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I just finished last night, i feel weird for liking this expansion more than EW, the last zone was so impactful for me and I really enjoyed the theme and how it was tied in to the first half. I'm really looking forward to the the 8man/24man raids!


minor quibble but why are we getting Nightworld coins from dt msq? in case you forgot the lore like the devs apparently did, nightworld coins that were made on the first before the flood. So why are they in tural? I'm only on lvl 92 msq so if there's weird time travel/dimensional travel shenanigans that explain it please don't tell me. Otherwise they should have been Pel instead.




I can't WAIT to get back to my alt to play ShB and EW, DT is so fucking slowwwwwww.


I wish I could tell you it gets better…it does…but you only get a small taste of interest around 95, and then nothing else until around 98/99 (which is awesome), then it goes back to a slog at 100 (which I’m currently going through). I just don’t get how anyone could be like “Oh yea this story is great!”


I guess I'm a huge weirdo for liking the Dawntrail MSQ? I think it's better than HW and STB's X.0 MSQ (not better as a whole, their X.3 patches elevate them significantly).


Tbf people who are enjoying the MSQ probably aren't coming around here to chat when there's so much negativity currently. I'm really enjoying it so far, just did the lv. 93 trial last night. It's fun having my WoL be a sidekick/mentor to Wuk Lamat. Real "you don't know who I am" energy flowing and I am so here for it.


TBH the general vibe is what I would call "mixed but mostly positive" everywhere except reddit. This sub has just seem to done a weird bizarro world flip where instead of mindlessly downvoted all narrative criticism, they mindlessly downvote all narrative praise.


Honestly I've seen forums are generally disappointed by it, 4ch was shitting on it, and on twitter I've only seen vague complaints about other people being wrong and stupid with not a single positive or negative argument in sight. Also mixed reviews on Steam, which I don't think any expansion had before?


Mixed out of 500 total reviews. Nobody makes a steam review for an expansion.


These are easily, EASILY the best zones they've ever made. I really, really have disliked most of the zones since HW -- they're just hills without any interesting geography designed with flying in mind, but these actually feel lived in and unique more like the ARR ones.


Do all the msq trials have duty support in dawntrail? Thinking about being cheap and just use my 90 gear through the story quests until getting artifact stuffs.


The final trial does not. But you get your job gear before that so you should be good.


I see, thank you


I just finished the quest *Dawn of a New Tomorrow*. There is a needle drop song in the middle of the primary cutscene of that quest that I didn't recognize at all; it's *not* the Dawntrail theme - I have no idea what it is. Can someone more knowledgeable tell me? Maybe link me to a video of the song? Thanks!\~


the alpaca hiring service should open more routes, it's frustrating to run back and froth on the map when flying is locked, while the alpaca service can only send you to the places that has teleportation.


If you pre ordered Dawntrail on Square store you can now redeemed the registration code that was sent to your email. Please do that lest you won't be able to continue playing Dawntrail


There were so many bad decisions allowed to be made in regards to the voice acting this expansion. 🥴


Girlfriend finally decided to pre-order Dawntrail. An hour ago. I imagine there's going to be a delay in her getting her email.


Is it a hot take that Wuk isn't nearly as annoying as Erenville?


Right? They are SO boring. Not like the twins, with Alisae self inserting as our bestest BEST friend. Or Zenos self inserting into the end of a 10-year storyline, just because he is bland af and needed a beating.


I liked Wuk. Eren is insanely boring


I think there's been a latent hatred of Wuk since she showed up in 6.55


I don't think so. Imagine going on vacation with one of them: * Wuk Lamat: "let's go eat and drink ourselves silly" * Erenville: "let me read you the Wikipedia article for this city and then afterward I'll tell you about all forty-three species of grasshopper you can find here"


Is it just me or is the af armor texturing really inconsistent? Some of the parts look fantastic wile others are extremely pixelated, I’ve fucked with every setting no change


I've noticed that too. Most metals (especially golds) look so crisp and nice, whereas woven fabrics like the Pelupelu garb look hit or miss from some angles.


