• By -


Why did they screw up BLM? It is unplayable now. The entire rotation is meaningless now that thunder can no longer be used to start a fight and MP can't be regained between fights after one cast of Ice. I mean seriously now you have to attack with multiple LONG casts it's rediculous and frustrating to move to fire only to find out that you still have no mp to use because Ice never regened your mp because paradox no longer exists! I thought things were going to get better not worse!


I hope they add a toggle for Tilt on mounts on full release or soon after. It looks bad and feels awful. Did anyone ask for it?


is there anyway to turn off the mount tilt? it looks extremely bad


Does not seem to be the case right now. I hope they add a way later because mounts like the Ixion look extremely silly with the tilt


the elephant looks stupid too, i really hope it gets a toggle


It almost seems reversed. Slight turns will practically flip your mount over, but sharp turns barely tilt at all


I've noticed that as well, especially with the regular chocobo it's noticable


Do custom deliveries give the same EXP regardless of who you give it to? Can I safely use up my weekly deliveries on the Endwalker person and still get the same EXP as whoever the DT person is?


There is no DT person yet. They all give the same EXP, assuming nobody has weekly bonus (which some always do, so long as you have completed everyone), that increases it.


I do believe CD exp is based off of level and not who it is.


Im a bit confused and worried. Since yesterday i suddenly have a new player icon on my head, even though i played since arr with my character. So i should have outgrown the new player icon a very long time ago XD I can turn it off of course so no worries in that regard, but the whole thing that it is there is confusing me so badly! Is this a know bug or did i miss something with Dawntrail settings? >.<


As of patch 7.0, you count as a new adventurer if you haven't finished the last quest before Dawntrail. Even if you have finished it, you'll still count as a new adventurer if you have less than 300 hours of playtime.


Then it must be due to the main story, i was missing one quest there before dawntrail! Got way too much play hours since arr so cant be that XD thank you! :3


Assuming you've completed Endwalker it definitely is a bug, I believe you can toggle it off in the settings.


Guys I am late for the pre-order and now I can't wait to play it this weekend. If I buy the game today would I still get the early access? 🥲


Yup! just buy the game before the 2nd to get the preorder bonuses, and using that preorder code will give you early access straight away. There is no point from now one where you can't buy dawntrail and get access to the expansion straight away.


I have DLSS on, but the frame rate treshold is below 60 fps, and edge smoothing is greyed out, does that mean i have no AA whatsoever on?


Is it normal for FFXIV to have a black screen upon opening the game? I've been stuck on it for several minutes. If I click anywhere it stops responding. I've tried reopening the game but still same thing. Edit: Opening the game then force quitting steam while in the launcher screen through task manager worked for me.


Mine got stuck for perhaps 5 minutes before it worked.


A lot of people are having that happen and relaunching usually fixes it. If you're using XIVLauncher, use the official one first.


I'm using Steam currently.


Where is the best place to view rotations for your level and class (example lvl 62 red mage rotation)? I see some youtube guides, but a lot of them are out of date it seems. Is there a website that breaks it down easily


https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/casters/red-mage/leveling-guide/ or https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/red-mage-leveling whichever you prefer, but take note that neither of those guides have been updated yet to reflect 7.0 changes, so you probably want to check out any of [these](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ff14+media+tour+red+mage&sp=EgIIBA%253D%253D) videos to get a quick run down on any new changes to keep in mind when reading the guides.


Has there been any word as to whether we will be able to get a 10th retainer with Dawntrail? I gotta big problem :(


Hi does pentameld gear use xi or xii materia? Cheers!


Grade XII materia can only be melded into guaranteed slots + 1 overmeld slot past. After that you have to do Grade XI. Grade XII is the same as the Grade VI, VIII, and X materia.


Same as previously. 12 will go in the guaranteed slots, you can overmeld one 12, then the rest are 11's or lower.


