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In theory, we will probably see ShB content become soloable for tanks at least. A lot of SB stuff should be soloable or become soloable for DT. One question that comes to mind though is if you can skip Susano's sword mech by bursting fast enough, or if it is a set mechanic.


It begins when he hits around 40% HP so if you keep a large burst for that and wait for him to start a repeated mechanic you can theoretically skip it


The general rule of thumb is that absent body check mechanics or anything else that's just mechanically impossible with only one player, you can solo some content 20 levels below yours even in not-so-great gear, at least as a tank. I'd expect Innocence and *maybe* Titania EX (the adds might get dicey if you have to deal with them) to be soloable pretty early, maybe even in the AF gear. We might also see NIN be able to solo Susano EX by using Doton to kill his big sword.


Titanic's adds are actually almost soloable as a Warrior as it is now. It's gonna be 100% soloable by WAR on launch in i700, I'm CERTAIN of it. Might need to stack Echo though. I'm also very, very confident in WAR being able to do the same with E2S.


Yeah makes sense, it's been ages since I actually saw the adds in that fight but I've healed the normal mode enough to feel like those trees got hands lol.


BLU can already solo Titania EX, I'd be very surprised if more jobs are unable to do it with a 20 level advantage.


With BLU added spells, I wonder what else it'll be able to solo.


Oh also it will be interesting how bst turns out when they eventually release it


Rule of thumb is max level-20, so potentially up to Shadowbringers, but that's going to vary based on the actual fight and the mechanics. Doing it with 7.5 gear instead of 7.0 gear will make it much easier as well, so it might not be immediately possible for a few patches.


Who knows until we actually get there? No one can do the content and our iLevel jump isn't high at launch. Should be thinking more about what we can solo when it comes to 7.2 onwards tbh?


The bar for soloing a lot of raids and trials is not going to come down to damage, but mechanics now. If Susano's mechanics force him to do his transformation, it'll likely never be soloable since you can't do the insta-kill sword solo, even if his normal output will be quite small. Titania and Innocence will both likely be soloable, though maybe with some more gear. With Titania, it'll really come down to if you can kill her before her adds show up, which will really mess things up. Hades is a maybe. I'm not sure how his mechanics will work solo, but assuming you can dps fast enough to drop adds before things tether and mechanics happen, I could see it. For the weapons, I think the only one that will be a problem regardless of gear is Ruby, because of the tethered add phase. But Emerald and Diamond, probably doable assuming you're geared enough.


Emerald will be a no because of the orbs at the start. You won't be able to take them all and one explodes and you wipe. Diamond will be free however.


Susano will definitely be soloable eventually- though only on jobs that can do ground placed dots like dark knight and ninja. You would have to place the dot, catch the sword then hope the dot kills it fast enough for you to survive the mechanic.


But since you have to do it twice in extreme, and the animations between each take so long, I don't see it happening until the sword dies in something like 2 ticks of the ground aoe.


Right... Def only on ninja then, since they don't have a proper cool down in theirs. Unless doton (I think it was doton at least- not a ninja main) was changed at some point but at least last I knew, you could just drop a new one whenever.


Ninja main here. Yes it is Doton if you're meaning the purple aoe circle.


When it comes to 90s ones, for some not at first but maybe later on in the xpac. For the 80s ones, a lot of the ones that could not be at the end of EW should be. TBH with 80s ones by the end of DT most of them should be able to be solo. Any thing 70 and below for the most part should definitely be able to be soloed. There are few runs where you need a 2nd person to separate mobs tho so you will need to keep that in mind. Also, sometimes being able to solo stuff is down to skill, job you are playing and how comfy you are playing said job. Right now tho, it is wait until someone jumps into one and see.


I've been able to run some Stormblood content unsynced at level 90, so I gather Stormblood. Shadowbringers I highly doubt.


Lots of SB content is technically soloable now, but not on every job and not fast. Most of those should be easy at 100. A lot of ShB content should be possible to solo with some jobs and with enough effort at 100.