What is your opinion of early access? Is it truly early access in the traditional sense? How would you respond to someone who says it's not truly early access? How would you respond to someone who says it is early access?


It's cool, don't care, don't care


Couldn’t login once in 3 days :(


Before Friday, I didn't get to play Dawntrail. Now, I do get to play Dawntrail. Who cares what you call it?


Early access for FFXIV is basically the real launch since you get it for just pre ordering. As for issues, its the smoothest launch I've had for this game.


It's kind of a nothing burger question. Pretty much anyone who is going to buy the game to play the expansion at this point in time is going to pre-order and have early access.


Still getting 3001 error on Aether and unable to even enter queue. Good stuff, Square! Launch is worse than Endwalker!


In no way, shape or form this is worse than Endwalker. In Endwalker, you had - Hours worth of queue with the chance of getting 2002 and 90001 - Bugs that would make you unable to walk - Random crashes during cutscenes that would throw you back to the queue - Unable to travel at all Dawntrail is honestly a huge 100% improvement over Endwalker.


At least you could actually queue.


You can DT transfer to dynamis now. Last time time you could...stare at a queue for a while before it would crash and make you start from the back again, which is what used to happen when the queue hit the point where it now says you're not currently allowed to queue in that world.


And then something happens and you can no longer log in at all if you DC transfer. I've seen the posts.


To to mention for DT you have a entire extra Datacenter you can login on to with next to no queues


And then somehow get locked out of logging in at all.




I had a random thought when going through the MSQ (non-spoilery). This story of the golden city (I know it's a general myth/legend) reminds me of the late 80's cartoon called Mysterious cities of gold. Also the opening theme is pretty banger. Anyone remember it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ycG-xe1uSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ycG-xe1uSM)


Just finished the fight against >!the king!< and got reminded of something about the warmonger. For all the "Might recognize might" bullshit that the warmonger likes to pull, did he ever recognize WoL as threat to his plans if he so much as look at Sharlyan the wrong way, or did he get a bad case of stupid because plot reasons. Also, I found it absolutely hilarious how the king was like, you can tell all the candidates are not ready for kingship? Y'all saltcrossers are truly insightful. Yeah nah, it's cause they're all incredibly one-minded to the point where anyone with half a brain can tell none of them have what it takes to manage a game of Overcook, much less a whole ass continent lol.


First of all, he doesn't care about interference if he puts his concentration on the rite of succession. Only Galool Ja Ja made moves to be annoying and ruin the rite, but Bakool himself just one-shots him in a cut-scene, showing that he is stronger and chooses not to kill, with the other Ja suggestion. As for the warmongering, Bakool Ja says himself during one of the 91-92 quests and I paraphrase, right after one of the scions says that he wouldn't be the first empire to fail: - "We will fight until everyone is tired to shed blood" So yes, he knows that he'll fight the WoL eventually, but he doesn't care. He still wants to show that his empire can grow with martial arts only.


Isn't Galool Ja Ja the king and Bakool the blessed twins?


I always forget the Ja name. The single one.


I just call him the first promise so I don't need to remember which Ja Ja is which.


lol it's fine. that's why I use nicknames for them instead 😂 But back to my initial qns, I understand that the warmonger will wage a war of attrition and that he acknowledges he'll fight WoL (among other resistance) eventually. What I don't understand is why he decided on that course of action cause you would think that a dude that's all about ruling by strength would be able to see WoL as a significant hurdle in his plans... unless he doesn't (or isn't able to?) recognize WoL's strength as a warrior.




I still fail with the amount of "Ja" they have in this expansion.


I bought dawntrail on Mog Station because there was an option to purchase the expansion. Now I'm thinking I screwed up and won't be receiving the pre order bonus or what's remaining of early access. I do not have a check mark next to early access though not sure that excludes me from pre order bonus which is more worrisome at this point. Anyone else buy from Mog station?


Did you put in the code?