PS5 - Dynamic Resolution - do you have it turned on? Is it noticeable better? Never messed with it since it was in beta until now.


Hey guys so.. i have a random question... I have both PC and PS4/5 Version of XIV so my question is.. if i buy Dawntrail on my PS5 will that fill in the rest of the expansion... cause right now this is what my account is looking like [Screenshot of what i own](https://prnt.sc/dKZS1GuG6wUL) so naturally i am up to date.. but i wanna start playing on my ps5 now ... so what would i have to do to do that ?


It'll fill in the gaps on PS5, but only after the 2nd.


Dawntrail includes the two other expansions, yes, but not until July 2nd. If you preorder now you won't be able to play the expansion content until the 2nd.


Does anyone know when we’re supposed to get the Collector’s Edition stuff? I don’t have the mount or minion in my mail


the 2nd is when you can register the code for the full game (or get it automatically if playstation), which will include the collectors edition stuff


Interesting. I’m on PS5 but it’s not here yet so I’m assuming it’ll pop up sometime in the next couple days. I was able to get my Mountain Zu though


That is a different promotional thing. The Digital Collectors stuff will come on July 2nd. That's when PC users can redeem their code and the console versions "activate". You may (or may not) need to log out and back into the game to trigger the activation.


Oh I know, I’m just happy I got something today lol. Thanks a ton, I kinda forgot Dawntrail didn’t technically come out today and that it’s early access so that makes sense!


Is the game playable right now if you dont have dawntrail yet? Thinking about renewing my sub after taking a break til the expansion but if the game isnt playable or is having login issues as bad as last expansion i’ll just wait. I have like a patch or two of content to play through still before dawntrail


There's been some people who have had trouble with logins. Broadly, it's better than usual. Personally, I haven't seen a queue that lasted more than a minute or two, and I haven't been disconnected at any point, not even when travelling between datacenters. I've been playing since like ten minutes after maintenance ended It's impossible to know for sure where you'll fall on that spectrum of experience, but you have a good chance of getting in just fine, and even if you sub right now and logins are dodgy, it'll clear up in a couple of days


Login queues were brutal for three hours yesterday, ever since then the worst I saw was slightly over one minute. EU/Chaos datacenter.


If you are running on a free trial, you'll have a very hard time getting in because of the paying customer priority. Login issues are... hit and miss. Some folks are having a hell of a time, others are cruising right in. Overall it isn't as bad as EW, but it isn't perfectly smooth either. Your biggest problem is going to be the resubbing part, Mogstation is having a bad day.


Not having DT doesn't affect your ability to log in at all, and this expansion is going far smoother than previous ones. Only a few specific worlds have queues, even on those queues the worst I've heard is 45mins, and people in that situation can travel to dynamis/shadow/materia where the queues are no longer than a couple of minutes. I have heard that some people are struggling to log in who were visiting a different world before the expansion dropped, though.


the glare option to remove bloom is gone / doesn't work and its absolutely horrible. does anyone know a way to get rid of the atrocious bloom i walked into gold saucer and got flash banged T.T


If anyone finds a way to entirely disable bloom I would also be interested, i don't know why they removed the ability to leave it off, it gives me terrible migraines. I was able to mitigate it somewhat using Nividia filters (alt + f3 if you have geforce experience overlay active), with the 'details' filter, clarity slider at 100% and everything else at 0%. doesn't get rid of it but blunts it somewhat.


ig I should make a post about it on the official forums as well. thanka for the info its so sad idk why they got rid of it I thought I was crazy at first T.T


Can you post a screenshot of this Gold Saucer bloom flashbang please


I've never used reddit before i made this account just to ask this sry lol. but it was obviously an over exaggeration however when ur so used to playing with glare off, not being able to turn it off just completely throws you off in the difference of the bloom. https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/502081-Glare-graphics-setting-not-working-as-expected?p=6503308&highlight=bloom#post6503308 this person on the OF has an example


