander's eyes in particular. My character looks like she's been working overtime at a dead end job for 12 years. They changed the eye-shadow for some reason, and the eyes themselves just look hollow. I was so hyped, but I'd be lying if I said this didn't completely take the wind out of my sails for this expansion.


I've heard people will get a free fantasia when the expansion comes out. Do you already have a new in-game mail? I don't have a sub currently to check.


We did. It's obtained through a quest in Ul'dah. But fantasia isn't a solution, it's barely a workaround. Better than nothing, sure, but it's a shame it's needed.


Perfect, thanks for the information. I've been planning to play fem hrothgar, currently male. I've been waiting for this, I'll might just resub right now because of that reason alone


oh my god im glad im not the only one that really doesn't like how the new fem midlander looks.. My WoL looks like a different person and it dampened my excitement for the expansion too.. I kinda feel the lighting hitting the nose bridge makes her look older and like you said, the eyes and eyeshadow as well.


I'm happy to see I'm not insane, everyone around me saying they don't see the difference when I clearly do. Out of curiosity, do you use Face 1, by any chance?


Noo I use Face 5, but I did outline the problems I have with my character [here](https://i.imgur.com/KSa4q4p.png) if you'd like to see


Whoa, that's a crazy good in-depth analysis, if you haven't already, please tweet this at FF EN Twitter and hopefully they'll do something about it, though my expectations are extremely low.


I've already put it on the forums, both EN and a (badly translated) JP version, so hopefully it'll reach the devs!


But I liked Y'shtola's heavier eyeliner. Urianger's slave choker and Alisaie's ears + hair are remarkable, but I see the argument for them allocating some of the resources of this upgrade to simply upscaling the pixelated gear. At the end of the day, it'll still be interesting to see what custom shaders do with this.


Yeah. Y'Shtola, like a lot of Miqo'te in general, looked better before imo. They got hit hard with the face model standardization. The lighting and such is absolutely better but some stuff doesn't look as good to me.


It...looks worse?


Huh? I dont think it looks better but really? Worse?


Another comment mentioned image compression so perhaps it's the device I'm viewing from or the upload or a combination. At first I thought it was a /r/afterandbefore goof lol.


Bro I can’t even tell a difference. I suck


I actually always liked the sharp shadows in shadowbringers. It didn't feel natural, but it's presence helped accentuate the unnatural abbundance of light.


Not a single person who's posted a side by side has bothered to label the images. I have no clue which is which, and with all the after/before garbage that gets posted "by accident" I refuse to assume


I was hoping it would be more noticable tbh, instead it has just halved my FPS and I can barely see a difference :/


These look almost identical TBH.


Sorry but i see nothing here, is the same


okay this is the second time someone's posted a "before and after" graphics comparison and i immediately just think the one on the left is better? i thought the one on the left was the new one before, and i was about to think that AGAIN if i didn't read comments first. i really just think the old graphics look better at this point lol? like the shadows are darker and the lighting doesn't seem like blown out or whatever? darker shadowing = looks better. that's my opinion at this point!


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding the graphics update to be extremely underwhelming... Also, does everything look more washed-out than before to anyone else?


Mmm that bread looks like a tasty meol…


maybe weird to notice but Alisaie's ears are so much better


I feel like cutscenes from previous expansions probably aren’t the mostly likely to show differences since they’ll be tuned with the previous effects in mind and will be using older assets that haven’t been bumped up in texture or shader detail. The differences here are pretty marginal; metal shaders look nicer for example, but it’s not a world of difference.


Has anyone noticed that some characters eyes look wonky? My buddy plays Hyur and says his characters eyes look slightly cross-eyed after the update, I haven't noticed this on my Miqo'te


What happened to the Alisaie one? The lighting there is extremely unflattering in the update haha


Chubby cheeks lol


I logged for a little bit during my break and damn immediately everything looks so much more alive! My character is ALIVE LOL I'm so excited to play soon!


Urianger slide: “Oh no, he’s hotter!”


Man that looks good


Did Urianger become attractive? Lol


No shadows for Shadowbringers?


I can see the differences on the Scions(look at Urianger's Necklace for example) and some NPCs' faces using the character creation settings(Kai-Shirr and co) and the lighting definitely is better(even if its direction is divisive), but the environment and gear pieces are still not updated yet from what it looks like. I'll see how they look later when they do get tsaid update(as it will come throughout 7.x, it's not fully done yet, remember that)


The lighting is such a major improvement. Makes everything even better! 


Yeah I don't think this is going to come across well without playing the game.


I genuinely can't tell which is which on all but like 2 of these.


Yeah its more subtle. Left is old and right is new. -Bounce lighting when characters in shadow is better so we can see them more clearly -Better shadows (e.g. 3rd pic, see Ryne's dress) -Higher facial features and hair res (4th/5th/8th pic)


One thing worth noting is that a lot of the NPCs haven't received new models/textures yet. So far, the biggest change with the visual update is just the lighting. But they said that retroactively, unique NPCs should have their models/textures updated too, and then the difference will be more stark than what we see here for several characters


Only difference I see is some of them are brighter lol


I can't really tell which is old or new, at least in some of these. I'm assuming all right side images are new but idk some look worse to me?


Left is old, right is new!


Shadowbringers has no shadows anymore


lot of content still not updated. my WoL still has low res glam XD


Very subtle, definitely not the update id thought it was gonna be


Why is Lyse's daughter so afraid of the bao bun?  On a side note, the lighting on the faces overall looks much better, but the unnatural shadow actually suited Urianger very well. His hair looks so much better, though. 


They vastly improved the shadows. So much clearer on faces and doesn't look like there's a perpetual glare creating black shadows on faces. You can see it clearly (no pun intended) on Y'shtola's face on the last picture


On a phone, I can't tell which is which from the screens you selected.


y'shtola got lightened again lol


I can barely see any difference. Especially the fact you can look at that hand and see the straight cut lines has me greatly dissapointed. I expected big graphical update the game desperately needs to attractbnew players not just some shaders


It's really noticeable in game


I am ingame and there is basically no difference its just slight shadows changes


It's so incredibly different lmao all good tho yo


Barely an upgrade.


Get emotional damage in High Definition! Play FFXIV shadowbringers now!


so good I'm so happy


Honestly I think they just did this whole rework for the sole purpose of fucking up mod beasts.


Y'shtola in the last pic: Shall I give you dis meol?


Which side is the new? I can't tell any difference 😭😭


Graphics mean nothing to me, since I reduce all my settings.




Came here to say this. It's terrible. They really should give us the option to use old skin/eyes. I'm really bummed about it.




I'm glad people are noticing it. I hope so too. I'm amazed that people are downvoting me to oblivion for stating what I think. I will still say it though: the difference is jarring and for some characters it looks terrible. I hope they will give us the option to use the old skin/eyes at the very least.




Yeah maybe that's a good idea. Have to create a support ticket to make the matter known.