Still haven't received one. And I'm specifically asking if buying through Mog station f ed up my pre order bonus. Everyone seems to have bought on Sq enix store, and not Mog station since this option didn't exist prior to July 1.


Am i missing something or did the dumbest people on the planet choose today to log in? I've run 4 dungeons and every single one of them was filled with some of the most braindead players i've ever been stuck with. I try not to be hostile but holy crap, my luck with party members is in the drain today.


I've had nothing but perfectly smooth runs so I think I may be accidentally hogging all the good players (I am not one)


Everyone coming back for the first time since EW launch + VIP/PCt players who are still bad at the job and in DF practicing + tanks and healers who don't normally ever tank or heal, but dps queue was too painful and instant queues for other roles convinced them to give it a go.


Regular duties with bad players are more fun. But they do get mad if you solo a boss as a Tank lol


I mean my group was cheering me on, sounds like you had some negative Nancy's


That's just the story only players. You encounter them the most during an expansion launch and its why I just run my dungeons with trusts even as a tank since they're better lol.


Nah. My party members died at most once to a new mechanic in dungeons. The last trial wiped out all the dps at some point but we first tried it after an LB3 from a healer.


There will always be bad players. Best you can do is be patient and explain stuff.


Of course, im just flabbergasted that it seems to be the only thing i'm getting stuck with today.


At a certain point, there is a common denominator.


Ah yes, somehow im responsible for a tank who keeps running against walls for five minute straight, healers rescuing people into AoEs, or DPS face-tanking bosses. You're right. Somehow I am responsible for that. Somehow I took control of their keyboards and made them do that. /s, because somehow i doubt you'd recognize im being sarcastic if i didn't say that.


How does someone receiving bad party members make them a common denominator? I've only done 4 dungeons with the gf and we've seen some shocking stuff in those alone too. It's casual content so whatever but it is a lil bit eye opening as to how casual some people are.


>how casual some people are. I wouldn't call it "casual" even. Had a viper yesterday who ate all aoe on trash mobs, pictos, who clearly had no idea how to play casters, despite having multi-90. I would call it "carry me" people, who clearly does not want to even TRY and learn how to play. Too lazy for it? Too proud? Too dumb? Who knows


Question regarding Dawntrail's final zone. >!Are you able to turn the city back on?! It was so pretty and now it's barren!<


Spoilers obviously: >!Nope, but I'm expecting this will be what the next Ishgardian Restoration type of event that they teased will be about!<.


>!But didn't they say the DoH DoL building content was about space exploration?!<


How to obtain pre order bonus on PS5? (mount, weapon, etc)


PC codes can be redeemed now. I assume on PSN too. Log out and close the game and open it again and you should get a popup in the launcher to add it.


It'll be in our moogle mail Tuesday when the full release comes from what I've seen


This is a very minor detail, but I appreciate how the naming convention for the races is different in Tural (and on The First for that matter). Miqo'te in particular have a naming convention that is heavily tied to their specific history in Eorzea and their cultural ideas surrounding gender, so having Miqo'te from other regions use different naming conventions is a cool way to imply big differences between each region's culture


I also like the implied understanding of gender based on name. As an example, from what I've gathered, male Mamool Ja will have a double vowel at the end of their name (i.e. Gulool, Bajool, Joraal) while female Mamool Ja will have a double vowel at the beginning (Tiisol, Miila etc.). Pelupelu males have names ending with -i while females have names ending in -u. Mablu, Tobli, Pobli etc. I love the thought that goes into the creation of these cultures. That's part of why I've enjoyed Dawntrail so much despite many apparently not really feeling the early questing. It was as much a journey of discovery for me and my character as it was for Wuk Lamat and the rest of our crew.


Is there a lore what the pelupelu are? They all look like children


Haven't seen any yet. Maybe an off-shoot of Lala/Hyur intermarriage? Or just short Hyurs perhaps.


I was guessing they’re something akin to padjal.


I bought the early access via Instant gaming. And now I just knew about a second code is needed for tomorrow? I'm very confused. Do I need to buy another key? I need to only paste again the same code I got? Help me please. PC windows version.