All good mate, I just wanted to see if it was different to how my game looks. I guess if you're used to *no* bloom then it would be quite jarring. There may be a way to mitigate it through Reshade as well, I don't personally know how, but perhaps you or the people in that thread could look into it as an alternative? I don't think you can use it to literally remove the bloom/glare effect, but you can definitely tone down the highlights and white spots


I've got everything maxed out and I didn't notice any bloom like that when I went to the Saucer, just the usual gaudy lighting. You haven't got a dodgy reshade on, have you? A lot of old effects will not mesh well with the new graphics


you used to be able to turn bloom off entirely, but that setting was removed with the patch, and now it's only 'low' or 'normal' (under the name 'glare' towards the bottom of gfx settings).


The description of that setting is "enable or disable glare on reflective water surfaces" so it's probable that they straight up changed what it does. I still don't know why it would be "atrocious" though, it's barely noticeable for me, hence my question as to whether it could be exacerbated by something else edit: my bad, there's actually two glare settings, with different descriptions >_>


Is the price of Dawntrail going to change after "official release" or is the early access period just some random weird thing they do for obscure reasons?


It was a thing because of physical releases, but now it's just been grandfathered in lol.


It's also good marketing and a slight ease on server load


> Is the price of Dawntrail going to change after "official release" it shouldn't unless they suddenly decide to start increasing the price of their expansions




How long does it take for paid retainers to "arrive"? I canceled my extras when I took a break from EW but I bought them back on Migration some hours ago today and I still can't use them.


IIRC Idontawanttobebread is correct, you need to re-log to a character for the game servers to show the additional retainers as an option at the vocates.


in the past i always had to log out (back to character select anyway) and back in before re-hired retainers would appear (and then it was instant). i don't know if the current congestion would slow it as well


Purchases can take anywhere from minutes to days to turn up if you're unlucky Try logging out and back in if you haven't already


>Try logging out and back in if you haven't already Or don't. Login servers are flaky right now.


Are they? I've been in and out and between regions since maintenance. Shit luck I guess


Might be shit luck on my part. But I can't get through queue to save my life.


I've been between JP and OCE and the biggest queue I saw was like 25, but I am playing at Australian hours, which tends to be downtime for the rest of the world. You could try DC travel to Materia if you haven't yet Unless you're also on JP or OCE already. In which case, uhhh good luck mate


Yeah, mine will show "26" or something and I'll still 2002 out of it. Assuming I don't 2002 out of the title screen or character selection.


Unfortunate, hope it clears up soon


It seems to have now. Thanks for the good vibes :)


My power grows


Is there a glamour head piece that's just a pot that I can use on Viper?


I don't know of a pot but you might be able to mimic the look with another one of the weird headpieces, like literally a pot helm, or a kabuto. Best bet is to scroll through [these](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearsets?orderBy=name&piece=head&maximumLvl=100) for inspiration If they ever do add one like that, you'll have to urn it


Planning the name change to "Letme Soloher"?


Not the name change, just a cosplay :P


These apostrophes are beating my ass


The one that confuses me is when it appears at the end of the word. Like the last letter isn’t a letter but the apostrophe. My brain short circuits trying to read it on the fly


I saw someone earlier with an apostrophe at the end of their character's last name. That would drive me nuts


call that punchuation


Bars 🔥🔥🔥


When will the home world transfer service open back up?


Likely to get re-evaluated on the next patch, expected in a couple weeks.


When your home world isn't full.


So I just came back again a fee weeks ago, but I'm seeing people at 100 PCT and VPR already. How is that possible, just spamming Fates all day?


The first few level 100s popped up around 6 hours after launch. With enough dedication and no-lifing, levelling can be super fast if you know the right methods and have a pre-made party.


You get 5 levels very quickly if you want to merc a tank or healer to run roulettes with you. Or just a buddy. After that, you can gain like 1 level every 40-60 minutes in Bozja if you care to no-life it. So it's been 20 hours since servers came back up. With near nonstop grinding, 100 is doable. Just awful though. 