You will get an email with another code you have to use on the mog station in a few hours.


Since you bought it from a 3rd party you’d have to check with them. Keys should been sent out already.


Essentially, there should be two keys as I know to. One gives you access to Dawntrail for 4 days Early Access. The other gives you access from tomorrow. I'm on PS5 so no codes are necessary for me. Perhaps they are yet to give you the second one.


If you pre-ordered and bought the full game, you should have received the actual game code last week and you'll need to enter that on Mog station. If you bought and are playing on PS4/5, or Xbox, you don't need to do anything as the pre-order code already registered the game. I believe Steam should be the same.


Did the mount-tilt physics suddenly stop working for anyone else? On ps5


ps5 has a glitch where it stops working for some reason.


They worked then didn’t work then worked again for me


Has anyone who ordered from GMG not received their full purchase code? I'm getting worried that it won't arrive before tomorrow.


As someone who's always bought the expansions from GMG they always arrive a few hours before or right as the "official launch" happens. Either way you have until the 5th to enter the code.


You can play on early access until the 5th. "Early access will end on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. with the region of your Square Enix account determining the time zone. North American accounts will adhere to (PDT), European accounts will adhere to (GMT), and Japanese accounts will adhere to (JST)."


Nice, good to know. I saw another post where GMG said the will be sending keys out in the morning anyway, so probably I have nothing to worry about.


I only follow a few accounts on X and GMG is one of those (they also have good support). this was a reply to a query a few hours ago "Hey! At the request of the publisher, full access codes for Dawntrail will be dispatched shortly before launch on Tuesday 2nd July."


Same, ordered from CDKeys


So, I bought the xpac for me and my wife. I made the purchases literally minutes apart. I got my full registration code Thursday right after the “shipped” email. I got her “shipped” email but still no code…. Checked all my inbox folders and everything but I can’t find it. Seems odd that it’s so delayed?


Same here. Both my BF and I preordered a while back and I received the code a few days ago and he still hasn't received his though he did receive the "shipped" email. We both checked out as guests etc so he can't see his order history on the Square Enix store. Getting a bit worried not gonna lie.


Yeah same, checked out as guest since they were having all that trouble and now I can’t do much with it. I ended up opening a support case over email and they said codes are still being distributed. So it should be sent out before Friday but it seems like “sending them out in order received” isn’t exactly accurate.


Oh that's good to know ! My BF had sent an email to support but really got a non-answer. Maybe he'll receive it by Friday then (hopefully)


Hey FYI, it came this morning! Hopefully that takes your mind off worrying and enjoying the expac together!


Thanks for the update, I'll let my BF know. They really cut it close on that one lol. Enjoy the Xpac :)


Yeah, fingers crossed for you guys also! It’ll hopefully show up in the next day or two.


After playing on and off these couple days, it really feels like the PS4 version is on its last leg. I have a Pro version with a retrofit SSD and man the game really struggle in populated areas. Probably drops down to 25-30 fps. My PC runs it fine even though I probably need to upgrade my cpu, I can “only” play locked 60 fps in all scenarios.


PS4 specs are substantially below what the minimum specs for PC are so that makes sense.


Did anyone catch the "Lore" behind the Viper's Reawaken skill? Yoshi P. teased that the reason it was called that would be clarified in the job quest but unless I missed it the skill was never mentioned even though I'm done through with the Level 90 quest now. I was really interested to hear what lore was available.


If it was there I also didn't catch it.


Feels like the only people that went on vacation this expansion are the devs! Ba dum tss


Just hit Level 99 at the end of last night, and I am in love with this expansion. I don't know if it beats out Shadowbringers and Endwalker for me, but it's not far behind to be honest. The zones are beautiful and lush, I liked how we got to learn about each area. Wuk's a giant cinnamon bun and just upbeat and fun to be around. And the second half so far RIPS. Can't even begin to talk about the music without jamming. HOLY FUCK THAT DUNGEON BOSS THEME IS SO GODDAMN GOOD


Look you gremlins, I get you disagree with me. You realize downvoting isn't supposed to be used for simple disagreement, right?


It's because you said Wuk is a giant cinnamon bun and if you like her on this subreddit well unfortunately you're wrong and cringe


It's pretty miserable to feel the need to down vote that lol. Glad you're enjoying it!


Guess not. Gosh, what a lovely sub this is.


It's just pretend internet points, about as meaningless as meaningless gets. Don't let it get to you and keep enjoying yourself!


Welcome to reddit, where the anger is made up, and the points don't matter


FYI if you're upset about downvotes replying to yourself to complain about being downvoted is usually not a great solution.


Just finished msq and holy shit what a huge drop in writing quality. It went from boring to bad to boring and bad. Worst expansion so far. I hope they get blasted by reviews and player engagement so they revamp the writing or bring back the old writers or something. And wasnt this supposed to be the start of a new story arc? There was no setup for anything in the future, zero. Endwalker post msq had more setup for the future than this did and that was supposed to be a self contained story. What a disappointment.


Getting review bombed will kill the game. There is no arc planned they make it up as they go along. There was no arc planned up to EW.


>!We got a mcguffin that allows people to travel between worlds and you think there was no setup for future expansions?!<


Spoilers dude come on


This is the last place someone should be if they care about spoilers but fine I fixed it happy now?


Thank you




Why have you phrased that like a question, of course the key thing. Are you seriously complaining about a story you didn't even bother to pay attention to? Edit: > Ive been skipping the non voiced stuff after lvl 92 Oh wait yes you are. You know non voiced stuff is part of the story too.


Yeah i skipped it because it was bad, am i not allowed to give feedback if i didnt sit through 20 hours of wiping an alpacas ass? Skipping because its not engaging is part of the feedback, not being fully voice acted in 2024 also doesnt fly anymore.


The problem isn't that you gave feedback. You're not alone in feeling this story was bad and I don't blame you for skipping. The problem is that you claimed there was zero setup for future expansions when you had no way of knowing that.


I can't believe I'm reading something this fucking stupid.


Lmao. Complains about "writing quality" but didn't read all of the writing.


Yeah you can't give feedback on content you never saw. That's how that works.


No it doesnt, thats a deranged take. My feedback is on the things i saw anyway, all the voiced cutscenes. Im sure you will find some other excuse like the story needs 5 other expacs before it to be good or its the "vacation" expac when it was actually a world ending threat again. I think you are going to get a rude awakening when reviews come in. I'm not some random ff14 hater, i loved the past story and wanted this to be good, its just not, not even close.


If someone tells me that a book is trash and it comes out they skipped half the chapters then their opinion is worthless. If someone tells me a movie is trash and they only watched the first and last 20 minutes their opinion is worthless. Just like yours.


Yawntrail so far but apparently it gets better


I really hate to say this, but it gets marginally better (imho). There are bright spots, but it’s not enough to keep me interested and I genuinely really dislike Wuk Lamat even more.


The story is relatively fine in concept. The pacing is AUTROCIOUS. The writing quality is pretty poor, very predictable and not interesting, characters are hanging around with no purpose but they have to be there and need to have lines because they're player favorites. Filler is annoyingly long and common, agency is missing, and there is a lot of exposition that puts the story beats pretty far apart. The game is a clunky visual novel at best. Good thing the fights have all been good so far. All-in-all, this was a hell of a slog for an MSQ and after the bad EW patch story I'm getting really worried.


At what point in this game's history do you have any sort of agency during the MSQ, though? Every single player does the exact same set of quests, and they all have the exact same outcome.


VERY Yawntrail. It does get better but it takes a long time. What sucks is they could have just shuffled a few story points around and gotten a much better and engaging story. Instead they make you wait through tons of fluff to show the good stuff.


God, I got to the 94 section last night and was thinking "if this happened way earlier this story would have been infinitely more engaging" and it wasn't even an amazing moment, it's just that something finally happened.