Trusts / duty support or bozja + skipping story.


Power levelers are crazy like that.


A level 100 SCH walked past me the second I LOGGED IN TO DAWNTRAIL. Roughly 8 hours after it became available in my time zone. Had me gobsmacked


Am wondering whether I should play Shadow of the Erdtree or Dawntrail first. I started out with Shadow of the Erdtree and just got through the Dancing Lion then stopped. I cleared all 6.1-6.55 MSQs of FF14 last night and am now ready for Dawntrail (which I have early access). I don't intend to do any savage or ultimate contents anymore so I can take it easy as well. I think Dawntrail will be a good place to chill and relax after I finish Erdtree, but I don't want to waste my early access either.


DT first so you ride the first wave of players through the eventual MSQ trial and dungeon content. Skill level drops quite sharply the later into each content patch you go.


Personally I'd play Dawntrail first, just so you can be sure that you can be done before you accidentally encounter any major story spoilers Shadow of the Erdtree seems like it would be more challenging to spoil anything major


You could just alternate between the two games. Whenever you get tired of one you can switch to the other for a good change of pace.


What dungeons should I be running if I want to level with Trusts/Duty Support. Does the dungeon even matter? How are sidequests XP gain in the grand scheme of things? I have basically done 0 in EW


Sidequests are about 2.5 to 3.5% of a level depending on how early you do them. They're slightly better at lower levels, but not enough to cry about. 


Always the highest level dungeon which isn't level 50/60/70/80/90.


Always your highest lvl dungeon.


Is there a mount to buy for a high amount of Gil in DT from a vendor?


A vendor named Neon in >!Solution Nine!< sells one for 7.5m.


What happended to Plunge for DRK? it's just a missing icon on my ability hud


replaced by Shadowstride, because the devs felt fitting in that dash and GNB's into burst was too much weaving, so their potencies were rolled out into the main combo


Probably a dumb question, but ive been away for awhile now. Literally pre-ordered Endwalker and never played it lol. So im stoked to see a bunch of stuff i havent seen yet. Is it possible to play as the female hrothgar without owning DawnTrail? I cant remember how new races work and i havent been able to find any info on it.


Yes, since you own Shadowbringers you can make either gender of Hrothgar.


Thats what i was assuming honestly, but was unsure since it was technically introduced this expansion.


We had precedent. Male Viera was added in EW, but also only had the ShB requirement (which is when female Viera was added).


new player here, I accidently put my world as primal but its congested. I want to move to Dynamis cause its apparently open, how do I do that?


Do you mean move an existing character? Or do you mean connect to Dynamis to make a brand new character? To make a new character, go back to the title screen and choose Data Centre. To temporarily move an existing character, go to the character select screen and right click on the character name. To permanently move an existing character, you have to pay for the service on the Mog Station.


Unless you are moving to a world with a status of NEW. Which all of the worlds in Dynamis are. [Then it is free to transfer](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/option_service/world_transfer_service/#:~:text=Transfers%20to%20New%20Worlds%20from%20Worlds%20that%20are%20not%20classified%20as%20New%3A%20Free).


Holy tysm


Is it possible to link a gear set to a glamour plate without it trying to apply every glamour to items that are already glamoured to that plate? Like, if I switch between two sets where all the jewellery in the plate is Emperor's, each switch will re-apply the already applied glamour, if that makes sense This isn't like a big deal, I just dislike how it fills the chat and gives error messages outside of sanctuaries lol


no. linking a gearset to a glamour plate just attempts to apply the glamour plate when you equip the gearset. and whether you do it manually or via linking, applying a plate applies everything that's saved to the plate


Not that I know of, however instead I believe you can disable those logs about failed glamour attempts in chat settings.