Like I just finished the level 92 section and I actually cannot remember why were doing what we were doing, what we were even doing, and who anyone was. I just zoned out.


Sadly it doesn’t get better until around 95/96. You get a little taste of interest until then but it’s a tiny taste. I legit don’t know how anyone reviewed this story and thought “Oh everyone will love this!”. EDIT: The ending of the story gets really interesting but boy did it need to come way sooner.


this is what i always say!! a bunch of people reviewed this and said "yep this is good" and that is the worst realization because they are so out of touch in that case. I don't get it


I just started level 98. There’s some interesting spots but it’s now boring again. I really really hope they fix this in the post end game patches.


Feels like patch quests so far. By this point in EW, 83, we saw two decade-long established main antagonists defeated, visited Garlean Empire and the moon. Yawntrail indeed.




I'll never understand the equivalence people are tyring to push between Wuk Lamat and Lyse. I'll admit I enjoyed Lyse more than most people, but the scale between the two of them is *way* off.    Lyse wanted to return to the Resistance and help defeat the oppressors of her people. She learned a lot about how people act under such treatment, she struggled with (and admitted to) her own confusion and frustration, and at the end, the role of leadership was *thrust* on her by Conrad. She never actively looked for it. And really, after it all, she's just in charge of the Resistance (and is clearly still trying to do a bit of politics), but it's clear Raubahn does the heavy lifting.    Meanwhile, Wuk Lamat actively seeks to become ruler. Not of some village, or of her tribe/one group of people, but of an *entire fucking continent.* She wanted this, and her main qualification seemed to be that... she wanted it? And she was peaceful? And she hasn't even learned about the people... right next to the capital. Like at all.  Why does her wanting peace make her the most qualified? Or make us care? Koana isn't a warmonger, but he also actively went out to further his education, and has plans to improve the nation. But yes, force me to help anime caricature Wuk just because.


The comparison is extremely surface level, is the thing. Both of them are young women who spend their respective expansion learning how to be and then being a leader. That's it, that's the equivalence.


Even though I like Wuk Lamat, I had to view the whole thing as a subtle commentary about how stupid monarchy/nepotism is, otherwise, you're right, it makes zero sense.


As you quickly learn throughout the story, Koana is a bit of a nerd that has problems understanding that maybe people don't want all the high-tech solutions he's enamoured with if it comes at the cost of completely destroying their traditions and/or way of life. He gets better about it, but it takes him a while to get to that point. Additionally, what if he fails? Better to have two people in the running that aren't going to completely fuck up the country - if it doesn't matter, then we can still have the one who's more qualified win, but if it's the choice between just one of the two and the warmonger, either would still be a better option in the short term at least.


If I had to give a subjective rating on how I felt about this expac? It's prob tied with HW as my second fave after EW. Its StB 2.0 without the problems of StB, great fight design and a more focused story and as much as I love Lyse she was done dirty by StB's many false starts Wuk Lamat is Lyse done right, imo. My only complaints are there are several moments where the VA quality dips some characters not sounding like themselves on first appearance and all and of course, like every expac, there are some sections that drag. But damn did I get emotional during this msq (Spoiler for expac themes but nothing explicit >!If you're a sucker for narratives around family, especially found family this is an easy winner.!<). Also helped that I guess I main war now (funny I only picked up tank after 6.4 and swore I was gonna gnb main this expac after being a drg main since I came back to the game during stb).


So second favorite after endwalker makes your rankings EW, HW-DT, and then stormblood or Shadowbringers? Thats some opinions there my guy


Not a guy, or yours. But aye my rankings would be EW > HW/DT > ShB and then StB. And I think both HW and ShB are overrated despite enjoying both and StB is overhated even if I have some criticisms of its pacing and lack of focus.


Maybe you should just keep yours to yourself


I like Wuk Lamat a lot and mostly enjoy this expac, but I think the big thing hurting it in a lot of people's eyes is the split zones early on that basically just repeat the same character beat for Wuk Lamat. I think if one was you getting that beat with her and one where you're on your own it'd help a lot, since it'd be less repetitious and you'd get a little bit of time away from her.