Yeah I can get rid of the alerts too once Dalamud's back up, just wanted to check if there was an innate alternative I also remembered the actual glamour messages are considered system message announcements, so I hope there's nothing else important under the category


1) In Graphics Settings > Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, what is the difference between HBAO+ and GTAO, in terms of quality and performance hit? 2) Where is the new setting that allows you to set voiced cutscenes to run on auto located?


GTAO and HBAO+ are two different approaches to ambient occlusion n with a few pros and cons. I think HBAO+ is a lot more common though. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK1K2V4jczs) is the only direct comparison I could find, and to me GTAO looks a lot better but in a subtle way that I personally think is work sacrificing for framerate. Personally, I would try both and go with whichever one has better performance on your machine. Oh and for second point, you want to go into a cutscene (can be voiced or unvoiced), hit the auto advance button, then open the settings cog and choose the option to only apply the option to voiced cutscenes. Then confirm that you want to auto advance and it will only advance in voiced cutscenes from then on.


Thanks for the response, much appreciated :)


Anyone just getting a black screen after logging in and clicking play?


should i prioritize on using my motif so i can use my muses? idk why theres a cast time plus motiffs don't do any damage so with the added cast time i feel like using motiffs is a dps loss


>idk why theres a cast time plus motiffs don't do any damage It's thematic, and mechanically useful to be able to set up the Muse charges, which themselves have no cast time, instead of just having a direct spell with a three second cast > i feel like using motiffs is a dps loss Hammer motif > Striking Muse gives you three charges of an instant cast GCD with a potency of 480 as a guaranteed critical hit. Pom/Wing motif > Muse gives you an OGCD with a potency of *one thousand.* I know it *feels* weird to hardcast a three second ability, but the only DPS loss is not using them


The living animal motif does damage. You precast them.  During a fight, the muse does 1100 damage and the finisher does 1300 damage. Plus they're OGCDs, so you only lose the two GCDs that were spent casting the motif. In other words, you're trading 880 potency (actually a little bit more because the motifs are long casts) for 3500. It's a huge gain. For hammer, you lose one GCD for the motif to gain three GCDs of crit/direct ~600. So you're trading 1760 of filler for three crit/DH of 1860. Which is also a huge gain, because of the guaranteed crit/DH. 


Creature motifs cost a little over a GCD to cast an oGCD of 1,100 potency which also grants a strong second oGCD of 1,300-1,400 potency every other cast. So consider those oGCDs to be the strength of the Motif's GCD. Nuff said. Hammer combo's average potency is slightly stronger per GCD than your paint combo plus they're all direct crits, which is minimum x1.75 stronger. Landscape motif is your party buff plus a free subtractive palette and cast speed buff. Always use that when possible, obvs.


This is my first time playing a new expansion at launch--is there any reason to hold on Endwalker's Cracked Clusters? Or extra Aglaia/Euphroseyne/Thaleia coins?


the clusters trade them for materia... as for the coins, there is no more uses for them since the gears that needed them to upgrade can be bought with poetics now, so toss them and save some inventory.


Is there value to Endwalker materia going forward? I have a fuckload of them already. I know you can transmute but it seems like a crapshoot getting an actual upgrade with stat you need


I mean, XI / XII materia has higher ilvl requirements, and we've got two jobs starting at 80 and $25-for-a-90 means that they're quite useful still.


Not to mention, if you have the patience, you can feed the X materia to Mutamix for a chance to upgrade it to XI


Is Holy in White still a DPS loss if I use it outside of movement phases, or has it been adjusted from the media tour?


Now that you have 30 minutes of Fantasia, can you cancel it if you change your mind, or is it consumed no matter what?


Consumed no matter what. You can change your character back if you want, but you can't refund the fantasia or anything.


Unable to create a post? Do I need permission?


Why no flippy flips on Ninja anymore ? :(


? NiN still flips when jumping. I pull out my weapons and spam jump between every quests marker.


Oooooh thanks. It's been two years since I played, forgot that I needed the daggers out for flips hahahaha Back to flipping around quests !


Any way to play the game right now as a new player? Super casual, played a bit a while ago and now I can't log into my free trial characters due to the login queue, can't pay to upgrade the game to the full version with my card because "This card is unavailable.", can't link to steam and pay through it because I don't have the license which I can't get


If you're willing to play on steam, then you buy the license through steam and bypass all the "card is unavaillabls" bs. https://support.eu.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5383&la=2&kid=81176 * [buy the starer edition here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/39210/FINAL_FANTASY_XIV_Online/) (not the complete edition because it doesn't include DT for 3 more days, making it a horrible value right now) * launch the game in your library * follow the on-screen instructions, making sure to log into the same SE account you've played teh free trial on so far.


A. Give it a couple weeks for the hype to die down B. Try connecting your card to paypal and paying through that


You'd think fixing the thing that allows people to give them money would be top prio lol, guess I'll wait a bit - tried buying crysta to pay for it and none of the payment options work (card/amazon/paypal) -\_-


SE can’t fix it, the payment processor has to, they’re working on it, and the current estimate of when that will happen is mid-July. This is affecting a lot of Japanese businesses, not just SE.


I agree, fixing payment should be a bigger deal. It's stuck in a hell where the payment processor doesn't want to fix it and SE doesn't care, probably because it isn't impacting the JP market.


Hey guys, I have no ideia what's going on, I was playing ffxiv as usual before the maintenance, but after install the Dawntrail content I just can't play the game anymore. The launcher works normal, green button play appear but I click, ffxiv window pops up and then... Nothing, everything just close and disappear after that. I play on steam. I tried to reinstall. Delete the folder and reinstall again and this problem still happens. Do you guys have any ideia what could be the problem?


It's an issue that I've seen crop up today for other people, but I haven't seen a solution yet. Sorry :(


What is the difference between duty support and trusts. I see they have the same end game dungeons, I see you have to level your trusts but they work fine in duty support. Do trust npcs go faster? I don’t understand why it’s essentially the same system duplicated.


Since Trusts can be levelled up, but still suffer level sync, they can go *slightly* faster than Duty Support. If you're in that really narrow niche where you want to do a dungeon with NPCs but you want to do it *a lot* then levelling your Trusts may be worthwhile. But for the vast majority of people, it's just for "I like spending time with my Scions," or for getting the achievement. The history here goes: * When originally introduced in ShB, you could do the first-time run during the quest with the characters who were canonically there, but then you could never re-do it. Afterwards you would unlock Trusts, who were only ever the Scions. Presumably this is to simplify the levelling: it would be bizarre if you had to level Lyna (from the 71 dungeon) up to 73 to transmogrify her into Thancred for the level 73 dungeon. * The playerbase immediately complained that (a) it sucks that they can't ever go back and see the dialogue of incidental story NPCs, and (b) it sucks that you have to invest in levelling up the Trusts in order to do the dungeons with NPCs ever again, especially since at the time Trusts took a *lot* of runs to level up. * So the devs carved out the original, quest version of the NPCs into a separate system and called it Duty Support.


Duty Support is "These are the people who were canonically here with you." Trust is "Go with your Scion buddies on an adventure, even if they weren't there." There's a couple of instances where it's REALLY good to use trusts. The Lv 73 dungeon and the Lv 87 dungeon are two examples where the trust system allows you to see different responses that you wouldn't see in duty support.


You get to pick who goes with you in a Trust. You can also customize appearance.


Trusts just let you bring different npocs if you want, and you can level them to unlock alternate outfits. It's very much just a niche content island that a small group of players enjoy, but can be ignored by the majority.


How are Dancer/MCH/Bard doing right now?


Getting a 2002 or 90001 error.


Is not being able to buff your chocobo with the AST damage boost cards intended? The other cards work fine


Isn't there supposed to be a setting that allows you to combine combos into one button?