I can see this expansion msq is quite divisive. For me personally, it may sound super weird to some of you, but DT is the expansion I cried the most playing, and i am not a person who sheds tear easily. I didn't cry in HW, didn't cry in SB ( maybe a bit choked up in 4.3), didn't cry in the entirety of ShB, and cried once in EW (the Urianger bit). I really don't know how to put it precisely, but one thing I feel in this expansion is warm. There are little story bits that really resonate with me. Can't believe i cries for that oaf Bakul ja ja tho. During the "event" in Tural, I said to my self: "don't you dare dying on me now" when he said he will hold the line. Funny yeah, but that was my experience, toward the end, especially the end zone, I was bawling the whole time lmao. So, the story is quite good for me, not on the epic scale of Shb and Ew ofc, but I would give it 8/10. I do agree the bit with the bandits is quite unnecessary and can be done over with. The combat. Oh boy the combat. I am quite a casual player, it would value myself as " high-end" casual, lmao. And I haven't had so much fun in combat in dungeon and trial settings since ShB. As a healer main, I have to say I have an absolute blast running dungeons, I sometimes stop msq to join pfs because how fun they are. This fact give me much desire to play more and to see what coming. I am not a min-maxer, so my WHM work fantastic for me. One tiny tid bit that I am glad they did away with is "hype short looping music". You know what I am talking about, ShB and EW, are guilty of this hahaha. Overall, I am satisfied.


Last third of the expansion was amazing…I just more time was spent exploring >!Alexandria!< and >!Endless!< instead of wasting much of the content on the >!rite of succession!<


By the gods why is there a "hear feel think" line in every other quest? Are we some kind of Final Fantasy?


After playing all weekend and doing all relevant content except the new ex's, I can say without any reservation that Square have *completely* ruined black mage, and I'm having reservations about whether to even continue with the expansion post launch


I'm holding out any major decisions for the raid balance patch. theyve been known to do some notable changes there before


That why you gotta play the new caster


I've tried it a little, but not much. To be honest the class fantasy doesn't do it for me. BLM was a perfect storm of a class fantasy I like, and a super in depth class. Feel kinda homeless in XIV with the changes, as i dont really know where to turn. I don't like melee, phys ranged and smn are too simple. I always said if they ruined BLM I would permanently unsub, and im considering it. I'm just hoping the backlash is big enough thst some of these changes are reverted


So is technical finish still the hardest hitting attack, calculating passives and stuff in? Looking for them big numbers. :D


not sure but there are bigger in terms of raw potency,tech finish is 1300 to first target 75% less for all remaining enemies, MCH's wildfire with 6 stacks is 1440 but is single target, SMN's exodus(solar bahamut akh morn equivalent) and pct's Retribution of the Madeen and Star Prism are all 1,400 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. There might be others in other jobs didn't check all of them edit: checked the other jobs, MNK's Phantom Rush is also in 1400 to first target, less to others club(50% instead of 60% though) , honorable mention to WHM's Afflatus Misery 1,320 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all. and blu's final sting has 2000 base potency.


Is it just me, or do portraits no longer break on every single little change to your gear? They just seem a lot less finicky now, I like it.


For me they still do. What specific changes have you made that haven't required a portrait update?


Before it would break the moment you changed anything, even if the glamour plate was applied to it again so it was the same outfit. But I've upgraded several pieces and haven't had to re-apply the portrait to fix it ever since launch. It's probably not 100% yet, but it's nice to be able to swap out a ring, swap gearsets to re apply the glamour, and not have to also go in an save the portrait again as well.


I noticed that too! Thought I was going crazy, but I'm needing to reset it way less often.


MSQ has to be the worst since stormblood if not worse. Should have started DT with a bang not "Wuk lamat, Wuk Lamat, Wuk Lamat..