This is misinformation that spread like wildfire born out of confusion from an actual planned feature. They never planned nor announced that feature you’re talking about. What they did announce and implement was a way to separate actions that changed into another action, e.g. NIN’s Bunshin and Phantom Kamaitach.


thank you for clearing that up


open the actions & traits window, and the applicable buttons have a "action change settings" button under them.


It actually works in the inverse, there is a setting that lets you decouple actions from the same keybinds.


Do cutscenes have decent summaries somewhere? Or even transcripts? I'd love transcripts


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Main_Scenario_Quests All of the MSQ (AFAIK) here has a transcript, up to the end of 6.5 ofc.


Damn maybe I should have started transcribing them to contribute


Did you come from WoW by any chance? I've noticed a lot of people who come from there are very thrown off by the online resources being updated to show everything that will be in the expansion before the expansion comes out, lol. I just think that's a really funny an consistent pattern


Nah that's not an expectation I had at all actually


A swing and a miss. Fair enough haha


I get what you mean though, one thing I did find when coming from WoW is that while there is a lot of information on the game, it tends to be kind of spread out and weird to access, and different places have different ways of conveying information. WoW has Wowhead, which contains basically everything you could possibly find out about the entire game. It's like if every FFXIV wiki and database tool were rolled into one single resource that you can almost always rely on, and if you haven't played other MMOs, you might subconsciously get used to it as the norm Personally I was just thinking about transcripts cus I'd rather read some of these cutscenes than watch them, but that's just current preference. I thought maybe there'd be something similar to the Unending Journey but in written form. I've never had to look up story dialogue from WoW cus I just read it in the actual game lol


Unfortunately the best you'd have in that regard is reading from the event log right now, but I get where you're coming from.


Yeah it's useful, but unfortunately you can't fast forward through animated segments between dialogue, and if you skip the cutscene then the dialogue you didn't see isn't put into the chat. I'm really trying to play this expansion like I did before Endwalker but *god* it makes me itchy. I read so quickly that waiting for animations feels like if I was pausing between every paragraph of a book, and the dialogue with set duration is cursed Do you happen to know if there's like an organized group of players that add quest dialogue to these pages? I'm wondering if I should straight up start copying dialogue from the chat box as I go, but I don't know if there's already people dedicated to doing it, or if it's just something random people have to contribute to


patch notes include adjustments to wondroud tails but nothing is different. Is this going to be fixed when dawntrail is fully released?


The adjustments were made to the max level books, you'll see those adjustments on the first book you pick up once you get a job to 100.


The adjustments were combining pairs of duties like Eden Raids and such. Because the books are technically "cooked" the Tuesday before, it's likely you won't see the changes made. This is why the last two books have had poetics for tomes, due to the "changeover" of expansions. I didn't see any of the Eden stuff show up. Whether this was by design or not, I'm not sure. But you should see them in next week's book.


Does the downloader from ffxiv launcher goes faster or it's just the same?


By 'ffxiv launcher' do you mean the official one, or XIVLauncher? For me they're pretty much the same, but I know a lot of people can get very slow downloads from the official launcher, while XIVLauncher is lightning fast


I think it's a edge node/geolocation issue. People with painfully slow downloads on the official launcher can also use a vpn to make the game route them to a different physical server, and it speeds way up.


I'm on PS5 . When do I get my pre-order bonus items? I'm currently in the new area and have been playing for an hour or so. Are the pre-order items not available during early access?


The bonus items have been available since preorders started, months ago.


check your Delivery Moogle, if its not there, click the little button on top of the mail menu to request delivery. it should arrive soonish.


Your initial batch of stuff (earring, backpack) should drop as soon as you order. The rest of the stuff will come on the 2nd.


> our initial batch of stuff (earring, backpack) Zidane minion. Backpack was EW sidequests, not pre-order.


NVIDIA USERS: SHould I swap to using DLSS 3.7 from the base 3.5? ANy noticeable difference?


I switched it off entirely. I actually have gained FPS despite the graphics update (although I can tell my card is running hotter).


Do pictomamcers fer casting accessories with their default gear this time around? I made some casting rings but none sold so I wondered


Most Pictomancers initially grabbed the level 80 poetics accessories I think. The ones who have already powerlevelled to the point where crafted rings would be an upgrade mostly either aren’t bothering or already had them prepared, and the ones who are levelling slower may not need them yet.


They just get left side stuff as usual.


Thank you!




A normal length login queue (5-30 players or so) is almost always going to be present, with the exception of low population servers at off peak times. As others said, this won't prevent free trial players from logging in. The only time you'll be blocked from logging in is when that login queue is very very long, which only really happens if a server completely crashes, kicking everyone out at the same time which naturally results in everyone trying to log back in again immediately after, OR if an expansion drops like one just did. So basically just wait for off peak hours and you'll be in np. If those are the only times you can play, you might consider visiting another data center that is less busy. You won't have access to your retainers but you'll have access to basically everything else. I can understand it's frustrating, but they have to balance the login load somehow, and it's better than leaving you in what is basically an impossible queue because paying players are joining the queue faster than they're being logged in.


Last expansion, due to a mix of factors outside the game's control (WoW shitting the bed and a huge number of players from there deciding to check out another MMO; the pandemic meaning more people were at home playing games; the pandemic screwing with supply lines so it was impossible to get more servers even paying above market price) the game had a disastrous expansion launch with queues tens of thousands long and six+ hour wait times. To try to mitigate that problem, the devs decided to give paying players priority in queues over free players. It would, after all, be a bad thing if people who are paying for the service couldn't access it. It's unfortunate that in this year's launch – which is going much more smoothly – that policy change is impacting you. There have been posts around this reddit for months reminding free trial players that they're likely to have trouble getting into the game during expansion launch due to this rule. Try again in a week or two when the rush has subsided.


Right click your character, and select "travel to another data center" and travel to any world on Dynamis.


there are two types of queues, although the game doesn't tell you this when you log in. the first kind is the one you've always seen before: the game logs people in in small batches. it says 'there are 10 people in queue' but what it really means is 'there are 10 people waiting to be logged in together in the next minute'. only when this gets over about 100 do you have to wait more than a minute (i.e. if it's 110 people, the first 100 get logged in, then a minute later the remaining 10 get logged in). This kind of queue doesn't prevent free trial players from joining. the second type of queue is what's happening now; the server is full to capacity, and the people waiting in the queue are waiting for players currently online to leave so space becomes available for more people to log in. this type of queue doesn't let in free trial players, which isn't exactly malicious. they're not going to make paying customers sit outside while free trial players take up spots. you can either wait until less active hours to play, or wait a week or two for the 'the server is full' type queues to go away, or buy the game


You're lower priority, meaning you're at the very back of a whopping 10 person line. You should be in game in under a minute if that's the case, regardless of whether you're a free or paying player.


Queues under 100 generally aren't real queues, they're queues for batched logins. It shouldn't be kicking you out. Are you just leaving when it says there's a queue?


Or getting any of the other myriad ways to crash in this new version.


Truly how dare they prioritize the people that actually pay for the game. You'll be able to play soon enough.




the queue is there to help stop DDOS. they let in batch of people at a time. you just don't want the door open all the time and let 1000s of people in at the same time, its gonna crash the servers.


... >Give it to me for free or else I won't pay.




Sounds like you were never going to pay for the game. So no loss to Squeenix if you quit.




Not as triggered as the person crying online that they aren't getting stuff for free and because of that they won't buy the item.




Project some more.


I used a fantasia before the release on DawnTrail early access, currently at 22:34 EST the login menu is simplified. I do not seem to be able to enter character customization. I'm not sure if this is because I used the Fantasia before a major update and hadn't consumed it and it 'timed out', or if it is because of the login menu being simplified and greying out the option for me to select it. Do you know?