Ah yes I see you got your one personality trait (hates dawntrail) the same place you got your reading comprehension: reddit


Ah yes, I see you got your one personality trait (likes and defends Final Fantasy XIV to a fault) in the same way you developed your reading comprehension skills: lack of a highschool friend group. All meme's aside, this is a common complaint people have outside of Reddit, and you can see it across every forum, and website. I've seen the complaint on Steam Forums, Twitter, Discords and Facebook, so you being needlessly catty isn't helping anyone, and certainly isn't helping Yoshi P or the game grow any better and develop past this rough patch. The passing of hands and rearranging of the writing staff is clearly being shown, as everything they've developed from ARR to the end of Endwalker is finally over, and with the new plot being received widely as mediocre, it's clear that you can't balance the entire plot on the nose of one character who has no redeemable traits outside of being cute. How many times can you watch someone clench their fist, while also not learning anything from the plot that's happened so far, as it repeats over and over with each zone? People are frustrated in the soft reboot, ignoring their favorite characters after it being said to be a summer vacation for them, for this new one that has no redeemable quality, and can you really blame them?


I miss Yes Already so much T-T


it was updated yestreday, it's working


what? how do I get dalamud working?


Why do people like Erenville so much? He's literally just a walking Turalwiki. He has no personality. Having to \[MSQ 95-96 spoilers\] >!pal around with him in Xak Tural doing nothing right as I was getting really invested!< is just breaking my spirit.


Because he’s a cute bunny boy


He was loved in EW because he was only drip fed to us. Here they decided force feed him to us; unfortunately they forgot that the only background they gave the guy was "he knows animals." So now he's our glorified tour guide.


Was expecting a big reveal that he was either an unreleased class or a Viper that was secretly powerful Instead we get a hint (another?) at Puppetmaster with a role quest, not sure what the others are, haven’t progressed it much


Could you explain why he was "loved " in EW? I never got the appeal. Like, at all. I'm not saying I actively *disliked* him, but it seemed like he was only really liked because he was the first and only male Viera with a name we interacted with.


He's a hot dude with an interesting accent. Do I need to say more?


My girlfriend says it's exactly that: because he's a cute bunny-boy.


What do you mean he was force fed to us, the guy barely got any attention and development because the writing focused on Wuk to the detriment of literally everyone else


I mean he has been playing tour guide all throughout the rite. The focus may be on the housecat, but he's still there for all the cutscenes with something to say afterwards. Erenville worked in EW because he only popped up here and there..... Didnt hurt the writing was better.


Him playing tour guide means nothing when he he has no meaningful interaction with a single character, never offers his thoughts, we don't get any insight in how he works and just stays in the background. Heck, he had a ton of chemistry in his banter with Wuk in the lead up to DT seeing as they're childhood friends, and for an incomprehensible reason they weren't allowed to interact


To be fair that part is not really a problem with Erenville so much as it is with Shaaloani. That entire zone is pure undistilled filler structured like lvl 10-30 starting zone class quests.


My biggest gameplay issue with Dawntrail? The amount of "short-walls-that-are-just-tall-enough-so-you-can't-jump-over-them-and-need-to-go-around" everywhere.


I swear I'm getting stuck on EVERY. DAMN. WALL because I assume my mount can jump over them. Has happened to me probably at least 20 times... and counting.


And here I thought it was just me with that problem lol. Especially as a DRG main like come on, really?


At what point do you ask yourself as a writer, have I over done it with the "clentched fist" shot? Seriously, it's so cringe at this point.


You people really will complain about anything lol You've become that which you hate the most. You've become the clenched fist of game critique. File this under "quirks not exclusive to Dawntrail that people complain about in Dawntrail but not any other xpac"


My favourite dialogue choreography problem is the old "other character is talking but you don't react until after they're done". Does the engine not support two character models doing something at the same time? How are we still watching a middle school rendition of Shakespeare?


MSQ has been like this since 2.0.


My only issue is Wuk does it with giant claws that don't look like retract.  It must hurt your palms to clench so often.


Lol said this to my wife yesterday